Glasse, George Henry, 1761-1809

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George Henry Glasse was the son of Dr. Samuel Glasse, rector of St. Mary's in Hanwell, Middlesex, near London. George attended Christ Church, Oxford, receiving his BA in 1779 and his MA in 1782. He succeeded his father as rector of Hanwell in 1785, and published numerous sermons and translations. He also served as the domestic chaplain to Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge. In November of 1783, he married his cousin Anne Fletcher (d. 1802), and they had at least seven children. In October of 1805, he married Harriet Wheeler (d. 1846), by whom he had one more child, Frederick Henry Hastings Glasse (b. 1806). Struggling with heavy debt, he committed suicide in 1809.

From the description of George Henry Glasse correspondence, 1757-1808 (inclusive), 1778-1808 (bulk). (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612850860

George Henry Glasse (1761-1809) was the son of Dr. Samuel Glasse (1734-1812), rector of St. Mary's in Hanwell, Middlesex, near London. George attended Christ Church, Oxford, receiving his BA in 1779 and his MA in 1782. He succeeded his father as rector of Hanwell in 1785, and published numerous sermons and translations. He also served as the domestic chaplain to Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge (1774-1850).

In November of 1783, he married his cousin Anne Fletcher (d. 1802), and they had at least seven children, including Anna Glasse (1784-1802); Caroline Glasse Hume (b. ca. 1786); George Henry Glasse (b. 1789), who later assumed the name George Henry Elliot; Arthur Henry Glasse (1798-1840); Emma Margaret Glasse Popwell-Brigstock; Ellen Clara Glasse Johnson; and Mary Louisa Glasse Griffith. Late in 1803, he was engaged to Elizabeth de Blaquiere, who broke off the engagement. In 1804, he pursued Lady Anastasia Jessey Gascoigne of St. Petersburg, Russia, who was then separated from her industrialist husband Charles Gascoigne.

In October of 1805, he married Harriet Wheeler (d. 1846), by whom he had one more child, Frederick Henry Hastings Glasse (b. 1806). Struggling with heavy debt, he committed suicide in 1809. Harriet remarried in 1811 to Sir James John Gordon Bremer (1786-1850).

From the guide to the George Henry Glasse correspondence, 1757-1808 (inclusive), 1778-1808 (bulk)., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Relation Name
associatedWith Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Cambridge person
correspondedWith A. Hamilton Hemphill person
correspondedWith Aiken, Col. Adam. person
correspondedWith Amyot, Thomas, 1775-1850 person
associatedWith Anastasia Jessey Gascoigne. person
correspondedWith Anguish, Catherine. person
associatedWith Ann Daniel. person
associatedWith Anne Fletcher Glasse. person
associatedWith Anne O'Brien. person
correspondedWith Anson, S. person
correspondedWith Arundell, Stephen. person
correspondedWith Ash, G. person
correspondedWith Attersoll, Joseph. person
associatedWith Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex. person
correspondedWith Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, 1773-1843 person
correspondedWith Awsiter, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Banks, Joseph, Sir, 1743-1820 person
associatedWith Barker, Charles Thomas, 1758-1812, person
correspondedWith Bates, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Batt, Charles William, 1760 or 61-1791. person
correspondedWith Beachcroft, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Bearblock, James, 1765 or 6-1841. person
correspondedWith Bicknell, Charles. person
correspondedWith Blaquiere, Elinor Dobson, baroness de, 1756-1831 person
associatedWith Blaquiere, Elizabeth de, 1786-1870. person
correspondedWith Blaquiere, John Blaquiere, baron de, 1732-1812 person
correspondedWith Blaquiere, Peter Boyle de, 1784-1860 person
correspondedWith Boddington, S. person
correspondedWith Bogh, George. person
correspondedWith Bond, John. person
associatedWith Boswell, James person
correspondedWith Bridgewater, John William Egerton, Earl of, 1753-1823 person
correspondedWith Bristow, John. person
correspondedWith Broglie, Maurice de, 1766-1821 person
correspondedWith Bromfield, M. person
correspondedWith Bromfield, Robert, ca. 1722-1786 person
correspondedWith Bromley, Mr. person
correspondedWith Buckle, William. person
correspondedWith Burgess, Thomas, 1756-1837 person
correspondedWith Burney, Charles, 1757-1817 person
correspondedWith Butler, George, 1774-1853 person
correspondedWith Butler, William. person
correspondedWith Caledon, Alexander Du Pré, Earl of, 1777-1839 person
correspondedWith Call, John, Sir, 1732-1801 person
associatedWith Cambridge, Adolphus Frederick, Duke of, 1774-1850, person
correspondedWith Cameron, Alan, Sir, 1750-1828 person
correspondedWith Campbell, H. person
correspondedWith Campbell, John. person
correspondedWith Carisbrooke Castle corporateBody
correspondedWith Carlisle, Samuel. person
correspondedWith Carmershea ?, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Carnarvon, Elizabeth Alicia Maria Herbert, Countess of, d. 1826 person
associatedWith Caroline Glasse. person
correspondedWith Carpendale, Thomas. person
associatedWith Catherine Blacker person
correspondedWith C., C., Mrs. person
associatedWith Charles Gascoigne. person
correspondedWith Charles Pierrepont, Earl Manvers person
correspondedWith Charles Thomas Barker. person
correspondedWith Christ Church corporateBody
associatedWith Christ Church, Oxford corporateBody
correspondedWith Christ Church Oxford, England person
associatedWith Christ Church (University of Oxford) corporateBody
correspondedWith Christ's Hospital corporateBody
associatedWith Church of England corporateBody
correspondedWith Clifford, H. C. person
correspondedWith Clitherow, James. person
correspondedWith Clonfert ?, Christopher. person
associatedWith Cobbett, William, 1763-1835, person
correspondedWith Colby, Thomas, 1784-1852 person
correspondedWith Collins, J. ? person
associatedWith Condé, Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince de, 1736-1818, person
correspondedWith Cooke, Henry G. person
correspondedWith Corp, Richard. person
correspondedWith Coxe, William, 1747-1828 person
correspondedWith Cranstoun, Mr. person
correspondedWith Currey, Edmund. person
correspondedWith Curtis, William, Sir, 1752-1829 person
correspondedWith D., Alexander. person
correspondedWith Damas d'Antigny, Joseph Élisabeth Roger, comte de, 1765-1823 person
correspondedWith D'Arcy, Jane. person
correspondedWith D'Arcy, Jean. person
correspondedWith D'Arcy, R. person
correspondedWith Dartmouth, George Legge, Earl of, 1755-1810 person
associatedWith David Garrick. person
correspondedWith Deanery Magdalen College corporateBody
associatedWith de Blaquiere family. family
correspondedWith Decken, Johann Friedrich von der, 1769-1840 person
correspondedWith Delvalle, J. person
correspondedWith Dickins, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Disney ?, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Dodd, Thomas. person
associatedWith Donald and Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson (Houghton Library) corporateBody
correspondedWith Doornik, Baron van. person
correspondedWith Douglas, John. person
correspondedWith Doyle, G. person
correspondedWith Drummond, George. person
correspondedWith Drury, Joseph, 1751-1834 person
correspondedWith Dungannon, Arthur Hill-Trevor, Viscount, 1763-1837 person
associatedWith Dyers' Company, London corporateBody
correspondedWith Eardley, Sampson Gideon Eardley, Baron, 1744-1824 person
associatedWith Edmund Burke, 1729-1797 person
associatedWith Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent. person
associatedWith Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, 1767-1820, person
associatedWith Edward William Whitaker. person
associatedWith Elizabeth de Blaquiere. person
associatedWith Elizabeth de Blaquiere's person
correspondedWith Elliott, Margaret. person
correspondedWith Elliott, Mrs. person
associatedWith Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover person
correspondedWith Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover, 1771-1851 person
correspondedWith Erskine, Thomas Erskine, Baron, 1750-1823 person
correspondedWith Evans, John. person
correspondedWith Evans, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Eyre, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Fitzherbert, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Fletcher, J. person
correspondedWith Forbes, Mr. person
associatedWith Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of Hastings). person
associatedWith Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of Hastings, then Earl of Moira person
correspondedWith Frederick, A. S. person
associatedWith Frederick Henry Hastings Glasse person
correspondedWith Frere, George, 1774-1854 person
correspondedWith Fryer, William. person
associatedWith Garrick, David, 1717-1779 person
correspondedWith Garrick, Eva Maria, 1724-1822 person
correspondedWith Gascoigne, Anastasia Jessey. person
associatedWith Gascoigne, Anastatia Jessey, person
correspondedWith Gaskin, George, 1751-1829 person
correspondedWith General Post Office corporateBody
associatedWith George Henry Glasse's person
associatedWith George III, King of Great Britain person
associatedWith George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830, person
correspondedWith George Macartney, Earl Macartney, 1737-1806 person
associatedWith George Monck Berkeley person
associatedWith George Robinson) person
correspondedWith Geyer, Baron de. person
correspondedWith Glasse, Anna, d. 1802 person
correspondedWith Glasse, Arthur Henry, 1798-1840 person
correspondedWith Glasse, Caroline person
associatedWith Glasse, Frederick Henry Hastings, 1806-1884. person
correspondedWith Glasse, George Henry, 1761-1809 person
correspondedWith Glasse, Hannah Clutterbuck. person
correspondedWith Glasse, John. person
correspondedWith Glasse, Miss person
associatedWith Glasse, Samuel, 1735-1812, person
correspondedWith Gordon, John Benjamin, Sir. person
correspondedWith Graham, James. person
correspondedWith Grenville, William Wyndham Grenville, Baron, 1759-1834 person
correspondedWith Guillemard, J. person
correspondedWith Guthrie, Maj. person
correspondedWith Hadden, James Murray, d. 1817 person
correspondedWith Hadden, John, d. 1817 person
correspondedWith Hallifax, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Hamilton, Major. person
correspondedWith Hannah Clutterbuck Glasse person
correspondedWith Harriet Wheeler Glasse person
correspondedWith Harvey, R. person
correspondedWith Hastings, Charles. person
correspondedWith Hastings, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Marquess of, 1754-1826 person
correspondedWith Hayes, John Macnamara, Sir, ca. 1750-1809 person
correspondedWith Heath, Benjamin, 1739-1817 person
correspondedWith Heber, R. person
correspondedWith Hemphill, A. Hamilton. person
associatedWith Henderson person
associatedWith Henry Glasse, d. ca. 1759 person
associatedWith Henry Herbert, Earl of Carnarvon. person
associatedWith Henry Kett person
correspondedWith Henry Lee-Warner? person
associatedWith Henry Warner. person
associatedWith Henry Warner, d. 1769 person
correspondedWith Heralds College College of Arms corporateBody
associatedWith Hester Lynch Piozzi's person
correspondedWith Hibbert, N. (Nathaniel). person
correspondedWith Hill, Christopher. person
correspondedWith Holloway, Benjamin, ca. 1691-1759 person
correspondedWith Hope, Henry, 1735 or 6-1811. person
associatedWith Horne, George, 1730-1792, person
correspondedWith Horne, Mrs. ? person
correspondedWith Horsley, Samuel, 1733-1806 person
correspondedWith Huntingford, George Isaac, 1748-1832 person
correspondedWith Jackson, Cyril, 1746-1819 person
associatedWith Jackson, George person
correspondedWith James, Charles, d. 1821 person
correspondedWith J. Donovan person
correspondedWith Jersey, George Child-Villiers, Earl of, 1773-1859 person
associatedWith John Blaquiere, baron de Blaquiere person
associatedWith John Harris. person
associatedWith John Scott, Earl of Eldon, 1751-1838 person
correspondedWith Johnson, Charles. person
associatedWith Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784. person
correspondedWith Jones, William, 1726-1800 person
correspondedWith Jones, William, Sir, 1746-1794 person
correspondedWith Jones, W. M. J. person
correspondedWith Jubb, Catherine. person
correspondedWith Judd, Samuel. person
associatedWith Kennicott, Ann, d. 1831 person
correspondedWith Kennicott, Benjamin, 1718-1783 person
correspondedWith Kensington Palace corporateBody
correspondedWith Kerrison, Roger. person
associatedWith Lady Anastasia Jessey Gascoigne. person
associatedWith Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. person
correspondedWith Landon, Whittington. person
correspondedWith Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, Marquess of, 1780-1863 person
correspondedWith Laurence, French, 1757-1809 person
correspondedWith Lawrence. J. person
correspondedWith Lee, W. ? person
correspondedWith Lee-Warner, Henry. person
correspondedWith Lêrat, Roubies de? person
correspondedWith Liston, Robert, Sir, 1742-1836 person
correspondedWith Loaden, William. person
correspondedWith Lorentz, Richard. person
associatedWith Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince de Condé. person
associatedWith Louis Philippe, King of the French, 1773-1850, person
correspondedWith Lovett, Richard. person
associatedWith Lowth, Robert person
correspondedWith Lynn, J. person
correspondedWith Lyon, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Lyon, Mr. person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Mr. person
correspondedWith MacGregor, Alexander Murray, b. 1746 person
correspondedWith MacGregor, John Murray, Sir, 1745-1822 person
correspondedWith Mackay, John. person
correspondedWith Maclean, L. person
correspondedWith Macquarie, Lachlan, 1761-1824 person
correspondedWith Magdalen College corporateBody
correspondedWith Manners, Robert. person
correspondedWith Manvers, Anne Orton Mills, Countess 1756-1832 person
correspondedWith Manvers, Charles Herbert Pierrepont, Earl, 1778-1860 person
correspondedWith Manvers, Charles Pierrepont, Earl, 1737-1816 person
associatedWith Martin Wall person
associatedWith Mason, William, 1725-1797. person
correspondedWith Master, W. C. person
correspondedWith Mathias, Thomas James, 1754? -1835 person
correspondedWith McLeod, Donald. person
correspondedWith McMahon, Elizabeth Ramsay, d. 1815 person
associatedWith McMahon, John, Sir, ca. 1754-1817, person
correspondedWith McMillan, Andrew. person
correspondedWith Minch ?, Elizabeth, Lady. person
correspondedWith Montgomery, Elizabeth, Lady. person
correspondedWith Montgomery, James, Sir, 1766-1839 person
correspondedWith Moore, Lt. Col. person
associatedWith Moore, Thomas, 1779-1852, person
associatedWith More, Hannah, 1745-1833 person
correspondedWith Morgan, John? person
correspondedWith Morice, William, 1733-1819 person
correspondedWith Mowbray, W. person
associatedWith Mr. Barker's person
associatedWith Mr. Bunce. person
correspondedWith Mr. Eaton? person
associatedWith Mr. Elliott person
associatedWith Mrs. C. Glasse. person
associatedWith Mrs. Elliott's person
associatedWith Mr. Turner. person
associatedWith Mr. Whitton, and person
correspondedWith Myddleton, Robert, 1751-1815 person
correspondedWith Neville, Ch. person
correspondedWith Nitch, John. person
correspondedWith North, Frederick, Earl of Guilford, 1766-1827 person
correspondedWith O'Beirne, Lt. person
correspondedWith Orde, John, Sir, 1751-1824 person
correspondedWith Orde, Thomas, Baron Bolton, 1746-1807 person
correspondedWith Orkney, Mary Fitzmaurice, Countess of, 1755-1831 person
correspondedWith Parkhurst, John, 1728-1797 person
associatedWith Parr, Samuel, 1747-1825, person
correspondedWith Partridge, Robert. person
correspondedWith Paton, James. person
correspondedWith Pelham, George, 1766-1827 person
correspondedWith Perch, John Elliott. person
associatedWith Peter Pindar's person
associatedWith Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 1741-1821. person
correspondedWith Plestow, W. ? person
correspondedWith Pole, W. W. ? person
correspondedWith Porteus, Beilby person
correspondedWith Poyntz, Charles person
correspondedWith Prince, Daniel, ca. 1711-1796 person
correspondedWith Purkis, N. person
correspondedWith Rev. Pinnock person
associatedWith Richard Brinsley Sheridan's person
correspondedWith Rivington, Charles, 1754-1831 person
correspondedWith Roberts, Ed. person
correspondedWith Roberts, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Robinson, George. person
correspondedWith Roll, Baron de. person
associatedWith Royal Denbigh Militia. corporateBody
correspondedWith Royal Institution of Great Britain. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rully, Comte and Comtesse de. person
correspondedWith Rutland, John Henry Manners, Duke of, 1778-1857 person
correspondedWith Salisbury, James Cecil, Marquess of, 1748-1823 person
correspondedWith Salusbury, J. person
correspondedWith Samuel Glasse person
associatedWith Samuel Glasse's person
associatedWith Samuel Johnson person
associatedWith Samuel Johnson's person
associatedWith Samuel Parr. person
correspondedWith Sandford, Daniel, 1766-1830 person
correspondedWith Sanigear, William. person
correspondedWith Sargood, John. person
correspondedWith Saunders, W. person
correspondedWith Scott, William, Baron Stowell, 1745-1836 person
correspondedWith Sefton, Charles William Molyneux, Earl of, 1748-1795 person
associatedWith Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 person
correspondedWith Shaw, James. person
correspondedWith Shaw, James, Sir, 1764-1843 person
correspondedWith Sheridan, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Shirley, W. person
associatedWith Sir Evan John Murray MacGregor. person
associatedWith Sir James Montgomery. person
correspondedWith Skinner, John, 1744-1816 person
correspondedWith Skinner, William, 1778-1857 person
correspondedWith Smith, W. Sidney (William Sidney), Sir, 1764-1840 person
correspondedWith Smyth, Lt. Col. person
associatedWith Society for the Propagation of the Gospels in Foreign Parts. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sparkes, Joseph. person
correspondedWith Starhemberg, Count. person
correspondedWith Stephenson, B. C. person
correspondedWith St. James Hotel corporateBody
correspondedWith St. James's Palace corporateBody
associatedWith St. Laurent, Julie de, 1760-1830, person
correspondedWith St. Leger, Catherine C. ? person
correspondedWith Sutton, Thomas, 1767-1835 person
correspondedWith Swartz, John. person
associatedWith Thomas Lee person
correspondedWith Townsend, Francis. person
correspondedWith Turner, Tomkyns Hilgrove, Sir, ca. 1766-1843 person
correspondedWith Unidentified correspondent. person
correspondedWith University College corporateBody
associatedWith University of Oxford corporateBody
correspondedWith Vaughan, Thomas W. person
correspondedWith Vesey, J. A. person
correspondedWith Wadman, Robert. person
associatedWith Walsingham Abbey corporateBody
correspondedWith Watson, Frederick Beilby, Sir, 1773-1852 person
correspondedWith Wegg, Eliza. person
correspondedWith Wetherall, John. person
correspondedWith Wilkinson, Charles. person
correspondedWith Wilkinson, G. person
associatedWith William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester. person
associatedWith William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, 1776-1834 person
correspondedWith William Gapper person
associatedWith William Henry Cavendish Scott Bentinck, Duke of Portland, 1768-1854 person
correspondedWith William IV, King of Great Britain, 1765-1837 person
associatedWith William Marsden, 1754-1836 person
associatedWith William Mason, 1725-1797 person
associatedWith William Pitt, 1759-1806 person
associatedWith William Savage, 1770-1843 person
associatedWith William Windham. person
associatedWith William Wyndham Grenville person
associatedWith Willoughby Bertie, Earl of Abingdon, 1740-1799 person
correspondedWith Windham, William, 1750-1810 person
correspondedWith Windsor Castle corporateBody
correspondedWith Woodhouse, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Wood, Manley. person
correspondedWith Wood, Mark, Sir, 1750-1829 person
correspondedWith Worcester College corporateBody
correspondedWith Young, Robert person
Place Name Admin Code Country
London (England)


Birth 1761

Death 1809



Ark ID: w6z60t2d

SNAC ID: 41222173