Napoléon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821

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Napoleon Bonaparte was a general of the French Revolution (1789-1799); the ruler of France as First Consul of the French Republic from November 11, 1799, to May 18, 1804; Emperor of the French and King of Italy under the name Napoleon I from May 18,1804, to April 6,1814; and briefly restored as Emperor from March 20 to June 22, 1815. He conquered much of Europe but lost two-thirds of his army in a disastrous invasion of Russia in 1812. After his final loss to Britain and Prussia at the Battle of Waterloo (1815), he was exiled to the island of St. Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean, where he died six years later of an unidentified ailment. Francesco Antommarchi, Napoleon's personal physician at St. Helena, gave stomach cancer as a reason for Napoleon's death in his death certificate. However, because traces of arsenic were later found in locks of his hair, some have suggested he may have been fatally poisoned. In 1796 Napoleon married Joséphine de Beauharnais, and, after the dissolution of that marriage, he married the Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria in 1810. Napoleon appointed several members of the Bonaparte family and close friends as monarchs of countries he conquered and as important government figures. Although their reigns did not survive his downfall, a nephew, Napoleon III, ruled France later in the nineteenth century.

From the description of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French collection, 1796-1840 (Peking University Library). WorldCat record id: 74216609

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Fuller, B. A. G., 1879-1956. Autograph collection, 1620-1920 Houghton Library
Letter from James H. Hughes to Secretary of State James Monroe National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Hatcher, Mattie Austin. Hatcher, Mattie Austin, papers, 1800-1930 University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Leisure hours no. 2, scraps containing important truths, 1816. Princeton University Library
referencedIn [Commonplace book], 1823-1831. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Lalande, Sous-lieutenant, fl. 1803. Autograph letter signed : Lille, to the first consul, 1803 July 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Dumas, Mathieu, comte, 1753-1837. Summary of the military events, or historical essays on the campaigns of from 1799 to 1814. Trinity College Library
referencedIn Toschi, Francesco. Storia di Reggio di Lombardia, 1796-1804. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn French Republic certificate, 1801. Wisconsin Historical Society, Newspaper Project
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph initial N and six words in autograph, in margin of a report sent him, 1813 Jun. 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Letters written to Captain George Nicholls, ca.1815-1821 GB 206 Leeds University Library
referencedIn PAPERS signed by, or relating to, the Emperor Napoleon I.: 1. "Etat de ce qui existe et de ce qui est nécessaire pour 1'Equipage de siége de Parmée d'ltalie;" signed "Buonaparte," f. 1. 2. "Relevé des demandes faites pour l'armée d'ltalie," f. 3. 3. ..., 1794-1808 British Library
referencedIn COPIES of "Miscellaneous and detached Letters; also Extracts of Letters to and from the persons of the Longwood Establishment;" Nov. 1815-May, 1821. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn PAGET PAPERS (2ND SERIES). Vol. XXXI (ff. 274). Typewritten copies of the correspondence of Sir Arthur Paget (1771-1840), Sir Augustus Berkeley Paget's father, mostly marked by Sir Augustus to be omitted from his edition of his father's papers, The P... British Library
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : n.p., to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., [1797]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832. Autograph letter signed : Mertoun House [near St. Boswells], to George Ellis, 1810 Dec. 23. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Todd, W. Trade labels, [ca. 1798]. Winterthur Library
referencedIn Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832. Autograph letter signed : "Ashestiel by Selkirk" [near Melrose], to George Ellis, [1809] Aug. 7. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn 'HISTORICAL FACTS connected with the Surrender of Buonaparte to Captain [Frederick Lewis] Maitland [K.C.B. 1830] of His Majesty's ship Bellerophon in Basque Roads, and other proceedings respecting him previously to his departure for St. Helena'; 12 A..., 20th century British Library
referencedIn Percier & Fontaine collection, ca. 1790-ca. 1872. Aurora University, Phillips Library
referencedIn Jumel and Desobry records, 1808-1810. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Copy of Correspondence of Barry Edward O'Meara, surgeon attending upon Napoleon, with Sir H. Lowe, his military secretary and others April, 1816-July, 1818. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. Letter, 1814 August 20, Monticello, [Albemarle County, Virginia], to [William] Short, n.p. William & Mary Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to note at foot of letter dated 22 Frimaire addressed to him by Gen. Berthier, about 1800. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Barbier, Antoine-Alexandre, 1765-1825. Bibliothèques imperiales de Napoléon Bonaparte, [France, between 1805 and 1811]. Grolier Club
referencedIn Autograph File, F, 1447-1994. Houghton Library
referencedIn Prominent Personalities: Napoleon Bonaparte I National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Wood, J., fl. 1815. Journal of "A tour to the Northern States in the summer of 1815 through Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania", 1815. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Arnold family papers, 1800-1875 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Chateau Stupinis, to his Mother, 1805 Apr. 22. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoléon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Textile fragment : purported to have been from the coronation robe of Napoléon. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Signorini, Andrea. The dell abate Andrea Signorini papers, 1970. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Order signed by Napoleon I : Paris : DS, 26 Messidor, an dix (1803 July). UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Bonaventure Lafayette Collection (University of Chicago). Extrait d'une letter d'Hambourg du 20 juin : manuscript copy, [1797]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Pierre Simon Laplace papers, 1697-1873 Bancroft Library
referencedIn Vol. XLII. (III. ff. 230). Nov. 1798-March, 1799.Egypt: Papers relating to the French Army in: 1798-1800.includes:f.2 Luciano Forte: Letter to Lord Nelson: 1798.: Ital. f. 6 Johannes Ernestus de Nelson, of Warsaw: Letters to Lord Nelson: 1798. ff. ... British Library
referencedIn Arnold family papers, 1800-1875. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Seibel, Fred O. (Fred Otto), 1886-1969. Cartoons drawn by Fred O. Seibel [manuscript], 1939-1941. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Biennais, Guillaume, 1764-1843. Account of objects and ornaments furnished to the Emperor, 1810. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Channel Tunnel Association archive, 1802-2002 Special Collections, Brunel University Library
referencedIn LIEVEN PAPERS. Vol. X (ff. 74). Correspondence with Count Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsov, Russian Chancellor; circ. 1801-1824. French and Russian.Count Nikolai Petrovich Rumyantsov,; Russian Chancellor: Correspondence with Prince Lieven: circ. 1801-182..., approximately 1801-1824 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Austerlitz, to Talleyrand, 1805 Dec. 3. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Sones, Jackie. Balzac, Stendhal and the Napoleonic influence. / by Jackie Sones. University of Houston, Clear Lake, Alfred R. Neumann Library
referencedIn 1. "ATTACK on the Island of Capri:" Journal of A.F. Cleeve, Paymaster; 4-24 Oct. 1808, f. 1. 2. "Journal of Occurrences during the enemy's attack on the Island of Capri" [by Lieut.-Col. Hudson Lowe] ; 3 Oct.-l Nov. 1808, f. 13; with a second copy of ... British Library
referencedIn Abrantès, Laure Junot, duchesse d', 1784-1838. Letter : n.p., to Prince Kozlofski, n.p., [ca. 1831]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878. Letter : [London], to George Thornbury, [London], 1851 Feb. 28. Texas Christian University
creatorOf Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis, marquis de, 1773-1827. Armand Augustin Louis, marquis de Caulaincourt, letter : to Baron Bignon, 1819 March 23. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Miers, Aaron. Poems, quotations, essays, 1895-1896. Winterthur Library
referencedIn Rémusat, Auguste Laurent, comte de, 1762-1823. Letter signed : n.p., to Monsieur Talma, Paris, [ca. 1808] Feb. 19. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Personal papers, 1808-1866 Houghton Library
referencedIn Adams, John, 1735-1826. ALS, 1808, July 25, Quincy, to Benjamin Rush. Copley Press, J S Copley Library
referencedIn Galloway, Joseph, 1731-1803. Papers of Joseph Galloway, 1717-1874 (bulk 1770-1829). Huntington Library, Art Collections & Botanical Gardens
referencedIn University of Chicago. Library. Special Collections Research Center. Bonapart's march : manuscript, [ca. 1805?]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 365), April 1810-March 1811.Ferdinand VII of Spain: Correspondence and notes of Lord Wellesley on the war with: 1810, 1811.includes:ff. 1-250 passim Henry Wellesley, 1st Baron Cowley: Correspondence with his brother, Lord Wellesley: 1... British Library
creatorOf Napoleón I, Emperador de Francia. Memorias de Napoleón dictadas a los generales Baron Gourgaud y Conde de Montholon, que le acompañaron en su cautividad en Santa Elena, publicadas acorde a los manuscritos corregidos por su propia mano [Manuscrito] traducido por el General José María Torrijos. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Photostats of letters and papers, 1796-1814. Houghton Library
referencedIn Yale University. Library. Judaica Collection. Jews of Italy collection of manuscripts and documents, 1568-1974 (inclusive), 1750-1900 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn Livingston, Robert R., 1746-1813. The Louisiana purchase : original letters written by Robert R. Livingston to Rufus King, 1801-1803. University of Texas Libraries
referencedIn Prioleau, Harriet Horry Frost,. Letters and engravings, 1779-1828. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Kergorlay, Louis-Florian-Paul, comte de, 1769-1856. Motif du vote négatif de Louis Florian Paul de Kergorlay, sur l'acte intitulé Acte additonnel aux Constitutions de l'Empire, en date du 22 avril 1822 ; Copie d'un vote inscrit et ... le 1er mai 1815, à la préfecture de la Seine. DePaul University Library
referencedIn Hester Lynch Piozzi manuscripts, 1765-1820. Houghton Library
creatorOf CORRESPONDENCE AND PAPERS OF LIEUTENANT-GENERAL SIR HUDSON LOWE, G.C.M.G., K.C.B. (b. 1769, d. 1844); 1811-1819. Supplements Add. MSS. 15729, 20107-20240 (which include copies of all the present papers except ff. 3-4b), 29543, 33506, ff. 27-29, 36297..., 1811-1819 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Two autograph lines, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn George Lincoln Burr papers Cornell University Library
referencedIn 1. ORIGINAL letters of the Rev. R[ichard] Boys, Master of the Head School and Senior Chaplain to the Forces at St. Helena, to Sir. H. Lowe, Major Gorrequer, and Sir Thos. Reade, principally relating to circumstances connected with the receipt of a sn... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS historical letters, etc.; 1375-1810. In two series, English or relating to England and (artt. 87-106) foreign. 1. Andrea Contarini, Doge of Venice, to Edward III. of England, desiring a safe conduct for merchant-ships about to be sent t... British Library
referencedIn Bust of Napoleon [realia]. Libraries Australia
creatorOf WILLOUGHBY GORDON PAPERS. Vol. I (ff. 151+57*, 58*). 1. ff. 1-50b. Letters from Adolphus Frederick, 1st Duke of Cambridge; 1804-1815. 2. ff. 51-85. Correspondence with Lt.-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor, Private Secretary of George III, Queen Charlotte and ..., 1804-1832 British Library
referencedIn Official documents : Cisalpine Republic, 1798-1801. Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library
referencedIn Napoleonic medals [manuscript], n.d. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Addington, Henry Unwin (1790-1870). Letters : to Lady Sarah Archer Amherst, 1812, June 20-1816, Aug. 31. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907. Miscellaneous manuscripts, n.d. University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Van Pelt Library
referencedIn William Henry Hoffman Collection on Napoleon I, Napoleon I, William Henry Hoffman Collection on, (bulk 1789-1821), 1585-1913 John Hay Library, Special Collections
referencedIn Du Pont family. Miscellany, 1962-1976. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn War of 1812 mss., 1776-1879 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
referencedIn Pelet, Jean Jacques Germain, Baron, 1777-1858. Memoirs on the War, or 1809 in Germany : manuscript, [ca. 1838]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Savit︠s︡kiĭ, Andreĭ Kazimirovich, d. 1968. Andrei Kazimirovich Savitskii Papers, ca. 1910-1968. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn REGISTER of general orders issued to the French Army in Egypt; 1 Vendémiaire-5 jour complémentaire, an 7 [22 Sept. 1798-21 Sept. 1799]. Fr. Until 6 Fructidor [23 Aug.] the orders are usually in the name of General [Louis] Alexandre Berthier [afterwar... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Licence spéciale pour le navire français, La Femme Gésina : Paris : DS, 1813 Jan. 11. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn KNIGHTLEY MANUSCRIPTS. Vol. III (ff. 223). Royal letters and papers, etc.; 1718 -1904, n.d. Viz.:-(1) Further papers of William IV (supplementary to Add. MS. 46356), chiefly comprising family correspondence, but including letters addressed to him w..., 1718-1904 British Library
referencedIn Harper, John, Sir. [Journal], 1797-1798. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Vol. II.Jean Baptiste Gaspard d' Ansse de Villoison, d 1805 French classical scholar: Literary memoranda: 18th-19th centt.: Gr., Lat., Fr. and Ital.includes:ff. 178, 249, et passim Napoleon I of France: Letters to, from J. B. G. d'Ansse de Villoison:..., 18th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. [Collection of correspondence and other documents of Napoleon and his circle]. Newberry Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, etc., of Royal and distinguished foreign personages; 1550-1833. l. Petition of John Quentel, of Cologne, printer, to the Emperor Charles V., for a privilege to print certain theological books; n.d. Lat. Holograph. Endorsed with a re... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of "Reports or Bulletins of Gen. Bonaparte's health, October, 1816-10th July, 1818;" by Barry E. O'Meara and Dr. Alexander Baxter. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn Hickey, Florence F. (Florence Fallon), d. 1944,. Florence F. Hickey scrapbooks, 1881-1944 (bulk 1905-1944). Cincinnati History Library, Cincinnati Museum Center
referencedIn Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832. Napoleon Bonaparte : autograph manuscript, written in 1827. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte / by Lord Byron. Indiana University
referencedIn Papers of the Mellish Family of Hodsock, Nottinghamshire, c.1160-1991, 1160-1991 The University of Nottingham
referencedIn Breese, Sidney, 1800-1878,. C.S. Hutter deposit of miscellaneous letters and documents, 1801-1892. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn PAPERS of [Marie Armand Guerri] de Maubreuil, Marquis d'Orvault, chiefly on political intrigues at the time of the first abdication of Napoleon I., in 1814; and the imprisonment of the Marquis for striking Prince de Talleyrand in the church of St. De..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Burke, Arleigh A., 1901-1996. Copy of oral history typescript done by the Naval Institute. Naval War College, Henry E. Eccles Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXIX (ff. 320). 12 Feb.-17 Aug. 1814.includes:ff. 1-264 b passim Armand Augustin Louis de Caulaincourt, Duc de Vicence; French diplomatist: Papers rel. to the Conference of Châtillon: 1814.: Fr. and Engl.: Copies.ff. 1-264b passim Châtillon... British Library
creatorOf France. Ampliation au nom du peuple français : manuscript, 1800 Aug. 29. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Princess Marthe Bibesco Papers TXRC06-A4., 1768-1976, (1904-1973) Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn West Indian collection, 1716-1857, 1716-1817 (bulk). New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Cambacérès, Jean Jacques Régis de, 1753-1824. Speech, 1804 May 18, St. Cloud. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Playing cards, ca 1500-1920. Houghton Library
referencedIn Earle, Mortimer Lamson, 1864-1905. Mortimer Lamson Earle papers, 1884-1905. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Pace, Cacilda Prado, Collection University of West Florida Libraries
referencedIn 1. COPIES and extracts of letters of B. E. O'Meara to J. Finlaison; 1815-1818; with remarks by Sir Hudson Lowe, f. 1. 2. Notes of conversations of O'Meara with Sir Hudson Lowe; 12 Sept. 1816-12 June, 1818, in the handwriting of the latter, f. 85. Pap..., 1815-1818 British Library
referencedIn VOL. VIII. 1. Copy of correspondence of the same as Quartermaster-General to the British army in the Low Countries, and in separate command at Genoa and Marseilles, with General Müffling Earl Bathurst, Secretary for War, Sir Henry Bunbury, Under-Sec..., 1815 British Library
referencedIn STATEMENT Of the allowance of wines, provisions, etc., supplied to Napoleon Bonaparte's establishment at St. Helena, October, 1820;-Comparative statement of the expense of Napoleon Bonaparte's establishment at St. Helena, for three years, shewing the... British Library
referencedIn Commonplace Book of Religious Poetry, c. 1750-1830 Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter, 1812 July 18 : Ghloubokoe, Russia, to Eugene de Beauharnais. Washington State University, Holland and Terrell Libraries
referencedIn Mortimer Lamson Earle Papers, 1884-1905. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn WARREN HASTINGS PAPERS. Vol. XXXV(ffii+128). Miscellaneous letters and papers, 1719-1927. The most important contents are:-(1) Letter from Jacob Knight, a London merchant, to John Bowle, farmer, at Daylesford, co. Worc., rel. to tithe transactions w..., 1719-1927 British Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter : La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France, to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., 1802 May 21. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Napoleon letter to Major General Berthier, 1809 April 8. Cornell University Library
referencedIn BERRY PAPERS. Vol. III. (ff. 223). Miscellaneous papers, as follows:-1. Walpole papers, mostly holograph, sc.: (a) Letter to [George, Lord Lyttelton] on Gray's odes; Strawberry Hill, 25 Aug. 1757. Copy. Printed, Letters of H. Walpole, ed. Toynbee, 1..., 1757-1843 British Library
referencedIn Geoffroy Saint-Hilarie, Etienne, 1772-1844. Observations anatomiques sur le crocodile : manuscript, 1801 Mar. 22. Houghton Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS autographs, acquired in 1877 and 1878., 16th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Read family. Read family papers, 1787-1869. South Carolina Historical Society
referencedIn Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine-François, marquis de, 1744-1818. Translation of Moleville's plan for effecting a Counter Revolution, and taking possession of Oléron : manuscript, 1805. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Hatcher, Mattie Austin, papers 1962; 80-067., 1800-1930 Dolph Briscoe Center for American History
referencedIn Papers, 1775-1935. Houghton Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Papers, 1457-1990 (bulk: 1736-1880) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn PRIVATE and official correspondence of Sir Hudson Lowe and Major Gorrequer, Military Secretary, with the Foreign Commissioners at St. Helena; July 1816-Sept. 1822; viz., Baron Stürmer, for Austria, ff. 1-85; Count Balmain, for Russia, ff. 86-233;-the... British Library
referencedIn Historical manuscripts collection, 1347-1969, bulk: 1775-1885 Free Library of Philadelphia: Rare Book Department
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Cairo, to Gen. Dauve, 1799 Jan. 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. XXX (ff. 247). 1797-1806.Francis Dighton, of Commander-in-Chief's Office, Horse-Guards: Memoranda to,: 1804-1809.includes:ff. 1-2b Richard Boyle, 2nd Earl of Shannon: Letters to Sir J. W. Gordon: 1797. f. 3 Navigation: Compass variations on boa..., 1797-1806 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS, viz.:-A. Letter, written at about the age of six, by Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, K.G., O.M., to his mother, Lady Randolph Churchill; circ. 1880. f. 1. Presented by Sir Shane Leslie, Bart. B. Musical compo..., 13th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn Portrait file: Guide. Houghton Library
referencedIn EXTRACTS from the manuscript journal of Count Las Cases of passages omitted or altered in the printed edition; 30 Nov. 1815-30 Dec. 1816. French. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn Jozefe, Wilhelm. Blätter der Erinnerung / von Wilhelm Josefe, 4th Band, 1835-[197-]. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn Johnsonian Miscellanies, extra-illustrated, 1538-1900 (inclusive);, 1738-1866 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Hoar, George Frisbie. 1826-1904. Autograph collection, 1598-1945 Houghton Library
referencedIn "LA DALMAZIA . . . . Opera economica politica umiliata a sua Maestà Imperiale e Reale dal Provveditore Generale V[incenzo] Dandolo. Zara." Yearly reports sent to Napoleon; 1806-1809. [See Add. MSS. 21,987, 21,988.] Three volumes; the last of which ha..., 1806-1809 British Library
referencedIn Papers of the Skelton and Pittman families, who served in the Madras and Bombay Armies, and the Madras Civil Service, 1769-1872 British Library
referencedIn Norvins, M. de, 1769-1854. Autograph letter signed : n.p., to [J.J.] Tissot, Paris, 1827 June 14. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 1739-1817. Papers, 1757-1836. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Napoleon I, Small seal for the Kingdom of Italy, n.d. (143)Italy: Small seal of Napoleon I as King of.: n.d.Napoleon I of France: Small seal for the kingdom of Italy: n.d. British Library
referencedIn George Lincoln Burr papers Cornell University Library
referencedIn 1. COPIES of notes of conversation between Sir Hudson Lowe and Mr. O'Meara, drawn up by Major G. Gorrequer, military secretary; July, 1817-July, 1818, f. 2. 2. Copy of correspondence of Mr. O'Meara with Mr. Finlaison and Mr. Croker, of the Admiralty,... British Library
referencedIn "Plan et carte des environs de Toulon, 1793;" marking the batteries erected by the Republican troops under Gen. Napoleon Bonaparte. Drawn by French engineers in the garrison.Toulon, Var: Plan of batteries erected by the Republican troops under N. Buo..., 1793 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature and one word in autograph to report, submitted by Marshal Berthier, by whom it is also signed, 1802 Mar. 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Hortense, Queen, consort of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 1783-1837. Letter of wife of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, and mother of Napoleon III, to her brother Eugène [manuscript] 1823 Nov. 7. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn VOL. I.-[Napoléon] Bonaparte, as first Consul; Paris, 3 Messidor, an 9 [22 June, 1801], f. 6;-[Jean Antoine] Chaptal (afterwards Comte de Chanteloup), Minister of the Interior; Paris, 25 Floréal, an 9-28 Pluviose, an 11 [15 May, 1801-17 Feb. 1803], f..., 1799-1813 British Library
referencedIn 34,710. MISCELLANE0US original letters, etc., 1643-1885, 1643-1885 British Library
referencedIn Disdéri, André-Adolphe-Eugène, 1819-1889,. Samuel Foster McCleary photographs, ca. 1863-1872. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Sturm, Ernest,. Ernest Sturm Collection [17--] - [19--]. Vassar College
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : [n.p.], to Talleyrand, 1805 Aug. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Devens, R. M. (Richard Miller). Life of George Washington, 1890. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Richard Brinsley Sheridan, extra-illustrated. Houghton Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Memoire de menuiserie des decorations faites pour le Theatre de Tuilleries [sic] : manuscript, 1810 Jan. 24-Jan. 29. Houghton Library
referencedIn CORRESPONDENCE Of General the Hon. Henry Edward Fox, as commander in chief of the English forces in Sicily and ambassador to the court at Palermo, 1806-1807 ; too-ether with other letters and papers relating to affairs in the Mediterranean, 1805-1814..., 1805-1814 British Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Memoire de peinture de decoration pour le Theatre de Tuileries : manuscript, 1810 Jan. 22. Houghton Library
referencedIn Vol. III (ff. 177). 1809-1830.includes:ff. 1, 35 John Swift Emerson, solicitor, of Dublin: Letters to J. W. Croker: 1809, 1812.f. 3 Sir John Beckett, 2nd Baronet: Letter to J. W. Croker: 1809.f. 5 General Sir John Floyd, 1st Baronet: Letter to ..., 1809-1830 British Library
referencedIn Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of, 1847-1913,. James Ludovic Lindsay collection of French manuscripts, 1767-1863, bulk 1792-1835. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to commission as justice of the peace : to J.A. Desvignes, 1803 Dec. 2. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter : Paris, to [William Harris] Crawford, Washington, 1815 Aug. 4. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Lefebvre-Desnouettes, Charles, comte, 1773-1822. Contrat de mariage : Paris : DS, 1805 Feb. 24. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951. Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte : for recitation, two violins, viola, violoncell [sic] and piano : opus 41 / [words] by Lord Byron ; [music] by Arnold Schoenberg. Harvard University, Loeb Music Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Printed invitation to a spectacle at court, 1810 Sept. 20. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 1742-1819. Gebhard von Blücher correspondence, 1815. Minnesota Historical Society Library
referencedIn Deane, Ernie. Normandy, 1959 [Napoleon Monument, view 2] [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. Arkansas History Commission
referencedIn Severn, Henry Augustus, 1833-1883. Memo written at sea under difficulties, 1878, September. Yale Center for British Art
referencedIn PAPER-, of Sir R. Wilson relating to Russia and Turkey; 1807-1839. Included are:-1. "Apperçu d'un plan d'opération contre le Duché de Warsowie, destiné à être presenté à, sa Majesté l'Empereur, suivi des moyens de pouvoir é1oigner le théatre de la g..., 1807-1839 British Library
referencedIn Rémusat, Auguste Laurent, comte de, 1762-1823. Letter signed : n.p., to Monsieur Talma, Paris, [ca. 1808] Feb. 19. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Petit Théâtre no. 3 : mémoire des ouvrages et fournitures faits pour sa majesté l'empereur et roi par Bédel, tapissier... : manuscript, 1814 Mar. 24. Houghton Library
referencedIn Homan, James. Trifles, [1814 or later]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Wraxall, Nathaniel William, Sir, 1751-1831. [Travel diary - Paris], 1815 Nov 20 - 1816 Feb 20. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn PANIZZI PAPERS. Letters, collected as autographs, mostly addressed to Sir Anthony Panizzi, K.C.B., Principal Librarian of the British Museum; 1828-1878, n.d. English, French and Italian. Other general correspondence of Panizzi is Add. MSS. 36714-3672..., 1828-1878 British Library
referencedIn PAPERS of Sir R. Wilson, relating to France, including memoranda of the strength of the French armies in 1812-1814, accounts of the formation of the provisional government of 1814, reports of the trials of Sir R. Wilson and General Cambronne in 1816,..., 1780-1819 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Two lines in autograph, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Addition to the Prints Collection None., 1718-1945 Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Albenga, to his wife, Josephine, 1796 Apr. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn O'Meara, Barry Edward, 1786-1836. Autograph diary : Saint Helena, 1816 Apr. 18-1817 Feb. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Bellune, Claude-Victor Perrin, duc de, 1764-1841. Proclamation of Claude-Victor Perrin, duc de Bellune, circa 1802. Library of Congress
referencedIn Lucia Elizabeth Balcombe Abell manuscript material : 1 item, 1847 The New York Public Library. Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle.
referencedIn WARREN HASTINGS PAPERS. Vol. XXI (ff. 339). Literary Remains. Mostly in the hand of Warren Hastings and of his composition. The chief contents are: 1. On Oriental subjects: (a) " The History of Rooroo and Promod-Bora, taken from the eighth and ninth... British Library
referencedIn 41996. MISCELLANE0US Letters and Papers, 1200-1929 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS autographs, detached leaves, etc., 13th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Berry, Taylor. Letter. 9 July 1814. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Papers of Trevor Hearl, 1821, 1844 The Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies at Rhodes House
referencedIn Lee, William, 1772-1840. William Lee letters, 1810-1861. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn O'Meara, Barry Edward, 1786-1836. Autograph letter signed : Longwood, to Major Gorreguer, 1817 Apr. 13. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn [Commonplace book], 1814-1823. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn John Claude letters 1814-1815 Claude, John letters William L. Clements Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Lodi, to his wife, Josephine, 1796 May 13. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to sailing orders : Paris, to the commander of the frigate Danaë, 1809 Apr. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. XXXVII (ff. 331). 28 Oct. -9 Dec. 1813.includes:ff. 2-300 passim Prince Clemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg,; alias Metternich; Austrian statesman: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1813-1852.: Engl. and Fr.: copies.f. 15 ... British Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 354). 1815-Nov. 1834.includes:f. 3 Lieut. Col. Alexander Kennedy Clark-Kennedy: Movements of the 1st Royal Dragoons at Waterloo: 1815. f. 5 Henry William Paget, 2nd Earl of Uxbridge; 1st Marquess of Anglesey: Statements on the Battle of..., 1815-1834 British Library
referencedIn Malcolm, Pulteney, Sir, 1768-1838. Pulteney Malcolm papers, 1812-1837, bulk 1814-1817. William L. Clements Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Licence spéciale, 1809 Sep 22. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Autograph album, 1811-1874 and undated. Houghton Library
creatorOf WILLOUGHBY GORDON PAPERS. Vol. XI (ff. 206). Correspondence with Sir Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington, Prime Minister; 1806-1839. Published in part (together with further correspondence not here present) from material in the Wellington Papers..., 1806-1839 British Library
referencedIn Album, [ca. 1830-1855]. Winterthur Library
referencedIn Vol. XIV (ff. 142). Aug. 1810-6 Jan. 1811.Navy; England: Papers of C. P. Yorke as First Lord of the Admiralty: 1810-1812.includes:f. 1 Henry Nicholls, of St James's Square: Letter to C. P. Yorke: 1810. f. 3 Rear-Admiral James Wilkes Maurice: Letter t... British Library
referencedIn Vol. LIII (ff. 358). Apr. 1806-Aug. 1808.includes:f. 2 Lieutenant-General Sir James Murray, 7th Baronet of Clermont afterwards Murray-Pulteney: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1804-1808. f. 2 William Pollock, Chief Clerk, Home Office... British Library
referencedIn VOL. IV. 1. Papers relating to the National Political Union, the Working Men's Union, the newspapers, etc., f. 2. 2. Notes by F. Place on the Russian campaign, 1813, with a map, f. 97. 3. Circumstances connected with the first operations of the Anti-..., 1813-1847 British Library
referencedIn COPIES of Affidavits, Depositions, and other papers in the case of Sir Hudson Lowe versus Barry Edward O'Meara, in 1822 and 1823; and of correspondence between members of the Government and official persons at St. Helena in 1815-1819, relating to cir..., 1815-1823 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Napoleon Bonaparte Letter, n.d. Peabody Essex Museum
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Demenkur, to the General commanding at Stoselle, 1798 Jul. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn "COURS de MATHÉMATIQUES à l'usage de la marine et de l'artillerie pat. Bézout," parties ii. et iv., Paris, 1811-12, being the copy used by the Emperor Napoleon in teaching young Bertrand mathmatics, and having a few notes in pencil on the margiins, i... British Library
referencedIn Macpherson, John, Sir, 1745-1821. Miscellaneous manuscripts, 1800. University of Pennsylvania Library
referencedIn COPIES of instructions for the Officer in command of the Engineers at St. Helena, of amended regulations relative to precautionary measures for the custody of Napoleon, orders for, the guard, and papers relating to them, 1815-1820; with extract, of t..., 1815-1820 British Library
referencedIn Count Itwa bound manuscript, 1851-1863 L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Nineteenth-century political caricatures concerning France. Cornell University Library
referencedIn FOUR official letters of Napoéon Bonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic, to the Minister of War, ordering different military movements; dat. 7 Frimaire, 1, 4, 19 Ventose, an xii. [29 Nov. 1803; 21, 24 Feb., 11 Mar. 1801]. Signed. The last let..., 1801-1803 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Demenkur, to the General commanding at Stosell, 1798 Jul. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Malo, 1772-1801. Letter signed : Paris, to Buonaparte, Citoyen Consul, 1799 Nov. 24. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. XLI. (II. ff. 292). July-0ct. 1798.Egypt: Papers relating to the French Army in: 1798-1800.includes:ff. 1, 24, 37 France; Sovereigns of, and Transactions in particular reigns. Republic: Report to the Directory of the proceedings of the Army in E... British Library
referencedIn Fellowes, James, Sir, 1771-1857,. James Fellowes letters from Hester Lynch Piozzi, 1815-1820. Houghton Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Brünn, to Talleyrand, 1805 Nov. 30. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. LII (ff 214). 1807-1809.includes:ff. 1, 2 Baron Patona de Meyran,; Russian army officer: Correspondence with Count W-, Governor of Lemberg: 1807.: Fr.ff. 5, 25, 65-69 Baron Andrei Yakovlevich Budberg,; Russian statesman: Letters to Prince Li..., 1807-1809 British Library
referencedIn Gardel, Pierre, 1758-1840. [List of dancers of the Court Ballet and their salaries, Oct. 1811, Paris]. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers relating to the Island of St. Helena; viz.: 1. Extracts from letters of the Court of Directors of the East India Company to the Governor of the Island; 1687-1816, f. 1. 2. Extracts from Consultations of the Governor and Council o..., 1687-1821 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of royal personages, viz.: 1. Lorenzo de' Medici [Duke of Florence] to the magistrates of [Siena ?]; Florence, 12 Dec. 1484. Ital. f. 1. 2. [Philip II. of Spain] to [Charles IX. of France ?; 1569?]. Span.; with seal. f. 2. 3. [Antoni... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Special license for the French ship, Carl Frédéric, to sail from Ostend to England : manuscript, 1810 Dec. 17. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXI. (ff. 280). Appendix of papers of larger size, 1793-1807, and undated.includes:f. 1 Louis Marie de Noailles, Vicomte de Noailles: Letters to W. Windham, etc.,: 1792-1794.ff. 8-19 Artéry, Chevalier d', Captain in the British Service: Let..., 1793-1807 British Library
referencedIn Drummond, James. Letter, 1808, August 25, Gibraltar, to "Sir". Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Montchenu, Claude Marie-Henri, Marquis de 1757-1831. Carta a Mr. de Dineur sobre la estancia de Napoleón en la isla de Santa Elena. Santa Elena, 23 julio 1816 [Manuscrito]. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
creatorOf Commission militaire de l'Exposition universelle de 1900. Ampliation au nom du peuple français : manuscript, 1800 Aug. 29. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Berthault, Pierre Gabriel, 1737-1831. French Revolution scenes. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Marriage contract with Marie Joseph Rose Detascher [manuscript] 1796 March 9. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf B. Entrance to Boulogne harbour; 1805. Scale 1:10000. 'Echelle d'un millimetre pour 10 metres.' Map shows the coast from 'Moulin Hubert' in the North to the 'Mont de couple' in the south, and extends inland beyond the harbour as far as St Martin and ..., 1805 British Library
referencedIn Rumford, Benjamin, Graf von, 1753-1814. Journal. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Napoleon I, Emperor of the French collection, 1796-1840 Princeton University Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH letters and signatures of Popes; 1433-1828: l. Æneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Cardinal Bishop of Siena, afterwards Pius II., to the Priori of Siena; Milan, 17 Nov. 1433; with postscript, 5 Dec.; Rome, 29 Jan. 1457; Viterbo, 5 June, 1458. Lat. f..., 1433-1828 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : St. Cloud, to Talleyrand, 1806 Aug. 8. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Abell, Lucia Elizabeth Balcombe, d. 1871. Lucia Elizabeth Balcombe Abell manuscript material : 1 item, 1847 New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. [Letter], 1811 Jan. 17, Paris [to] Duc de Feltre [manuscript] / N. [Napoleon]. University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hamilton Library
creatorOf Desprez, Louis-Jean, 1743-1804. Autograph document signed : [Paris], to Napoleon, [ca. 1802]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Teegan, Thomas Henry. General Bonaparte. A drama in five acts, [late 19th century]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Melliss Papers, 19th-20th century The Bodleian Library of Commonwealth and African Studies at Rhodes House
referencedIn Theodore Roosevelt Collection: Political cartoons: Original cartoon drawings, 1896-1942. Theodore Roosevelt Collection, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Paris, to M. Aldini, 1806 Feb. 28. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn O'Meara, Barry Edward, 1786-1836. Talks with Napoleon : autograph notes : place not specified, undated. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn France. Commissaire du gouvernement près le Tribunal criminel du département de la Seine. Three letters to the Commissaire du gouvernement près le Tribunal criminel du département de la Seine : manuscripts, 179--1801. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed "Bonaparte" : Paris, to "Au Ministre de la Guerre", 1795 Nov. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Bonaventure Lafayette Collection (University of Chicago). Autograph letter : n.p., to Benjamin Constant, n.p., 1822 Aug. 22. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. 390),16 Aug.-15 Sept. 1809.Martin de Garay, Spanish Foreign Minister: Correspondence with Lord Wellesley: 1809.includes:f. 1 Major Merrick Shawe, Secretary to Lord Wellesley in India: Letter to B. Sydenham: 1809. f. 1 Flushing: Account ... British Library
referencedIn Dollez, Charles. Itinéraire de Napoleon : manuscript, 1841. Princeton University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Paris, to an unknown person, n.p. : 1810 April 3. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn LIVERPOOL PAPERS. Vol. CCCXIV (ff. 77). Official Papers of the 1st and 2nd Earls, supplementing 38329-38382 ; circ. 1769-1824.George IV of England: Correspondence and papers of the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1820-1827.includes:f. 1 British America: Griev..., approximately 1769-approximately 1824 British Library
referencedIn Tovell, Harold M. Harold M. Tovell Collection. Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Turin, to General Marmont, 1807 Dec. 27. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877. Letters, 1833-1867. American Antiquarian Society
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Petit Théâtre no. 3 : mémoire des ouvrages de ferrurerie faits et fourmi pour le Petit Théâtre no. 3 ... par Mignon, ferrurier : manuscript, 1814 Mar. 25. Houghton Library
referencedIn Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, 1768-1848. [Mémoires d'outre-tombe; fragment] : manuscript, [before 1833]. Houghton Library
referencedIn DRAWINGS and plans in connexion with Napoleon's preparations at Boulogne for the invasion of England in 1804-5. Paper; ff. 17. xixth cent. Large Folio. Transferred from the Dept of Printed Books (Section of Maps)., 1804-1805 British Library
referencedIn "THE FORTUNE OF WAR, or a ten years Captivity in France, by Robert Bastard James, Lieut. in the Royal Navy" ; 1804-1814. Autograph. Preceded (f. 3) by a dedication to Vice-Admiral Sir George Cockburn, G.C.B., Lord of the Admiralty, dated 20 May, 1822..., 1822 British Library
referencedIn Barrell, Nathaniel, 1732-1831. Nathaniel Barrell shipping papers, 1764-1805. Portsmouth Athenaeum Library & Museum
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Saint-Cloud, to the Minister of Finance, 1803 Apr. 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Tucker, St. George, 1752-1827. Letter, 1797 June 23, Williamsburg, Va. to John Page, "Rosewell," [Gloucester County], Va. Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
referencedIn COPIES of "Proclamations and Public Notices, Orders to Guards, Posts, and Piquets, issued at St. Helena; Instructions to the Orderly Officer at Longwood; Regulations respecting Gen. Bonaparte and his followers," etc., 1815-1820, 1815-1820 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letters concerning Elizabeth Patterson Bonaparte, 1803-1805, 1879 [microform]. Maryland Historical Society Library
referencedIn Sidjakov, Nicolas. The Emperor and the drummer boy : production material. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
referencedIn Eberts, Robert Michel, 1804-1862. Robert Michel Eberts papers, 1821-1850. Detroit Public Library, Detroit Main Library
referencedIn Mealey, Leonila. Papers [manuscript]. Libraries Australia
creatorOf France. Ministère de la guerre. Rapport présenté à sa majesté l'Empereur et Roi : manuscript, 1808 Apr. 6 / par le Ministre-Directeur [de l'Administration de la Guerre]. Texas Christian University
referencedIn HONE PAPERS. Vol. XIII. Correspondence of William Hone, consisting chiefly of letters addressed to him, with a few from Hone himself; 1801-1840. In two parts (ff. 1-253, 254-497). The names of the writers are given in the Index. Ff. 497. Folio.includ..., 1801-1840 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, chiefly of officers of the French army in Egypt, with printed bulletins, etc.; 6 July, 1798-27 Nov. 1800. Fr.1. Official report from General Alexandre Berthier, Chief of the Staff to General [Eustache] Bruix, Minister of Marine and ... British Library
referencedIn Fall, Charles G. (Charles Gershom), 1845-1932. Napoleon Bonaparte : the drama of his life from Toulon to Elba : typescript, [not after 1903] Houghton Library
referencedIn Frías, Diego Fernández de Velasco, Duque de 1754-1811. Carta del Duque de Frías a D. Pedro Cevallos sobre la presentación de sus credenciales a Napoleón (h. 1-2). Copia de los discursos pronunciados por el Duque de Frías en la presentación de las credenciales (h. 3-4). Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Salle de spectacles des Tuileries année 1810 : décorations pour le service du Théâtre : manuscript, 1810 Apr. 23. Houghton Library
creatorOf Desprez, Louis-Jean, 1743-1804. Autograph letter signed : [Paris], to Napoleon Bonaparte ("Premier Consul"), [c. 1802]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoléon 1, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letters to Gen. Henri Jacques Clarke : manuscript, 1807-1813. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Itwa, Count. Bound manuscript, 1851-1863. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn The Home of the game : (Description of Messrs. Thurston's establishment). University of Manchester Library, Main Library
referencedIn OFFICIAL correspondence of the Hon. East India Company with the Governor and Council of St. Helena; 1816-1821, 1816-1821 British Library
referencedIn DROPMORE PAPERS (SERIES II). Vol. XLII. Political papers of Grenville and others; [1804?]-1829. 1. Anonymous paper beg. 'L'homme audacieux, qui, en prétendant sauver la France . . .', written in opposition to Napoleon's assuming the title of Emperor;..., 1795-1829 British Library
referencedIn 'HISTORY OF THE CAPTIVITY OF NAPOLEON AT ST HELENA', by William Forsyth, 1853: the printed work, grangerized in 1919 by the addition of letters (in English, French, German, Italian and Arabic), engraved portraits, views, maps, etc., relating to the c..., 18th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Life of George Cruikshank, extra-illustrated, [1882] Houghton Library
referencedIn Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 1786-1846. Benjamin Robert Haydon manuscript material : 14 items, 1815-1843 New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Correspondence to William Harris Crawford : manuscript, 1814-1824. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Commonplace book, [ca. 1860?]. Brown University Archives, John Hay Library
referencedIn Rumford, Benjamin, Graf von, 1753-1814. Letters, 1793-1804, to Lady Palmerston. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Miscellaneous Letters and Papers.Paper and vellum; ff. 166. British Library arrangement., 1560-1979 British Library
referencedIn Rosamond B. Loring collection of decorated papers, ca. 1500-ca. 1950. Houghton Library
referencedIn Wright, Clement H. Military events on the continent from the siege of Toulon through the battle of Waterloo / by Clement H. Wright. U.S. Army Heritage & Education Center
referencedIn Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, 1768-1848. Mémoires d'outre-tombe. Book 12, 22-23 : portions of chapter 4 of Book XII (Pleiade edition I, 418) concerning Lord Byron and the end of the final chapter of Book XXII and chapters 1-2-3 of Book XXIII concerning Napoleon at the time of his return from Elba / written by Madame de Chateaubriand (Book XII) and Hyacinthe Pilorge (Chateaubriand's secretary) ; each group of manuscripts has numerous corrections and additions by Chateaubriand. University of Wisconsin - Madison, General Library System
referencedIn Dunphy, Myles, 1891-1985. Europe 1812 : Napoleon at the height of his power / [Miles J. Dunphy]. Libraries Australia
referencedIn W A J Street papers., 1984 British Library
referencedIn Vol. LXI (ff. 195). 1822.includes:ff. 4-106b passim Count Karl Robert Nesselrode,; Russian statesman: Correspondence with Count C. A. Pozzo di Borgo: 1826-1834.: Fr.: Copies.f. 1 Comte Louis Joseph Alexis de Noailles,; French statesman: Correspon..., 1822 British Library
referencedIn COPIES and drafts of Reports and Minutes of the Governor and Council; with extracts from official correspondence, relating to the East India Company's lands in St. Helena; 1813-1820, 1813-1820 British Library
creatorOf CHARNWOOD AUTOGRAPHS. Vol. III. Foreign historical, literary and musical autographs, etc.; circa 16th-20th cent. Included are Charles V of Spain, Madame de Maintenon, Lafayette, Garibaldi, Kropotkin, Mussolini and Roosevelt; Heinrich Heine, Alessandr..., approximately 16th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn Morgan, James, 1861-1955. Journey of twenty thousand miles in the path of Napoleon. University of Missouri-Kansas City, Miller Nichols Library; Health Sciences Library; Dental Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS papers relating to the dispute between Pope Pius VII and Napoleon I Bonaparte and the Pope's return to Rome; 1808-1814. Italian and Latin. Partly printed. Owned by Frederick North, 5th Earl of Guilford, but lacking his armorial bookplat... British Library
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : n.p., to [Marquis de Lafayette], [La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France?], 1800 Feb. 13. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Kirkland, John Thornton, 1770-1840. Papers, 1788-1837 and undated Harvard University Archives.
creatorOf WILLOUGHBY GORDON PAPERS. Vol. XXI (ff. 207). Letters, etc., of Lt.-Gen. Sir William Parker Carrol; 1808-1809. Partly signed.Lieutenant-General Sir William Parker Carrol, KCH: Letters to Sir J. W. Gordon: 1808, 1809: Partly signed and copy.Francis Di..., 1808-1809 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of Denzil Ibbetson, Assistant Commissary-General at St. Helena, to Major Gorrequer, Military Secretary to the Governor, with accounts and papers; 1816-1821. Paper. Folio., 1816-1821 British Library
referencedIn Pilgram, Arthur Julian, 1880-1956. Arthur Julian Pilgram papers, 1910?-1930? Princeton University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Paris, to François de Neufchateau, President of the Senate, 1804 Dec. 1. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Coffin, J. J. Coffin autograph letter signed, 1821 Sept. 20. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn Pulteney Malcolm papers 1812-1837 1814-1817 Malcolm, Pulteney papers William L. Clements Library
creatorOf Canova, Antonio, 1757-1822. Correspondence, ca. 1790-1834. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn VOL. II. 1. [Henri II. de Bourbon, Prince de Condé?] to Cardinal Mazarin; 19 Sept. 1644. Extract. f. 1. 2. [Claude de Mesmes, Conte d'] Auaux; Münster, 23 May, 1645, f. 2. 3. Anne [of Austria, Queen Mother Paris, 28 Jan. 1650. Copy. f. 3. 4. [Jacques... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS original letters; 1563-1806:-1. A[mbrose Dudley, Earl of] Warwick to "le Conte de Reingroffe" [Rhinegrave], denying knowledge of an approaching, marriage between his brother [Robert Dudley, E. of Leicester] and the Queen; Havre de Grac..., 16th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Guião, Antonio José,. Papeis do tempo dis Francezes : São coriozos : manuscript, 1808. Houghton Library
referencedIn ENTRY-BOOKS of notes of conversations of Sir Hudson Lowe, the orderly officer, and others, with Napoleon and members of his suite, with other memoranda; endorsed, "Private Memoranda, Notes, Confidential Communications, etc.;" April, 1816-May, 1821 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Saint-Cloud, to the Minister of the Navy, 1804 May 17. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Special license for the French ship, Carl Frédéric, to sail from Ostend to England : manuscript, 1810 Dec. 17. Texas Christian University
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Fontainebleau, to his wife, Marie Louis, 1814 Apr. 20. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Foster family. Foster family autograph collection, 1621-1930. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn Bellangé, Hippolyte (Joseph Louis Hippolyte), 1800-1866. Napoleonic period scenes. Cornell University Library
referencedIn " OPINIONS sur l'invasion meditée par Napoleon Buonaparte, premier Consul, avec des notes remarquables sur les crimes commis par différents membres du Gouvernement Consulaire. Par Emilien de Martellij, un des chefs du parti Royaliste des départements..., 1803 British Library
referencedIn Fourchy, Alexandre François. Alexandre François Fourchy and family papers, 1848-1908. Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Collection, circa 1790-1880. Library of Congress
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Paris, to the Minister of War, 1803 Nov. 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Smith, William Steuben, 1787-1850. William Steuben Smith diary and letterbook, 1809-1821. Massachusetts Historical Society
creatorOf A. 'Plan des côtes de Ambleteuse, de Wimereux et de Boulogne'; 1805. Scale 1:10000. 'Echelle d'un miltre pour 10 metres.' Map shows coast from Audresselle to the 'Batterie de Ningle'. Map oriented with East at top. Cliffs and high and low water marks..., 1805 British Library
creatorOf Lannes, Jean, Duc de Montebello, Prince de Siévers, 1769-1809. Autograph letter signed : Jena, to Napoleon, 1806 Oct. 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste), 1767-1843. A. J. B. Defauconpret collection, 1808-1823. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Sewall, William B. Letter, 1815 May 9. American Periodical Series I
referencedIn Vol. LXXXVII (ff. 312). 12 June-4 July 1817.includes:f. 1 Thomas Cooper, Under-Sheriff for county Oxfordshire: Letter to Sir R. Peel: 1817.ff. 3, 50, 66, 121, 256 Marcus Crosbie: Correspondence with Sir R. Peel: 1814-1825.ff. 11, 113, 225, 227, 2... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Ajaccio, to Carlo Andrea Pozzo di Borgo, 1790 Oct. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS, 12th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Altmaier, Carl Lewis. Lantern slides, ca.1880-1944. Winterthur Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Manuscripts in the Heineman Foundation Collection, New York, N.Y., 1785-1814 [manuscript]. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Statement by Napoleon I, [1811] Senate House Library (University of London)
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letters of Napoleon Bonaparte and others [manuscript], 1790-1853. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf R.U.S.I. MAPS. Vol. V (1-22). Portugal, Spain (including Gibraltar), Port Mahon in Minorca, and Malta. 57640 (1-5). Portugal. 1. 'Plan of the position and attack upon the heights of Busaco 27 Sept. 1810. Edwd Cust, Capn 5th Dragn Gds 19th Sept. 1810'..., 18th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856. Lutezia : no. 10 : manuscript, 1840 May 30. Houghton Library
referencedIn Jumel and Desobry records, 1808-1810 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Rome (Italy). List of works seized from Roman collections, ca. 1798, by order of Napoleon I. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn "Atlas des plans, légendes et tableaux d'organisation de l'Histoire Militaire de la campagne de Russie en 1812; par le Colonel Boutourlin." The printed work procured by Sir R. Wilson to illustrate his narrative of the campaign. Paper; ff. 43. Folio.A..., 1812 British Library
referencedIn Deane, Ernie. Normandy, 1959 [Napoleon Monument, view 1] [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. Arkansas History Commission
referencedIn The life of Edmund Kean : from published and original sources, extra-illustrated Houghton Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Napoleonic government documents on Dutch departments, 1808-1813. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Vol. LXXIII (ff. 401). Sept, 1815-May, 1816.includes:ff. 1, 4, 22, 38, 85, 154 George III of England: Correspondence of Qu. Charlotte rel. to the Duke of Cumberland's marriage: 1814, 1815.: Partly Fr.: Copies. ff. 1, 4, 22, 38, 85, 154 Ernest August... British Library
referencedIn Carson, Hampton L. (Hampton Lawrence), 1852-1929. [Hampton L. Carson Collection of Napoleonic prints] -- undated (bulk 1800-1850). Free Library of Philadelphia, Parkway Central Library
referencedIn Darlington family. Autograph files of the Darlington family, 1610-1914 [electronic resource]. University of Pittsburgh
referencedIn Fac-simile d'un acte de naissance que l'on croit être celui de Napoléon Bonaparte. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Beurnonville, Pierre de Riel, Marquis de, Marshal of France, 1752-1821. Autograph letter signed : Madrid, to the Emperor Napolean I, 1806 Jan. 17. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph draft of a proclamation to the people of Austria, with interlineations in the hand of a secretary : Vienna?, 1809. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn LETTERS, ETC., OF CHARLES MAURICE DE TALLEYRAND-PÉRIGORD, Prince of Benevento; 1804-1808. French. As follows:-(1) Eight letters of Talleyrand to Napoleon 1; 2 Fructidor, An 12 [20 Aug. 1804]-15 July 1808. Autograph. These letters, together with Add...., 1804-1808 British Library
referencedIn Jones, J. W. Diary, 1859-1860. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 486), 8 Nov. 1799-9 Aug. 1811.includes:ff. 1, 43 George Canning, Prime Minister: Despatches to Lord Wellesley on the state of Europe: 1799-1800.ff. 1, 43, 69,71, 81, 85, 93, 107, 177, 238, 288,298-381 passim,437,461,465,471 George Can... British Library
referencedIn LIVERPOOL PAPERS. Vol. CCCVI (ff. 157). Despatches of Francis Drake, British Minister at Munich; Jan.-April, 1804. Many are in cypher, decyphered. For others of the same series see 38237-38240. An accompt is included (f. 113) for secret service disbu..., 1803-1804 British Library
referencedIn Richard, Albert. Union français des amis de la paix sociale. Proclamations, 1872-1873. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Vol. XLV. (VI. ff. 267). Sept.-Dec. 1799.Egypt: Papers relating to the French Army in: 1798-1800.includes:ff. 3, 84, 90, 154 de Lizakevicz, Russian Minister to Tuscany: Letters to Lord Nelson: 1799-1800. ff. 9, 64 Conte -di Chialamberto, Sardinian ... British Library
referencedIn Napoléon [Multimédia multisupport] : Austerlitz. Bibliothèque nationale de France, BnF
referencedIn W. B. O. Field portrait collection, ca. 1600-1900. Houghton Library
referencedIn Jacob Bosanquet papers., 1802 British Library
referencedIn Vol. XXVII (ff. 263). 1811-1820.includes:f. 2 Gedney, Lincolnshire: Particulars of estate at: circ. 1811. ff. 5-8, 11 Clenchwarton, Norfolk: Papers rel. to an estate in: 1794-1811. f. 9 Wildmore Pen, Lincolnshire: Particulars of freehold estate in..., 1811-1820 British Library
referencedIn David Harris papers, 1926-1988 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Macnabb Collection: papers of successive generations of the Macnabb family who served in India, 1778-1970 British Library
referencedIn Papers of August von Gneisenau, 1953 - 1953 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Vol. VIII (ff. 157). Miscellaneous papers. Included are :-A memoir of Rev. T. Twining by R. Twining I, printed with minor alterations in A Country Clergyman (f. 1) ; an epitaph by Dr. S. Parr printed ib., copy (f. 10) ; an obituary notice by Dr. Burn... British Library
referencedIn Vol. III. (ff. 281) March, 1809-1822.includes:f. 52 Charles Philip Yorke, 4th Earl of Hardwicke: Translation of Bion's Elegy for Adonis: 1809. f. 52 Bion: Elegy for Adonis, translated into English verse by C. P. Yorke: 1809. f. 68 Philip Yorke, 3rd..., 1809-1822 British Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 171) 1803-1830.Napoleon I of France: Correspondence and papers of S. Wilson as a prisoner of war: 1803-1807.: Engl. and Fr.Stephen Wilson, prisoner of war in France: Correspondence and papers: 1803-1830.: Engl., Fr. and Germ.includes:ff...., 1803-1830 British Library
referencedIn Allais, Louis Jean, 1762-1833. Napoleonic war scenes. Cornell University Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Théâtre de St. Cloud : mémoire des ouvrages et fournitures faits pour sa majesté l'empereur et roi par Bédel, tapissier... : manuscript, 1813 [July?] . Houghton Library
referencedIn Mackenzie, Susan Marie. [Travel diary], [1815 or later]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn [Portefeuille de Bonaparte pris à Charleroi le 18 juin 1815. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Caulaincourt, Gabriel Louis, Marquis de, 1740-?. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to the First Consul, [n.d. ca. 1800]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn C., J. [Commonplace book], 1815. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf WILLOUGHBY GORDON PAPERS. Vol. XXVII (ff. 292). 1. ff. 1-97b. Correspondence with Gen. Sir Robert Thomas Wilson; 1807-1840. 2. ff. 98-292b. Letters, etc., of Lt.-Gen. John Sontag; 1804-1809.Francis Dighton, of Commander-in-Chief's Office, Horse-Guard..., 1804-1840 British Library
referencedIn Manuscrits de la bibliothèque municipale de Lyon. Supplément 1965-2335, Charavay 1-1010. Bibliothèque municipale (Lyon)
referencedIn Nougarol,. Cent jours : lettre de rappel, tous les drapeaux; Avril 1815. University of California, San Diego, UC San Diego Library; UCSD Library
referencedIn Letter from President John Adams to Secretary of State Timothy Pickering National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature, and other notes in his autograph, 1791. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn "TE DEUM," in full score, composed by Justin Heinrich Knecht in 1801 and dedicated to the Emperor Francis II. and Napoleon Buonaparte, First Consul of the French Republic. Paper; ff. 97. Belonged in 1809 to J. W. Windsor, of Bath, who presented it to..., 1801 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of Lieut.-Col. Sir Thomas Reade, Deputy Adjutant-General at St. Helena, to Sir H. Lowe; 4 May, 1816-24 Jan. 1825. Amongst them are also letters of Thomas Rainsford, Inspector of Police, f. 36; Cornet W. J. Hoath, f. 84; Major W. B. ... British Library
creatorOf France. Sovereign (1799-1814 : Napoleon I). Letter, 1813 February 17, Rapport a sa Majeste l'Empereuv et Roi [du] Ministère de la Guerre. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
referencedIn 1. Copy of correspondence of Sir H. Lowe with Baron Stürmer, the Austrian Commissioner at St. Helena; July, 1816-May, 1821, f. 1. 2. Copy of correspondence of the same with Count Balmain, the Russian Commissioner; July, 1816-April, 1820, f 52 b. 3. C... British Library
referencedIn Becke, Archibald Frank, b. 1871. Notes on development of tactics, 1704-1907 : typescript, [19--?]. Princeton University Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters; 1702-1829, viz.: 1. [Thomas Thynne] Viscount Weymouth to Sir Robert Southwell and to Edward Southwell, Secretaries of State for Ireland; Longleat, 16 Aug. 1702, 29 Nov. 1704, ff. 1, 4. 2. Knightley Chetwood, D. D. [af..., 1702-1829 British Library
referencedIn Levi Hollingsworth papers 1803-1841 1812-1815 Hollingsworth, Levi papers William L. Clements Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Théâtre des Tuileries : Mémoire de peintures de decorations faites pour la Théâtre de la cour, d'après les dessins de M. Isabey ... par Ciceri, peintre des Théâtre de la cour, et du Grand Opéra : manuscript, 1814 Jan. 10. Houghton Library
creatorOf Victor, Claude Victor Perrin, Duc de Bellune, 1764-1841. Autograph letter signed : Berlin, to the Emperor, 1807 Aug. 17. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS, 7th century-1891 British Library
referencedIn LETTERS of Joseph Luson, agent for the East India Company at the Cape of Good Hope, to Sir H. Lowe; 17 June, 1816-10 April, 1821. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn LIEVEN PAPFRS. Vol. XLI (ff. 138). Correspondence with:-(1) Prince Clemens Wenzel Nepomuk Lothar von Metternich-Winneburg, Austrian statesman; 1821-[?1826]. French. ff. 1-30 b. (2) Pál Antal Esterházy, Prince of Galántha, Austrian Ambassador in Lond..., 1811-1835 British Library
referencedIn Paisiello, Giovanni, 1740-1816. Messe [microform] / musique de Monsieur Paisiello ; composée pour le jour de la Proclamation de sa Majesté Imperiale L'Empereur des français Napoléon premier L'an 1804. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Papers, 1836-1885. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn CONTINUATION of copy of correspondence of Sir H. Lowe with the Marquis de Montchenu, May, 1819-May, 1820. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn Curzon Collection, 1809-1928 Bodleian Library, Oxford
creatorOf Davout, Louis Nicolas, duc d'Auerstædt et prince d'Eckmühl, 1770-1823. Autograph letter signed : Gand, to the First Consul, 1803 Nov. 27. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Licence spéciale, 1809 Sep 22. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Memoire de peintures de decorations faites pour la Théâtre de la cour, d'après les dessins de M. Isabey ... par Ciceri, peintre des Théâtre de la cour, et du Grand Opéra : manuscript, 1813 Jan. 10. Houghton Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Signature "Napoleon" to letter : "Au chateau de Stupinis", to his mother, 1805 Apr. 22. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to sailing permit issued to the "Argo" : the Tuileries, 1813 Jan. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Brown, Francis C. (Francis Cabell), 1936-. Francis C. Brown collection of French royal marriage contracts, 1607-1846. Princeton University Library
referencedIn [Collection of manuscript letters relating to Napoleon]. Milwaukee Public Library, Milwaukee County Federated Library System
referencedIn Las cenizas del prisionero de Santa Elena, Napoleón Bonaparte [Manuscrito]. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. Letters to Dr. Samuel Brown [manuscript], 1814 April 28 and 1820 November 3. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn COPIES of correspondence of Sir H. Lowe, as Governor of St. Helena, with the Court of Directors of the East India Company, and of minutes and memorials relating to the abolition of slavery in the Island; 1818-1820; with extracts from correspondence o..., 1800-1820 British Library
referencedIn 1. ORIGINAL letters of Brigadier-General Sir George Richard Bingham, on the Govenor's staff, at St. Helena, to Sir H. Lowe; 22 Dec. 1816-22 Sept. 1823; inclosing a letter of Lieut.-Col. John Mansel, 22 Dec. 1816, f. 1. 2. Original letters of Brigadie... British Library
referencedIn WILKS PAPERS. Vol. III (ff. i+60). 1. ff. 1-36v. 'Dialogue between a Lady [Mrs Wilks] and Her Daughter', with an introductory note from the author, S. A. Younghusband, to Miss Wilks, presumably the daughter referred to in the work; 1816. 2. ff. 37-60..., 1816-1900 British Library
referencedIn Copies of examinations, depositions, etc., respecting persons suspected to be in clandestine correspondence with Napoleon, relating to accusations of Mr. O'Meara against Sir H. Lowe, etc.; Dec. 1816-Feb. 1819 British Library
referencedIn Letter from General Winfield Scott to Secretary of State James Monroe National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Vol. XXXVIII (ff. 357). 10 Dec. 1813-11 Feb. 1814.includes:ff. 19-29b, 40,109, 183-196b, 277-287b, 294-298 Joachim Murat of Naples and Sicily; Caroline: Papers rel. to Allied negotiations with: 1813, 1814.: Engl. and Fr. copies.f. 21 Count Adam A... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Milan, to M. Manfredi, 1797 May 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1820. Autograph letter : [London?], to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., [1797?]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. ALS : La Grange, France, to Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, 1815 Dec. 26. Rosenbach Museum & Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS, viz.:-A. Certificate of election as Tribuno Superiore in the Legione Calabro-Meridionale of the Falange Sacra issued to citizen Eugenio Panizza; May, 1865. Ital. Signed, and partly written, by Giuseppe Mazzini, the..., 1616-1936 British Library
referencedIn Preston Louis Anderson Napoleonic Collection, MS 281., 1904-1938 The University of Texas at San Antonio Libraries . Special Collections
referencedIn Vol. LV (ff. 164). 1813-1814.includes:f. 1 Sir Robert Chester, Master of the Ceremonies: Correspondence with Prince Lieven: 1813-1821.: Engl. and Fr.f. 1 Sir Robert Chester, Master of the Ceremonies: Letter to Princess Lieven: 1813.ff. 2, 15, 17,..., 1813-1814 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : St. Cloud, to his brother Joseph, King of Naples, 1806 May. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Thomas Addis Emmet collection, 1483-1876 (bulk:1700-1800) New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Abdication of Napoleon I : manuscript, 1814 Apr. 6. Texas Christian University
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Passeriana, to the Executive Directory of the Cis-Alpine Republic, 1797 Oct. 1. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Sneyd, John, d. 1835,. Letters from various correspondents, 1788-1805. Houghton Library
referencedIn Crawford, William Harris, 1772-1834. William Harris Crawford papers, 1815-1829. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn SIMILAR register of letters of the same, as Governor of St. Helena, to the Secretary for War and other official personages in England; July, 1816-July, 1821; with copies of a few of later date, written after his retirement from the island; 1822-1826, 1816-1826 British Library
referencedIn HUDSON LOWE PAPERS: CORRESPONDENCE of Lieutenant-General Sir Hudson Lowe, G.C.M.G., K.C.B., Governor of St Helena 1815-1821, during the detention of Napoleon; 1803-1842. English, French, Italian and Greek. Other papers of his in the Department, on wh..., 1803-1842 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Saint-Cloud, to his brother Joseph, King of Naples, 1806 May. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Autograph letter signed "Veuve de Buonaparte" : to the Controller of Finances, 1787 or 1788 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Ruskin, John, 1819-1900. The exile of St. Helena : autograph manuscript : [n.p., n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. XLIV. (V. ff. 240). July-Aug. 1799.Ferdinand IV of Naples and Sicily; afterwards Ferdinand I of the Two Sicilies. Maria Carolina: Letters and papers relating to affairs in: 1799, circ. 1799.Ferdinand IV of Naples and Sicily; afterwards Ferdinand... British Library
referencedIn NAPOLEON BONAPARTE: "Le sommaire d'un des chapitres [xvii.] de la Campagne d'Italie." Autograph. Sent by [Emmanuel Augustin,] Comte de Las Cases, to "M. Louzada," 15 Aug. 1827, and desribed by him in the margin as "ce que je crois avoir de plus compl... British Library
creatorOf Lullin de Châteauvieux, Frédéric, 1772-1841. Manuscrit venu de Sainte Hélène d'une manière inconnue. McGill University Library
referencedIn NELSON PAPEPS. Vol. LXXXIX. Miscellaneous papers relating to Lord Nelson, consisting of a few letters and extracts, memoranda, etc., written or collected by Rev. J. S. Clarke, and used in the Life of Adm. Lord Nelson, with anecdotes, poetical pieces,..., 18th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf Napoleón I, Emperador de Francia. Papeles curiosos e interesantes [Manuscrito]. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Document signed : St. Cloud, 1803 Jun. 2. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn PAPERS relating to the disposal of the furniture and effects at Longwood, after the death of Napoleon; including, Printed catalogue of sale of household furniture; 1 April, 1822 ; with prices, f. 1; Corrected copy of Sir H. Lowe's statement relative ... British Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Letters to William Harris Crawford, 1814-1824. Texas Christian University
referencedIn MISCELLANE0US Letters and Papers, viz.:-A. Letter from Alexander Pope, the poet, to Dr William Cowper, the antiquary, thanking him for his letter and verses, and recommending classical models; Twickenham, 5 Feb. 173½. Copy. Printed in The Correspond..., 13th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn Deane, Ernie. The Madeline in Paris, Napoleon's Tomb July, 1963 [Interior view 1] [graphic] / Ernie Deane [photographer]. Arkansas History Commission
referencedIn Crouzet, Pierre, 1753-1811. [French pamphlets] Houghton Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Bayonne, to Louis Alexandre Berthier, prince de Neuchâtel, 1808 Jul. 3. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Corlis-Respess family papers, 1754-1934. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Miscellaneous theatrical papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Sir James Fellowes letters from Hester Lynch Piozzi, 1815-1820. Houghton Library
referencedIn Watts, Jane (Waldie), 1793-1826. Journal of a four months' absence from England, in the summer of 1815 - including a tour in Flanders, Holland, and France; and a short residence at Brussels and Paris in 2 volumes. Volume 2nd, [1815]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Ivrea, to his wife, Josephine, 1800 May 29. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn [Papers], [ca. 1796-1830] Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Pollock, Channing, 1880-1946. Napoleon the Great : Nixon & Zimmerman present Thomas E. Shea in the new historical drama ; a play in five periods dealing with the main incidents in the life of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his return from Egypt to Waterloo / Channing Pollock. University of Missouri -- Columbia, MU Libraries; University of Missouri; MU; Ellis Library; University of Missouri Columbia
referencedIn Vol. IV. (ff. 262),1815-1840.Island of Mauritius: Papers relating to: 1815.includes:f. 1 George Stepney, diplomatist: Letters to, 1691-1706. 37407. Sterling (Edward), journalist. Notes on the state of Europe: 1815.ff. 1, 43, 49 George Stepney, di..., 1815-1840 British Library
referencedIn [Napoleon Bonaparte] - [PAR-8867] National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Bonaparte, Letizia, 1750?-1836. Fragment of a night-robe [realia] Houghton Library
referencedIn Ginsberg (Allen) photograph collection Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Nicholls, George, 1781-1865. Letters written to Captain George Nicholls. Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
creatorOf Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825. Autograph signature to letter : St. Petersburg, to Napoleon I, 1807 Oct. 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Salle de spectacles des Tuileries année 1810 : décorations pour le service du Théâtre : manuscript, 1810 Mar. 27. Houghton Library
referencedIn Chinnery, Caroline, fl. ca. 1810,. [Collection of manuscript poetry by various authors and in various hands, mainly written to members of the Chinnery family or addressed to them by members of their circle], London and Gilwell, [ca. 1797-1825]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Sir George Cockburn Papers, 1788-1847, (bulk 1800-1820) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Franz Kobler Collection, 1906-1971, bulk 1933-1965 Leo Baeck Institute.
referencedIn Harris, David, 1900-. David Harris papers, 1926-1988. Stanford University, Hoover Institution Library
referencedIn Linke, Julian P. Autograph collection, 1804-1928. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Washington Irving's Life of George Washington Volume XII, Miscellany, 1769-1838 Cornell University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Two lines in autograph on the campaign of 1809 in Austria, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Napoleon I's love letters to Josephine : facsimiles, 1795-1800. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Melvin, Frank Edgar, b. 1881. Le système de navigation de Napoléon : manuscript, [ca. 1919] Houghton Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter : La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France, to [William Harris Crawford], n.p., 1816 Aug. 8. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Hopkinson, Joseph, 1770-1842. Letters of Joseph Hopkinson [manuscript], 1798-1834. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Ogden, James Roberts. File containing press-cuttings relating to Napoleon I, collected by James R. Ogden. Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to treaty with the German princes : Saint-Cloud, 1806 Jul. 19. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn HISTORICAL PAPERS RELATING TO ROME, ETC.; 1784-1804. Italian, Latin, French and German. Mostly printed. The papers relate largely to the Papacy's responses to the French Revolution and the French invasion of Italy and more particularly to the events ... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Order signed : Aranda, 1808 Nov. 26. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Wraxall, Nathaniel William, Sir, 1751-1831. [Travel diary - Paris], 1816 Feb 21 - 1816 Apr 24. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Mazzoni, Guido, 1859-1943. [History : Mazzoni pamphlet collection]. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Albert Stephens Borgman autograph collection, 1600-1950. Houghton Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Théâtre de St. Cloud : mémoire des ouvrages et fournitures faits à sa majesté l'empereur et roi ... par Bédel, tapissier... : manuscript, 1812 Nov. 24. Houghton Library
referencedIn Bonaventure Lafayette Collection (University of Chicago). Autograph letter : n.p., to Benjamin Constant, n.p., 1822 Aug. 22. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. Letter, 1810 September 21, Monticello, [Albemarle County, Virginia] to [William] Short, n.p. William & Mary Libraries
referencedIn Denon, Vivant, 1747-1825. Letter, n.d. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Cutts, Richard, 1771-1845. Letter : Washington, to Thomas Cutts, 1809 March 19 [manuscript]. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Tableau de l'emplacement des quartiers généraux du général Bonaparte : pendant les campagnes d'Italie et d'Egypte, de 1796 à 1800. Florida State University
referencedIn Blagden, Charles, Sir, 1748-1820. 97 ALS and 1 AL to Henry Temple, 2nd viscount Palmerston and Mary (Mee) Temple, viscountess Palmerston; various locations, 1788 Jul 9 - 1804 Nov 7. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Vol. XXVII (ff. 241). 1840.includes:ff. 16, 18 José Luiz de Sousa Botelho Mourao e Vasconcellos, Conde de Villa Real: Letters to Lord Howard de Walden: 1835, 1836.ff. 93, 94 (printed), 101 Captain Charles John Bosanquet, RN: Correspondence rel. t..., 1840 British Library
creatorOf Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793. French Revolution and Napoleonic period official correspondence, 1789-1815. Cornell University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letters patent : Fontainebleau, 1813 Jan. 26. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Records of the Bibliotheque de Napoleon, 1781-1833, 1781-1974, 1781-1833
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letters to Gen. Henri Jacques Clarke : manuscript, 1807-1813. Texas Christian University
referencedIn 1. ORIGINAL letters of Dr. Alexander Baxter, Deputy Inspector of Hospitals at St. Helena, to Sir H. Lowe and Major Gorrequer; 20 April, 1816-26 Aug. 1819, f. 1. At f. 49 is a letter of James W. Simpson, Apothecary to the Forces. to Dr. Baxter, 4 Nov.... British Library
referencedIn Manzoni, Alessandro, 1785-1873. The fifth of May [manuscript] : an ode, from the Italian of Manzoni, 19th century? Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 1739-1817. Jefferson facsimiles collection [manuscript], n.d. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS original letters, etc.; 1505-1869., 1505-18th century British Library
referencedIn Darlington family. Autograph files of the Darlington family, 1610-1914. University of Pittsburgh
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to commission for Francisco Lefer : Paris, 1802 Feb. 9. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn José I, Rey de España. Copia de una carta de José Bonaparte a su hermano Napoleón, pidiendo licencia para salir de España. Madrid, 24 de marzo de 1811 [Manuscrito]. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Papers, 1457-1990 (bulk: 1736-1880) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Antommarchi, Francesco, 1780-1838. Napoleon Bonaparte death mask [art original], after 1821. Houghton Library
referencedIn ACCOUNT of the arrest and deportation of prominent Italian ecclesiastical figures by the French, during the papacy of Pius VII (1800-1823); circa 1814. Italian. The text relates the deportation and captivity between 1808-1814 of Italian ecclesiastics... British Library
referencedIn Papers, ca., 1917-1958. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of Cardinals; 1601-1819, viz.: 1. Alessandro Albani, to the Empress Maria Theresa; Rome, 31 Oct. 1750. Ital.; with seal. f. 2. 2. L[eonardo] Antonelli; Rome, 6 Aug. 1806. Ital. f. 6. 3. Cæsar Baronius; Rome, 17 May, 1601. Lat. f. 8. ..., 1601-1819 British Library
referencedIn Bonaparte, Elizabeth Patterson, 1785-1879. Letter : Cheltenham, to William Patterson, Baltimore, 1815 Aug. 22. Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library
referencedIn Parish, David, d. 1826. ALsS : Philadelphia, to Alexander James Dallas, 1814-1816. Rosenbach Museum & Library
referencedIn Peters, Samuel. Letter, 1797 August 24. American Periodical Series I
referencedIn CHURCH PAPRES. Vol. I. (ff. 152). Letter-books and papers relating to the Ionian Islands, and to the campaigns made by Church witli the Austrian army, 1809 -1815. lncluded (f. 142) is the report on the Islands which he made for the Congress of Vienna..., 1809-1815 British Library
creatorOf Anne, Queen, consort of Louis XIII, King of France, 1601-1666. Four centuries of French history, 1494-1873. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of military officers in St. Helena to Sir H. Lowe, Sir Thos. Reade, and Major Gorrequer; viz. Major C[harles] R[obert] George] Hodson; 12 Jan. 1820, 23 July, 1821, ff. 1, 25; Lieut. W. Doveton; 10 Jan. 1820, f. 4; Captain Charles Har... British Library
referencedIn Spencer, William Marvin, 1892-1984. Spencer Napoleonica collection, 1756-1975. Newberry Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Pistoia, to his wife, Josephine, 1796 Jun. 26. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Fragment of a Document bearing the signature of Napoleon I; 25 Feb. 1813. The document is countersigned by Pierre Daru, Ministre Secrétaire d'Etat. On the verso is the note in an unknown hand 'Autograph of the late Napoleon (Bonaparte) dated from the... British Library
referencedIn David, Jacques Louis, 1748-1825. Autograph letter signed : [Paris?], to an unidentified correspondent, 1808 Jun. 13. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph), 1859-1927. Photographs, [190-]-[199-]. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS, papers, etc., 1554-19th century British Library
referencedIn Butler, Pierce, 1744-1822. ALS, 1806 February 3 : near Darien, [Georgia], to F.D. Petit de Villers, Savanna [sic]. Copley Press, J S Copley Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to commission : Paris, 1804 Mar. 27. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Eaton, Charlotte A. (Charlotte Anne), 1788-1859. Narrative of a few days' residence in Belgium in June 1815, and of a visit to the Field of Waterloo, [ca. 1817]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Napoleon Bonaparte. Seal of Em. pire [1805-1814].Napoleon I of France: Seals. British Library
referencedIn Sadler, James, 1751-1828. Letter, 1808, Sept. 3. Denver Public Library, Central Library
creatorOf Napoleón I, Emperador de Francia. Memorias de Napoleón dictadas a los generales Baron Gourgaud y Conde de Montholon, que le acompañaron en su cautividad en Santa Elena, publicadas acorde a los manuscritos corregidos por su propia mano [Manuscrito] traducido por el General José María Torrijos. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878. Letter : [London], to George Thornbury, [London], 1851 Feb. 28. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn [Letter, August 22, 1805] St. Cloud [to] Napoleon, Paris / Adjutant-commander. Phoenix Public Library
referencedIn McAllister, W.Y.,. Bonaparte Family Clippings Collection, Scrapbook, 1799-1895. Temple University Libraries, Paley Library
referencedIn Wood, J., fl. 1815. Journal of "A tour to the Northern States in the summer of 1815 through Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania", 1815. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Program of the festivities at Vienna from Sunday March 4th to Tuesday March 13th, 1810 : Wien, 1810 Mar. 6 / Bythe Overhofmeisteramte. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn File containing press-cuttings relating to Napoleon I, collected by James R. Ogden, 1900-1930 GB 206 Leeds University Library
referencedIn Muravʹev-Apostol, Ivan Matveevich, 1765?-1851. Letters from Moscow to Nigeny Norvgorod : manuscript, [1825] Houghton Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXVII (ff. 229). 1802-July, 1803.includes:ff. 2-4, 12 Ferdinand III; Grand Duke of Tuscany: Correspondence, as Archduke Ferdinand of Austria, with Sir A. Paget: 1801.: Fr.f. 6 R. Baboui, merchant(?), of Vienna: Letter to Sir A. Paget: 1802...., 1802-1803 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : St. Cloud, to François de Neufchâteau, 1804 Oct. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Chester, John Needels, 1864-1955,. John Needels Chester collection, 1703-1939. The Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
referencedIn Napoleoniana, c. 1895 (copies of originals of 1815-1816) Cambridge University Library, Department of Manuscripts and University Archives
referencedIn Miscellaneous theatrical costume designs, ca. 1914-1978. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Vol. III. (ff. 330), April 1811-1814.includes:f. 1 Domingo Antonio de Souza-Couttinho, Conde de Funchal; Portuguese Envoy to England: Letter to the Duke of Wellington: 1811.: Fr.: Copy.f. 5 Richard Wellesley, 2nd Earl of Mornington; Marquess Well... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL correspondence of Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe, official and private, when Quartermaster-General of the British Army in the Netherlands, and in independent commaud at Genoa; Jan. 1814-Dec. 1815. The writers are as follow: Andreis, , Major. French. ... British Library
referencedIn Viaje del Sumo Pontífice Pío VII a Francia [Manuscrito] escrito en francés por un anónimo y traducido al castellano por Don L. de N. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn William Makepeace Thackeray collection, 1832-1897. Houghton Library
referencedIn Vol. CLXXIX (ff. 380). July, 1818-Dec. 1819.includes:ff. 1-6 Windsor Castle; Berkshire: Papers rel. to the royal establishment at: 1812-1818. f. 7 Sir Robert Seppings, surveyor of the navy; FRS: Retum signed by: 1818. f. 7 Hon Henry Legge, Navy Com... British Library
referencedIn William B. Osgood Field collection of additional prints, ca. 1580-1917. Houghton Library
referencedIn Jarvis, Russell, 1790-1853. Papers, 1817-1828. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn LETTERS and papers principally relating to Napoleon and his attendants at Longwood, in the following order: 1. Note of conversations with Napoleon, 7 Jan., 5 May, 1816. Fr. f. 1. 2. Memorandum for Sir Thomas Reade's communication to Napoleon Bonapart..., 1816-1821 British Library
referencedIn Charles Besly Gribble papers., 1815-1840 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Lodi, to Gen. Berthier, 24 Floréal an 4. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1820. Autograph letter : n.p., to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., 1797 June 28. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn FOX PAPERS. Vol. XXV (ff. 101). (1) Letters to General the Hon. R. Fitzpatrick from Marie Joseph Paul Roch Yves Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de La Fayette, and his wife, Marie Adrienne Françoise; 1777-1810. Mostly in French. The letter at f. 36, 8 Oct...., 1759-1811 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Secolo delle tenebre della luce : manuscript, [18--?]. Princeton University Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. i. + 224). 15 Feb. 1813-25 Nov. 1814. The writers are:-1. Col. Hudson Lowe; 15 Feb. 1813-25 Nov. 1814. ff. 2, 6, 19, 25, 35, 76, 109-132, 140-171, 187, 195, 202-217, 221-230. 2. Col. Neil Campbell, commissioner with the Russian army and... British Library
referencedIn Napoleon Bonaparte, military letters University of Nebraska - Lincoln
referencedIn Bonaventure Lafayette Collection (University of Chicago). Extrait d'une letter d'Hambourg du 20 juin : manuscript copy, [1797]. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835. Papers, 1746-1900. American Philosophical Society Library
referencedIn Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835,. Autograph letter signed from W.H. Ireland to unidentified recipient [manuscript], 1822 August 27. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Blake, George, 1769-1841. Letter, 1825 January 8, Boston, to Daniel Webster, [Washington]. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Port-Maurize [Porto Mauizio], to his wife, Josephine, 1796 Apr. 3. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Document on vellum signed : Paris, 1803 May 30. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Lullin de Châteauvieux, Frédéric, 1772-1841. Manuscrit venu de St. Hélène d'une manière inconnue. McGill University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Tortona, to his wife, Josephine, 1796 Jun. 15. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn VOLS. IX.-XXVII. Copy of correspondence of Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe, Governor of the island of St. Helena, with the British Government, and with officers and others in the island, of notes of conversations with the Emperor Napoleon and his attend... British Library
referencedIn Goldfrase, J. Private memorandums - extracts - remarks ... commenced at St. Helena 24th October 1821 : ms. S. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Louis-Marie de La Revellière-Lépeaux papers, 1789-1872, 1789-1815 Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn HERTFORD PAPERS. Vol. VIII (ff. 185). Viz.:-(1) Papers and correspondence of Francis Charles, afterwards 3rd Marquess of Hertford, relating to his unsuccessful mission to Paris, as Lord Yarmouth, to negotiate a peace with Napoleon; 1806. Some of the..., 1806-1825 British Library
referencedIn 46362. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS.Paper and (artt. M, S) vellum; ff. 154. Large folio. XIV-XX centt., 14th century-20th century British Library
referencedIn Bruckner, Ferdinand, 1891-1958. Napoleon the First / by Ferdinand Bruckner ; adapted by Sidney Kingsley. Ohio State University Libraries
referencedIn Cobbett, William, 1763-1835. William Cobbett manuscript material : 7 items, 1802-1830 New York Public Library System, NYPL
referencedIn Norwood, Olin. Olin Norwood collection, 1621-1945. Florida State University
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter signed : La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France, to [William Harris Crawford], Washington, 1815 Nov. 7. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Vol. V (ff. 248).includes:f. 8 Art. Portraits: Napoleon I; pencil sketch attrib. to Capt. G. Hotham: 1817.f. 8 Napoleon I of France: Pencil sketch of, attrib. to Capt. G. Hotham: 1817.f. 8 Captain George Hotham, RE: Pencil sketch of Napoleon I ... British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS original letters, etc., 1588-1877 British Library
creatorOf Bonaparte, François-Charles-Joseph, Herzog von Reichstadt, 1811-1832. The three Napoleons. Three original autographs, 1809-1854. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Quadri, Alessandro. Plan and description of the senatorial palaces at Bologna, 1807 June 24. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS autoGraph letters, 1584-1836; viz.1. Martinus Crusius to Polycarp Leyser; Tübingen, 29 31ar. 1584. Lat. f. 1. 2. [Frangois de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambray]; 20 Jan. 1714. Fr. With engraved portrait. f. 2. 3. Giamb..., 1584-1836 British Library
referencedIn Sheldon, Frank Merritt. Frank Merritt Sheldon autograph collection, 1737-1941. UC Berkeley Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to note on letter addressed to him by Marshall Bertrand : Saint-Cloud, 1804 May 31. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn French Revolution and Napoleon manuscripts, 1752-1882 [bulk 1788-1815] Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections, Cornell University Library.
referencedIn Vol. LXXII (ff. 394). Jan.-Aug. 1815.includes:f. 1 Mrs Campbell, Sub-Governess to Princess Charlotte: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1814, 1815. f. 2 John Poulett, 4th Earl Poulett: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 181... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph note initialed, at foot of letter of his sister Elisa to the Duc de Gaëte : Paris, 1810 Jun. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Lullin de Châteauvieux, Frédéric, 1772-1841. Manuscrit venu de Ste. Hèléne dune maniere inconnue, [1817-1818]. Newberry Library
referencedIn Papers of Lt-Col James Romney, Bombay Army 1779-1804, including official and other correspondence, poetry, essays and plays, 1777-1802 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letter from General Napoleon Bonaparte to his brother Joseph Bonaparte, "député au Conseil des 500;" Cairo, 7 Thermidor [25 July, 1798]. Fr. Holograph; with the signature torn off, and with seal. Endorsed by Lord Nelson, "Found on the person... British Library
creatorOf Probate of the Will and Codicils of Napoleon Bonaparte, 1824 British Library
creatorOf Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827. Pierre Simon Laplace papers, 1697-1873. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn O'Meara, Barry Edward, 1786-1836. Autograph letter signed : Longwood, to Sir Hudson Lowe, 1816 Nov. 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Lee, Charles Carter, 1798-1871, collector. Collection, 1768-1931 (bulk 1813-1870) [microform]. Library of Virginia
referencedIn Fawn (Ship : 1812). Fawn (Ship : 1812) logbook, 1817-1818. Harvard Business School, Knowledge and Library Services/Baker Library
referencedIn Latta family. Papers, [ca.1880-ca.1930] Winterthur Library
referencedIn Blätter der Erinnerung, 1835- L. Tom Perry Special Collections
referencedIn Goodrich, Elizur, 1761-1849. ALsS : Washington, D.C., to Stephen Twining, New Haven, 1800-1801. Rosenbach Museum & Library
referencedIn Autograph File, C Houghton Library
referencedIn Béranger, Pierre Jean de, 1780-1857. Oeuvres choisies de Beranger, [19th century]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Mitchell's Rare and Standard Books. Letter : New York, to unknown person, 1892 Feb. 4. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Travel journal : kept by an Englishwoman in Europe, 1825 April 24-August 19. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Saint-Cloud, to the Minister of War, 1803 May 31. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Giovanni Barberi, 1812-1821. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Vol. XXIV (ff. 298). 17 July 1814-Dec. 1816.includes:ff. 1, 6, 23, 67, 68, 117, 135, 170 Francesco Statella, Principe di Cassaro; majordomo of the King of Naples: Letters to Sir W. A'Court: 1814-1820.: Ital.f. 2 Giuseppe Burgio, Duca di Villafior... British Library
referencedIn Autograph File, N, 1686-1975. Houghton Library
referencedIn Andrews, Loring, 1768-1805,. Letters to Ebenezer Foote, 1794-1820. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn University of California, Berkeley. University Extension. Buonaparte, adventurer, reformer, conqueror, legend : a weekend seminar, March 14-15, 1987, UC Berkeley campus. San Jose State University
referencedIn PAGET PAPERS (2ND SERIES). Vol. XXXII (ff. 208). Manu-script and typewritten drafts, partly imperfect of The Paget Papers. The typewritten sections are annotated by Sir Augustus. Another hand has added page numbers and annotations on separate slips i... British Library
referencedIn COPRESPONDENCE and papers of Col. Henry E. Bunbury (afterwards Lieut. Gen. Sir H. E. Bunbury, Bart.) as Under Secretary of State for War, relating to the campaigns in Germany, France and Belgium the restoration of the Bourbons, the return of Napoleon..., 1813-1816 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS original letters; 1621-1851. Fr. The writers are: 1. J. V. B. van Heuvel to Prince Maurice of Nassau; Soest, 23 Mar. [? 1621]; with seals, f. 1. 2. Prince Frederic Henry of Nassau to Constantin Huygens, Heer van Zuylichem; Boxtel, "du C..., 1621-1851 British Library
referencedIn Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856. Autograph notes unsigned : [n.p., n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Mencacci, Paolo. Fondo Mencacci, 1792-1870. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Davout, Louis Nicolas, duc d'Auerstædt et prince d'Eckmühl, 1770-1823. Rapport à sa majesté l'Empereur : to Napoleon I, 1815 May 6. Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library
creatorOf C. 'Vue de la Lianne depuis le pont de service jusques à la Briqueterie de Pittaudal avec les dispositions d'amassage des divers batimens de la Flotille Imperiale et Batave'; 1805. Key to map signed 'saint haouen', 'le chef militaire de la marine imp..., 1805 British Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS original letters, addressed to Sir Hudson Lowe, 17 Jan. 1816-24 March, 1829, with a few of his own drafts, chronologically arranged. The writers are: Rear-Admiral Sir Charles Rowley, K.C.B., f. 1. A. McKenroe [to Capt. Stanfell], f. 3. ... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Printed invitation to a spectacle at court, 1810 Sept. 20. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn (X. ff 432). 1808-1810.includes:ff. 1, 423 Thomas Waddington, Rector of Wimpole: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke 1789-1814. ff. 3,410 William Dunn Gardner: Letters to the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1808-1811. ff. 5, 28, 42, 53, 112 Reverend George Leona..., 1808-1810 British Library
creatorOf Chaloner, John Armstrong, 1862-1935. Papers of John Armstrong Chaloner. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Rosengarten, J. G. (Joseph George), 1835-1921. General Count de Rochambeau and The Château de Rochambeau, and related materials, ca. 1892-1895. University of Pennsylvania Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph draft of a speech to be made to the people of Corsica : [n.p.], ca. 1796. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Napoleon in Gotha, [18--?]. Cornell University Library
referencedIn PAPERS relating to Barry E. O'Meara's charges against Sir Hudson Lowe; 1816, 1822: including,Notes of Sir H. Lowe on O'Meara's letters, in 1816, 1817, f. 1; Copy of O'Meara's letter to J. W. Croker, 28 Oct. 1818 ; with marginal pencil notes by Sir H...., 1816-1822 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Two lines in autograph : written at St. Helena, ca. 1821. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Berthault, Pierre Gabriel, 1737-1831. French Revolution military scenes. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Fonds d'archives du collège des Irlandais de Paris Centre culturel irlandais (Paris). Service des ressourcesdocumentaires
referencedIn Topical pamphlet collection, <1741>-<1996>. Concord Free Public Library, Special Collection
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters and original documents; 1529-1850:-1. Charles V. of Germany, to his. aunt, Margaret of Savoy, Archduchess of Austria, as Regent of the Low Countries, ordering her to issue a "Placet" for the admission of Jehan Baptist..., 1529-1850 British Library
referencedIn PAPERS relating to the Commissariat at St. Helena, and to the pay of the troops; 1815-1820. Paper. Folio., 1815-1820 British Library
referencedIn PAPERS Of Sir R. Wilson, chiefly relating to political affairs; 1800-1829. Included are:-1. " The correspondence between his Majesty, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, and Mr. Addington, on the offer of military service made by the Prince of Wa..., 1800-1829 British Library
referencedIn BLAKENEY COLLECTION. Vol. XXIX. Account by Sir Pulteney Malcolm of interviews with Napoleon Bonaparte on St Helena; 1816-1817. Published, with one omission, as A Diary of St. Helena, ed. Sir A. Wilson (2nd edn., 1929), where, although known as 'Lady ..., 1816-1817 British Library
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : [London?], to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., [1797?]. Texas Christian University
creatorOf France. Ministère de la guerre. Rapport présenté à sa majesté l'Empereur et Roi : manuscript, 1808 Apr. 6 / par le Ministre-Directeur [de l'Administration de la Guerre]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Rare Book & Manuscript Library General Manuscript Collection, 1789-2013 Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn 1. ORIGINAL letters of Rear-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm, Commander-in-Chief at the Cape of Good Hope, to Sir Hudson Lowe; with drafts of letters of the latter ; 30 Aug. 1816-19 Oct. 1817, f. 1. 2. "Copy of correspondence between Sir Hudson Lowe and ... British Library
creatorOf Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich, 1899-1977. Autograph file, N, 1686-1975. Houghton Library
referencedIn Larrey, D. J. (Dominique Jean), baron, 1766-1842. Field diary in Russia : autograph manuscript signed, 1812 Feb. 4-1813 Oct. 1. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn MISCELLANY relating to the dispute between Popes Pius VI (1775-1799) and Pius VII (1800-1823) and Napoleon I; circa 1798-1816. Italian, French, and Latin. Copies and drafts. The MS. also includes a relazione (art. d. below) of Napoleon's campaign in ... British Library
referencedIn COPIES of Napoleon's observations on the speech of Earl Bathurst in the House of Lords [18 March, 1817], respecting his treatment at St. Helena, and of notes upon them by Sir Hudson Lowe; 1817-1819. French and English. Partly printed. Paper. Folio., 1817-1819 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to sailing permit issed to the "Argo" : the Tulleries, 1813 Jan. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Department of Music of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Records, 1937-1983 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. University Archives and Records Service
referencedIn The same, for the .,Hundred Days," 1815.Napoleon I of France: Seals.Jews: Seals with Jewish Legends. British Library
referencedIn Roberts family. Letters, 1815-1881. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Napoleon I, small seal, 1809. (142)Napoleon I of France: Small seal: 1809. British Library
referencedIn Bonaparte family papers. Wichita State University, Ablah Library
referencedIn 46839. MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS, viz.:, 1260-1923 British Library
referencedIn Fain, Agathon-Jean-François, baron, 1778-1837. Journal des séjours de l'Empereur pendant ses voyages et ses campagnes / tenu au cabinet par le bon Fain. Florida State University
referencedIn Norvins, M. de, 1769-1854. Autograph letter signed : n.p., to [J.J.] Tissot, Paris, 1827 June 14. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812. Papers of Joel Barlow [manuscript] 1792-1812. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. Spoglio del Achille Maria Ricci, ca. 1818-1861. Bentley Historical Library
creatorOf Napoleon I in Manuscripts in the Heineman Foundation Collection, New York, N.Y., 1785-1814 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Rare Book Literary and Historical Papers.
referencedIn John Milton and Ruth Neils Ward Collection (Harvard Theatre Collection). Le Corse à Paris, ou, Dernier essay [sic] de la faction des jacobins : opéra parodie-comique en deux actes : manuscript, [180-?]. Harvard University, Harvard Theater Collection, Harvard College Library
referencedIn Smith, Harry Bache, 1860-1936. Autographs and engravings illustrating the life of Napoleon Bonaparte : comprising [signed] letters and documents at all periods .... / collected and described by Harry B. Smith. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn Livingston, Edward, 1764-1836. Livingston family papers, 1634-1909. Library of Congress
referencedIn Lawrence, Thomas, Sir, 1769-1830. Autograph letter signed : Walpole Square, to J[ohn] J[ulius] Angerstein, [1818 Aug. 10]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn "CORRFSPONDENCE upon the subject of a general exchange of prisoners of war between Great Britain and France." Official copies of correspondence between the Admiralty and the Transport Board, 12 Oct. 1809-9 Nov. 1810; prepared for publication, with ma... British Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter : La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France, to [William Harris Crawford], n.p., 1816 Aug. 8. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 248). 18 July 1809-24 Dec. 1813.includes:ff. 1-2 Napoleon I of France: Decrees conferring French citizenship on W. and T. Russell: 1807, 1809.: Fr.: Copies.f. 3 Boullée, merchant, of Luc, département Calvados: Letter to T. Russell: 1... British Library
referencedIn Vol. CLXXV (ff. 316). July, 1813-Apr. 1814.includes:f. 1 George III of England: Correspondence and papers of the King's Trustees: 1812, 1813. f. 1 Count Ernst Friedrich Herbert von Muenster-Meinhoevel,; Hanoverian Minister in England: Reports as Com... British Library
referencedIn John W. Croker papers 1765-1860 1765-1857 Croker, John W. papers William L. Clements Library
referencedIn More, Hannah, 1745-1833,. Autograph letter signed from Hannah More, Barley Wood, to Mrs. Garrick [manuscript], 1815 November 25. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Warden, William, 1777-1849. Lettres écrites à bord du vaisseau de S.M. le Northumberland, et à St. Hélène : dans lesquelles on décrit et l'on raconte fidelement la conduite et les conversations de Napoléon Bonaparte et des personnes de sa suite ; pendant la traversée et les premiers mois de sa résidence dans cette ile / par William Warden, chirurgien du Northumberland. London 1816. Paris, 25 janvier 1817. Newberry Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of Major Anthony Emmett, commanding the Royal Engineers, to Sir H. Lowe and Major Gorrequer, relating to construction of buildings, etc. ; 1816-1821; with the military report of the same on the Island of St. Helena, 16 May, 1816, f. ..., 1816-1821 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to note, at foot of letter addressed to him by Gen. Berthier, about 1800. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. CLXXI (ff. 310). 1807 (undated)-July, 1810.includes:f. 1 City of Copenhagen: Memoranda conc. siege of: 1807. ff. 1-11 Christian VII; King of Denmark: Papers rel. to the war with: 1807. ff. 16, 37, 61, 112, 150 Ireland: Memoranda conc. police, ... British Library
referencedIn Beauharnais, François, Marquis de 1756-1823. Cartas de François Beauharnais, embajador de Francia en España, a D. Manuel Godoy, Príncipe de la Paz (h. 1-5). Carta de Manuel Godoy a François Beauharnais, rectificando el plan de Napoleón sobre la conquista de Portugal (h. 6-7). Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn Extra-illustrated Life of Nollekens, 1708-1875, 1768-1836 Yale Center for British Art
referencedIn MacCarthy mss., 1863-1991 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
referencedIn Abrantès, Laure Junot, duchesse d', 1784-1838. Letter : n.p., to Prince Kozlofski, n.p., [ca. 1831]. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Bayard, Maria, 1789-1875. Maria Bayard diary, 1814-1815. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf France. Sovereign (1799-1814 : Napoleon I). Letter, 1810 November 4, Rapport a sa Majeste l'Empereuv et Roi [du] Ministère de la Guerre. Texas Tech University Libraries, Academic Library
referencedIn Hedgcock, Frank A. (Frank Arthur), b. 1875,. Autograph letters signed from Frank Arthur Hedgcock, Paris and Villennes-sur-Seine, to Mr. Alexander Meyrick Broadley [manuscript], 1911. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Autograph of Napoleon Bonaparte as first consul, 1804. New-York Historical Society
referencedIn Letters of Samuel Johnson, LL.D., collected and edited by George Birkbeck Hill, extra-illustrated, 1413-1900 (inclusive), 1775-1839 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Kinloch, Francis, 1755-1826. Francis Kinloch papers, 1787-1819. University of South Carolina, System Library Service, University Libraries
referencedIn Bellune, Claude-Victor Perrin, duc de, 1764-1841. Claude Victor proclamation, 1802. Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed "Veuve de Buonaparte" : to the Controller of Finances, [1787 or 1788]. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf DAVISON PAPERS. VOL. I (ff. xx). Correspondence and papers of Alexander Davison and (ff. ) his son, Lt.-Col. William Davison, K.B., K.H. Partly annotated in other hands in pencil and ink: -1. Letters and papers of Rev. William Nelson, 1st Earl N... British Library
referencedIn REGISTER of correspondence of the same with the Counts Las Cases and Bertrand, and General Gourgaud, attached to Napoleon's household at Longwood, July, 1816-June, 1818. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn Gardel, Pierre, 1758-1840. Noms des artistes qui ont executé devant sa Majesté l'Impératrice Reine le quadrille du 2 mars 1807, Paris. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Chester, John Needels 1864-1955. John Needels Chester Collection. University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH, 16th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Retained draft of an order of promotion signed : Paris, 1800. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. xlviii. (ff. 517). 1814-1833.George Eden, 1st Earl of Auckland; 2nd Baron Auckland: Correspondence: 1814-1845.includes:f. 1 Richard Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 1st Duke of Buckingham and Chandos: Letters to 1st Lord Auckland: 1805-1..., 1814-1833 British Library
referencedIn Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. Letter, 1814 February 23, Monticello, [Albemarle County, Virginia] to [William Short], n.p. William & Mary Libraries
referencedIn Vol. XIII (ff. 169). Apr. 1807-July 1810.Navy; England: Papers of C. P. Yorke as First Lord of the Admiralty: 1810-1812.includes:f. 1 John Craggs Eliot, 2nd Baron Eliot (1804); and 1st Earl of St Germans (1815): Letters to his brother-in-law, C. P.... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to note, on letter from the Legislature of the Department of L'Aveyron : to Gen. Moncey, 16 Pluviose an 10. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter signed : La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France, to [William Harris Crawford], Washington, 1815 Nov. 7. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Tucker, Thomas Tudor, 1745-1828. Papers of Thomas Tudor Tucker, 1791-1824. Library of Congress
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters from Thomas Henry Brooke, Secretary to the Government at St. Helena, to Lieut.-General Sir Hudson Lowe, Governor, upon official matters; 1816-1821, 1816-1821 British Library
referencedIn Hester Maria Elphinstone Keith papers, 1780-1910 (inclusive), 1780-1821 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Bibesco, Marthe, 1886-1973. Princess Marthe Bibesco Papers 1768-1976 (bulk 1904-1973). Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
referencedIn ORIGINAL, LETTERS Of musicians, arranged as in the preceding volume ; 16th-19th centt. The names of writers are given in the Index. Among them are:-Dr. Thomas Augustus Arne. Sir Henry Rowley Bishop. Dr. William Boyce. Orlando Gibbons. Henry Lawes. Ma..., 16th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Rambouillet, to Madame La Comtesse Montesquiou, governess of his son, the King of Rome, 1811 May 17. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I. to Marshal [Louis Alexandre] Berthier [afterwards Prince de Neufchâtel et de Wagram], Minister of War; 5 Vendémiaire, an 13 [27 Sept. 1804]-4 Complémentaire, an 13 [21 Sept. 1805]. Fr. In the han... British Library
referencedIn Letters from Charles XIV, King of Sweden and Norway, [1813] Senate House Library (University of London)
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Osterode, to Talleyrand, 1807 Mar. 12. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821,. Brevet de capitaine pour le Cn. Peyrat (Raymond). University of California, Los Angeles
referencedIn OFFICIAL letters from Henry, Earl Bathurst, Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, and Sir Henry Edward Bunbury and the Rt. Hon. Henry Goulburn, Under-Secretaries for the same, with enclosures, to Sir Hudson Lowe, relative to the custody of the..., 1710-1823 British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters, in the character of reports, of Captain Engelbert Lutyens, orderly officer at Longwood, to Major Gorrequer, Military Secretary to Sir H. Lowe; 10 Feb. 1820-24 June, 1823. Intermixed with them are letters of Lieut. F. S. Croad, ff. 1... British Library
referencedIn Johannot, Alfred, 1800-1837. French Revolution graphics collection. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Vol. I. (ff. 463). 1774-1817.includes:f. 1 Reverend Thomas Jones: Application for an E. I. Company's cadetship: 1774.: Copy. ff. 3, 5 Sir Benjamin Hobhouse, 1st Baronet: Letters to W. Smith: 1796. f. 7 Sir John Cam Hobhouse, 2nd Baronet; Baron Brou..., 1774-1817 British Library
referencedIn Copies of Documents Used In an Exhibit of German Military Documents from the Heeresarchiv Potsdam, 1948 - 1948 National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperador de los Franceses, 1769-1821. Soldados: mal aconsejado el populacho de Madrid se ha levantado y cometido asesinatos : Bien se que los españoles que merecen ... Dibam Biblioteca Nacional de Chile
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Milan, to General Chabran, 1805 May 13. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. DCCVII (ff. 302). [19th century]includes:ff. 1-14 Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine: Digest by W. E. Gladstone of his Praeparatio Evangelica: n.d.ff. 15-25, 169, 181, 182, 225-228 Theology: Memoranda by W. E. Gladstone on theological..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Fesch, Joseph, 1763-1839. Letter, 1834 September 12, Rome, to Pierre Bonaparte, [Castle of St. Angelo]. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Inventory of the Everette B. Long Papers 1949-1981 Cushing Memorial Library,
referencedIn Nos. 41192-41194 were purchased at the sale of a further portion of the collection of the 26th Earl of Crawford (cf. 41170-41173).41192. LETTERS AND PAPERS largely relating to the campaigns of the First French Republic, 14 Pluviose, an 4 [3 Feb. 1796..., 1796-1804 British Library
referencedIn Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. Letter, 1817 June 13, Monticello, [Albemarle County, Virginia] to Chevalier Pio, Rue St. Honore, Paris, [France]. William & Mary Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Naporeon shomeiiri bunsho. Waseda University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter, 1811. Harold B. Lee Library
referencedIn 1. COPIES of receipts and other papers connected with Messrs. Balcombe, Cole, and Fowler's accounts with the establishment at Longwood; 1816-1819. French. f. 1. 2. Lists of persons on the establishment at Longwood, and employed there, with estimates ..., 1815-1821 British Library
referencedIn Hester Lynch Piozzi correspondence, 1769-1820. Houghton Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to sailing permit issued to the "Fortitude" : the Tuileries, 1813 Feb. 25. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Miscellanies religious and moral, [1797 and later]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : [London], to the editor of the Morning Chronicle, [London], 1797 Aug. 16. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1820. Autograph letter : n.p., to [Marquis de Lafayette], [La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France?], 1800 Feb. 13. University of Chicago Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Paris, to Viscountess Josephine de Beauharnais, later his wife, 1795? Dec. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn COPIES of letters of Barry E. O'Meara, Surgeon, R.N., and medical attendant on Napoleon, to John Finlaison, of the Admiralty, 22 Oct., 1815-10 Aug. 1818. Paper. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : n.p., to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., 1797 June 28. Texas Christian University
referencedIn ORIGINAL LETTERS of sovereigns and noblemen, actors, artists, and authors; arranged in each class, according to the nationalities of the writers, under the beads of England, Flanders, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and th..., 16th century-19th century British Library
referencedIn Murphy, Frank H., Papers University of West Florida Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to note, on letter from the Legislature of the Department of L'aveyron : to Gen. Moncey, [n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Vol. XXVII (ff. 177). 1801-1823.includes:f. 1 Mary Caroline Duff, wife of James, 4th Earl Fife: Letter to Sir C. J. Napier: 1801.f. 3 Major Alexander Dun Cameron, 95th Foot: Letter to Sir C. J. Napier: 1804.f. 5 Captain William Willermin, Royal..., 1801-1823 British Library
referencedIn France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. Service du grand chambellan : Théâtre des Tuileries : mémoire des ouvrages et fournitures faits pour sa majesté l'empereur et roi au Palais des Thuilleries [sic] par Bédel, tapissier... : manuscript, 1814 Mar. 10. Houghton Library
creatorOf Napoleon Bonaparte, Military Letters, 1798, 1810 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library
referencedIn COPIES of Returns relating to the pay of officers and men stationed in St. Helena, of abstracts of warrants for payments for the establishment of Napoleon, and similar documents; March, 1816-June, 1821 British Library
referencedIn Duchein, Annie, b. ca. 1872. Annie Duchein sketchbook, 1870, 1886-1887. Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Passeriana, to the Executive Directory of the Cis-Alpine Republic, 1797 Oct. 1. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Julian, Gertrude E. M. Autograph collection of Gertrude E. M. Julian, 1491-1888. Library of Congress
referencedIn "SUBSTANCE of information obtained respecting General Bonaparte's indisposition since the day on which an English Medical officer [Dr. Arnott] was called upon to visit him," 1 April-5 May, 1821; with copies of the "Report of appearances on dissection... British Library
referencedIn Papers relating to the will of Napoleon Bonaparte, ex-Emperor including:-1. Cover to the original will, in the handwriting of [Charles Tristan] Comte de Montholon, f. 1. 2. Letters from the Comie de Montholon to William Fox, proctor in the Prerogati... British Library
referencedIn Vol.XXXVI(ff.328). 18 Sept. -27 Oct. 1813.includes:ff. 1, 3, 7-10b, 83 Charles William Vane, Baron Stewart; formerly Stewart; 3rd Marquess of Londonderry: Correspondence with Lord Aberdeen: 1813-1854.ff. 5, 98, 111 Alexander Horn, alias 'Maurus';... British Library
referencedIn John Jacob Lehmanowsky papers, 1794-1855. New York State Historical Documents Inventory
referencedIn Maxim, Hudson, 1853-1927. Papers, 1861-1926. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Donne, William Bodham, 1807-1882. Napoleon [microform] : a petite drama in one act. Old Dominion University, Old Dominion University Libraries
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter : La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France, to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., 1802 May 21. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Vol. LVII (ff. 251). 1816-1817. British Library
referencedIn (XI. ff. 418). 1813-Feb. 1816.includes:ff. 1, 250 Hon Frederic John Robinson, Viscount Goderich (1827) and (1833) Earl of Ripon; Private Secretary to Lord Hardwicke: Correspondence with the 3rd Lord Hardwicke: 1805-1819. ff. 3, 19, 42, 63, 67, 103, ..., 1813-1816 British Library
referencedIn WEEKLY reports of Captains George Nicholls and Engelbert Lutyens, orderly officers, of the visitors at Longwood, and of the security of Napoleon's person; 14 Sept. 1818-2 April, 1821. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn "CORRESPONDANCE de M. le Général Vial avec les chefs de l'Expédition et les Autorités de l'Egypte;" copies of letters of the General to Bonaparte, Berthier, Lagrange, and others, 7 July-10 Nov. 1798. Paper. Folio. [Add. 17,324.], 1798 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 180) 1803-1830.Napoleon I of France: Correspondence and papers of S. Wilson as a prisoner of war: 1803-1807.: Engl. and Fr.Stephen Wilson, prisoner of war in France: Correspondence and papers: 1803-1830.: Engl., Fr. and Germ.includes:ff. ..., 1803-1830 British Library
referencedIn HENRY PAPERS. Vol. V. Miscellaneous letters and papers relating to Philip Henry and his descendants; 1660-1863. Included are:-(a) seven letters of Philip Henry to Sir Henry Ashurst (ff. 4-23 passim), of which the first six are printed in The Life of ..., 1660-1863 British Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. LS : LaGrange, France, to James Madison, 1806 Nov. 15. Rosenbach Museum & Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Document signed : Paris, 12 Pluviose l'an 12 [1804 Feb. 6]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. XXXVIII (ff. 179). 1818-1834.includes:ff. 1, 116 General Sir George Murray, GCB: Letters to Sir J. W. Gordon: 1807-1830. ff. 2, 11 Major-General Sir Neil Campbell, d.1827: Letters, etc., to Sir J. W. Gordon: 1809-1818. f. 7 John Sanders, RA: L..., 1818-1834 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Facsimile of Napoleon I's abdication [manuscript], 1955 [1814 April 6]. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn France, Anatole, 1844-1924. Autograph draft unsigned of a dissertation : [n.p., n.d.]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn " CARTE Hydrographique de la Baye de Cadix," by Jacques Nicholas Bellin, Ingenieur (le la Marine; published in 1762. This copy %Vas sent by the Emperor Napoleon to his brother Joseph, King of Spain, and was captured in a mail by a detachment of Sir R..., 1762 British Library
referencedIn Jones, J. W. Diary, 1859-1860. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn France. Sovereign (1799-1814 : Napoleon I). Napoleon Bonaparte commission, an 11 fructidor 30 [1803 Sept. 17]. Louisiana State University, LSU Libraries
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. LS : to Citoyen Myot, 3 brumaire an 5 [i.e., 1796 Nov. 23]. Rosenbach Museum & Library
referencedIn Claretie, Georges, 1875-1936. Papers relating to Vasilii Vereshchagin, ca. 1895-ca. 1920. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Frank W. Tober papers, 1791-1995, 1945-1995 University of Delaware Library - Special Collections
referencedIn Records of James D. Preston, 1935 - 1939 National Archives at College Park
referencedIn Travel journal : kept by an Englishwoman in Europe. 1825 April 24-August 19. Pennsylvania State University Libraries
referencedIn Chambre de commerce de Paris. Records, 1803-1808 [microform]. Hagley Museum & Library
referencedIn Parker, Frederick Sheldon, 1852-1916. Frederick Sheldon Parker papers, 1845-1916 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Vol. XX (ff. 292). Jan.-Apr.1815.includes:f. 6 Sir John Stewart, 1st Baronet; of Athenry; MP: Letter to W. Gregory: 1815.ff. 61, 290 William Handcock, 1st Baron (1812) and (1822) Viscount Castlemaine: Correspondence with W. Gregory: 1815.f. 63 ... British Library
referencedIn Toi! qu'on a placé sur cette colonne et que le monde trouve si grand ... University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
referencedIn LETTERS of news from Rome, respecting the occupation of the city by the French army; 2 Feb.-29 Sept. 1808. Italian. Paper. Quarto. British Library
referencedIn Historical picture collection, 1840-1980 (bulk). Yale University Library
referencedIn 1. ACCOUNTS of contingent and extraordinay expenses; gratuities to inhabitants for damages in establishing batteries, etc.; and returns of ammunition and stores, in the island of Capri; June, 1806-Aug. 1807, f. 1. 2. "Copy of a paper found among thos... British Library
referencedIn Browning Family Papers, 1824-1917, (bulk 1835-1855) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845. Andrew Jackson : miscellaneous papers, 1805-1839. The Filson Historical Society
referencedIn Photographs of notable 19th-century men and women, 1874-1912. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
referencedIn Devereux family. Devereux papers, 1822-1872. William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Vol. III (ff. 212).includes:f. 7 Alexander Baxter, MD; Deputy Inspector of Hospitals on Saint Helena: Watercolour portrait: n.d.f. 8 Alexander Baxter, MD; Deputy Inspector of Hospitals on Saint Helena: Letter to J. R. Verling: 1818.ff. 8, 88, 190... British Library
referencedIn Randolph, John, 1773-1833. Letters to his friend David Parish, in Philadelphia [manuscript] 1812-1833. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn [Commonplace book], 1811-1818. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Literary anecdotes, [ca. 1718-1834] Cornell University Library
referencedIn P Loustaunau papers., 1803 British Library
referencedIn Garland, James, b. 1781. James Garland letter, 1816 January 24. Connecticut Historical Society
referencedIn Jones, John, d. ca. 1813. John Jones letters, 1798-1813. Georgia Historical Society
referencedIn University of Chicago. Library. Special Collections Research Center. [Bonaparte's march] : manuscript, [ca. 1830?]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn AUTOGRAPH letters and signatures of French sovereigns and royal personages; 1410-1833. Fr.: 1. Jehan [Duc de Berri, son of John II. of France] to his nephew [Louis II. d'Anjou, titular] King of Jerusalem and Sicily; Paris, 28 Aug. [circa 1410 ?], f. ..., approximately 1410-1833 British Library
referencedIn Diario de Cadiz : Andalucia : Cádiz : ms., 1809 May 5. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Vol. CLXX (ff. 285). July, 1805-Dec. 1807.Aliens: List of aliens permitted to go to the southern coast: 1805.includes:f. 1 John Pitt, 2nd Earl of Chatham: Memorandum for Maj.-Gen. Mann: 1805.: Copy. ff. 5-14 England; Parliament: Lists of parties: 18... British Library
referencedIn Bibliothèque de Napoléon. Records, 1781-1833. Florida State University
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : n.p., to Napoleon Bonaparte, n.p., [1797]. Texas Christian University
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature and 5 words in autograph to letter : Cairo, to Gen. Dugua, 1798 Oct. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Murray, William Vans, 1760-1803. Correspondence (copies) while U.S. Minister at the Hague and Envoy Extraordinary to the French Republic, 1797 June 20-1801 Sept. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn LETTERS of J. W. Stott to Sir H. Lowe; Cape Town, 13 Nov. 1816-27 June, 1820, f. 1; Letters of T. T. Harrington to T. H. Brooke, Secretary to Government at St. Helena, and others; Cape Town, 29 April, 1817-11 Sept. 1819, f. 21; Letters of James B. Ur... British Library
creatorOf Murat, Joachim, King of Naples, 1767-1815. Autograph letter signed : [n.p.], to Napoleon, [n.d., 1804 Jan. 19]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Portrait collection, ca. 1600-1850 Cornell University Library
referencedIn ENTRY-BOOKS of letters of Sir Hudson Lowe, principally to officers and others in St. Helena; endorsed, "Copies of Letters written by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe or by his orders, addressed to Foreign Stations and to persons on the Island of St. Helen... British Library
referencedIn CROKER PAPERS (2ND SERIES). Vol. VIII (ff. i+28). Notebook containing copies of letters, etc.; aft. 1818. Imperfect at the beginning (see f. ib). As follows: 1. ff. 2-8b. Letters of Commander John Wesley Wright as a prisoner in France; 1804, 1805. 2...., 1803-1818 British Library
referencedIn Copy of a journal kept by Capt. George Nicholls, when orderly officer at Longwood, 5 Sept. 1818-9 Feb. 1820. At the end of the volume is a memorandum by Sir H. Lowe relative to his pecuniary claims on the Government. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn DRAWINGS and plans of battles, sieges, etc., chiefly executed by Lieut.-Colonel C[harles] Hamilton Smith, viz.: 1. "Order of Battle of the British Combined Army in August 1794," f. 2. 2. "Position of St. Jean de Luz [in the Pyrenees] as occupied by t..., 19th century British Library
referencedIn Buhl, Theodore D.,. Theodore D. Buhl collection, 1769-1821 (inclusive). Yale University Library
referencedIn Palmerston, Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount, 1739-1802. Album, 1766-1818. Yale University, Lewis Walpole Library
referencedIn Robert Allan papers., 1813-1816 British Library
referencedIn Saint Cloud. Théâtre de Saint Cloud. Miscellaneous manuscripts. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Tosi, Gioacchino, d. 1837. Archivio Tosi, 1788-1836. Bentley Historical Library
referencedIn Gell, William, Sir, 1777-1836. Journal, 1814 Aug 9 - 1815 May 31. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Brydges, Egerton, Sir, 1762-1837. Sir Egerton Brydges on the Poor Laws, [1813-1814]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : St. Cloud, to the Minister of Finance, 1803 Apr. 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn 1 LETTERS of French officers and others, interecepted by Sir R. Wilson, while commanding the Lusitanian Legion iii the Peninsula; 23 Nov. 1808-14 Aug. 1809. If. 1-47. Included, at f. 27, is a letter from Julie, wife of Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain... British Library
referencedIn French documents collection, 1487-1812. Emory University. Special Collections and Archives
referencedIn Hall, Townsend Monckton. Papers, 1770-1898. Duke University Libraries, Duke University Library; Perkins Library
referencedIn Barbourville (Ky.) Debating Society minutes 1837-1839, 1922, 1954 Barbourville (Ky.) Debating Society minutes William L. Clements Library
referencedIn Boswell's Life of Johnson : including Boswell's Journal of a tour to the Hebrides and Johnson's Diary of a journey into North Wales, edited by George Birkbeck Hill, extra-illustrated, 1464-1897 (inclusive), 1724-1874 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Vol. VI (ff. 283). 30 June 1800-22 Nov. 1806.includes:f. 2 Richard Fitch: Letter to W. Frogatt: 1800. f. 3 Barott Hendrik August van Kinckel, Dutch Admiral: Letters to T. Grenville: 1799, 1800.: Fr. ff. 5, 13, 51 Euseby Cleaver, Bishop of Ferns; Arch... British Library
referencedIn Paisiello, Giovanni, 1740-1816. Messe / musique de Monsieur Paisiello ; composée pour le jour de la Proclamation de sa Majesté Imperiale L'Empereur des français Napoléon premier L'an 1804. Florida State University
referencedIn Pelet, Jean Jacques Germain, Baron, 1777-1858. Memoirs on the War, or 1809 in Germany : manuscript, [ca. 1838]. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Historia de Napoleón Bonaparte, Emperador de los franceses [Manuscrito] escrita por un antiguo militar francés. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn James Parton papers, 1914-1986. Houghton Library
referencedIn Vol. XXVI, 1815-1847.Frances Parker, née Talbot; 2nd wife of John, 1st Earl of Morley: Correspondence and papers: 1809-1849.includes:f. 1 Richard Wellesley, Marquess Wellesley: Letter to Lady Morley: 1815.f. 2 A. B: Letter to Lord Morley: 1815.ff..., 1815-1847 British Library
creatorOf Soult, Nicolas-Jean de Dieu, 1769-1851. Autograph letter signed : Andujar, to the Emperor, 1810 Apr. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf NETHERLANDS AND NEIGHBOURING AREAS: map entitled 'Carte de la Belgique et des quatre départemens réunis de la rive gauche du Rhin ... Dressée au Depot gl de la Guerre dans les mois de Mai et Juin 1815', produced by César François Cassini de Thury at ..., 1815 British Library
creatorOf Napoléon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Coblenz, the second Complementaire, to the Minister of War ("mon cousin"), [1804 Sept. 19] "twelfth year of the Republic." Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Copy of correspondence with Rear-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm, Naval Commander at St. Helena, and Joseph Luson, Agent for the East India Company at the Cape, respecting supplies for the Island; Sept. 1816-Aug. 1817. Paper. Folio. British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature and 5 words in autograph? to letter : Cairo, to Gen. Dugua, 1797 Oct. 11. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Carrù, to his wife, Josephine, 1796 Apr. 24. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint, 1792-1845. Note : Paris, to the Bureau du Capitole, Paris, [ca. 1845]. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Vol. I.Jean Baptiste Gaspard d' Ansse de Villoison, d 1805 French classical scholar: Literary memoranda: 18th-19th centt.: Gr., Lat., Fr. and Ital.includes:ff. 1, 98, 121, 128 Napoleon I of France: Letters to, from J. B. G. d'Ansse de Villoison: 18th..., 18th century-19th century British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Potsdam, to Alexandre, Comte de La Rochefoucauld, ambassador at Vienna, 1806 Oct. 26. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed "Napolione di Buonaparte" : Brienne, to his uncle, 1784 Jul. 5. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Capitulation of Paris, 1814. Dartmouth College Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Paris, 1802 Feb. 17. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn St. George Tucker Letter to John Page, 1797 June 27 Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Library
referencedIn European historical documents : facsimiles, 1430-1821. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn Vol. CLXIX (ff. 280). 1804-June, 1805.includes:ff. 1-4, 106, 197-202, 230, 270, 278 Army; England: Distribution of forces, etc.: 1804-1812. ff. 5-28 Accompts: Receipts for official salaries, etc.: 1801-1804. f. 6 John Maddison: Receipts to the 2nd... British Library
referencedIn Fouché, Joseph, duc d'Otrante, 1759-1820. Rapport du duc d'Otrente, Ministre de la Police : a Louis XVIII, 1815 August 9. Cornell University Library
referencedIn Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint, 1792-1845. Note : Paris, to the Bureau du Capitole, Paris, [ca. 1845]. Texas Christian University
referencedIn Houghton Mifflin Company contracts, 1831-1979 (inclusive) 1880-1940 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Watts, Jane (Waldie), 1793-1826. Journal of a four months' absence from England, in the summer of 1815 - including a tour in Flanders, Holland, and France; and a short residence at Brussels and Paris, [ca. 1825-1826]. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn 1. ORIGINAL letters of Capt. George Nicholls, orderly officer at Longwood, to Major Gorrequer, 19 Sept. 1818-2 Aug. 1820, f. 1. 2. Letters of Lieut. F[rederick] S Croad to the same; Longwood, 9 April, 1819-25 May, 1821, f. 471. Paper. Folio. British Library
referencedIn Papers of Burt Eddy Taylor, 1928-1969, American book collector, 1780-1855 Stirling University Library
referencedIn Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832. Autograph letter signed : Jedburgh, to the Marchioness of Abercorn, 1824 Apr. 21. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn William Cobbett manuscript material : 8 items, 1802-1830 The New York Public Library. Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle.
referencedIn PRIVATE and official letters of Lieut.-General Lord Charles Henry Somerset and Major-Gen. Sir Rufane Shaw Donkin, Governors of the Cape of Good Hope, to Rear-Admiral Sir George Cockburn and Sir Hudson Lowe; 1815-1821; with list of arrivals and depart..., 1815-1821 British Library
referencedIn Cholmondeley, Thomas, 1787-1855. Scrapbook concerning the Napoleonic wars, 1814-1815. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Fellowes, William Dorset, d. 1828. Biographical notes on Sir Sidney Smith, 1846. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste), 1767-1843. A. J. B. Defauconpret collection, 1808-1823. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn A VOLUME of Original Letters and Papers principally addressed to Lieut.-Gen. Sir Hudson Lowe, when acting as Governor of St. Helena, and relating to Napoléon Bonaparte and his suite. The following are the names of the writers:-Sir William Sidney Smit..., 1806-1834 British Library
referencedIn 42181. MISCELLANE0US LETTERS AND PAPERS., 1260-1930 British Library
creatorOf Napoleón I, Emperador de los Franceses, 1769-1821. Discurso del Emperador : Al Cuerpo Legislativo. Dibam Biblioteca Nacional de Chile
referencedIn Beauharnais, Eugène de, 1781-1824. Eugene de Beauharnais archive, 1788-1849 (bulk 1805-1814) Princeton University Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Manuscript letter : Paris, to Princess Giedroyé, 1812 Feb. 14. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1820. Autograph letter : [London], to the editor of the Morning Chronicle, [London], 1797 Aug. 16. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn Miscellanies, ca. 1805. College of Charleston, Marlene and Nathan Addlestone Library
referencedIn Vol. II (ff. 220).includes:f. 4 Count Bartholomäus von Stürmer,; Austrian diplomatist: Letter to Lt.-Gen. Sir H. Lowe: 1816.: Fr.ff. 4, 20, 152, 218 Lieutenant-General Sir Hudson Lowe, GCMG; Governor of St Helena: Letters to: 1809-1824.f. 7 Edw... British Library
referencedIn Charles IV, King of Spain, 1748-1819. Letter, 1841 May 20, Rome, to King Louis XVIII of France, [n.p.]. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Mukhtaṣar akhbār al-ḥurūb al-nāshiʼah min Ghāliyā wa-al-mumtaddah ilá sāʼir Afrūbā. -- 1819. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Johnston, Clement Dixon, 1895-1979,. Papers collected by Clement Dixon Johnston [manuscript], 1683-1943. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : Paris, to the Marquis de Lafayette, [La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France], 1800 Apr. 22. University of Chicago Library
referencedIn LETTERS addressed to General Sir Robert Wilson; 1807-1833. The writers are:-1. [Simon, Count] Woronzow; London, 26 June, 1807. Fr. f. 1. 2. [Charles François, General] Dumouriez, with proposals for the formation of an Italian Legion ; London, 2 Sep... British Library
referencedIn Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. Letter, 1807 November 15, Washington, [D.C.] to [William] Short, n.p. William & Mary Libraries
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS autograph letters, etc.; 1475-1809, viz.: 1. Loysius de Pulcis [Luigi Pulci], the poet, to Nicolo Strozzi ?; 13 Oct. 1475. Ital. f. 1. 2. [Aimeri d'Amboise] Commander of Rhodes, to Pope [Julius II.], describing the movements of the Turk..., 1475-1809 British Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 227).includes:f. 3 Canon Edwin Brook-Jackson, Rector of Streatham: Introduction by: 1919.: Printed. Signed. f. 3 Christian Alexandra Brook-Jackson, wife of Canon Edwin Brook-Jackson: Introduction by: 1919.: Printed. Signed. f. 5 William F... British Library
referencedIn Cary, Henry Francis, 1772-1844. Letter : Chiswick, to James Gillman, Highgate, 1821 July 7. Bryn Mawr College, Mariam Coffin Canaday Library
referencedIn Vol. XXXIX (ff. 243). 1805, 1806.includes:ff. 1, 31, 33, 63, 109, 119 Count Bernhard Gottlieb Isaak von Diesbach-Carrouges,; Swiss statesman: Letters, etc., to Sir A. Paget: 1803-1805.: Fr.: Partly copies.ff. 3-6b Maria Josepha Hermenegild? Ester..., 1805-1806 British Library
referencedIn NOTES on Egypt by General Napoleon Bonaparte, made at Cairo in June, 1799. Fr. Imperfect. In the handwriting of Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne; with a few autograph corrections. Printed in Bourrienne's "Memoires," ed. 1831, vol. I. p. 345. Pape..., 1799 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. [Letters] / Napoleon. Smith College, Neilson Library
referencedIn MISCELLANEOUS LETTERS AND PAPERS. Paper; ff. 121. British Library arrangement. A. Correspondence of Captain W. H. O'Shea, M.P., husband of Kitty O'Shea; 1882-1885. Partly copies. Presented, with Add. Ch. 75998, by Mrs Caroline A. Wright, 25 Jan. 1982..., 1698-1940 British Library
referencedIn Charlotte and Maximilian Collection MS 356., 1846-1927 Woodson Research Center, Fondren Library, Rice University
referencedIn Voltz, Johann Michael, 1784-1858,. Napoleon [graphic]. Boston Athenaeum
referencedIn LETTERS and papers of, or relating to, Nelson, viz. 1. Three holograph letters from Nelson : (a) to the French General and Admiral at Malta, offerinG terms for their surrender; [Oct. 1798]. Draft, endorsed by Sir W. Hamilton. [Printed, with slightly ..., 1798-1837 British Library
referencedIn Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835. Papers, 1746-1900 American Philosophical Society
referencedIn Letter from James H. Hughes to Secretary of State James Monroe National Archives at College Park
creatorOf Berthier, Louis-Alexandre, 1753-1815. Letter, 1808 Aug. 9, Nantes to Napoleon. Dartmouth College Library
referencedIn Alexandro Buccianti Collection, c1847 St. Antony's College (University of Oxford). Middle East Centre Archive
referencedIn Letters and papers of Lt-Gen Sir Hudson Lowe (1769-1844), British Army 1787, Governor of St Helena 1815-21, and others, on matters arising from the imprisonment of Napoleon, including the dismissal of his surgeon, Barry Edwards O Meara (1786-1836), 1817-1819 British Library
referencedIn DILKE PAPERS. Vol. LXXIV (ff. 288). Papers relating to an article on Lt. -Gen. Lord William Cavendish Bentinck entitled 'Before and After the Descent from Elba', The Quarterly Review, Vol. 212, no. 422, Jan. 1910, pp. 240-265. (1) Typewritten draft,..., approximately 1909 British Library
creatorOf Burr, Aaron, 1756-1836. Wells autograph collection, 1777-1919 ; bulk: 1777-1902. Massachusetts Historical Society
referencedIn [Egyptian expedition : Pamphlet vol.]. HCL Technical Services, Harvard College Library
referencedIn Clippings on Napoleon, etc. DePaul University Library
referencedIn Breckinridge, James, 1763-1833. Papers of James Breckinridge, 1780-1909. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Vol. I (ff. 245). 27 Aug. 1762-5 Dec. 1807.includes:f. 3 Joseph Whalley, merchant, of London: Note of a purchase for W. Russell: 1770.f.4 John Rogers, (?) of Birmingham: Receipt to W. Russell for land-tax: 1772.f. 6 F. de Verneuil: Promissory n... British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Lodi, to Gen. Berthier, 1796 Apr. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn J. B. F. (S.XVIII). Elogio en verso a Bonaparte y sus más célebres batallas y combates hasta la rendición de Mantua, con algunas advertencias sobre las acciones menos interesantes por J.B.F. de 21 años. Biblioteca Nacional de España, Biblioteca Nacional - Madrid
referencedIn Devereux papers 1822-1872 Devereux papers William L. Clements Library
referencedIn East India Company. East India Company records, 1611-1816. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Randolph, Thomas M. (Thomas Mann), 1768-1828. Letters : to the Gilmer family, 1804-1818. Library of Virginia
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph letter signed : Paris, to Sucy, Commissaire Ordonnateur, Armée d'Italie, at Nice, 1795 Aug. 17. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Gardel, Pierre, 1758-1840. Court ballet under Napoleon Bonaparte : documents, 1806-1811. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Erving, George William, 1769-1850. Letter : Bourdeaux, to L. Jarvis, Paris, 1814 March 1. Gadsden Public Library
referencedIn ABERDEEN PAPERS. Vol. CCCXII (ff. 50). Memoir, dated I jan. I8I8, by Maj.-Gen. Sir Neil Campbell, C.B., justifying his conduct as British Commissioner to Napoleon at Elba; 1814-1815. Followed (f. I4) by appendices containing various documents relatin..., 1814-1815 British Library
referencedIn Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. Autograph letter : Paris, to the Marquis de Lafayette, [La Grange, Seine-et-Marne, France], 1800 Apr. 22. Texas Christian University
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of literary men, artists, and engravers, with a large number of engravings, the greater part of which have relation to Sir Walter Scott, and comprise portraits of him, illustrations for his works, and views of Abbotsford, and cutting..., 1822-1844 British Library
referencedIn More, Hannah, 1745-1833,. Autograph letter signed from Hannah More to Mrs. Garrick, Adelphi Terrace [manuscript], 1806 February 10. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Donald Hyde and Mary Hyde Eccles Autograph Collection, 1505-1957 (inclusive), 1702-1854 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn 1. LETTERS of Messrs. William Balcombe, Joseph Cole, and William Fowler, purveyors for Longwood, to Sir H. Lowe and Major Gorrequer, with accounts; 1815-1821, f. 1. 2. Letters of Joseph Cole, Deputy Postmaster-General, respecting the transmission of ..., 1815-1821 British Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Autograph signature to letter : Colditz, to the Empress Marie Louise, 1813 May. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Nota delle Statue e quadri richiesti dalli Commissari Francesci, 1797. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Vol. IV (ff. 418). 1802-1809.George III of England: Correspondence and papers of W. Huskisson: 1782-1820.William Huskisson, statesman: Correspondence with G. Canning.: 1801-1827.includes:f. 1 Major-General Francis Dundas, Acting Governor at the Cape:..., 1802-1809 British Library
referencedIn Wallace, Emma, fl. 1870. Photograph album of Emma Wallace [manuscript], ca. 1870. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Vol. LXII (ff. 373). 18 Dec. 1812-Feb. 1813.includes:f. 1 Daniel Sutton, of Brightlingsea: Letter to the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812. f. 1,50 William Scott, Baron Stowell: Correspondence with the 2nd Earl of Liverpool: 1812-1823. f. 3 Thomas Rowcro... British Library
referencedIn ORIGINAL letters of orderly officers at Longwood to Sir Hudson Lowe and Major Gorrequer, Military Secretary, reporting events, etc., viz., Captain Thomas Poppleton, 4 May, 1816-14 July, 1817, f. 1; Captain H[enry Pearse] Blakeney, 9 Aug. 1817-6 Sept.... British Library
creatorOf Carnot, Lazare, 1753-1823. Letters and dispatches concerning Napoleon Bonaparte and the Italian campaign, [after Sept. 1796?]. Newberry Library
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821,. [Bibliothèque portative : binding]. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Napoleon : collection of framed artwork, ca. 1780-1840. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
referencedIn MELVILLE PAPERS (2nd ser.). Vol. VI (ff. 84). Miscellaneous correspondence, as follows:-1. Protest by Napoleon against the violation of his rights "a Bord du Bellerophon, 4 août 1815." French. Written in the hand of Gen. Bertrand and signed "Napoleo..., 1786-1838 British Library
referencedIn PIUS VII: Allocutions of Pius VII to Cardinals; 1808. Latin. Copies. Allocutions (i.e. addresses) given to the College of Cardinals by Pope Pius VII (1800-1823) during the Consistories of 16 March and 11 July 1808, relating to the interference of Nap... British Library
referencedIn Randolph, John, 1773-1833. Letters from and regarding John Randolph, 1798-1860. University of Virginia. Library
referencedIn Vol. XV (ff. 171). 7 Jan.-Sept. 1811.Navy; England: Papers of C. P. Yorke as First Lord of the Admiralty: 1810-1812.includes:ff. 1-9b India: Papers rel. to the cultivation of hemp: 1811. ff. 10, 11b John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess Camden: Correspon... British Library
referencedIn Houghton Library. Houghton Library printed book provenance file, L-Q. 1942. Houghton Library
referencedIn Tait family. Papers, 1786-1899. Alabama Department of Archives and History
referencedIn Krebs, Johnell, fl. 1856,. Autograph letter signed from Johnell Krebs to Rev. Dr. Hatfield [manuscript], 1856 April 22. Folger Shakespeare Library
referencedIn Letters Received Concerning Memorial Stones for the Monument, 1849 - 1888 National Archives at Washington, D.C
creatorOf SOUTHERN FRONTIER OF THE PAPAL STATES: map showing the frontier between the Kingdom of Naples and the Papal States, produced by the Dépôt de la Guerre, Paris; [1806-1808?]. Scale [1:100,000]. It depicts the areas between Terracina, Fondi and Pontecor..., 1806-1808 British Library
referencedIn Napoleon Bonaparte collection, 1790-1830. Stanford University. Department of Special Collections and University Archives
creatorOf Francis I, King of France, 1494-1547. [French royal and imperial manuscripts]. Buffalo & Erie County Public Library, Rare Books
creatorOf Babeuf, Gracchus, 1760-1797. French Revolution manuscript collection, 1668-1868 (bulk 1788-1815). Cornell University Library
referencedIn LETTERS of Mrs. R. C. Biggs to the Rt. Hon. Nicholas Vansittart, Chancellor of the Exchequer, chiefly relating to the political condition of France,; 15 Sept. 1812-21 Jan. 1816. Paper; ff. 125. Quarto.Napoleon I of France: Letters of Mrs. Biggs on th... British Library
referencedIn John Jacob Lehmanowsky papers, 1794-1855 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Watson, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1856-1922. Thomas E. Watson papers, 1863-1996. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Document signed : [n.p.], 1809 June 24. Pierpont Morgan Library.
creatorOf WILLOUGHBY GORDON PAPERS. Vol. XXIV (ff. 153). 1. ff. 1-78b. Letters, etc., of Lt.-Gen. Sir John Stuart; 1807-1810. Partly signed. 2. ff. 79-114. Letters, etc., of Gen. Sir John Coape Sherbrooke; 1808. 3. ff. 115-153b. Correspondence with Maj.-Gen. S..., 1805-1815 British Library
referencedIn Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. Autograph letter : Paris, to [William Harris] Crawford, Washington, 1815 Aug. 4. Texas Christian University
creatorOf Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821. Letter signed : Cairo, to General Dugua, 1798 Dec. 19. Pierpont Morgan Library.
referencedIn Vol. II. (ff. i. + 186). 26 Jan. 1815-[circ. 25] Apr. 1816. The writers are:-1. Col. Sir Neil Campbell, commissioner with Napoleon in Elba; Florence, 26 Jan. 1815. f. 3. 2. Sir H. Lowe to (a) Sir 11. Buiibury; Brussels, etc., 30 Jan.-10 June, 1815.... British Library
referencedIn Maria Bayard diary, 1814-1815 New York Public Library. Manuscripts and Archives Division
referencedIn Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. Personal papers, 1808-1866 Houghton Library
Relation Name
associatedWith Abbott, John S. C. (John Stevens Cabot), 1805-1877. person
associatedWith Abell, Lucia Elizabeth Balcombe, d. 1871. person
associatedWith Abrantès, Laure Junot, duchesse d', 1784-1838. person
associatedWith Adams, John, 1735-1826. person
associatedWith Addington, Henry Unwin (1790-1870) corporateBody
associatedWith Aders, Elizabeth, compiler. person
associatedWith Aldini, M., person
associatedWith Alexander I, Emperor of Russia, 1777-1825. person
associatedWith Altmaier, Carl Lewis. person
associatedWith Anderson, Preston Louis. person
associatedWith Antommarchi, Francesco, 1780-1838. person
associatedWith Antonmarchi, François, 1789-1838. person
associatedWith Arman, Alexandre, person
associatedWith Arnold, Benedict, 1741-1801 person
associatedWith Arnold, Edward person
associatedWith Arnold family family
associatedWith Arnold family. family
associatedWith Arnold, Margaret Shippen, 1760-1804 person
associatedWith Arnold, William person
associatedWith Barbourville Debating Society (Barbourville, Ky.) corporateBody
associatedWith Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812 person
correspondedWith Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812 person
associatedWith Barlow, Joel, 1754-1812. person
associatedWith Barras, Paul, vicomte de, 1755-1829. person
associatedWith Barrell, Nathaniel, 1732-1831. person
associatedWith Bayard, Maria, 1789-1875. person
associatedWith Beauharnais, Eugène de, 1781-1824, person
associatedWith Beauharnais, Eugène de, 1781-1824. person
associatedWith Beauharnais, François, Marquis de 1756-1823. person
associatedWith Becke, Archibald Frank, b. 1871. person
associatedWith Bellune, Claude-Victor Perrin, duc de, 1764-1841. person
associatedWith Bellune, Claude-Victor Perrin, duc de, 1764-1841. person
associatedWith Béranger, Pierre Jean de, 1780-1857. person
associatedWith Berry, Taylor. person
associatedWith Berthier, Louis Alexandre, 1752 or 3-1815, person
associatedWith Berthier, Louis-Alexandre, 1753-1815, person
associatedWith Bertrand de Moleville, Antoine-François, marquis de, 1744-1818 person
associatedWith Beurnonville, Pierre de Riel, Marquis de, Marshal of France, 1752-1821. person
associatedWith Bibesco, Marthe, 1886-1973 person
associatedWith Bibesco, Marthe, 1886-1973. person
associatedWith Bibliothèque de Napoléon. corporateBody
associatedWith Biennais, Guillaume, 1764-1843. person
associatedWith Blagden, Charles, Sir, 1748-1820. person
associatedWith Blake, George, 1769-1841. person
associatedWith Blücher, Gebhard Leberecht von, 1742-1819. person
associatedWith Bonaparte, Elizabeth Patterson, 1785-1879. person
associatedWith Bonaparte, Letizia, 1750?-1836, person
associatedWith Bonaparte, Letizia, 1750?-1836. person
associatedWith Bonaparte, Lucien, prince de Canino, 1775-1840. person
associatedWith Borgman, Albert Stephens, 1890-1954 person
correspondedWith Boswell, James, 1740-1795 person
associatedWith Breckinridge, James, 1763-1833. person
associatedWith Brown, Francis C. (Francis Cabell), 1936- person
associatedWith Browning family family
associatedWith Bruckner, Ferdinand, 1891-1958. person
associatedWith Brydges, Egerton, Sir, 1762-1837. person
associatedWith Buccianti, Alexandro, b. c1772 person
associatedWith Buhl, Theodore D., person
associatedWith Burke, Arleigh A., 1901-1996. person
associatedWith Burr, George Lincoln, 1857-1938. person
associatedWith Butler-Gunsaulus Collection (University of Chicago. Library) corporateBody
associatedWith Butler, Pierce, 1744-1822. person
associatedWith Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824. person
associatedWith Cambacérès, Jean Jacques Régis de, 1753-1824. person
associatedWith Canova, Antonio, 1757-1822. person
correspondedWith Carlota, consort of Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico, 1840-1927 person
associatedWith Carson, Hampton L. (Hampton Lawrence), 1852-1929. person
associatedWith Cary, Henry Francis, 1772-1844. person
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Catholic Church. Secretariatus Status. corporateBody
associatedWith Caulaincourt, Armand Augustin Louis, marquis de, 1773-1827. person
associatedWith Caulaincourt, Gabriel Louis, Marquis de, 1740-? person
associatedWith Chabron, Joseph, Comte, 1763-1843, person
associatedWith Chaloner, John Armstrong, 1862-1935. person
associatedWith Chambre de commerce de Paris. corporateBody
associatedWith Charles IV, King of Spain, 1748-1819. person
associatedWith Charlet, Nicolas-Toussaint, 1792-1845. person
associatedWith Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, 1768-1848. person
associatedWith Chateaubriand, François-René, vicomte de, 1768-1848. person
associatedWith Chester, John Needels 1864-1955. person
associatedWith Chinnery, Caroline, fl. ca. 1810, person
associatedWith Cholmondeley, Thomas, 1787-1855. person
associatedWith C., J. person
associatedWith Claretie, Georges, 1875-1936. person
associatedWith Clarke, Henri Jacques Guillaume, 1765-1818. person
associatedWith Clarke, Henri Jacques Guillaume, duc de Feltre, 1765-1818. person
associatedWith Claude, Abram, 1784-1814 person
associatedWith Claude, Dennis, approximately 1782-1863 person
associatedWith [Clayton family] family
associatedWith Cobbett, William, 1763-1835. person
associatedWith Cockburn, George, Sir, 1772-1853. person
associatedWith Coffin, J. person
associatedWith Columbia University. Rare Book & Manuscript Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Commission militaire de l'Exposition universelle de 1900. corporateBody
associatedWith Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832-1907. person
associatedWith Corlis - Respess Family. family
associatedWith Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of, 1847-1913, person
associatedWith Crawford, William Harris, 1772-1834. person
associatedWith Croker, John Wilson, 1780-1857 person
associatedWith Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878 person
associatedWith Cruikshank, George, 1792-1878. person
associatedWith Cutts, Richard, 1771-1845. person
associatedWith Dall, C. H. A. (Charles Henry Appleton), 1816-1886 person
associatedWith Dalmatia, Nicholas Jean de Dieu Soult, Duc de, 1769-1851. person
associatedWith Darlington family. family
associatedWith Darlington family. family
associatedWith Dauve, person
associatedWith David, Jacques Louis, 1748-1825. person
associatedWith Davout, Louis Nicolas, duc d'Auerstædt et prince d'Eckmühl, 1770-1823. person
associatedWith Deane, Ernie. person
associatedWith Defauconpret, A.-J.-B. (Auguste-Jean-Baptiste), 1767-1843. person
associatedWith Denon, Vivant, 1747-1825. person
associatedWith Desprez, Louis-Jean, 1743-1804. person
associatedWith Detascher, Marie Joseph Rose. person
associatedWith Devens, R. M. (Richard Miller) person
associatedWith Devereux family family
associatedWith Devereux family. family
associatedWith Devignes, J. A., person
associatedWith Dollez, Charles. person
associatedWith Drummond, James. person
associatedWith Duchein, Annie, b. ca. 1872. person
associatedWith Dugua, Charles François Joseph, 1740-1802, person
associatedWith Dumas, Mathieu, comte, 1753-1837. person
associatedWith Dunphy, Myles, 1891-1985. person
associatedWith Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 1739-1817. person
associatedWith Du Pont family. person
associatedWith Duroc, Géraud Christophe Michel, duc de Frioul, 1772-1813, person
associatedWith Earle, Mortimer Lamson, 1864-1905. person
associatedWith East India Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Eaton, Charlotte A. (Charlotte Anne), 1788-1859. person
associatedWith Eberts, Robert Michel, 1804-1862 person
associatedWith Emmet, Thomas Addis person
associatedWith Erving, George William, 1769-1850. person
associatedWith Eulau, Milton B., Mrs, person
associatedWith Fain, Agathon-Jean-François, baron, 1778-1837. person
associatedWith Fall, Charles G. (Charles Gershom), 1845-1932. person
associatedWith Fawn (Ship : 1812) corporateBody
associatedWith Fellowes, James, Sir, 1771-1857 person
associatedWith Fellowes, James, Sir, 1771-1857, person
associatedWith Fellowes, William Dorset, d. 1828. person
associatedWith Fesch, Joseph, 1763-1839. person
associatedWith Field, William B. Osgood, collector. person
associatedWith Field, William B. Osgood, collector. person
associatedWith Fiske, Albert Rantoul. person
associatedWith Foster family. family
associatedWith Fouché, Joseph, duc d'Otrante, 1759-1820. person
associatedWith Fourchy, Alexandre François. person
associatedWith France. corporateBody
associatedWith France, Anatole, 1844-1924. person
associatedWith France. Armée corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Maison de l'empereur et roi. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Ministère de la guerre. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Ministère de la guerre. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Ministère des finances. corporateBody
associatedWith France. Sovereign (1799-1814 : Napoleon I) corporateBody
associatedWith France. Sovereign (1799-1814 : Napoleon I) corporateBody
associatedWith Francis Henry Hill Guillemard person
associatedWith François de Neufchâteau, Nicolas Louis, comte, 1750-1828, person
associatedWith Free Library of Philadelphia. corporateBody
associatedWith Frías, Diego Fernández de Velasco, Duque de 1754-1811. person
associatedWith Fuller, B. A. G. (Benjamin Apthorp Gould), 1879-1956 person
associatedWith Galloway, Joseph, 1731-1803. person
associatedWith Gardel, Pierre, 1758-1840. person
associatedWith Garland, James, b. 1781. person
associatedWith Gell, William, Sir, 1777-1836. person
associatedWith Geoffroy Saint-Hilarie, Etienne, 1772-1844. person
associatedWith George Lincoln Burr 1857-1938. person
associatedWith Giedroyé, Princess, person
associatedWith Ginsberg, Allen person
associatedWith Goldfrase, J. person
associatedWith Goodrich, Elizur, 1761-1849. person
associatedWith Guião, Antonio José, person
associatedWith Guizot, M. (François), 1787-1874, person
associatedWith Hall, Townsend Monckton. person
associatedWith Hamilton, Peter J. (Peter Joseph), 1859-1927. person
associatedWith Harper, John, Sir. person
associatedWith Harris, David, 1900- person
associatedWith Hatcher, Mattie Austin. person
associatedWith Hatcher, Mattie Austin. person
associatedWith Hawkins, Frederick William, 1849-1900 person
associatedWith Haydon, Benjamin Robert, 1786-1846. person
associatedWith Hedgcock, Frank A. (Frank Arthur), b. 1875, person
associatedWith Heine, Heinrich, 1797-1856. person
associatedWith Hickey, Florence F. (Florence Fallon), d. 1944, person
associatedWith Hill, George Birkbeck Norman, 1835-1903 person
associatedWith Hoar, George Frisbie, 1826-1904 person
associatedWith Hoffman, William Henry, 1867-1916 person
associatedWith Hoffman, William Henry, 1867-1916 person
associatedWith Hoffman, William Henry, 1867-1916 person
associatedWith Hoffman, William Henry, 1867-1916 person
associatedWith Homan, James. person
associatedWith Hopkinson, Joseph, 1770-1842. person
associatedWith Hortense, Queen, consort of Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 1783-1837. person
associatedWith Houghton Library. person
associatedWith Houghton Library. person
associatedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Humboldt, Alexander von, 1769-1859 person
associatedWith Ireland, W. H. (William Henry), 1777-1835, person
associatedWith Itwa, Count person
associatedWith Itwa, Count. person
associatedWith Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845. person
associatedWith Jarriette, De la, person
associatedWith Jarvis, Russell, 1790-1853. person
associatedWith J. B. F. (S.XVIII) person
associatedWith Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. person
associatedWith Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826. person
associatedWith Jerrold, Blanchard, 1826-1884 person
correspondedWith Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 person
associatedWith Johnston, Clement Dixon, 1895-1979, person
associatedWith Jones, John, d. ca. 1813. person
associatedWith Jones, J. W. person
associatedWith Jones, J. W. person
associatedWith José I, Rey de España. person
associatedWith Joseph Bonaparte, King of Spain, 1768-1844 person
associatedWith Josephine, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763-1814 person
associatedWith Josephine, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763-1814, person
associatedWith Joseph, King of Naples, person
associatedWith Jozefe, Wilhelm person
associatedWith Jozefe, Wilhelm. person
associatedWith Julian, Gertrude E. M. person
associatedWith Jumel and Desobry (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Jumel and Desobry (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Keith, Hester Maria Elphinstone, Viscountess, 1764-1857 person
associatedWith Keith, Hester Maria Elphinstone, Viscountess, 1764-1857 person
associatedWith Kergorlay, Louis-Florian-Paul, comte de, 1769-1856. person
associatedWith Kinloch, Francis, 1755-1826. person
associatedWith Kirkland, John Thornton, 1770-1840 person
associatedWith Kobler, Franz person
associatedWith Kountze, De Lancey, d. 1946, person
associatedWith Krebs, Johnell, fl. 1856, person
associatedWith Lafayette, Marie Adrienne de Noailles, marquise de, 1759-1807 person
associatedWith Lafayette, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de, 1757-1834. person
associatedWith La Femme Gesina (ship) corporateBody
associatedWith Lalande, Sous-lieutenant, fl. 1803. person
associatedWith Lannes, Jean, Duc de Montebello, Prince de Siévers, 1769-1809. person
associatedWith Laplace, Pierre Simon, marquis de, 1749-1827 person
associatedWith La Revellière-Lépeaux, Louis-Marie de, 1753-1824. person
associatedWith La Rochefoucauld, Alexandre, Comte de, 1767-1841, person
associatedWith La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François-Alexandre-Frédéric, duc de, 1747-1827. person
associatedWith La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François-Alexandre-Frédéric, duc de, d 1747-1827, person
associatedWith Larrey, D. J. (Dominique Jean), baron, 1766-1842. person
associatedWith Latta family. person
associatedWith Lawrence, Thomas, Sir, 1769-1830. person
associatedWith Lee, Charles Carter, 1798-1871, collector. person
associatedWith Lee, Robert E. (Robert Edward), 1807-1870 person
associatedWith Lee, William, 1772-1840. person
associatedWith Lefebvre-Desnouettes, Charles, comte, 1773-1822. person
associatedWith Lehmanowsky, John Jacob, b. 1773 person
associatedWith Lehmanowsky, John Jacob, b. 1773. person
associatedWith Linke, Julian P. person
associatedWith Livingston, Robert R., 1746-1813. person
associatedWith Long, E. B. (Everette Beach), 1919-1981 person
associatedWith Loring, Rosamond B. (Rosamond Bowditch), 1889-1950 person
associatedWith Louis Bonaparte, King of Holland, 1778-1846 person
associatedWith Lucchesini, Girolamp, 1751-1825. person
associatedWith Lullin de Châteauvieux, Frédéric, 1772-1841. person
associatedWith MacCarthy, Desmond, 1877-1952 person
associatedWith Mackenzie, Susan Marie. person
associatedWith Macpherson, John, Sir, 1745-1821. person
associatedWith Malcolm, Pulteney, Sir, 1768-1838. person
associatedWith Malo, 1772-1801. person
associatedWith Manfredi, M., person
associatedWith Manzoni, Alessandro, 1785-1873. person
associatedWith Maret, Hugues-Bernard, duc de Bassano, 1763-1839. person
associatedWith Maret, Hugues Bernard, Duc de Bassano, 1763-1839, person
associatedWith Marie Louise, consort of Louis XVIII, King of France, 1753-1810, person
associatedWith Marie Louise, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1791-1847. person
associatedWith Marmont, Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de, Duc de Raguse, Marshal of France, 1774-1852, person
associatedWith Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1820. person
associatedWith Masclet, Joseph, 1760-1833. person
associatedWith Maxim, Hudson, 1853-1927. person
associatedWith McAllister, W.Y., person
associatedWith Mealey, Leonila. person
associatedWith Mellish family of Hodsock, Nottinghamshire family
associatedWith Melvin, Frank Edgar, b. 1881. person
associatedWith Mencacci, Paolo. person
associatedWith Mennen, William Gerhard. person
associatedWith Miers, Aaron. person
associatedWith Mitchell's Rare and Standard Books. corporateBody
associatedWith Moncey, person
associatedWith Moncey, person
associatedWith Monroe, James, 1758-1831, person
associatedWith Montchenu, Claude Marie-Henri, Marquis de 1757-1831. family
associatedWith Montesquiou, Madame La Comtesse, person
associatedWith Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852 person
correspondedWith Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852 person
associatedWith More, Hannah, 1745-1833, person
associatedWith Morgan, James, 1861-1955. person
associatedWith Morrison, Alfred, 1821-1897, person
associatedWith Mr A G Brown (Association’s Hon Librarian) person
associatedWith Murat, Joachim, King of Naples, 1767-1815. person
associatedWith Muravʹev-Apostol, Ivan Matveevich, 1765?-1851. person
associatedWith Murphy, Frank H. person
associatedWith Murray, William Vans, 1760-1803. person
associatedWith Myot, Citoyen, person
correspondedWith Napoleon III, Emperor of the French, 1808-1873 person
associatedWith Neufchateau, Francois de, person
associatedWith Newman, Nathan E., person
associatedWith Nicholls, George, 1781-1865. person
associatedWith Norvins, M. de, 1769-1854. person
associatedWith Norvins, M. de, 1769-1854. person
associatedWith Norwood, Olin. person
associatedWith Ogden, James Roberts person
associatedWith Ogden, James Roberts. person
associatedWith O'Meara, Barry Edward, 1786-1836. person
associatedWith Pace, Cacilda Prado. person
associatedWith Paisiello, Giovanni, 1740-1816. person
associatedWith Palmerston, Henry Temple, 2nd Viscount, 1739-1802. person
associatedWith Parish, David, d. 1826. person
associatedWith Parker, Frederick Sheldon, 1852-1916. person
correspondedWith Parton, James, 1912- person
associatedWith Pelet, Jean Jacques Germain, Baron, 1777-1858. person
associatedWith Peters, Samuel. person
associatedWith Pierpont Morgan Library. Spear Collection. corporateBody
associatedWith Pierpont Morgan Library. Wrightsman Collection. corporateBody
associatedWith Pilgram, Arthur Julian, 1880-1956. person
associatedWith Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821 person
associatedWith Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821 person
associatedWith Pollock, Channing, 1880-1946. person
associatedWith Pozzo di Borgo, Carlo Andrea, comte, 1764-1842, person
associatedWith Pozzo di Borgo, Carlo Andrea, conte, 1764-1842, person
associatedWith Prioleau, Harriet Horry Frost, person
associatedWith Quadri, Alessandro. person
associatedWith Raffeneau-Delile, Alire, 1778-1850. person
associatedWith Randolph, John, 1773-1833. person
associatedWith Randolph, Thomas M. (Thomas Mann), 1768-1828. person
associatedWith Ray, Gordon Norton, 1915- person
associatedWith Read family. family
associatedWith Rémusat, Auguste Laurent, comte de, 1762-1823. person
associatedWith Richard, Albert. person
associatedWith Roberts family. family
associatedWith Rome (Italy) corporateBody
associatedWith Rosebery, Archibald Philip Primrose, Earl of, 1847-1929, person
associatedWith Rosengarten, J. G. (Joseph George), 1835-1921. person
associatedWith Rumford, Benjamin, Graf von, 1753-1814. person
associatedWith Ruskin, John, 1819-1900. person
associatedWith Sadler, James, 1751-1828. person
associatedWith Saint Cloud. Théâtre de Saint Cloud. corporateBody
associatedWith Savit︠s︡kiĭ, Andreĭ Kazimirovich, d. 1968. person
associatedWith Schmid, Christian, fl. 1809. person
associatedWith Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951. person
associatedWith Schröder & Schÿler (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Schröder & Schÿler (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832. person
associatedWith Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832. person
associatedWith Seibel, Fred O. (Fred Otto), 1886-1969. person
associatedWith Severn, Henry Augustus, 1833-1883. person
associatedWith Sewall, William B. person
associatedWith Sheldon, Frank Merritt. person
associatedWith Sidjakov, Nicolas. person
associatedWith Signorini, Andrea. person
associatedWith Smith, Harry Bache, 1860-1936. person
associatedWith Smith, William Steuben, 1787-1850. person
associatedWith Sneyd, John, d. 1835, person
associatedWith Sones, Jackie. person
associatedWith Soult, Nicolas-Jean de Dieu, 1769-1851. person
associatedWith Spencer, William M. person
associatedWith Spencer, William Marvin, 1892-1984. person
associatedWith Sturm, Ernest, person
associatedWith Sucy, Simon de, person
associatedWith Tait family. family
associatedWith Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, prince de Bénévent, 1754-1838. person
associatedWith Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice de, prince de Bénévent, 1754-1838. person
associatedWith Taylor, Burt Eddy (1928-1969: American book collector) person
associatedWith Taylor, John George person
associatedWith Teegan, Thomas Henry. person
associatedWith Tennant, Charles, person
associatedWith Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863 person
associatedWith Thompson, James, 1782-1847 person
associatedWith Tober, Frank W., 1919-1995 person
associatedWith Todd, W. person
associatedWith Torrijos, José María de person
associatedWith Toschi, Francesco. person
associatedWith Tosi, Gioacchino, d. 1837. person
associatedWith Tovell, Harold M. person
associatedWith Tucker, St. George, 1752-1827. person
associatedWith Tucker, Thomas Tudor, 1745-1828. person
associatedWith Tyrwhitt, Thomas, Sir, 1763-1833. person
associatedWith University of California, Berkeley. University Extension. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago. Library. Special Collections Research Center. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago. Library. Special Collections Research Center. corporateBody
associatedWith University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dept. of Music. corporateBody
associatedWith Upcott, William, 1779-1845 person
associatedWith Vaughan, Benjamin, 1751-1835. person
associatedWith Vaughan, John, 1756-1841 person
associatedWith Victor, Claude Victor Perrin, Duc de Bellune, 1764-1841. person
associatedWith Wallace, Emma, fl. 1870. person
associatedWith Warden, William, 1777-1849. person
associatedWith Watson, Thomas E. (Thomas Edward), 1856-1922. person
associatedWith Watts, Jane (Waldie), 1793-1826. person
associatedWith Whitney, James Edward, collector. person
associatedWith Wilhelmina (Ship : Bordeaux) corporateBody
associatedWith Wilhelmina (Ship : Bordeaux) corporateBody
associatedWith William M. Spencer Collection of French Manuscripts. corporateBody
associatedWith William M. Spencer Collection of French Manuscripts (University of Chicago) corporateBody
associatedWith Wood, J., fl. 1815. person
associatedWith Wraxall, Nathaniel William, Sir, 1751-1831. person
associatedWith Wright, Clement H. person
associatedWith Wrightsman, Charles, Mrs, person
associatedWith Yale University. Library. Judaica Collection. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
Republic of France 00 FR
Saint Helena 02 SH
Ajaccio 94 FR
Kings and rulers
Manuscripts, French
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815
Silk industry
Silk industry


Birth 1769-08-15

Death 1821-05-05






Ark ID: w69x15nw

SNAC ID: 85115161