Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

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Maintenance on this system will make it temporarily unavailable for short periods of time between 8:00 and 10:00 AM EDT this Saturday, 06 June.

Keyword Search Results - Grid View
Kind of Object
Scientific Name
Type Status
Inquire Types
Tiphia (Photomorphina) lawrencei Allen, 1958
of 1
Displaying records 1 - 1 of 1
Image Archive Results
of 1
No results to display.
Intro image

Entomology Collection

The U.S. National Entomological Collection (USNM) traces its origins in part to the acquisition of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Collection of 138,000 specimens donated in 1885. These specimens became the foundation of one of the world’s largest and most important accessible entomological collections, with over 33 million specimens taken care of by the combined staff of three government agencies: the Smithsonian Institution; the Systematic Entomology Laboratory (Agricultural Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture); and the Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit (Walter Reed Army Institute of Research).

Approximately 450,000 records are currently available in this online catalog, including Genetic Samples, and the Primary Type, Specimen, and Species Inventories. Also available are the Illustration Archive records that include images and data about published scientific illustrations.

Search the Entomology Collection

We recommend using Search by Field (Scientific Name or Precise Locality) for best results, but you can also search by Keywords. You may also restrict your search to Genetic Samples, Primary Type Specimens, Species Inventory, Specimen Inventory, records with images, records with geo-referenced localities, or Illustrations.

Search results are sorted by taxonomic group and limited to 5,000 records. If you need to retrieve a larger record set, please contact the Department of Entomology’s Collection Information Manager. You can also customize the sort and fields to be seen in the results.


See the Help tab to learn more about searching and then exploring your returned results (sorting, exporting, etc.).

Featured Searches

Keyword Search
General Search
Types Search
Specimen Inventory
Species Inventory
Genetic Sample Search
Illustration Archive

Use the By Field search to find specimen data that match values in specific database fields. Enter a value or choose one from the dropdown lists. Use the Illustration Archive, Types, Specimen and Species Inventory searches to narrow the results to those specific catalogs.

  • Click the Search button to initiate a search. Clear resets all fields.
  • Some lists are linked, so for example, choosing a Country narrows the choices for Province/State/Territory, and District/County. Dropdown choices also narrow as you type, for example, typing coen in the Family field might narrow the choice to Coenagrionidae.
  • Check Only Records with Images if you want to restrict the search to records with multimedia content.
  • You can force an exact search by surrounding your search text in double-quotes. Exact means exact, the search is case-sensitive and must match the value of the entire field. An exact search will also take much longer to complete.
  • You will receive a warning when you enter invalid information in the text fields. For example, Catalog Numbers are composed strictly of letters, numbers, and at most one decimal point; other characters raise a warning.
Please give us your comments on these search pages. Include your email address if you would like to receive a response.
Comments are limited to 1500 characters:
Records/Page to Display:
Search will be unavailable on Tuesday, 17 April, from 10 to 10:30 AM (EDT)

Enter your keywords separated by spaces and click Search. Records that match your search terms will be returned.

Note that searching for common (vernacular) names may not yield the expected results. Associating common names with specimen records is a work in progress.

Keyword search example: cicindela chihuahua type

The results of your searches can be displayed in Grid (a sortable, customizable table) or Gallery View (best for reviewing images). Use the Switch button Change View to cycle between these views.

In Grid View:

In Gallery View:

See Exporting Results for information on downloading results to, for example, Excel.

Open the full collection record by clicking the expansion button (Expansion button) in Grid View, or anywhere within the image frame in Gallery View. Inverse expansion buttons (Collapse button) indicate records with multimedia (typically, images).

Sort results in Grid View by clicking the column header (or by choosing Sort from the column's dropdown menu).

Export all or selected results by clicking the Export Results as CSV button in the bottom toolbar in Grid or Gallery View.

Here are a few search tips:

To create a link to specific records at NMNH provide a querystring for:

where QUERYSTRING is (use a plus-sign to separate case-insensitive terms):

It is best to use only letters, numbers, pluses (+), dashes (-), and commas in your querystrings, and to avoid other characters.

Please use the Feedback page to report problems you find with the data, or with using these search pages.