Sin Título, from the series La Tempestad

Arturo Rodríguez, Sin Título, from the series La Tempestad, 1998, oil on canvas, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Liza and Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga, 2013.18
Arturo Rodríguez, Sin Título, from the series La Tempestad, 1998, oil on canvas, 5042 in. (127.0106.7 cm), Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Liza and Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga, 2013.18

Artwork Details

Sin Título, from the series La Tempestad
Not on view
5042 in. (127.0106.7 cm)
Credit Line
Gift of Liza and Pedro J. Martinez-Fraga
Mediums Description
oil on canvas
  • Architecture Exterior — domestic — house
  • Figure group
Object Number

Artwork Description

Rodríguez’s unsettled picture was inspired by Italian artist Giorgione’s The Tempest (about 1501), a puzzling painting that portrays a nude woman nursing a child under the watchful eye of a man, possible a soldier. Like The Tempest, Rodríguez’s painting gathers disparate elements and offers no clear narrative. Three figures stand, sit, or walk through an environment that lacks a stable ground, the emotional intensity evoking the uprootedness of exile or the upheaval of troubled times.

Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art, 2013

Description in Spanish

La inquietante imagen de Rodríguez fue inspirada por la obra La tempestad (alrededor de 1505) del artista italiano Giorgione, una desconcertante pintura que muestra a una mujer desnuda amamantando a un niño bajo la mirada vigilante de un hombre, posiblemente un soldado. Al igual que en La tempestad, la pintura de Rodríguez agrupa elementos disímiles sin ofrecer una narrativa clara. Tres figuras están de pie, se sientan o caminan a través de un espacio inestable. La intensidad emocional evoca el desarraigo del exilio o el trastorno de los tiempos difíciles.

Nuestra América: la presencia latina en el arte estadounidense, 2013

Works by this artist (1 item)

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Media - 2011.12 - SAAM-2011.12_1 - 77591
Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art
October 25, 2013March 2, 2014
Our America: The Latino Presence in American Art presents the rich and varied contributions of Latino artists in the United States since the mid-twentieth century, when the concept of a collective Latino identity began to emerge.