Sabsay, Nahum, 1890-

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Born in Simferopol on the Russian Crimean peninsula, Sabsay (d.1965) survived the pogrom of 1905 and served in the Russian and Belgian armies in WWI. Fleeing the Red Army as commander of a Jewish self-defense unit, he traveled across Siberia and arrived in the U.S. in 1918. After working for a year, he entered Harvard to study mining engineering and graduated in 1923. He settled in California, working as a tool and die and instrument maker while writing novels, short stories, and essays in English. His writings draw primarily from his experiences as a soldier and as a newcomer to the U.S.

From the description of Nahum Sabsay papers, 1924-1969. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612225410

Born in Simferopol on the Russian Crimean peninsula, Nahum Sabsay served in the Russian and Belgian armies in World War I. Fleeing the Red Army as commander of a Jewish self-defense unit, he traveled across Siberia and arrived in the U.S. in 1918. He entered Harvard to study mining engineering and graduated in 1923. He settled in California, worked as a tool and die and instrument maker, and mastered English while writing novels, short stories, and essays, which he and his wife, Elizabeth K. Sabsay, worked to get published. Sabsay died in 1965.

From the guide to the Nahum Sabsay papers, 1924-1969., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn John Mason Brown papers, 1922-1967. Houghton Library
creatorOf Perkins, Maxwell E. (Maxwell Evarts), 1884-1947. Letters, 1927-1947. Ohio University, Alden Library
referencedIn Maxwell E. Perkins letters to Nahum Sabsay, 1927-1947 Ohio University
creatorOf Sabsay, Nahum, 1890-. Nahum Sabsay papers, 1924-1969. Houghton Library
referencedIn Federal Writers Project Records, 1936 San Francisco State University. Labor Archives and Research Center.
creatorOf Nahum Sabsay papers, 1924-1969. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abelard-Schuman Limited. corporateBody
associatedWith Abraham L. Kaminstein. person
associatedWith Alexander D. Wainwright. person
correspondedWith Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Alfred Dashiell person
associatedWith Alfred H. Lane person
associatedWith Allan R. Ottley) person
correspondedWith American Jewish Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith Anna Kovasznay. person
associatedWith Annetta Domenico person
associatedWith Arlene Davern person
associatedWith Ashbel Green. person
correspondedWith Atlantic Monthly. corporateBody
correspondedWith Atlantic Monthly Press. corporateBody
associatedWith Austin T. White. person
correspondedWith Bantam Books (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Bliven, Bruce. person
correspondedWith Bobbs-Merrill Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Bradford, Ned person
correspondedWith Brown, John Mason, 1900-1969 person
associatedWith Burton A. Robie person
associatedWith California State Library corporateBody
associatedWith Carol Ann Rumple person
associatedWith Carol Houck. person
associatedWith Catharine Carver person
correspondedWith Caxton Printers corporateBody
associatedWith Charles Gorham person
correspondedWith Charles Scribner's Sons. corporateBody
associatedWith Charles W. Hamilton. person
correspondedWith Chicago Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chilton Book Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia University Libraries. corporateBody
associatedWith Constance E. Lee person
correspondedWith Cornell University. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Cousins, Robert person
associatedWith Craig Wylie. person
correspondedWith Crown Publishers. corporateBody
associatedWith C. Stump?. person
associatedWith Decker, William person
associatedWith De Ford, Miriam Allen, 1888-1975, person
correspondedWith Detroit Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Dorothy J. Harmon person
correspondedWith Doubleday and Company, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Edward C. Kemp. person
associatedWith Edward J. Brown person
correspondedWith Ehrenberg, F. Thelma. person
associatedWith Eleanor D. Wheeler. person
associatedWith Elizabeth B. Brockunier person
associatedWith Elizabeth Kitty Treadway person
associatedWith Elizabeth K. Sabsay person
associatedWith Ellery Sedgwick. person
associatedWith Elsetta R. Williams. person
correspondedWith Enoch Pratt Free Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Esther S. Yntema. person
associatedWith Fay M. Blake person
associatedWith Federal Writers Project corporateBody
correspondedWith Fondren Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Francis A. Johns person
correspondedWith Frederick A. Praeger, Inc., Publishers. corporateBody
associatedWith Frederick H. Wagman. person
correspondedWith Fredericks, Pierce. person
correspondedWith Free Library of Philadelphia. corporateBody
associatedWith Gerald E. Sutter. person
associatedWith G. F. Shepherd. person
associatedWith Gordon Gipson person
associatedWith Grace Warner. person
correspondedWith Harper & Row, Publishers. corporateBody
associatedWith Harriet Collopy. person
associatedWith Harriet Goode. person
associatedWith Harry E. von Bergen. person
correspondedWith Harvard College Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Graduate Society for Advanced Study and Research. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Hedy Bergida person
associatedWith Helen C. Brenner. person
associatedWith Helen G. Powers. person
associatedWith Helen M. Harrington person
associatedWith Herbert C. Zafren. person
associatedWith Herbert Michelman person
associatedWith Herman Howe Fussler person
associatedWith Heyl, Lawrence person
associatedWith H. I. Rainey. person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Robert D. person
correspondedWith Holden, W. Sprague (Willis Sprague), 1909-1973 person
correspondedWith Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace. corporateBody
correspondedWith Houghton Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
associatedWith I. Mildred Johnson person
associatedWith Indiana University, Bloomington, Dept. of Slavic Languages and Literatures. corporateBody
correspondedWith Indiana University Libraries. corporateBody
associatedWith Irene Ryan. person
associatedWith Isabella Mecinski. person
associatedWith Jacob Rader Marcus. person
associatedWith Jacques Chambrun. person
correspondedWith Jacques Chambrun, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith James Henle. person
associatedWith James T. Babb person
associatedWith Jess G. Bell person
associatedWith J. H. Gipson, Sr. person
associatedWith John C. Willey. person
associatedWith John D. Coll person
associatedWith John Francis Marion. person
associatedWith John Leggett. person
correspondedWith Johns Hopkins University. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Juanita S. Doares person
associatedWith Judy N. Allen person
associatedWith Karol Maichel. person
associatedWith Ken McCormick. person
associatedWith Kenneth M. Glazier. person
associatedWith Lawrence Clark Powell. person
associatedWith Lew Schwartz. person
associatedWith Library of Congress corporateBody
correspondedWith Library of Congress. Copyright Office. corporateBody
correspondedWith Little, Brown and Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Liz Wexler. person
associatedWith L. Kenneth Wilson. person
correspondedWith Locke, Augustus. person
correspondedWith Los Angeles Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith McDonald, T. W. person
correspondedWith McGraw-Hill Book Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mechanics' Institute (San Francisco, Calif.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Menlo Park (Calif.) Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mestechin. person
associatedWith M. E. Wright. person
associatedWith Millen Brand. person
correspondedWith Mills, Robert P. person
associatedWith Molly Thomas. person
correspondedWith Morris, Dave H. person
associatedWith Morris Toll. person
correspondedWith National Library of Canada. corporateBody
correspondedWith New Orleans Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Noelle McGoey person
associatedWith Nondis Meyer. person
associatedWith Norman D. Stevens. person
correspondedWith Norrie, Lanfear B. person
correspondedWith Ohio State University. Libraries. corporateBody
correspondedWith Palo Alto (Calif.) Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Pamela Rubin person
associatedWith Pascal Covici. person
associatedWith Paul Herman Buck person
associatedWith Paul Revere Reynolds. person
correspondedWith Paul R. Reynolds & Son. corporateBody
associatedWith Perkins, Maxwell E. (Maxwell Evarts), 1884-1947, person
associatedWith Perry, Bliss, 1860-1954, person
correspondedWith Person, Jacob. person
associatedWith Persov, Yakov person
associatedWith Peter Davison person
associatedWith Philip G. Morales person
correspondedWith Poore, J. C. person
correspondedWith Poyoler, Bert. person
correspondedWith Princeton University. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Ralph Eugene Ellsworth. person
correspondedWith Random House (Firm). corporateBody
associatedWith Raymond Tanghe person
associatedWith R. D. Rogers. person
associatedWith Richard E. Roberts. person
associatedWith Robert D. (Robert Duane) Loomis. person
associatedWith Robert E. Kingery. person
associatedWith Robert G. Carter person
associatedWith Robert M. Amussen. person
associatedWith Rodney G. Dennis person
associatedWith Russell A. Scully. person
correspondedWith Rutgers University. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sabsay, David. person
associatedWith Sabsay, Elizabeth K. person
correspondedWith Sabsay, Genya. person
correspondedWith Sabsay, Ruth. person
correspondedWith San Diego Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith San Francisco Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Sheila Ryan person
associatedWith Sidney Ives. person
correspondedWith Simon and Schuster, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Sol Behar person
correspondedWith Stanford University. Libraries. corporateBody
associatedWith Stassevitch, Paul, person
correspondedWith Stassevitch, Paul. person
associatedWith Stella Heiden. person
associatedWith Tanis, James person
associatedWith United States. Internal Revenue Service? corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Arizona. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of California, Berkeley. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of California, Los Angeles. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Chicago. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Colorado Libraries. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Michigan. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Oregon. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Vanguard Press, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Viking Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wayne State University. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wegelin?, Caroline. person
associatedWith W. H. (William Henry) Bond person
associatedWith William B. Edgerton person
correspondedWith William Morrow and Company. corporateBody
associatedWith William S. Dix person
associatedWith Witold S. Sworakowski person
correspondedWith W.W. Norton & Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Yale University. Library. corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country
American literature
World War, 1914-1918


Birth 1890



Ark ID: w6k93phb

SNAC ID: 4201497