Tetlow, John, 1843-1911

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Tetlow, an educator, was the headmaster of the Boston Girls' High and Girls' Latin Schools. He was at Girls' Latin from its founding in 1878 until 1910. Tetlow was active in educational associations and wrote or edited books on Latin language and literature for high school students.

From the description of Papers, 1858-1912. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122520511

From the guide to the John Tetlow papers, 1858-1912., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams, Austin W person
correspondedWith Adams, Austin W, recipient. person
correspondedWith Adams, Charles Francis, 1835-1915 person
correspondedWith Agassiz, Elizabeth (Cary), 1822-1907 person
associatedWith Alice H. Bigelow. person
correspondedWith Allen, Frederick De Forest, 1844-1897 person
correspondedWith Andrews, Elisha Benjamin, 1844-1917 person
correspondedWith Antin, Mary. person
correspondedWith Antin, Mary, recipient. person
correspondedWith Babcock, Hariett B. person
correspondedWith Barrows family. family
correspondedWith Bigelow, Alice H person
correspondedWith Bolster person
associatedWith Boston Girls' Latin School. person
correspondedWith Boston School Committee corporateBody
associatedWith Brown, Abbie Farwell. person
correspondedWith Casey, J. F. person
correspondedWith Clifford, John H. person
correspondedWith Coswell, Alexis. person
correspondedWith Cushing, Grafton Dulany. person
correspondedWith Dunn, R. R. person
correspondedWith Eliot, Charles William, 1834-1926 person
correspondedWith Eliot, Thomas Dawes, 1808-1870 person
associatedWith Elizabeth D (Howard) Tetlow person
correspondedWith Ellen C Griswold person
correspondedWith Ellis, David A, recipient. person
associatedWith Emma G. Shaw person
correspondedWith Everett, William, 1839-1910 person
correspondedWith Girls' High School corporateBody
associatedWith Girls' High School (Boston, Mass.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Girls' Latin School corporateBody
associatedWith Girls' Latin School (Boston, Mass.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Goddard, Mary C. C. person
correspondedWith Goddard, Mary C. C., recipient. person
correspondedWith Goodwin, E. J. person
correspondedWith Goodwin, William Watson, 1831-1912 person
correspondedWith Greenough, James Bradstreet, 1833-1901 person
correspondedWith Green, S. S. person
correspondedWith Grimm, Herman, 1828-1901 person
correspondedWith Griswold, Ellen C. person
correspondedWith Guild, Reuben Aldridge, 1822-1899 person
correspondedWith Guinness, L. N. person
correspondedWith Hale, W. person
correspondedWith Hall, Mary Hardwick. person
correspondedWith Harkins, Daniel S. person
correspondedWith Harkins, Daniel S., recipient. person
correspondedWith Harkness, Albert, 1822-1907 person
correspondedWith Harrington, Henry Francis. person
correspondedWith Hassey, Martha S. person
correspondedWith Heller, Margaret Stevenson person
correspondedWith Hinrichs, H. person
correspondedWith Howison, George Holmes, 1834-1917 person
correspondedWith John Tetlow. person
correspondedWith Knapp, Katharine. person
correspondedWith Lane, George Martin, 1823-1897 person
correspondedWith Leach, Dan. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Charlton Thomas, 1834-1904 person
correspondedWith Lincoln, John Larkin, 1817-1891 person
correspondedWith Lindsay, Thomas Bond, 1853-1909 person
correspondedWith Luce, Alice M. person
correspondedWith Lynch, Caroline V. person
associatedWith Mackintosh, Henry S., recipient. person
correspondedWith Marble, S. P. person
correspondedWith McCleary, Helen C. person
correspondedWith Mendell, Ellis. person
correspondedWith Montgomery, Caroline Williamson. person
associatedWith Murray, Parnell S . person
correspondedWith Paine, W. W. person
correspondedWith Parker, Walter S. person
correspondedWith Pickering, Edmund C. person
correspondedWith Preble, Henry. person
correspondedWith Rodman, Edmund. person
correspondedWith Rodman, Thomas Rotch, d. 1905 person
correspondedWith Rodocanachi, G. I. person
correspondedWith Russell, E. H. person
correspondedWith Samuel Eliot Memorial Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Seaver, Edwin Pliny, 1838-1917 person
correspondedWith Shaw, Caroline B. person
correspondedWith Stratton Duluth Brooks person
associatedWith Swift, Lindsay, 1856-1921 person
correspondedWith Taylor, J. M. person
correspondedWith Teacher's Committee of Girls High School of Boston corporateBody
correspondedWith Tetlow, Elizabeth Harrington. person
correspondedWith Tetlow, Elizabeth Harrington, recipient. person
correspondedWith Tetlow, Helen Ingersoll. person
correspondedWith Tetlow, Helen Ingersoll, recipient. person
associatedWith Vergilius' person
correspondedWith Walker, Albert Perry. person
correspondedWith Williamson, Carrie L. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Boston (Mass.)
India, Asia
Classical education
High school
Latin language
Latin literature
School superintendents and principals


Birth 1843

Death 1911

Greek, Modern (1453-),



Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6hr1hck

Ark ID: w6hr1hck

SNAC ID: 36553500