Raditsa, Leo

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Leo Ferrero Raditsa (1936-2001) was a teacher, scholar, editor and writer, and a distinguished historian of Ancient History. He wrote criticism, essays, plays, history, novels, poems and was an accomplished painter.

A naturalized United States citizen, Leo was born in Switzerland on March 2, 1936 to Bogdan (Radica) Raditsa and Nina Lombroso Ferrero. His maternal grandfather was the prominent Italian journalist and historian Guglielmo Ferrero, and his grandmother was Gina Lombroso, the daughter of Cesare Lombroso, the renowned Italian criminologist. She was a well-known writer on women issues. Nina's brother, Leo Lombroso Ferrero, was a gifted poet and playwright. The Ferreros were outspoken antifascists who left Italy in 1929. They settled in Switzerland, where Guglielmo Ferrero was professor of Modern European History at the University of Geneva.

Bogdan Raditsa was a delegate to the League of Nations in Geneva, and in 1940 he was assigned a diplomatic post at the Yugoslav Embassy in Washington, D.C. He assisted Tito into power and worked in his administration until 1946, when he defected. He returned to the United States and lived in New York with his wife and two children, Leo and Bosiljka (Bosa). He taught at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey and continued his career as a journalist. Nina Raditsa taught Italian and French at Fairleigh Dickinson, and for many years she was an officer on the board of The International League for Human Rights.

Leo Raditsa graduated from Philips Exeter Academy and received his AB in History and Literature from Harvard College in 1956. During his undergraduate years, Raditsa and four friends founded the i.e. The Cambridge Review (1953-1957), a literary journal that became well known in intellectual and academic circles. The Review published writers and artists, such as James Agee, Gregory Corso, Paul Goodman, Walker Evans and Jackson Pollack.

After graduation Raditsa returned to New York and was hired by The Readers' Subscription, a book club run by W.H. Auden, J. Barzun and L. Trilling, to work on its monthly publication The Griffin . During this period he persuaded Roger Strauss, Jr., of Farrar, Strauss and Giroux to republish the banned works of the psychologist Wilhelm Reich.

In 1960 he resumed his studies and entered the graduate school at Columbia University. He received his Master's degree in Medieval History in 1962. His thesis was "Reform, Revolution and Tyranny in Thirteenth and Fourteenth Century Florence." In 1969 he earned his doctorate in Ancient History with his dissertation, "A Historical Commentary to Sallust's Letter of Mithridates." During his years at Columbia, he received two University Scholar Fellowships and the President's Fellow at Columbia. In 1964 and 1965 he received Fullbright fellowships to the University of Munich and the Free University in Berlin.

His early teaching career included positions as an instructor and assistant professor in the Classics Department at New York University, where from 1965 to1972, he taught Greek and Latin as well as Ancient and Medieval history. In 1972 he accepted a teaching position at St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland, where he was part of their Great Books program. He received tenure in 1977 and taught there until his death.

In 1978 he was appointed editor of St. John's publication The College, which he re-founded and edited as The St. John's Review in 1981. In the years 1977-78 he was a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow at the Hoover Institute on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University. During that year he wrote "The Division of the West, Rationality and the Perception of Depth" (unpublished). His life-long interest in Wilhelm Reich led to his book, Some Sense about Wilhelm Reich, published in 1975 and later translated into German. The Denton Congressional Hearings on South Africa attracted Raditsa's interest, and he wrote and published "Prisoners of a Dream: The South African Mirage, A Historical Essay on the Denton Hearings" in 1989. He was a frequent contributor to the publications Midstream, The New York Tribune, The Washington Times and the Italian political journal Ideazione . He exhibited his own paintings and collected contemporary art.

Leo was married for over twenty-five years to Larissa Bonfante, an archaeologist of Etruscan History and Professor in the Classics department at New York University. Their son, Sebastian Raditsa, was born in 1983. His stepdaughter is Alexandra Bonfante-Warren. He divided his time between the United States and Italy, where he lived in his family home, outside of Florence.

From the guide to the Papers, 1947-2001., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Leo Raditsa Papers, 1947-2001 Houghton Library
referencedIn Howe, Mark De Wolfe. Mark De Wolfe Howe papers. 1933-1967. Harvard Law School Library Langdell Hall Cambridge, MA 02138
Role Title Holding Repository
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associatedWith Armistead, S. G., and Sliverman, J. H. person
associatedWith Arnaldi, Girolamo person
associatedWith Arthur E. R Boak person
associatedWith Associazione Internazionale di Studi Guglielmo Ferrero corporateBody
associatedWith Augustus person
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associatedWith Bollack, Jean person
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associatedWith Bonfante, G. person
associatedWith Bonfante, G., Hunger, H. person
associatedWith Bonfante, Giuliano person
correspondedWith Bonfante, Guiliano person
associatedWith Bonfante, L. person
associatedWith Bonfante, Larissa person
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associatedWith Bowersock, G. W. person
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correspondedWith Cedroni, Lorella person
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associatedWith D'Arms, John, H. person
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associatedWith Daure, David person
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associatedWith Davis, R. H. C. person
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correspondedWith Dean, John person
correspondedWith Dector, Midge person
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associatedWith Dell, Harry, J. person
correspondedWith Dennis Bart person
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associatedWith DeTocqueville, Alex person
associatedWith De Visscher, F. person
associatedWith De Visscher, Fernand person
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associatedWith Doppelfeld, Otto person
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associatedWith Dumenidies person
associatedWith Edward J. Delattre person
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correspondedWith Epstein, Joseph person
associatedWith Ertman, Phyllis, C. person
associatedWith Eva Brann person
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associatedWith Fazi, Leonida person
correspondedWith Fehl, Philipp person
associatedWith Fehl, Phillip, P. person
associatedWith Fehl, P., P. person
correspondedWith Ferrero, Guglielmo person
associatedWith Ferro, Beatrice person
associatedWith Fischer, J. M. person
associatedWith Fisher, Howard J. person
associatedWith Fitzlyon, Kyril person
associatedWith Flaumenhaft, Harvey person
associatedWith Flaviaus person
correspondedWith Fleming, Thomas person
associatedWith Fremersdorf, Fritz person
correspondedWith Gabba, Emilio person
associatedWith G. Ferrero person
associatedWith Gildin, Hilail person
correspondedWith Gilliam, J. F. person
associatedWith Giovanni, Adalberto and Grzybek, Erhard person
associatedWith Giovannini, A. person
associatedWith Giovannini, A. and Helmut Muller person
associatedWith Giovannini, Adalberto person
associatedWith Giuffre, V. person
associatedWith Giuffre, Vincenzo person
associatedWith Giunashvili, Ludmila, S. H person
associatedWith Goddard person
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associatedWith Goetz, Helmut person
associatedWith Goetz, Walter person
associatedWith Goittein, Shelmo, D. person
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associatedWith Goldwin, Robert, A. person
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associatedWith Goodman, Allan person
associatedWith Goodman, Paul person
correspondedWith Goodman, Susie person
associatedWith Gorgias person
associatedWith Gorler, Woldemar person
associatedWith Gotz, Helmut person
associatedWith G. Puccioni person
associatedWith Grigorenko. person
associatedWith Grzybek, E., von person
associatedWith G. Tenekidies person
associatedWith Guarino, A. person
associatedWith Guarino, Antonio person
associatedWith Guglielmo Ferrero person
associatedWith Habicht, Christian person
correspondedWith Hadas, Rachel person
associatedWith Hampl, Franz person
associatedWith Harmatta, J. person
correspondedWith Harvard College corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard University corporateBody
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associatedWith Hengel, Martin person
associatedWith Heng, Liang person
associatedWith Heng / Shapiro. person
associatedWith Hermansen, G. person
correspondedWith Hermansen, G., Dr and Family person
associatedWith Herodotus person
associatedWith Herring, George, C. person
associatedWith Hertor, Hans person
correspondedWith Hester, James person
correspondedWith Higgins, Mary person
correspondedWith Highet, Gilbert person
correspondedWith High, Priscilla person
correspondedWith Himmelfarb, Gertrude (B Kristol) person
associatedWith Hippolytus person
associatedWith Hirschfeld, Otto, von person
associatedWith Hobbes, Thomas person
correspondedWith Holmes, Stephen person
correspondedWith Holtwick, Anne person
associatedWith Homer person
correspondedWith Hoogstraten, C. person
correspondedWith Hook, Sidney person
correspondedWith Hoover Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Howe, Mark De Wolfe, 1906-1967 person
associatedWith H. Stern person
associatedWith H. S. Versnel person
associatedWith Hukanovic, Rezak person
correspondedWith Iannone, Carol person
associatedWith Inkatha Freedom Party corporateBody
associatedWith Ira Pinto Gallery corporateBody
associatedWith Isaac, E. person
associatedWith Isaac, E., and R., J. person
associatedWith Isaac, Erich and Rael Jean person
associatedWith Isaac, Jean Rael person
associatedWith Isaac, R., J. person
associatedWith Issac, R., J. person
associatedWith Italia, Banca, D' person
associatedWith Jacob Klein person
correspondedWith Jemielita, Philip person
associatedWith Jeremiah person
associatedWith J. Kessel person
associatedWith Joel Carmichael person
associatedWith Jones, Jack person
associatedWith Joyce Reynolds person
associatedWith Kahn, Charles, H. person
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correspondedWith Katz, Barry person
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associatedWith Kelley, J. B. person
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associatedWith Kenningston, Richard person
associatedWith Kepler person
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associatedWith Kissinger, Henry. person
associatedWith Kissinger, Henry A. person
associatedWith Klien, Jacob person
associatedWith Klima, J. person
correspondedWith Kornfeld, Anne person
associatedWith Kosanovich, Sava, N. person
correspondedWith Kristol, Irving person
correspondedWith Kristol, William person
correspondedWith Krygier, Richard person
associatedWith Kwazulu Legislative Assembly corporateBody
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associatedWith Laffi, U. person
associatedWith Laffi, Umberto person
correspondedWith Landau, Henry & Julie person
associatedWith L. Annaei Senecae person
associatedWith La Penna, Antonio person
correspondedWith Laska, Bernd, A. person
associatedWith Lauretano, Bruno person
associatedWith L. De Regibus person
associatedWith Leites, Edmund person
associatedWith Leithauser, Brad person
correspondedWith Leo Raditsa person
associatedWith Levante, Dino person
associatedWith Levi, Mario, Attilio person
correspondedWith Levin, Michael person
correspondedWith Levy, Norman M., Dr. person
correspondedWith Liben, Meyer person
associatedWith Lincoln person
associatedWith Linderski, J. person
associatedWith Livingston, Robert, Gerald person
associatedWith Livy person
correspondedWith Lombroso, Gina person
correspondedWith London, Herbert person
associatedWith London/ Lee. person
correspondedWith Lowenberg, Robert person
associatedWith Ludwig, Walther person
correspondedWith Lund, Nelson person
associatedWith Luther, Martin person
associatedWith Luzzatto, Giuseppe, Ignazio person
associatedWith Magie, David person
correspondedWith Manacorda, Guiliano person
associatedWith Mancuso, Francesco person
correspondedWith Manent, Pierre person
associatedWith Mangosuthu Buthelezi person
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associatedWith Manni, Eugenio person
associatedWith Mao person
associatedWith Martin, Christopher person
associatedWith Martin, Victor person
associatedWith Marwick, Christina, M. person
associatedWith Maschler, Channinah person
associatedWith Mastellone, Salvo person
associatedWith Mastrocinque, A. person
associatedWith Mastrocinque, Attilio person
associatedWith Mathisen, Ralph, Whitney person
associatedWith Mathisen, R. W. person
associatedWith Max Kasier person
associatedWith May, Ernest, R. person
correspondedWith Mayer, Peter person
associatedWith Mazzarino, Santo person
associatedWith McDonald, A. H. person
associatedWith McGanne, Thomas. person
associatedWith Meer, Fatima. person
associatedWith Meltzer, Allan, H. person
correspondedWith Mennitti, Pierlulgi person
associatedWith Mensching, Erich person
correspondedWith Miller, Ingrid person
correspondedWith Miller, Stephen person
associatedWith Mnomzana, Susan person
associatedWith Momigiliano, A. person
associatedWith Momigliano, A. person
correspondedWith Momigliano, A. D. person
associatedWith Momigliano, Arnaldo Dante person
associatedWith Momigligano, A. person
associatedWith Mommsen person
associatedWith Morano, Enrico person
associatedWith Morrisey, Will person
correspondedWith Morrissey, Will person
correspondedWith Morse, Rose person
associatedWith Moscati, Laura person
associatedWith Moynihan person
associatedWith M. Rene Fohalle person
associatedWith Mujal-Leon, Eusebio person
correspondedWith Mundy, J. H. person
associatedWith Mundy, John Hine person
associatedWith Munson, Steven, C. person
correspondedWith Myers, Daniel person
associatedWith NATO corporateBody
correspondedWith Navrozov, Lev person
associatedWith Needham, Joseph person
correspondedWith Neill, A. S. person
associatedWith Neugebauer, O. person
correspondedWith New York University corporateBody
associatedWith Nilsson, Martin, P. person
associatedWith Nina Raditsa person
correspondedWith Noeffke, Carl person
associatedWith Noeie, Marie person
correspondedWith Noffke, Carl person
associatedWith Nore, Dieter person
correspondedWith Noworyta, Tim person
associatedWith Nurr, D. person
correspondedWith Nussbaum, Alan and Martha person
associatedWith Nussbaum, M. person
associatedWith Nussbaum, Martha person
associatedWith Nuvolone, Flavio, G. person
correspondedWith Ochsensclager, Edward L. person
correspondedWith Orsina, Giovanni person
associatedWith Osgood, Robert, E. person
associatedWith Otto, Walter, Von person
correspondedWith Parker, Aida person
correspondedWith Parran, Thomas person
associatedWith Pasternak person
associatedWith Pavly, Frances person
associatedWith P. Chantraine person
associatedWith Peck, A. J. person
associatedWith Perl, Gerhard, von person
associatedWith Perl, G., von person
associatedWith Peter Shaw person
associatedWith Peter Stein person
associatedWith Petrovic, Bogdan person
associatedWith Phillips Exeter Academy corporateBody
associatedWith Philosophical Library, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Piganiol, A. person
associatedWith Piganiol, Andre. person
associatedWith Piganiol, A., P. person
associatedWith Pike, Douglas person
associatedWith Pirenne person
associatedWith Plutarch person
correspondedWith Podhoretz, Norman person
associatedWith Polverini, Leandro person
associatedWith Postal-Vinay, Andre person
associatedWith Preaux, Claire person
associatedWith Prevost, Guy person
associatedWith Price, M. Jessop person
correspondedWith Prince George Street Press corporateBody
associatedWith P. Treves person
associatedWith Public School 6 corporateBody
associatedWith Raber, Fritz person
associatedWith Rabin, Yitzhak. person
correspondedWith Raditsa, Bogdan person
associatedWith Raditsa, Leo Ferrero person
associatedWith Raditsa, Nina person
associatedWith Rangel, Carlos. person
associatedWith Rawson, Beryl person
associatedWith Reader's Subscription book club corporateBody
associatedWith Rescher, Nicholas, ed. person
associatedWith Reubel person
associatedWith Richard, Jean-Claude person
associatedWith Richardson, Lawerence person
correspondedWith Ridenour, David person
associatedWith R., J. person
associatedWith Robert H. Horwitz person
associatedWith Robleda, O. person
associatedWith Rolley, Claude person
correspondedWith Romano, Sergio person
associatedWith Rosenberg person
correspondedWith Rosselli, Aldo person
associatedWith Rostovzeff person
associatedWith Rowland, Robert, J. person
associatedWith Rozenbaum, Wlodzimerz person
associatedWith Ruggini, L., C. person
associatedWith Ruggini, L., C., and Cracco, Giorgio person
associatedWith Ruggini, Lellia, Cracco person
associatedWith Ruiz-Arango, Vincenzo person
associatedWith Rullmann, H. P person
associatedWith Rumsey Hall (Cornwall, Conn.) corporateBody
associatedWith Sakharov person
associatedWith Sallust person
associatedWith Samuel Jan Brakel person
associatedWith Samuels, Michael, A. person
associatedWith Sartori, F. person
associatedWith Sartori, Franco person
associatedWith Scalopino, Robert person
associatedWith Schandler, Herbert, Y. Col person
associatedWith Schlesinger, S., R. person
associatedWith Schlesinger, Steven, R. person
associatedWith Schlumberger, Daniel person
associatedWith Schnayder, Georgius person
associatedWith Schulman, Adam person
associatedWith Scientifiche Italiane, Edizioni -Cedroni, Lorella corporateBody
associatedWith Scolnicon, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Scott, Simon person
associatedWith Scullard, H. H. person
associatedWith Scullard, Howard Haynes person
associatedWith Shapiro, Judith. person
associatedWith Sicard, Didier. person
associatedWith Silone, I. person
associatedWith Silone, I., Agenda person
associatedWith Silone, Ignazio person
associatedWith Sir Ronald Syme person
associatedWith Sisco, Joseph person
associatedWith Sisto, Paola person
associatedWith Skard, Eiliv person
correspondedWith Smith, Morton person
associatedWith Socrates person
associatedWith Solzhenitsyn, Alexander person
associatedWith Sontag, Susan. person
associatedWith Sophocles person
correspondedWith Sparrow, Edward person
associatedWith Spatz, L. S. person
associatedWith Sprigge, L. S. person
correspondedWith Stancioff Family family
associatedWith Sterling, Claire. person
correspondedWith St. George Street Press corporateBody
associatedWith St John's College corporateBody
correspondedWith Stockdale, James, Admiral person
associatedWith Stockdale, James Bond person
associatedWith Stockdale, J. B. person
associatedWith Stoehr, T. person
correspondedWith Stoehr, Taylor person
correspondedWith Straus, Dorothea person
correspondedWith Straus, Roger W. JR person
associatedWith Strauss, Leo person
correspondedWith Strauss, Roger, Jr. person
associatedWith Sugar Co, Edizioni corporateBody
associatedWith Summers, arry, G. Jr person
associatedWith Tacitus person
associatedWith Talanga, J. person
associatedWith Talanga, Josip person
associatedWith Talenga, J. person
associatedWith Tammy, Martin person
associatedWith Tannenbaum, Frank person
associatedWith Taylor, Lily Ross person
correspondedWith Temporini, Hildegard person
correspondedWith Temporini, Hildegarde person
associatedWith The University of Chicago corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas, John R. person
associatedWith Thomas J. Slakely person
correspondedWith Thomas K. Simpson person
correspondedWith Thomas May person
correspondedWith Thomas Parran person
associatedWith Thorndike, L. person
associatedWith Thorndike, Lynn person
associatedWith Thucycidies person
associatedWith Thucydides person
associatedWith Thurcydides person
correspondedWith Tieger, Arthur person
associatedWith Tondo, Salvatore person
associatedWith Torelli, Mario person
associatedWith Towend, Gavin person
correspondedWith Trilling, Lionel person
associatedWith Truesdell, C. person
associatedWith Turnbull, K. person
correspondedWith Turnbull, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Tyrmand, Leopold person
associatedWith United States Information Agency corporateBody
associatedWith United States Senate corporateBody
associatedWith Urban person
associatedWith Usher, D. person
associatedWith Van Sickle, John person
associatedWith Venturini, Carlo person
associatedWith Vic Alhadoff person
associatedWith Virgil person
associatedWith Visscher, F., de person
associatedWith Visscher, Fernand de person
associatedWith Vivarelli, Roberto person
associatedWith Vladimir Bukowsky person
associatedWith Volkmann, Hans person
associatedWith Volterra, E. person
associatedWith Volterra, Edoardo person
correspondedWith von Oppen, Beate Ruhm person
associatedWith Walbank, F. W. person
associatedWith Warren, Bonfante, Larrisa person
associatedWith Weaver, Helen person
associatedWith Wedemeyer, Aubert C. person
associatedWith Weinland, Robert, G. person
correspondedWith Weisselberg, Michaela person
correspondedWith Whitaker, Thomas R. person
associatedWith Whittfogel, Karl A. person
associatedWith W. H. Walsh person
associatedWith Wiegle, Richard person
associatedWith Wienen, Philip, P. person
associatedWith Wilhelm Reich person
associatedWith Wilkins, Ernest H. person
associatedWith Wilson, Angus. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Becky person
correspondedWith Wilson, Curtis person
correspondedWith Winder, Dean person
associatedWith Winfree Smith person
correspondedWith Wolfgang, Haas person
associatedWith Wolin, Simon person
associatedWith Yalta Conference corporateBody
associatedWith Younger, Irving person
associatedWith Zawodny, J. K. person
associatedWith Zecchini, G. person
associatedWith Zeno, Livio person
correspondedWith Zimmer, Eric person
associatedWith Ziolkowski, Adam person
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