alias: description: ICEberg (Integrative and conjugative elements) is a database of integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs) found in bacteria. ICEs are conjugative self-transmissible elements that can integrate into and excise from a host chromosome, and can carry likely virulence determinants, antibiotic-resistant factors and/or genes coding for other beneficial traits. It contains details of ICEs found in representatives bacterial species, and which are organised as families. This collection references ICE families. forward:${ac} institution: State Key Laboratory of Microbial Metabolism and School of Life Sciences & Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai location: China more: name: ICEberg family at Shanghai Jiaotong University pattern: ^\d+$ prefixed: false primary: false probe: provider: provider_id: MIR:00100605 redirect:$id sort_score: 1 state: 97:Probably up subject: synonym: Protein Alignments organised as Structural Superfamilies test: 1 type: scheme