Lehman, B. H. (Benjamin Harrison), 1889-1977

Variant names

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Prof. Lehman was professor of English at U.C. Berkeley as well as first chairman of the Department of Dramatic Art.

From the description of Benjamin H. Lehman papers, 1908-1978. (University of California, Berkeley). WorldCat record id: 84653022

Relation Name
correspondedWith Acton, Harold M. M. person
associatedWith Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984. person
correspondedWith Albee, George S. person
associatedWith Albee, George Sumner, 1905-1964. person
correspondedWith Albee, Nancy person
correspondedWith Anderson, Charles person
associatedWith Ariel, 1926- person
correspondedWith Ashton, Winifred person
correspondedWith Atherton, Gertrude F. H. person
associatedWith Atherton, Gertrude Franklin Horn, 1857-1948. person
correspondedWith Bacon, Leonard person
correspondedWith Baker, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Bancroft Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Bancroft Library Regional Oral History Office corporateBody
correspondedWith Barclay Hotel corporateBody
correspondedWith Baum, Paull Franklin person
correspondedWith Bayliss, Jonathon person
correspondedWith Beilke, Marlan person
correspondedWith Benson, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Bentley, Eric person
correspondedWith Berry, Faith person
correspondedWith Berry, John person
correspondedWith Birge, Raymond T. person
correspondedWith Blackburn, Roy person
correspondedWith Blanding, Henriette de S. person
correspondedWith Block, John Luis person
correspondedWith Bogard, Travis person
correspondedWith Bollingen Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Bowling Green State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Bracher, Agnes person
correspondedWith Brandt & Brandt publishing co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brashear, M. M. person
correspondedWith Briggs, L. B. R. person
correspondedWith Brightfield, Elysean person
correspondedWith Brodeur, Arthur G. person
correspondedWith Bronson, Bertrand Harris person
correspondedWith Brophy, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Brown, Dyke person
correspondedWith Brown, Rosalee Moore person
correspondedWith Brown, Walter person
correspondedWith Burke, Marie Louise person
correspondedWith Burnett, Whit person
correspondedWith Cameron, Helen person
correspondedWith Carson, Robert J. person
correspondedWith Chamberlain, William person
correspondedWith Chevalier, Haakon person
correspondedWith Chrisman, Robert person
correspondedWith Clark, Walter V. T. person
correspondedWith Claussen, Roy E. person
correspondedWith Cline, James Mason person
correspondedWith Coggins, Edith person
correspondedWith Colorado State Univ. (dep't. of English) corporateBody
correspondedWith Columbia University (dep't. of English) corporateBody
correspondedWith Coney, Donald person
correspondedWith Cowell, Henry person
correspondedWith Cullen, C. person
correspondedWith Cummings, (Margaret?) person
correspondedWith Curtis, Mark H. person
correspondedWith Dahlstrom, Carl E. W. F. person
correspondedWith David, Donald person
correspondedWith d'Azevedo, Warren person
correspondedWith Dean, Mallette person
correspondedWith de la Harpe, Jacqueline person
correspondedWith Deutsch, Alice person
correspondedWith Dobie, Charles C. person
associatedWith Dobie, Charles Caldwell, 1881-1943. person
correspondedWith Douglas, Helen person
correspondedWith Duncan, Robert W. person
associatedWith Dwinelle, John W. person
correspondedWith E.B.Crocker Art Gallery corporateBody
correspondedWith Edminster, Howard person
correspondedWith Edwards, John person
correspondedWith Ehrin, Lionel person
correspondedWith Einstein, Albert person
correspondedWith Elizabeth G. Potter person
correspondedWith Erskine, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Evans, Bertrand person
correspondedWith Evans, Herbert M. person
associatedWith Everson, William, 1912-1994. person
correspondedWith Farley, Phillip J. person
correspondedWith Farnham, Willard person
correspondedWith Faust, Mrs. Frederick person
correspondedWith Faye, Northrop person
correspondedWith Fielder, Leslie A. person
associatedWith Field, Sara Bard, 1882-1974. person
correspondedWith Flavin, Connie person
correspondedWith Fraser, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Gauger, Ray W. person
correspondedWith Gielgud, John, Sir person
correspondedWith Gifford, William person
correspondedWith Glaser, Abram person
correspondedWith Goldwyn, Jennifer (daughter of Samuel Goldwyn) person
correspondedWith Goodman, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Goodrich, Chauncey Shafter Foundation person
correspondedWith Graham, Martha person
correspondedWith Grand Duchess Marie person
correspondedWith Green, Richard Hamilton person
correspondedWith Gregg, Alan person
correspondedWith Guggenheim Memorial Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Hanson, Emmy Lou person
correspondedWith Harper and Row publishers corporateBody
correspondedWith Harris, Fred Orin person
associatedWith Harris, Fred Orin. person
correspondedWith Hart, James David person
correspondedWith Hart, Walter Morris person
correspondedWith Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Hashiba, Masaichi person
correspondedWith Hayes, Roland person
correspondedWith Helms, MacKinley person
correspondedWith Henderson, Ethel person
associatedWith Hennings, Robert E., 1925- person
correspondedWith Hildebrand, Joel Henry person
correspondedWith Howe, Parkham D. person
correspondedWith Huberty, Martin Richard person
correspondedWith Hughes, Langston person
correspondedWith Hutchins, Robert person
correspondedWith Jastram, Roy W. person
associatedWith Jeffers, Robinson, 1887-1962. person
correspondedWith Jeffers, Una person
associatedWith Jeffers, Una, 1884 or 5-1950. person
correspondedWith Johnson, Edgar person
correspondedWith Johnson, R. Townley person
correspondedWith Jordan, John Emory person
correspondedWith Justema, William person
correspondedWith Kantorowicz, Ernst H. person
correspondedWith Keith, Agnes Newton person
correspondedWith Klein, Arthur Luce person
correspondedWith Lampson, Robin person
correspondedWith Larkin, Ellen person
correspondedWith Levy, Leo Ben person
correspondedWith Lewis, Oscar person
associatedWith Lewis, Oscar, 1893-1992. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Wyndham person
correspondedWith Library Association of Portland corporateBody
correspondedWith Littlejohn, David person
correspondedWith Los Angeles Examiner corporateBody
correspondedWith Lyon, Earl person
correspondedWith Mahoney, Les person
correspondedWith Mahoney, William Patrick person
correspondedWith Mask and Dagger Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Maxine, Constance M. person
correspondedWith Maynor, Dorothy person
correspondedWith McDuffie, Jean person
correspondedWith Meisler, Stanley person
correspondedWith Meltzer, Milton person
correspondedWith Miles, Josephine person
correspondedWith Mills College Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Miner, Priscilla P. person
correspondedWith Moffitt, James K. person
correspondedWith Moore, Rosalie person
correspondedWith Mother Agnes of Jesus person
correspondedWith Mudrick, Marvin person
correspondedWith Neylan, John Francis person
correspondedWith Norris, Charles Gilman person
correspondedWith Norris, Kathleen Thompson person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Edward K. person
associatedWith Online Archive of California. corporateBody
correspondedWith Parkinson, Ariel person
correspondedWith Parkinson, Thomas Francis person
correspondedWith Parsons, Marion Randall person
correspondedWith Partridge, Roi person
correspondedWith Payser, Therese person
correspondedWith Pearce, Helen person
correspondedWith Perry, Bliss person
correspondedWith Pinneo, Jack person
correspondedWith Porter, Bruce person
correspondedWith Potter, Mabel person
correspondedWith Powell, Lawrence Clark person
correspondedWith Raley, Charles N., Rev. person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Laurel person
correspondedWith Ridgeway, Ann N. person
correspondedWith Robert H. Lowie Museum of Anthropology corporateBody
correspondedWith Roberts, Robert P. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Ruth person
correspondedWith Rogers, Cameron person
correspondedWith Rooks, Shelby person
correspondedWith Rourke, Constance Mayfield person
correspondedWith Rukeyser, Muriel person
correspondedWith Ryder, Pauline E. person
correspondedWith Schevill, Jim and Margaret person
correspondedWith Schneider, Franz person
correspondedWith Schoolcraft, John person
correspondedWith Schorer, Mark person
correspondedWith Scripps College corporateBody
correspondedWith Shumaker, Wayne person
correspondedWith Sidgwick, Ethel person
correspondedWith Sinclair, Gregg Manners person
correspondedWith Sister Mary Madeleva person
correspondedWith Sister Mary Madeleva miscellany person
correspondedWith Smith, Henry Nash person
correspondedWith Smith, James Steel person
correspondedWith Smith, Percy person
correspondedWith Sproul, Ida A. person
correspondedWith Sproul, Robert Gordon person
correspondedWith Standard Oil Co. of California corporateBody
correspondedWith Staples, Hugh person
correspondedWith Stauffer, Donald A. person
correspondedWith Steinbeck, John person
associatedWith Steinbeck, John, 1902-1968. person
correspondedWith Stevenson, Lionel person
associatedWith Stewart, George Rippey, 1895-1980. person
correspondedWith Stockdale, Lady Edmond person
correspondedWith Stone, Irving person
associatedWith Stone, Irving, 1903-1989. person
correspondedWith Strachey, Lytton person
correspondedWith Strange, Arthur person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Ada person
correspondedWith Sullivan, Noel person
correspondedWith Symmes, Robert person
correspondedWith Tilden, Gladys, 1900- person
correspondedWith Traugott, John person
correspondedWith Tyler, Parker person
correspondedWith Ujcic, Al person
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Art Gallery corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, California Alumni Association corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Dep't of Comp. Literature corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Dep't of Dramatic Art corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Dep't of Engineering corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Dep't of English corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Dep't of German corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Dep't of Music corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Faculty Club corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Friends of the Bancroft Library corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Library corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Library, Acquisitions corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Music Library corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Office of the Chancellor corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Office of the Dean corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley, Office of the President corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Berkeley Press corporateBody
associatedWith University of California, Berkeley. Dept. of Dramatic Art corporateBody
associatedWith University of California, Berkeley. Dept. of English corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Santa Barbara, Dep't of English corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Santa Barbara, Office of the Chancellor corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Santa Cruz, Office of the Chancellor corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Calif., Santa Cruz, the University Library corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Chicago Dep't of English corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Hawaii at Manoa corporateBody
correspondedWith Van Ghent, Dorothy Bendon person
correspondedWith Voiles, Jane person
correspondedWith Walker, Donald G. person
correspondedWith Walker, Harry B. person
correspondedWith Walsh, Margaret Hall person
correspondedWith Welch, Marie de L. person
correspondedWith Wescott, Glenway person
correspondedWith White, Newmann I. person
associatedWith Wilder, Thornton, 1897-1975. person
correspondedWith Willard, Stephen H. person
correspondedWith Wilson, Michael person
correspondedWith Wilson, Willard person
correspondedWith Wood, Rose person
correspondedWith Wright, Celeste T. person
correspondedWith Wurster, Bill person
correspondedWith Young, Ella person
correspondedWith Young, Vernon person
correspondedWith Zabel, Morton D. person
correspondedWith Zumwalt, E. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Authors, American


Birth 1889

Death 1977


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6xd1snr

Ark ID: w6xd1snr

SNAC ID: 72075540