Migel, Parmenia

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Parmenia Migel Ekstrom (1908-1989) was a ballet historian and author, and founder and president of the Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation. Although she started her career as a writer under her maiden name, Parmenia Migel, in her subsequent career as a dance scholar and collector, she used her married name, Mrs. Parmenia Ekstrom, sometimes abbreviated PME in this finding aid. In the late 1930s she founded and headed the executive committee of the Ballet Guild (New York, N.Y.). From 1946 to 1955, she lived in France where she directed a gallery and organized exhibitions and concerts. On her return to New York, she founded and directed the Dance Department of the New School for Social Research (New York, N.Y.), where she also lectured. She became Honorary Curator of Ballet at the Harvard Theatre Collection and was a long standing member of the Committee for the Dance Collection for the New York Public Library. As a writer, Ekstrom contributed to many scholarly dance journals and published a number of books on ballet history. She also published a biography of the Danish author Isak Dinesen . In the late 1950s, she established and directed the Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation which collected material related to Igor Stravinsky's and Serge Diaghilev's careers, organized exhibitions on dance, promoted dance research and supported a great number of writers, researchers and students of dance by giving them access to the Foundation's collection of dance material. She was also involved in the operation of her husband Arne Horlin Ekstrom 's gallery, Cordier & Ekstrom, in New York.

From the guide to the Parmenia Migel papers, 1945-1990., (Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Parmenia Migel (1908-1989), known in the dance world as Mrs. Parmenia Ekstrom, was a ballet historian and author, and founder and president of the Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation.

From the description of Parmenia Migel papers, 1945-1990. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 612794876

Parmenia Migel Ekstrom was interested in dance as a young woman and during the period 1939-1942 she became a founder of the Ballet Guild and an active supporter of the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. She later became interested in the history of dance and began a career as a scholar and collector. In 1972, she published a book, The Ballerinas: from the Court of Louis XIV to Pavlova.

From the guide to the Autograph letters of 19th century ballet notables, 1806-1907, (The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.)

Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation was established in New York in the 1950s by dance scholar and writer Parmenia Migel Ekstrom. The foundation collected material related to careers of Igor Stravinsky and Serge Diaghilev, and Ballets Russes, organized exhibitions on dance, and promoted dance research.

From the description of Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation collection, 1912-1989. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 612794774

Boris Kochno, born 1904 in Moscow, was a well-educated person with a knowledge of constructivist painting. He came to Paris in 1920 and was soon introduced to Serge Diaghilev. Although not a dancer, choreographer, or designer, he became a man behind the scenes who help deal with the various artists who worked with Diaghilev's company. After Diaghilev's death in 1929, Kochno moved to London where he assisted in the staging of Cochran's Revue of 1930. In the following few years, he worked with George Balanchine in several adventures. In 1945, he became the artistic director of Ballets des Champs-Élysées, working with the choreographer Roland Petit. He wrote Le ballet en France (1954) and, published simultaneously in English and French editions, Diaghilev et les Ballets Russes (1970). He died in 1990 in Paris.

Parmenia Migel was born in New York City June 14, 1908. She was educated in the United States and France and became interested in ballet in the 1930's, when she founded and directed the Ballet Guild, an organization to find and commission new works for the Massine/Denham Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo. In 1933, she married the New York art dealer Arne H. Ekstrom. She lived in France from 1946-1955 and founded and co-directed the Galerie Michael Warren in Paris. Returning to New York City, she founded the Dance Department of the New School for Social Research. She wrote both poetry and books on dance, including The ballerinas: from the court of Louis XIV to Pavlova (1972), Pablo Picasso, designs for The three-cornered hat (1978), Great ballet prints of the romantic era (1981), and Great ballet stars in historic photographs (1985). In 1986, she curated an exhibition entitled Four hundred years of dance notation which was shown both at New York City's Grolier Club and the Harvard Theatre Collection in Cambridge, Mass. She died on November 14, 1989 in New York City.

From the description of Letter to Boris Kochno, 1967-1972. (New York Public Library). WorldCat record id: 774900044

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Migel, Parmenia. Correspondence, 1939-[1973?]. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Migel, Parmenia,. Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation collection, 1912-1989. Houghton Library
creatorOf Parmenia Migel papers, 1945-1990. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Migel, Parmenia. Letter to Boris Kochno, 1967-1972. New York Public Library System, NYPL
creatorOf Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation. Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation research files, 1920-1989. Houghton Library
creatorOf Migel, Parmenia. Miscellaneous manuscripts. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
creatorOf Migel, Parmenia,. Autograph letters of 19th century ballet notables. New York Public Libraries for the Performing Arts, Dance Collection
referencedIn Robert D. Graff collection of papers concerning Karen Blixen, 1934-1972 (inclusive), 1953-1967 (bulk). Houghton Library
creatorOf Migel, Parmenia. Parmenia Migel papers, 1945-1990. Houghton Library
creatorOf Autograph letters of 19th century ballet notables, 1806-1907 The New York Public Library. Jerome Robbins Dance Division.
referencedIn Vera Zorina papers Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Graff, Robert D., 1919-,. Papers concerning Karen Blixen, 1934-1972 (inclusive), 1953-1967 (bulk). Houghton Library
referencedIn George Balanchine archive, 1924-1989 (inclusive), 1961-1983 (bulk). Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Acocella, Joan Ross. person
correspondedWith Adler, Stella. person
correspondedWith Aitken, Webster. person
associatedWith Alexandra Danilova. person
associatedWith Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Alinova, Durine person
correspondedWith Allen, Edwin. person
correspondedWith American Ballet Theatre corporateBody
correspondedWith American Institute of Choreology, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Anderson, Jack, 1935- person
associatedWith Anna Pavlova person
associatedWith Ann Hutchinson Guest . person
correspondedWith Appleton, William. W. person
correspondedWith Arne H. Ekstrom person
correspondedWith Arpino, Gerald. person
correspondedWith Arthur Gold. person
correspondedWith Astier, Régine. person
correspondedWith Atlas, Helen V. person
associatedWith Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924. person
correspondedWith Bakst, Lynn. person
correspondedWith Balanchine, George. person
correspondedWith Baldwin, Donna. person
associatedWith Ballet Guild, New York. corporateBody
associatedWith Ballets russes. corporateBody
correspondedWith Baril, Jacques. person
correspondedWith Barnard, Mary Anne. person
correspondedWith Baxter, Walter, 1915- person
correspondedWith Belle, Anne. person
associatedWith Benois, Alexandre, 1870-1960. person
correspondedWith Berenbeim, Glenn. person
correspondedWith Berman, Eugene, 1899- person
associatedWith Berman, Eugene, 1899-1972. person
correspondedWith Bettmann Archive, Inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boardman, Eleanor, 1898- person
associatedWith Book-of-the-Month Club, New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Boosey & Hawkes, ltd., London. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boucher, Leonard. person
correspondedWith Bouis, Antonina W. person
associatedWith Bournonville, August, 1805-1879. person
correspondedWith Bowlt, John E. person
correspondedWith Brandau, Robert. person
correspondedWith Branitzka, Nathalie. person
correspondedWith British Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bryars, Gavin. person
correspondedWith Buckle, Richard. person
correspondedWith Buctrup, Bjarne. person
correspondedWith Cacciolanza, Gisella. person
correspondedWith Canaday, John 1907-1985 person
associatedWith Carnegie Hall corporateBody
correspondedWith Cavanagh, Barbara. person
associatedWith Cerrito, Fanny person
associatedWith Cerrito, Fanny. person
correspondedWith Chaffee, George. person
correspondedWith Chaliapin, Boris, 1904-1979 person
correspondedWith Chase, Lucia, 1897-1986 person
correspondedWith Chatfield-Taylor, Marushka Anisfield person
correspondedWith Chujoy, Anatole, 1894-1969 person
correspondedWith Clarke, Mary, 1923- person
correspondedWith Cohen, Selma Jeanne, 1920-2005 person
associatedWith Como, William person
associatedWith Constance Kyrle Fletcher person
correspondedWith Craft, Robert. person
correspondedWith Craske, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Croce, Arlene. person
correspondedWith Croke, Garnet A. person
correspondedWith Cuevas, George de, marquis, 1885-1961 person
correspondedWith Cunningham, Merce. person
correspondedWith Cyr, Louis. person
correspondedWith Dance magazine. corporateBody
correspondedWith Danielian, Leon, 1920- person
associatedWith Danilova, Alexandra, 1907-1997, person
correspondedWith Dansmuseet (Stockholm, Sweeden). corporateBody
correspondedWith Delarue, Allison. person
correspondedWith Delfau, André. person
correspondedWith De Mille, Agnes. person
correspondedWith DeVlieg, Marry Ann. person
associatedWith Diaghilev person
associatedWith Diaghilev, Serge, 1872-1929. person
associatedWith Dianne de Bois Perkins. person
associatedWith Dmitrii Smirnov person
correspondedWith Dobuzhinksii, Vsevolod. person
associatedWith Dobuzhinskiĭ, Mstislav Valerianovich, 1875-1957. person
correspondedWith Dobuzhinskii, Rostisav. person
correspondedWith Dolgushin, Nikita, 1938- person
associatedWith Dolin, Anton, 1904- person
correspondedWith Dollar, William. person
associatedWith Doubrovska, Felia, 1896-1971, person
correspondedWith Doubrovska, Felia, 1896-1981 person
correspondedWith Douglas, Helen. person
correspondedWith Duke, Kay McCracken. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Barry. person
correspondedWith Duncan, Maria-Theresa, 1896-1987 person
correspondedWith Dushkin, Louise . person
associatedWith Elssler, Fanny, 1810-1884. person
correspondedWith Enckell, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Enters, Angna, 1907-1989 person
correspondedWith Faria e Castro, Vladimir, de. person
associatedWith Fedor Chaliapin person
correspondedWith Fizdale, Robert person
correspondedWith Fokine, Phyllis M. person
correspondedWith Fondazione Giorgio Cini. corporateBody
correspondedWith Fonteyn, Margo, 1919-1991 person
associatedWith Fracci, Carla, person
associatedWith Francesco Menegatti person
associatedWith Frances P. Bolton person
correspondedWith Franco, Carlo Ricci. person
correspondedWith Franklin, Frederic, 1914- person
correspondedWith French Institute-Alliance Française de New York. corporateBody
associatedWith Fritz Wildfoerster. person
associatedWith G. A. Douglas. person
correspondedWith Garafola, Lynn. person
correspondedWith García- Márquez, Vicente, 1953- person
associatedWith George Dorris. person
associatedWith George Petrov-Spessivtzev. person
associatedWith Gerald Fitzgerald. person
correspondedWith Gershwin, Ira, 1896-1983 person
correspondedWith Gesmer, Daniel. person
correspondedWith Getz, Leslie person
correspondedWith Geva, Tamara. person
associatedWith Glyndebourne Festival Opera. corporateBody
correspondedWith Goldin, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Gosling, Nigel, 1909-1982 person
correspondedWith Gottlieb, Robert, 1931- person
correspondedWith Graff, Robert D. person
associatedWith Graff, Robert D., 1919-, person
correspondedWith Graham, Martha. person
correspondedWith Grahn, Suzanne. person
correspondedWith Gregory, John. person
associatedWith Grisi, Carlotta, 1819-1899. person
correspondedWith Guest, Ivor. person
correspondedWith Hansen, Robert C. (Robert Craig), 1951- person
correspondedWith Harper's bazaar corporateBody
correspondedWith Harris, Dale. person
correspondedWith Harvard Theatre Collection. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hayden, Melissa. person
correspondedWith Hobi, Frank. person
correspondedWith Hodson, Millicent person
associatedWith Hodson, Millicent., person
correspondedWith Hogoboom, L. V., Jr. person
correspondedWith Huckenpahler, Victoria, 1945- person
correspondedWith Hughes, Allen person
correspondedWith Huntoon, Irene. person
correspondedWith Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (Firm). corporateBody
associatedWith Igor Stravinsky person
associatedWith Inna Marinel. person
associatedWith International Ballet competition Jackson, Miss. corporateBody
correspondedWith International Exhibitions Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Irene Freda Pitt. person
correspondedWith Jacoby, Ann. person
correspondedWith James, George Serge. person
correspondedWith Jannan, Derek. person
associatedWith Jimmy Wollheim. person
correspondedWith J & J Lubrano (Firm). corporateBody
associatedWith Judith Langer person
correspondedWith Jurcisin, Barbara person
associatedWith Karen Blixen person
correspondedWith Karsavina, Tamara. person
associatedWith Karsavina, Tamara. person
correspondedWith Katcharoff, Michel. person
associatedWith Katherine N. Bolinder. person
correspondedWith Kendall, Elizabeth, 1947- person
correspondedWith Kenneth Archer. person
associatedWith Kent, Allegra, person
correspondedWith Kent, Allegra. person
correspondedWith Kirstein, Lincoln, 1907- person
correspondedWith Kochno, Boris. person
associatedWith Kochno, Boris. person
correspondedWith Koller, Ann Marie. person
correspondedWith Kshesinskaia, Matil´da Feliksovna, 1872-1971 person
correspondedWith Lazzarini, John. person
correspondedWith Le Clercq, Tanaquil. person
correspondedWith Lederman, Minna. person
correspondedWith Leonard, David. person
associatedWith Leonide Massine person
correspondedWith Lert, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Levine, Davide, 1926- person
correspondedWith Lidova, Irène. person
correspondedWith Lieberson, Brigitta. person
associatedWith Lifar, Serge person
correspondedWith Lifar, Serge, 1905-1986 person
correspondedWith Lillan d' Ahlefeldt. person
correspondedWith Linden, Holgar. person
correspondedWith Lobanov-Rostovsky, Nikita D. person
correspondedWith Losch, Tilly, 1904-1975 person
correspondedWith Lucas, Leighton, 1903-1982 person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Nesta. person
correspondedWith Malipiero, Gian Francesco, 1882-1973 person
correspondedWith Manchester City Art Gallery. corporateBody
associatedWith Marcel Duchamp person
correspondedWith Marinel, Inna. person
correspondedWith Marion, John Francis. person
correspondedWith Markova, Alicia, Dame, 1910-2004 person
correspondedWith Maroth, Frederick J. person
associatedWith Mary Clarke. person
correspondedWith Mason, Francis. person
correspondedWith Massine, Hannelore. person
correspondedWith Massine, Leonide, 1896- person
associatedWith Massine, Leonide, 1896-1979. person
correspondedWith Mayer, Charles S. person
associatedWith Maywood Ballet. corporateBody
correspondedWith McBride, Patricia, 1942- person
correspondedWith McCraw, Charles B. person
correspondedWith Mckeehan, Irina V. person
correspondedWith Meeker, Marilyn. person
correspondedWith Milhaud, Madeleine. person
associatedWith Millicent Hodson. person
correspondedWith Mitchell, Arthur, 1934- person
correspondedWith Montevecchi, Liliane. person
associatedWith Moura Budberg person
associatedWith Mstislav Dobuzhinskii. person
correspondedWith Murray, Alden. person
associatedWith Musee d'Orsay corporateBody
correspondedWith Museo Picasso. corporateBody
associatedWith Museo Teatrale Alla Scala corporateBody
correspondedWith Nabokov, Nicolas, 1903- person
correspondedWith National Collection of Fine Arts (U.S.). corporateBody
correspondedWith National Museum of Dance (U.S.). corporateBody
correspondedWith National Portrait Gallery (Smithsonian Institution) corporateBody
correspondedWith Nectoux, Jean Michel. person
correspondedWith Nemchinova, Vera. person
correspondedWith Newark Museum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Newman, Arnold person
correspondedWith New York Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Nießner, Wolfgang. person
associatedWith Nigel Gosling person
correspondedWith Nijinska, Irina. person
correspondedWith Nikitina, Alice. person
correspondedWith Nikolai, Alwin. person
correspondedWith Nina Hughes. person
correspondedWith Page, Ruth, 1899-1991 person
correspondedWith Panov, Valery, 1938- person
correspondedWith Park, Merle. person
correspondedWith Pasler, Jann. person
correspondedWith Pastori, Jean Pierre. person
correspondedWith Pavloff, Michel, 1891-1981 person
associatedWith Petipa, Lucien, 1815-1898. person
associatedWith Phelp, Richard person
correspondedWith Pitt, Irene Freda. person
correspondedWith Polster, Joanne. person
correspondedWith Posev (Firm). corporateBody
correspondedWith Powers, Richard. person
correspondedWith Rader, Patricia W. person
correspondedWith Rambert, Marie. person
associatedWith Ray, Man person
associatedWith Raymond Ricaud. person
correspondedWith Reilly, Edward R. person
correspondedWith Rendell, Diana J. person
correspondedWith Riabouchinska, Tatiana. person
associatedWith Richard Phelp person
correspondedWith Rieti, Vittorio, 1898-1994 person
correspondedWith Robbins, Jerome. person
associatedWith Robert Bailey. person
associatedWith Robert Rothensal. person
correspondedWith Robilant, Claire Hessleine de. person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, Albi, 1914- person
correspondedWith Roslavlela, Natal´ia Petrovna. person
correspondedWith Rostropovich, Mstislav, 1927-2007 person
associatedWith Royal Opera House (London, England). corporateBody
correspondedWith Rubinstein, Harry. person
correspondedWith Russell person
associatedWith Russica Book & Art Shop. corporateBody
correspondedWith Saddler, Donald. person
correspondedWith Sakharoff, Clotilde, 1892-1974 person
correspondedWith Salemson, Harold J. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sarabhai, Mrinalini. person
correspondedWith Sarno, Teresa M. person
correspondedWith Saunder, Remi. person
correspondedWith Schiffman, Byron Stanley, 1922- person
correspondedWith Schoonover, Kate L. person
correspondedWith Sequoio, Ron. person
correspondedWith Sergievsky, Orest. person
correspondedWith Severin Wunderman Foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Shapiro, Raymond. person
correspondedWith Skibine, George, 1920-1981 person
correspondedWith Sokolova, Lydia, 1896-1974 person
correspondedWith Sommers, Ben. person
correspondedWith Sovfoto. corporateBody
correspondedWith Spencer, Charles. person
correspondedWith Spessivtzeva, Olga, 1895- person
correspondedWith Stiga, Paul. person
associatedWith Stravinsky-Diaghilev Foundation. corporateBody
associatedWith Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971. person
associatedWith Stravinsky, Vera. person
correspondedWith Swift, Mary Grace. person
associatedWith S. Y. Barsilay person
associatedWith Taglioni, Marie, 1804-1884. person
correspondedWith Taras, John. person
correspondedWith Tarnay, Linda. person
correspondedWith Taruskin, Richard. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Paul, 1930- person
correspondedWith Tcherepnin, Peter A. person
correspondedWith Teatro La Fenice. corporateBody
correspondedWith Testa, Alberto. person
correspondedWith Tetley, Glen. person
associatedWith Thames and Hudson Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Theatre Museum (Victoria and Albert Museum). corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas Selz. person
correspondedWith Thomson, Virgil, 1896-1989 person
correspondedWith Thurston Munson. person
correspondedWith Tobin, Robert L. B. person
correspondedWith Topol, 1935- person
correspondedWith Tudor, Antony, 1909-1987 person
correspondedWith Turocy, Catherine. person
correspondedWith University of Chicago. Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Valery Golovitser person
correspondedWith Varèse, Louise, 1890-1989 person
correspondedWith Vassall-Adams, J. person
correspondedWith Vaughan, David, 1924- person
correspondedWith V¯enu, Ji, 1945 person
correspondedWith Verdy, Violette, 1933- person
associatedWith Victoria Huckenpahler person
correspondedWith Ville, Guy de. person
correspondedWith Wilde, Patricia, 1928- person
correspondedWith Willard, Helen. person
correspondedWith Winter, Marian Hannah. person
correspondedWith Wollheim, Constance. person
correspondedWith York, Jason. person
correspondedWith Zeisler, Richard S. person
correspondedWith Zorina, Vera. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Ballet dancers
Dance in art
Manuscripts (Letters)


Birth 1908-06-14

Death 1989-11-14





Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6ws9n8p

Ark ID: w6ws9n8p

SNAC ID: 12004174