Interview with Antoinette Jiryis, Marie Sharbīn, Elias Sharbīn and Nāyif Jumʻah

Biography: وسجلت المقابلة ايضا مع الياس شربين، ذكر، ولد عام 1931 في حيفا، فلسطين.
Interviewer: Abū Hawwāsh, Jābir
Interviewee: Jiryis, Antoinette
Sharbīn, Elias
Jumʻah, Nāyif
Place of Origin: al-Baṣṣah
In Collection: POHA, Al-Jana, Folktales Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: audio
Duration: 01:02:12
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 1995-12-19
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
al-al-Ḥajjār, Muṭrān (Poet).
Table of Contents: Socio- political dynamics during British mandate. (@ 00:00:00)
Two popular stories. (@ 00:11:31)
ِArabic aphorism. (@ 00:20:36)
Story of the Old woman and the Treasure. (@ 00:31:29)
Real story. (@ 00:41:30)
Friendship short story. (@ 00:53:11)

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