Rothschild, Howard D.

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Howard D. Rothschild (d. 1989) was an artist and an art collector.

From the description of Howard D. Rothschild papers, 1921-1989. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 612840274

Howard D. Rothschild (d. 1989) was an artist and a major collector of art work related to Serge Diaghilev 's Ballets Russes. His fascination with Ballets Russes began in 1915 when as a child he attended one of the company's performances in New York. Over the years he became a close friend and an anonymous benefactor of many aging Ballets Russes dancers. His collection was acquired through various auction houses in Europe and the US.

From the guide to the Howard D. Rothschild papers, 1921-1989., (Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Howard D Rothschild was an American collector of artwork related to Serge Digahilev's Ballets Russes

From the description of Howard D. Rothschild collection on Ballets Russes of Serge Diaghilev : Manuscripts and objects, 1908-1969 (inclusive), 1908-1929 (bulk). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 612817075

Howard D. Rothschild (d. 1989) was an artist and a major American collector of artwork related to Serge Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. He developed a passion for the Ballets Russes as a child after attending a ballet where Waslaw Nijinsky withdrew from a performance during the company's tour of America in 1916. The collection was amassed by purchase and by gift from the dancers and artists with whom Rothschild developed friendships.

Serge Diaghilev (1872-1929) was a Russian ballet impresario, the founder, producer and artistic director of Ballets Russes.

Ballets Russes was established by Serge Diaghilev in 1909 as a touring company to promote Russian ballet in Europe. After World War I the company permanently relocated to the West. The company gave rise to careers of a great number of outstanding Russian and Western dancers, choreographers, composers and artists who had recreated the art of ballet for the 20th-century, both in Europe and in the United States.

From the guide to the Howard D. Rothschild collection on, Ballets Russes, of Serge Diaghilev: Manuscripts and objects, 1908-1969 (inclusive), 1908-1929 (bulk)., (Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Howard D. Rothschild collection on, Ballets Russes, of Serge Diaghilev: Manuscripts and objects, 1908-1969 (inclusive), 1908-1929 (bulk). Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf ROTHSCHILD, HOWARD. Artist file : miscellaneous uncataloged material. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
referencedIn Howard D. Rothschild collection on, Ballets Russes, of Serge Diaghilev, 1909-1956 (inclusive), 1909-1914 (bulk). Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Howard D. Rothschild papers, 1921-1989. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
creatorOf Rothschild, Howard D.,. Howard D. Rothschild collection on Ballets Russes of Serge Diaghilev : Manuscripts and objects, 1908-1969 (inclusive), 1908-1929 (bulk). Harvard University, Harvard Theater Collection, Harvard College Library
creatorOf Rothschild, Howard D. Howard D. Rothschild papers, 1921-1989. Houghton Library
referencedIn Howard D. Rothschild collection on, Ballets Russes, of Serge Diaghilev: Photographs and scrapbooks, 1909-1975. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith Ader, Picard, Tajan, Paris corporateBody
associatedWith Adolf Bolm person
associatedWith Adolf Bolm. person
correspondedWith Alan Gallery (Charles Alan) corporateBody
correspondedWith Albany Institute of History and Art corporateBody
correspondedWith Albert Thurston Ltd. corporateBody
associatedWith Aleksandr Akimovich Sanin person
associatedWith Aleksandr Alekseevich Gorskiĭ person
associatedWith Aleksandr Emel´ianovich Volinin person
associatedWith Aleksandr Nikolaevich Benua person
associatedWith Alexandra Tomiline-Larionov person
associatedWith Alexandra Vasil´evna Baldina person
associatedWith Alexandre Benois person
associatedWith Alexandre Benois person
associatedWith Alhambra Theatre corporateBody
associatedWith Allen Tanner. person
associatedWith Alliousha person
associatedWith Allousha person
associatedWith Allyousha. person
associatedWith Amy Nordlinger. person
associatedWith Andrei Vladimirovich, Grand Duke of Russia person
associatedWith Anna Pavlova person
associatedWith Anna Pavlova. person
associatedWith Anna Pavlovna Pavlova person
correspondedWith Appleton, William W. person
correspondedWith Arfa, Hassan person
associatedWith Arthur Stanley person
correspondedWith Arts Council of Great Britain corporateBody
correspondedWith Ashton, Frederick, Sir, 1904-1988 person
correspondedWith Auric, Georges, 1899- person
correspondedWith Aylmer, Jennifer person
correspondedWith Bakst, Léon, 1866-1924 person
correspondedWith Balanchine, George person
associatedWith Baldina, Alexandra Vasil'evna, 1885-1977, person
correspondedWith Balfour, I. H. person
associatedWith Ballet Russes corporateBody
associatedWith Ballets russes. corporateBody
correspondedWith Barashkova, Julia person
correspondedWith Barbary, Sonia, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Barber, Noel person
associatedWith Baron De Meyer. person
correspondedWith Barsacq, Mila person
correspondedWith Beaumont, Cyril person
correspondedWith Beaumont, Cyril W. (Cyril William), 1891-1976 person
correspondedWith Benedict, Fabienne person
associatedWith Benois, Alexandre, 1870-1960, person
correspondedWith Benois, Miguel person
correspondedWith Berggruen & Cie corporateBody
correspondedWith Bernard Danenberg Galleries corporateBody
correspondedWith Bernays, Edward L. person
correspondedWith Bibliothéque de l'Arsenal corporateBody
correspondedWith Bines, David person
correspondedWith Birnbaum, Martin person
associatedWith Bolm, Adolf, 1894-1951. person
correspondedWith Bolm, Beatrice person
associatedWith Boris Anisfeld person
associatedWith Boris Georgievich Romanov person
associatedWith Boris Kochno person
associatedWith Boris Romanoff person
correspondedWith Bourman, Anatole person
correspondedWith Branitzka, Nathalie person
correspondedWith British Theatre Museum corporateBody
associatedWith Bronislava Nijinska. person
correspondedWith Bruce, Nikita. person
correspondedWith Buckle, Richard person
correspondedWith Burden-Muller, R. person
associatedWith Butsova, Hilda, person
correspondedWith Capital Newspapers corporateBody
correspondedWith Cassel, Clarke person
correspondedWith Chanel, Coco, 1883-1971 person
correspondedWith Chatfield-Taylor, Marochka person
correspondedWith Chester Hale. person
associatedWith Chicago South Western Railway Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Christie's, New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Chujoy, Anatole, 1894- person
correspondedWith Clarke, Mary, 1923- person
correspondedWith Cochrane, Peggie person
associatedWith Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963 person
associatedWith Committee for the Dance Collection corporateBody
correspondedWith Constantinowitz, Marie person
correspondedWith Cooper, Douglas person
correspondedWith Cornell, Katharine person
correspondedWith Crider, Norman person
correspondedWith Crofton, Kathleen person
correspondedWith Croxton, Arthur person
correspondedWith Cukor, George person
associatedWith Cyril Beaumont person
correspondedWith Cyril William Beaumont person
associatedWith Dance Collection of the New York Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dance Magazine corporateBody
correspondedWith Dance Mart corporateBody
correspondedWith Danilova, Alexandra, 1907- person
associatedWith De Basil Ballets. corporateBody
correspondedWith De Chirico, Giorgio, 1888- person
correspondedWith De Galantha, Ekatherina person
correspondedWith Dehn, Cynthia person
correspondedWith Delaunois, Raymonde person
associatedWith Delaunois, Raymonde, person
associatedWith Diaghileff Russian Ballet. corporateBody
associatedWith Diaghilev Ballet corporateBody
associatedWith Diaghilev, Serge, 1872-1929. person
associatedWith Dmitriĭ Alekseevich Smirnov person
associatedWith Dmitrii Goratsievich person
associatedWith Dolin, Anton person
correspondedWith Dolin, Anton, 1904- person
associatedWith Dora Koch. person
correspondedWith Doubrovska, Felia, 1896-1981 person
correspondedWith Dougherty, John person
correspondedWith Doughty, John Carr. person
correspondedWith Dougill, David person
correspondedWith Drizin, Valeria person
correspondedWith DU Kulturelle Monatsschrift corporateBody
associatedWith Edith Sitwell. person
correspondedWith Egorova, Lubov Nikolaevna, 1880-1972 person
correspondedWith Ellis, Mary person
correspondedWith Elman, Mischa, 1891-1967 person
associatedWith Emiliĭ Al´bertovich Kuper person
associatedWith Enrico Cecchetti person
associatedWith Ernest Ansermet person
correspondedWith Evergreen House Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Farley, Morgan person
correspondedWith Farley, Morgan, recipient. person
correspondedWith Farrar, Geraldine, 1882-1967 person
correspondedWith Fern, Dale Edward person
correspondedWith Fiedler, Arthur person
correspondedWith Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco corporateBody
correspondedWith Fine Art Society corporateBody
correspondedWith First National Bank corporateBody
associatedWith Flora Revalles person
correspondedWith Fontanne, Lynn person
associatedWith Fonteyn, Margor person
associatedWith Freed of London (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Friends of Covent Garden corporateBody
correspondedWith Froman, Maximilian person
correspondedWith Fruhauf, Aline, 1909-1978 person
correspondedWith Fuller, Rosalinde person
correspondedWith Galerie Tivey-Faucon corporateBody
correspondedWith Galleria del Levante corporateBody
correspondedWith Gavrilov, Alexandre, 1892-1959 person
associatedWith Giuseppina de Maria Cecchetti person
associatedWith Goncharova, Natalii︠a︡ Sergeevna, 1881-1962, person
correspondedWith Goodspeed's Book Shop (Boston, Mass.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Grant, Duncan, 1885-1978 person
associatedWith Grigorʹev, S. L. (Sergeǐ Leonidovich), 1883-1968. person
correspondedWith Grigoriev, Serge and Lubov person
associatedWith Grigoriev, Sergei Leonidovich, 1883-1968 person
correspondedWith Grigoriev- Tchernicheva, Lubov person
correspondedWith Guggenheimer & Untermeyer corporateBody
correspondedWith Haddock, John W. person
correspondedWith Hale, Chester person
correspondedWith Harrison, Lally person
correspondedWith Harvard Theatre Collection corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvitt, Henry person
correspondedWith Hensman, Stuart person
correspondedWith Herlihy, James Leo person
correspondedWith Herlitzins, Marita person
associatedWith Hilda Munnings person
associatedWith Houghton Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Howard D. Rothschild person
associatedWith Howard D. Rothschild, collector. person
associatedWith Howard Rothschild person
correspondedWith Hudson, Millicent person
correspondedWith Hughes, Allen person
correspondedWith Hundley, John Walker person
associatedWith Ida Rubinstein person
correspondedWith Ifan Kyrle Fletcher (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Igor Stravinsky. person
associatedWith Inga Lissanevitch person
correspondedWith Jacques-Emile Blanche person
correspondedWith Jerdein, Charles person
correspondedWith Joffrey Ballet corporateBody
correspondedWith John person
correspondedWith Jones, Peter person
correspondedWith Jordan, Peter person
correspondedWith Kalischer, Peter person
correspondedWith Karalli, Vera person
correspondedWith Karsavina, Tamara person
associatedWith Karsavina, Tamara, person
correspondedWith Kashuba, Valentina person
associatedWith Keyens, Lydia person
correspondedWith Keynes, Milo person
correspondedWith Kirstein, Lincoln, 1907- person
correspondedWith Kochno, Boris person
correspondedWith Kremnev, Natasha person
correspondedWith Kremnev, Nikolai. person
associatedWith Kshesinskai︠a︡, Matilʹda Feliksovna, 1872-1971, person
correspondedWith Kshesinskaia, Matil'da Feliksovna, 1872-1971 person
correspondedWith Lady Una Vincenzo Troubridge person
associatedWith Larionov, Mikhail Fedorovich, 1881-1964, person
correspondedWith Le Clercq, Tanaquil person
correspondedWith Le Gallienne, Eva, 1899- person
correspondedWith Lehmann, Lotte person
associatedWith Leo Kovanko. person
associatedWith Léon Bakst person
associatedWith Léonide Massine. person
associatedWith Leon Vuichikovskii person
associatedWith Leon Woizikowski person
associatedWith Léon Woizikowski person
associatedWith Les Ballets 1933. corporateBody
associatedWith Les Ballets Russes. corporateBody
associatedWith Lidiia Fedorovna Lopukhova person
associatedWith Lidya Sokolova. person
associatedWith Lifar, Serge person
correspondedWith Lintott, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Lissanevitch, Boris person
correspondedWith Lobanov-Rostovsky, Nikita D. person
associatedWith Lopokova, Lydia, 1892-1981, person
correspondedWith Lunt, Alfred person
associatedWith Lydia Sokolova person
correspondedWith Macdonald, Nesta person
correspondedWith Maevsky, Nina person
correspondedWith Magriel, Paul person
correspondedWith Mahon, Ronald person
correspondedWith Makletsova, Kseniia Petrova, 1890-1974 person
correspondedWith Manchester, P. W. (Phyllis Winifred) person
correspondedWith Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company corporateBody
associatedWith Maria Kouznetzoff person
associatedWith Maria Nikolaevna Kuznetsova-Benua person
associatedWith Marie Taglioni person
associatedWith Markova, Alicia person
associatedWith Mark Smith. person
correspondedWith Marlborough Fine Art (London) Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Massine, Leonide, 1896- person
correspondedWith Massine, Leonide, 1896-1979 person
associatedWith Mathilda Kshessinskaia. person
associatedWith Matilda Kshesinskaia. person
associatedWith Maurice Ravel person
correspondedWith McCracken, Lucile S. person
correspondedWith Menuhin, Diana person
correspondedWith Metropolitan Museum of Art ( New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Metropolitan Opera Association corporateBody
associatedWith Mikhail Larionov. person
associatedWith Mikhail Mikhaĭlovich Mordkin person
correspondedWith Morley, Rose person
correspondedWith Morristown Beard corporateBody
correspondedWith Morris, William Beaumont (Montie) person
correspondedWith Motley Books Limited corporateBody
correspondedWith Mr. Nicholson person
associatedWith Mrs. M. Tcherepnin person
correspondedWith Mrs. Schlowsky person
correspondedWith Musée Rodin corporateBody
associatedWith Natalia Glazko person
associatedWith Natalia Goncharova. person
correspondedWith National Broadcasting Corporation corporateBody
correspondedWith Nemchinova, Vera person
correspondedWith New York Public Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Nicholson person
correspondedWith Nijinska, Bronislava person
correspondedWith Nijinska Raetz, Irina person
correspondedWith Nijinska, Romola person
correspondedWith Nijinsky, Kyra person
associatedWith Nijinsky, Waslaw, 1850-1950 person
associatedWith Nijinsky, Waslaw, 1890-1950. person
associatedWith Nikita Bruce person
associatedWith Nikita Lobanov-Rostovsky person
correspondedWith Nikitina, Alice person
correspondedWith Oenslager, Donald person
associatedWith Ol´ga Iosifovna Preobrazhenskaia person
associatedWith Olga Picasso person
associatedWith Olga Preobrajenska person
associatedWith Ol´ga Stepanovna Khokhlova person
associatedWith Parke-Bernete Galleries, New York corporateBody
associatedWith Parke-Bernet Galleries, New York corporateBody
associatedWith Pavel Andreevich Gerdt person
associatedWith Pavel Tchelitchew person
correspondedWith Pavloff, Michel person
correspondedWith Pavloff, Michel, 1891-1981 person
correspondedWith Peer, Betty person
correspondedWith Peltz, John DeWitt. Mrs. person
correspondedWith Pike, Margaret person
correspondedWith Poensgen, Albert person
correspondedWith Powell, Anthony person
correspondedWith Pratt, George C. person
correspondedWith Primm, John person
associatedWith Princess Maria Romanovsky-Krassinsky person
associatedWith Princess Nikita Troubetzkoy. person
associatedWith Prince Vladimir Romanov. person
correspondedWith Prof. Penta person
correspondedWith Pudelek, Janina person
correspondedWith Rambert, Marie person
associatedWith Raoul Dufy person
correspondedWith Recherches Theatrales et Musicologiques corporateBody
correspondedWith Revalles, Flore person
associatedWith Richard Buckle person
correspondedWith Ries, Frank W. D. person
correspondedWith Rieti, Vittorio, 1898- person
correspondedWith Robbins, Jerome person
correspondedWith Roland, Browse and Delbanco corporateBody
correspondedWith Romanov, Vladimir Andreevich, Prince person
associatedWith Ronald Mahon person
associatedWith Ronald Mahon person
correspondedWith Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain) corporateBody
correspondedWith Royal Ballet Benevolent Fund corporateBody
correspondedWith Royal Opera House (London, England) corporateBody
correspondedWith Ruck, Berta person
associatedWith Rudolf Laban. person
correspondedWith Santley, Ivy person
correspondedWith Sauguet, Henri, 1901- person
correspondedWith Schann, Marion C. person
associatedWith Scheurich, Paul person
correspondedWith Schneider, Irving Mrs. person
correspondedWith Schoff, Thomas W. person
associatedWith Serge Diaghilev person
associatedWith Serge Diaghilev. person
associatedWith Sergei Grigoriev person
correspondedWith Sergei Leonidovich Grigoriev person
associatedWith Serge Lifar person
correspondedWith Shabelska, Maria person
correspondedWith Sitwell, Edith, Dame, 1887-1964 person
correspondedWith Slater, James person
associatedWith Sofia Vasil´evna Fedorova person
associatedWith Sokolova, Lydia, 1896-1974, person
correspondedWith Solomon, Joseph person
associatedWith Sotheby & Co corporateBody
correspondedWith Sotheby & Co, London corporateBody
correspondedWith Sotheby & Co. (London, England) corporateBody
correspondedWith Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co. corporateBody
associatedWith Sotheby Parke Bernet & Co, London corporateBody
associatedWith Sotheby Parke Bernet, Monaco S.A. corporateBody
associatedWith Sotheby Parke Bernet, New York corporateBody
correspondedWith Sotheby's Belgravia (Firm) corporateBody
associatedWith Sotheby's, London corporateBody
associatedWith Sotheby's, New York corporateBody
associatedWith Spessivtzeva, Olga person
correspondedWith Spessivtzeva, Olga, 1895- person
associatedWith Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen. corporateBody
associatedWith Stanislas Idzikowski. person
associatedWith State of New York Surrogate's Court. corporateBody
correspondedWith Steegmuller, Francis person
correspondedWith Stepanenko, Marina person
correspondedWith Stern, H person
correspondedWith Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971 person
correspondedWith Struss, Karl person
correspondedWith Taft, Karen Marie person
associatedWith Tamara Karsavina. person
associatedWith Tamara Platonovna Karsavina person
correspondedWith Tanner, Allen person
correspondedWith Tchelitchew, Pavel, 1898-1957 person
correspondedWith Tcherepnin, Alexander, 1899-1977 person
associatedWith Tcherkas, Constantin, d. 1965 person
correspondedWith Tcherkessoff, Anne person
correspondedWith Tellier, Anna person
correspondedWith Theatre Museum (Victoria and Albert Museum) corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomson, Logan person
correspondedWith Tognelli, Jole. person
associatedWith Tolstoy Foundation Farm. corporateBody
correspondedWith Tribune de Genéve corporateBody
correspondedWith Tynan, Kenneth, 1927- person
correspondedWith Van Vechten, Carl, 1880-1964 person
associatedWith Vaslav Nijinsky person
associatedWith Vatslav Fomich Nizhinskiĭ person
correspondedWith Veltchek, Vaslav, 1896-1968 person
associatedWith Vera Alekseevna Karalli person
associatedWith Vera Petrovna Fokina person
correspondedWith Verdak, George person
correspondedWith Victoria and Albert Museum corporateBody
associatedWith Vsevolod Grigoriev. person
correspondedWith Walter R. Benjamin Autographs corporateBody
correspondedWith Washburn Gallery (New York, N.Y.) corporateBody
associatedWith Waslav Nijinsky person
associatedWith Waslaw Nijinsky person
correspondedWith Watkins, Dolly person
correspondedWith Whiter, Jean person
correspondedWith Williams, A. H. person
correspondedWith Williams, Peter person
correspondedWith Windham, Donald person
correspondedWith Winter, Marion Hunter person
correspondedWith Woizikowski, Leon person
correspondedWith Woizikowski, Léon person
associatedWith Yakovleff, Maria person
correspondedWith Yale University Library corporateBody
correspondedWith Yazvinsky, Jean person
correspondedWith Zlatin, S. Y., Mme person
Place Name Admin Code Country
United States
Art auctions


Active 1921

Active 1989





Ark ID: w6zs311f

SNAC ID: 54190232