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RRID:SCR_003263 RRID Copied      
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BrainWeb - Simulated Brain Database (RRID:SCR_003263)
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URL: http://www.bic.mni.mcgill.ca/brainweb/

Proper Citation: BrainWeb - Simulated Brain Database (RRID:SCR_003263)

Description: Database of human brain images derived from a realistic phantom and generated using a sophisticated MRI simulator. Custom simulations may be generated to match a user's selected parameters. The goal is to aid validation of computer-aided quantitative analysis of medical image data. The SBD contains a set of realistic MRI data volumes produced by an MRI simulator. These data can be used by the neuroimaging community to evaluate the performance of various image analysis methods in a setting where the truth is known. The SBD contains simulated brain MRI data based on two anatomical models: normal and multiple sclerosis (MS). For both of these, full 3-dimensional data volumes have been simulated using three sequences (T1-, T2-, and proton-density- (PD-) weighted) and a variety of slice thicknesses, noise levels, and levels of intensity non-uniformity. These data are available for viewing in three orthogonal views (transversal, sagittal, and coronal), and for downloading.

Synonyms: BrainWeb, BainWeb SBD, BrainWeb Simulated Brain Database

Resource Type: atlas, database, data or information resource

Defining Citation: PMID:16750398

Keywords: human brain, human brain image, human brain database, mri simulation, brain imaging

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