Interview with Aḥmad Āghā

Biography: The interview was recorded on March 14, 2004 with Aḥmad Āghā, male, born in 1930 in Tarshīḥā, Palestine. He worked as a military commander with the British police forces.
Interviewer: Mughrabī, Bushrá
Interviewee: Āghā, Aḥmad
Place of Origin: Tarshīḥā
In Collection: POHA, Al-Nakba Collection
Interview Audio/Video:
Format: video
Duration: 02:05:10
Language: Arabic
Interview Date: 2004-03-14
Permanent Link:
Significant Figures:
al-Qubbah, Maḥmūd (Teacher); Bishārah, Ḥannā (Teacher); ʻAwdah, ʻAbdallāh (Teacher); Ḥūrānī, Adīb (Teacher); Ḥabīb, Karam (Teacher); ʻAbd al-Bāqī, Muṣṭafá (Teacher); Ḥijāzī, Fakhr (Teacher); Bustānī, Bashīr (Teacher); Shurayḥ, Fahd (Mayor); al-Qāḍī, Shukrī (Mayor); Muṣṭafá, Aḥmad (Mayor), Sirḥān, ʻAbd al-Qādir (Mayor); Ᾱghā, Taqīy al-Dīn Aḥmad (Mayor); ʻAwdah, Fāṭimah (Dressmaker); Bayḍūn, Nājī (Doctor); al-Shuqayrī, Anwar (Doctor); Fuʼād, ʻUthmān (Revolutionary leader); al-Rashīd, Fawzī (Revolutionary leader); Ᾱghā, Muḥammad Kamāl (Resistance leader); Jadīd, Fuʼād (Arab Salvation Army commander); al-Yannī, Yannī (Mayor); Laḥḥūd, Ḥannā (Resistance fighter); Ghabghad, Naʻīm (Minister); ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd, Aḥmad Ṣāliḥ (Resistance fighter); Rafīq, Naẓmī (Resistance fighter); al-Sibāʻī, Sabiʻ (Resistance fighter); Ᾱghā, Muḥmmad Kamāl (Resistance leader).
Sirḥān; Ᾱghā; al-Ḥammulah; al-Khayrāt; al-Fallāḥīn; Abū Anṭūn; al-Qiblāwī.
Landmarks-Places of Worship:
al-Mujāhid (Maqām); al-Nabī Yahyá (Maqām); Jablat ʻAlī Abū Saʻd (Maqām); Jāmi‘ al-Ḥammūlah (Mosque); Jāmi‘ al-ʻUmarī (Mosque).
Landmarks-Private Institutions:
Saint Luke's School (School); Haifa Cigarettes Manufacture (Corporation).
Table of Contents: Family history and origin. (@ 00:00:00)
Childhood and education. (@ 00:07:29)
Employment in the Palestinian mobile forces. (@ 00:15:28)
Socio-political life in Tarshīḥā. (@ 00:27:13)
Cultural life in Tarshīḥā. (@ 00:51:42)
Palestine during the Arab revolt 1936-1939. (@ 01:06:30)
Zionist Invasion of Palestine. (@ 01:14:17)
Expulsion from Tarshīḥā and life in exile. (@ 01:40:38)

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