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RRID:SCR_002062 RRID Copied      
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Amorphium (RRID:SCR_002062)
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URL: http://eitechnologygroup.com/products/amorphium-3-0/

Proper Citation: Amorphium (RRID:SCR_002062)

Description: Graphics software for a real-time approach to creating 3D graphics that offers a variety of intuitive, powerful design tools to create your 3D masterpiece. The graphics engine allows for a completely interactive environment, where all operations occur on solid objects in real time. A rendering engine allows you to produce stunning 3D imagery at virtually any resolution for Web, print, digital video, and film. Advanced capabilities include Radiosity rendering for photo-realistic scenes, Raytracing for true-to-life surface reflections and refractions, as well as variable smoke and lighting effects.

Abbreviations: Amorphium

Synonyms: Amorphium 3, Amorphium 3.0

Resource Type: commercial organization, software resource

Keywords: 3d software, graphics software, graphics, modeling, painting, animation, rendering, design, vector-based 3d

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