Dresel, Ellis Loring, 1865-1925

Variant names

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Dresel was an American lawyer and diplomat. He was attaché to the U.S. embassy in Berlin in charge of relations between British prisoners of war and the German government (1915-1917); settled the affairs of the U.S. embassy in Vienna after the U.S. entry into the war; worked with the American Legation, its War Trade Board, and the American Red Cross in Berne, Switzerland (1917-1918); headed the political information section of the Paris Peace Conference (1919), for which he made two inspection tours of Germany; and was U.S. commissioner to Germany (1919-1921) with a title change to chargé d'affaires (1921-1922) when relations were normalized. He signed the formal peace treaty in 1921 and returned to the U.S. in 1922.

From the description of Papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 122656057

American diplomat; commissioner to Germany, 1919; chargé d'affaires in Germany, 1921-1922.

From the description of Ellis Loring Dresel papers, 1915-1925. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 754869211

Dresel was an American lawyer and diplomat. He was attaché to the U.S. embassy in Berlin in charge of relations between British prisoners of war and the German government (1915-1917); settled the affairs of the U.S. embassy in Vienna after the U.S. entry into the war; worked with the American Legation, its War Trade Board, and the American Red Cross in Berne, Switzerland (1917-1918); headed the political information section of the Paris Peace Conference (1919), for which he made two inspection tours of Germany; and was U.S. commissioner to Germany (1919-1921) with a title change to chargé d'affaires (1921-1922) when relations were normalized. He signed the formal peace treaty in 1921 and returned to the U.S. in 1922.

From the guide to the Papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk)., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Dresel, Ellis Loring, 1865-1925. Ellis Loring Dresel papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk) Houghton Library
referencedIn Frank Lyon Polk papers, 1883-1942 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
creatorOf Beal, Boylston Adams, 1865-1944. Correspondence, 1914-1927. Houghton Library
creatorOf Boyden, Roland William, 1863-1931. Roland William Boyden papers, 1917-1923 (bulk), 1917-1947 (inclusive). Houghton Library
referencedIn Harvard University Archives Photograph Collection: Portraits, ca. 1852-ca. 2004 Harvard University Archives.
creatorOf Ellis Loring Dresel Papers, 1915-1925 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe additional papers Houghton Library
referencedIn Dresel, Louisa Loring, 1864-. Papers, 1874-1953 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
referencedIn Correspondence, 1914-1927. Houghton Library
referencedIn Frank Lyon Polk papers, 1883-1942 Yale University. Department of Manuscripts and Archives
referencedIn Correspondence, 1914-1927. Houghton Library
referencedIn Irvine Luther Lenroot Papers, 1858-1971, (bulk 1900-1944) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
referencedIn Loring, Ellis Gray, 1803-1858. Ellis Gray Loring Family papers, 1828-1923 (inclusive). Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America‏
creatorOf Papers, 1879-1926 (inclusive), 1916-1922 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn Roland William Boyden papers, 1917-1923 (bulk), 1917-1947 (inclusive). Houghton Library
referencedIn James, William, 1842-1910. Papers, 1803-1941 (bulk: 1862-1910) Houghton Library
creatorOf Ellis Loring Dresel Papers, 1915-1925 Hoover Institution Archives
referencedIn Henry T. Allen Papers, 1806-1933, (bulk 1883-1933) Library of Congress. Manuscript Division
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abbott, Franklin person
correspondedWith Abbott, Gordon person
correspondedWith Abstract Club, The corporateBody
correspondedWith Achenbach, C. H. person
correspondedWith Ackerman, Carl William, 1890- person
correspondedWith Adams, Edward B. person
correspondedWith Adlon, Louis person
correspondedWith Agassiz, George Russell, 1862- person
correspondedWith Albert, Dr person
correspondedWith Allen, Frederic W. person
associatedWith Allen, Henry T. (Henry Tureman), 1859-1930. person
correspondedWith Alley, James B. person
correspondedWith American Embassy, Paris. corporateBody
associatedWith American Red Cross. corporateBody
correspondedWith American Relief Administration Warehouses corporateBody
correspondedWith Amory, Copley. person
correspondedWith Amsler & Ruthardt. corporateBody
correspondedWith Appleton, James W. person
correspondedWith Argus Press Clipping Bureau. corporateBody
correspondedWith Armour, Norman, 1887- person
correspondedWith Armsby, Cornelia. person
correspondedWith Army & Navy Co-operative Society, Ltd., London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Avril, Suzanne. person
correspondedWith Ayrault, Guy. person
correspondedWith Bagby, Philip H. person
correspondedWith Bailey, Ralph Edward, 1888- person
correspondedWith Bailleux, A. person
correspondedWith Bain, James person
correspondedWith Barbour, James R. person
correspondedWith Baringer, Fred Marriot. person
correspondedWith Barry, Alice E. person
correspondedWith Bate, Fred B. person
correspondedWith Beal, Boylston A. person
associatedWith Beal, Boylston Adams, 1865-1944, person
correspondedWith Belfield, A. G. person
correspondedWith Bell, Edward Price, 1869- person
correspondedWith Bergholz, Leo A. person
correspondedWith Bernstorff, Johann Heinrich, graf von, 1862-1939 person
correspondedWith Berry Bros. & company corporateBody
correspondedWith Bethel, Mrs E Grant person
correspondedWith Beverly Hospital. corporateBody
correspondedWith Biddle, David H. person
correspondedWith Bingham, Sir Francis person
correspondedWith Blanchard, John Adams, 1869- person
correspondedWith Bliss, Robert Woods, 1875- person
correspondedWith Blücher, Evelyn person
correspondedWith Böckelmann, Hauptmann. person
correspondedWith Bohlen, Alistine person
correspondedWith Bohlen, Charles person
correspondedWith Bonn, Moritz Julius, 1873- person
correspondedWith Borchardt, F. W. person
correspondedWith Boston Weekly Transcript. 1 corporateBody
correspondedWith Bouton, Stephen Miles, 1876- person
correspondedWith Bower, Cotton & Bower, London. corporateBody
associatedWith Boyden, Roland William, 1863-1931, person
correspondedWith Brainerd, Chauncey Corey. person
correspondedWith Breitkopf & Härtel corporateBody
correspondedWith Breslau, Bahnhofsrestauration corporateBody
correspondedWith Brockhaus, Marianne person
correspondedWith Brockhaus, Max person
correspondedWith Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925 person
correspondedWith Buckler, W. H. person
correspondedWith Buhl, F. H. person
correspondedWith Burden, Chester G. person
correspondedWith Cabot, Godfrey Lowell. person
correspondedWith Cady, H. person
correspondedWith Camm, Henry. person
correspondedWith Caroe, Miss corporateBody
correspondedWith Carr, Wilbur John. person
associatedWith Castle, William Richards, 1878- person
correspondedWith Chadwick. E. Gerry. person
correspondedWith Charleton, E. F. person
correspondedWith Clark, Harry. person
correspondedWith Coffin, William Sloane. person
correspondedWith Colby, Bainbridge, 1869- person
correspondedWith Connett, Albert N. person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Archibald Cary, 1866-1928 person
associatedWith Cording, J. C. & Co. Ltd., London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Coulter, C. M. person
correspondedWith Crane, Richard person
correspondedWith Cravath, Paul Drennan, 1861- person
correspondedWith Crosby, Sheldon L. person
correspondedWith Cuno, Wilhelm, 1876- person
correspondedWith Curtis, Mary person
correspondedWith Cushman, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Dalrymple, Hew. person
correspondedWith Dampierre, Jacques, marquis de, 1874 person
correspondedWith Dangaix, W. J. person
correspondedWith Darrach, William. person
correspondedWith Davis, Edward. person
correspondedWith Davis, Norman H, 1878- person
correspondedWith Dawson, William Harbutt, 1860- person
correspondedWith Day, Franklin person
correspondedWith Day, William A. person
correspondedWith Debuchi, Katsuji, 1878- person
correspondedWith Defrees, Joseph H. person
correspondedWith DeFriese, Lafayette H. person
associatedWith Degersdorff, C. A. person
correspondedWith De Jan, Henry person
correspondedWith De Koven, Anna (Farwell), 1860- person
correspondedWith Dennett, Carl P. person
correspondedWith Deutsch, Felix, 1858- person
correspondedWith Devens, Agnes R. G. person
correspondedWith De Wangen, W. person
correspondedWith Dexter, Fletcher person
correspondedWith Dicke, Ludwig, 1880- person
correspondedWith Dickie, James Francis. person
correspondedWith Dodge, H. Percival person
correspondedWith Dolbeare, Frederic R. person
correspondedWith Donovan, William Joseph, 1883- person
associatedWith Drage, Geoffrey, b. 1860 person
correspondedWith Dresel, Anita person
correspondedWith Dresel, Hermann person
correspondedWith Dresel, Louisa Loring. person
associatedWith Dresel, Louisa Loring, 1864- person
correspondedWith Du Bois-Reymond, Lili. person
associatedWith Dulles, Allen, 1893-1969, person
correspondedWith Dulles, Allen Welsh, 1893- person
correspondedWith Dulles, John Foster, 1888- person
correspondedWith Dyar, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Edwards, Paul L. person
correspondedWith Ehrentrant, Victoria person
correspondedWith Eiffe, F. F. person
associatedWith Engel, Adelheid person
correspondedWith Enthoven, Arthur L. person
associatedWith Esplanade Hotel, Berlin. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fanning, Alice M. person
correspondedWith Filene, Edward Albert, 1860-1937 person
correspondedWith Finanzamt. Detmold, Lippe. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fitz, Edward C. person
correspondedWith Fletcher, Henry P. person
correspondedWith Flower, Henry Corwin. person
correspondedWith Fontz, Rudolf person
correspondedWith Foster, Reginald C. person
correspondedWith Frazier, Arthur Hugh person
correspondedWith Friedlaender, Max, 1852- person
correspondedWith Frothingham, Thomas Goddard, 1865- person
correspondedWith Gade, John Allyne, 1875- person
correspondedWith Gallavresi, Giuseppe. person
correspondedWith Gallison, Marie (Reuter). person
correspondedWith Gardner, D. person
correspondedWith Garmendia, B. Spalding de person
correspondedWith Garrett, John W. person
correspondedWith Gary, Hampson. person
correspondedWith Gause person
correspondedWith Gerard, James Watson, 1867- person
correspondedWith Gerard, Molly person
correspondedWith Gericke, Paula person
correspondedWith Gherardi, Walter R. person
correspondedWith Gibert, Fred E. person
correspondedWith Gibson, Hugh, 1883- person
associatedWith Gibson, Hugh, 1883-1954, person
correspondedWith Gilchrist, Huntington, 1891- person
correspondedWith Gillett, Frederick Huntington, 1851- person
correspondedWith Ginn, Lurtin R. person
correspondedWith Gomperz Mrs person
correspondedWith Goodrich, Wallace, 1871- person
correspondedWith Goodwin, Frederic S. person
correspondedWith Gordon, George Angier, 1853-1929 person
correspondedWith Gottlieb, Otto. person
correspondedWith Grant, Robert, 1852-1940 person
correspondedWith Grant-Smith, U. person
correspondedWith Grasty, Charles Henry, 1863- person
correspondedWith Green, Thomas person
correspondedWith Grew, Henry S. person
associatedWith Grew, Joseph C. (Joseph Clark), 1880-1965, person
correspondedWith Grew, Randolph C. person
correspondedWith Grinnell-Milne, Duncan William. person
correspondedWith Griswold, Frank Gray, 1854-1937 person
correspondedWith Gropius, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Grote, E. person
correspondedWith Guinness, Richard person
correspondedWith Guittet, E. person
correspondedWith Gunther, Frank M. person
correspondedWith Haennz, Claire person
correspondedWith Haimhausen, Haniel person
correspondedWith Halstead, Albert, 1867- person
correspondedWith Harden, Maximilian, 1861-1927 person
correspondedWith Harris, Heaton W. person
correspondedWith Harrison, Leland person
correspondedWith Harvard College. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvey, George, 1864- person
correspondedWith Haskell, Lewis W. person
correspondedWith Haughton, Ailie person
correspondedWith Hazeltine, Herbert person
correspondedWith Heingartner, Ruth person
correspondedWith Helms, Birch person
correspondedWith Henderson, Ernest Flagg, 1861-1928 person
correspondedWith Hendrick, Burton Jesse, 1871-1949 person
correspondedWith Henry, Morton J. person
correspondedWith Hercher, P. person
correspondedWith Herrick, Myron Timothy, 1854-1929 person
correspondedWith Herter, Christian Archibald, 1895- person
correspondedWith Herty, Charles Holmes, 1867- person
correspondedWith Herwarth von Bittenfeld, Friedrich. person
correspondedWith Hewins & Hollis corporateBody
correspondedWith Higginson, Henry Lee, 1834-1919 person
correspondedWith Higginson, Ida S. person
correspondedWith Hines, Walker Downer, 1870-1934 person
correspondedWith Hitchcock Mrs Thomas person
correspondedWith Hodgkinson, T. Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hoffmann, Gustave F. J. person
correspondedWith Hoile, L. H. person
correspondedWith Holmes, J. person
correspondedWith Hoover, Herbert, pres. U. S., 1874- person
correspondedWith House, Edward Mandell, 1858-1938 person
correspondedWith Howell, W. S. person
correspondedWith Howe, M. A. De Wolfe (Mark Antony De Wolfe), 1864-1960 person
correspondedWith Hrdina, C. person
correspondedWith Huddle, J. Klahr person
correspondedWith Hughes, Charles Evans, 1862-1948 person
correspondedWith Hunneman, Carleton person
correspondedWith Hunt, I. L. person
correspondedWith Huntington, Rhinelander person
correspondedWith Hutchinson, C. Gordon person
correspondedWith Hutterly, William U. person
correspondedWith Insull, Samuel, 1859- person
correspondedWith Irish Linen Stores, London corporateBody
correspondedWith Isenburg, Berta person
correspondedWith Jablonski, Ludovic, 1858- person
correspondedWith Jackson, John B. person
correspondedWith James, Henry, 1879-1947 person
correspondedWith James, W. Frank person
correspondedWith James, William, 1842-1910 person
correspondedWith Jobst, Jean M. Browne person
correspondedWith Johnson, Hallett person
correspondedWith Johnson, Stewart person
correspondedWith Jones person
correspondedWith Joy, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Jüptner-Stuhr Fotografische Werkstatt, Bern corporateBody
correspondedWith Kane, Francis Fisher. person
correspondedWith Kaupe, William B. person
correspondedWith Keegan, John J. person
correspondedWith Kiddy Aunt person
correspondedWith Kilmarnock, John. person
correspondedWith Kirk, Alexander C. person
correspondedWith Klemm, Richard person
correspondedWith Klügmann Frau Dr. person
correspondedWith Knapp, Rear Admiral H. J. person
correspondedWith Knickerbocker Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Kraftfahrerdank corporateBody
correspondedWith Krehl, Stephan, 1864-1924 person
correspondedWith Kriegsfahrwesens, Inspektion des corporateBody
correspondedWith Krucke, R. H. person
correspondedWith Kuehnrich, P. M. person
correspondedWith Kuhn, Joseph E. person
correspondedWith Kundig Librairie corporateBody
correspondedWith Kunkel, Louis Otto, 1884- person
associatedWith Lady Kilmarnock's Fund. corporateBody
correspondedWith Lane, Arthur Bliss, 1894- person
correspondedWith Langdale, Beatrice person
correspondedWith Lansing, Robert, 1864-1928 person
correspondedWith Lawrence, John S. person
correspondedWith Lay, Julius G. person
correspondedWith Leavitt, Brooks person
correspondedWith Leeds, Herbert Corey, 1855-1930 person
correspondedWith Lee, Higginson person
correspondedWith Lee, Ivy Ledbetter, 1877-1934 person
correspondedWith Lehmann, Elizabeth Anna person
correspondedWith Lehmann, Rudolph Chambers, 1856- person
correspondedWith Leishman, John G. person
correspondedWith Lempriere, E. C. person
correspondedWith Lichnowsky, Karl Max, fürst von, 1860-1928 person
correspondedWith Linthicus, J. Charles. person
correspondedWith Lister, Lucy person
correspondedWith Littlefield, Leland H. person
correspondedWith Livingstone, Dame Adelaide Lord (Stickney) 1887- person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Molly person
correspondedWith Lobach, Friedrike person
associatedWith Lodge, Henry Cabot, 1850-1924, person
correspondedWith Loeb, James, 1867- person
correspondedWith Logan, James A. person
correspondedWith Long, Breckinridge, 1881- person
associatedWith Loring, Ellis Gray, 1803-1858. person
correspondedWith Loring, Katharine Peabody. person
correspondedWith Ludington, Charles H. person
correspondedWith Mainzer, Ferdinand, 1871- person
correspondedWith Malcolm, C. B. person
correspondedWith Malcolm, Sir Neill, 1869- person
correspondedWith Maltzan, Edith person
correspondedWith McCormick, Medill, 1877- person
correspondedWith McCormick, Vance C. person
correspondedWith McFadden, George person
correspondedWith Mead, Frederick Sumner. person
correspondedWith Medofsky, C. N. person
correspondedWith Melbourne, Hart person
correspondedWith Meserve, H. Fessenden. person
correspondedWith Michael, Charles R. person
correspondedWith Miller, David Hunter, 1875- person
correspondedWith Millspaugh, M. C. person
correspondedWith Minot, Grafton W. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Mowatt M. person
correspondedWith Moos, Ferdinand. person
correspondedWith Morgan, Harjes & Co., Paris corporateBody
correspondedWith Morgan, H. H. person
correspondedWith Morris, Ira Nelson, 1875- person
correspondedWith Mortimer, Richard person
correspondedWith Motski, Nina person
correspondedWith Mott Colonel person
correspondedWith Mumford, George Saltonstall, 1866- person
correspondedWith Munford, J. U. person
correspondedWith Murphy, George H. person
associatedWith Myopia Club corporateBody
correspondedWith Nation, The. New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Neuer, Charles person
correspondedWith Newton, Thomas Wodehouse Legh, 2nd baron, 1857 person
correspondedWith Nickerson, George person
correspondedWith Nolland person
correspondedWith Norman, Maxwell person
correspondedWith Norweb, R. Henry person
correspondedWith Noyes, Pierrepont Burt, 1870- person
correspondedWith O'Laughlin, John Callan, 1873- person
correspondedWith Osborne, Lithgow person
correspondedWith Osten-Lorsch, Albert person
correspondedWith Page & Shaw corporateBody
correspondedWith Palmer, Bradley Webster, 1866- person
associatedWith Paris Peace Conference (1919-1920). corporateBody
correspondedWith Parker, Philip S. person
correspondedWith Patten, William S. person
correspondedWith Peal & company corporateBody
associatedWith Perkins, James H. person
correspondedWith Perlowski, Jean person
correspondedWith Pfeiffer, Anton. person
correspondedWith Phillips, William, 1878- person
correspondedWith Piaton, René. person
associatedWith Picard, André L., person
correspondedWith Picard, André L. person
correspondedWith Pocock, David L. S. person
associatedWith Polk, Frank Lyon, 1871-1943. person
correspondedWith Poole, Henry person
correspondedWith Pope-Hennessy, Dame Una (Birch) 1876- person
correspondedWith Popovitch, D. N. person
correspondedWith Potter, Alfred Claghorn, 1867-1940 person
correspondedWith Prince, Charles A. person
correspondedWith Prince, Frederick Henry, 1859- person
correspondedWith Proctor, M. F. person
correspondedWith Proctor, Thomas E. person
correspondedWith Ragnon, A. person
correspondedWith Rathbone, A. person
correspondedWith Rath, Cecilia person
correspondedWith Rathenau, Walther, 1867-1922 person
correspondedWith Reventlow, Ernst person
correspondedWith Rhinelander, Thomas N. person
correspondedWith Rice, Fred B. person
correspondedWith Richards, Auguste person
correspondedWith Rigling, Max person
correspondedWith Robinette, Edward B. person
correspondedWith Roch, Berta person
correspondedWith Rodewald, von person
correspondedWith Roler, Albert Hurlbut person
correspondedWith Rolland, Bernardo person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, Albert, 1863- person
correspondedWith Rosen, Walter T. person
correspondedWith Ruddock, Albert B. person
correspondedWith Rumbold, Sir Horace, bart., 1829-1913 person
correspondedWith Russell, Charles Howland, 1851-1921 person
correspondedWith Russell, Richard S. person
correspondedWith Saintyves, Papeterie person
correspondedWith Saltonstall, John L. person
correspondedWith Scaife, Roger Livingston, 1875- person
correspondedWith Schamberger, Frau Friedrich person
correspondedWith Scheel person
correspondedWith Scherr-Thoss, Muriel person
correspondedWith Schiller, Georg. person
correspondedWith Schipper, Karl person
correspondedWith Schlieper, G. person
correspondedWith Schmidt, Gertrud. person
correspondedWith Schollbach, Theodor person
correspondedWith Schroeder, Eugen person
correspondedWith Schultz, Dr person
correspondedWith Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart von, 1864 person
correspondedWith Schwabach, Paul Herrmann, 1867- person
correspondedWith Schwerin, Claudius, freiherr von, 1880-1944 person
correspondedWith Seabury, Frank person
correspondedWith Sears, Herbert Mason, 1867- person
correspondedWith Seeds, William person
correspondedWith Seiler, Frédéric person
correspondedWith Severs Baroness person
correspondedWith Seydoux person
correspondedWith Sheldon, L. P. person
correspondedWith Simion, Leonhard person
correspondedWith Simon, John George person
correspondedWith Simpich, Frederick. person
correspondedWith Sinclair, John Frederick. person
correspondedWith Smith, Henry Arthur, 1848- person
correspondedWith Smith, W. H. person
correspondedWith Somerset Club, Boston. corporateBody
associatedWith Stahl, Berthold. person
correspondedWith State Street Trust Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Stelthis, Samay person
correspondedWith Sterling, Frederick A. person
correspondedWith Stetter, Franz person
correspondedWith Stevens, B. F., & Brown, London corporateBody
correspondedWith Stevenson, Lewis G. person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Thomas G. person
correspondedWith Stewart, Francis R. person
correspondedWith Stewart, John R. person
correspondedWith St. George's Church, Berlin. corporateBody
correspondedWith St. James Club, Piccadilly corporateBody
correspondedWith Stoddard, Ida O'Donnell person
correspondedWith Stoddard, John Lawson, 1850-1931 person
correspondedWith Stormer, Vivian person
correspondedWith Stovall, Pleasant Alexander, 1857-1935 person
correspondedWith Strassburger, R. B. person
correspondedWith Strazzeri, Olga person
correspondedWith Striem, Doris person
correspondedWith Sulzer, Hans. person
correspondedWith Sussdorf, Louis A. person
correspondedWith Szebeko person
correspondedWith Tarre, F. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Alonzo Englebert, 1871- person
correspondedWith Taylor, Carl person
correspondedWith Thaw, Benjamin person
correspondedWith Thomas, L. I. person
correspondedWith Thresher & Glenny corporateBody
correspondedWith Tiergarten-Tattersall corporateBody
correspondedWith Travellers' Club, Paris corporateBody
correspondedWith Trier, Sigurd. person
correspondedWith Tuckerman, Bayard, 1855- person
correspondedWith Turnbull & Asser corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Dept. of State. corporateBody
associatedWith United States. Embassy (Austria). corporateBody
correspondedWith U. S. Dept. of State corporateBody
correspondedWith U. S. Dept. of State Bureau of Accounts. corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Embassy, London corporateBody
correspondedWith U.S. Embassy. Vienna. corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Santen, H. N. person
correspondedWith Vollmershausen, Georg Ludwig person
correspondedWith Vrillac, Camille person
correspondedWith Wadhams, William H. person
correspondedWith Wadsworth, Eliot, 1876- person
correspondedWith Walcott, Frances M. person
correspondedWith Warburg, Max M. person
correspondedWith Warburg, Paul M. person
correspondedWith Warburton, Eliot person
correspondedWith Warrin, Frank Lord person
correspondedWith War Trade Board, Berne corporateBody
associatedWith War Trade Board (Berne, Switzerland). corporateBody
correspondedWith Webster, Jerome Pierce. person
correspondedWith Weigel, Martin, 1866- person
correspondedWith Wheeler, Post, 1869- person
correspondedWith White, Henry Alexander, 1861-1926 person
associatedWith Whitehouse, H. Remsen (Henry Remsen), b. 1857 person
correspondedWith Whitehouse, Sheldon person
correspondedWith White, John Claude, 1853- person
correspondedWith White, Ralph H. person
correspondedWith Wickersham, George Woodward, 1858-1936 person
correspondedWith Wiedfeldt, Otto. person
correspondedWith Wiegand, Karl person
correspondedWith Wilber, David F. person
correspondedWith Wille, Hermann. person
correspondedWith Williams, H. M. person
correspondedWith Williams, Louie person
correspondedWith Williams, Pierce, 1885- person
correspondedWith Wilson, Hugh, 1885- person
correspondedWith Wilson, Katherine person
correspondedWith Wilson, Randolph C. person
correspondedWith Wilton, Doris person
correspondedWith Wimpfheimer, Augustus person
correspondedWith Winslow, L. Lanier person
correspondedWith Wirth, Frederick person
correspondedWith Witte, George Howland person
correspondedWith Woltner, F. person
correspondedWith Wood, John Q. person
correspondedWith Woods, Arthur, 1870- person
correspondedWith Woolsey, Lester Hood, 1877- person
correspondedWith Wright, Joshua Butler, 1877- person
correspondedWith Wright, Maritha person
correspondedWith Wright, Vikloria person
correspondedWith Y.M.C.A., Berlin corporateBody
correspondedWith Y.M.C.A., War Prisoners' Aid. corporateBody
correspondedWith Young, Frederick Sion person
correspondedWith Zastrow, Theobald person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
United States
United States
Diplomatic and consular service, American
Prisoners of war
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918
World War, 1914-1918


Birth 1865

Death 1925


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6sb4s81

Ark ID: w6sb4s81

SNAC ID: 5634771