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Nottingham Grade (Code C138986)

Terms & Properties

Preferred Name:  Nottingham Grade

Definition:  A histologic grading system developed by Elston and Ellis as a modification of the Scarff-Bloom-Richardson grading system, based on tubule formation, nuclear pleomorphism, and mitotic counts of invasive adenocarcinomas. (CW Ellston, O Ellis. Pathological prognostic factors in breast cancer. I. The value of histological grade in breast cancer: experience from a large study with long-term follow-up. Histopathology. 1991 Nov;19(5):403-10.)

CDISC Definition:  A histologic grading system developed by Elston and Ellis as a modification of the Scarff-Bloom-Richardson grading system, based on tubule formation, nuclear pleomorphism, and mitotic counts of invasive adenocarcinomas. (CW Ellston, O Ellis. Pathological prognostic factors in breast cancer. I. The value of histological grade in breast cancer: experience from a large study with long-term follow-up. Histopathology. 1991 Nov;19(5):403-10.)

Label:  Nottingham Grade

NCI Thesaurus Code:  C138986 (Search for linked caDSR metadata)   (search value sets)

NCI Metathesaurus Link:  CL526444  (see NCI Metathesaurus info)

Synonyms & Abbreviations: (see Synonym Details)
Elston-Ellis Modification of Scarff-Bloom-Richardson Grading System
Elston-Ellis modification of Scarff-Bloom-Richardson Grading System
Nottingham Grade
Nottingham Histologic Grade

External Source Codes: 

Other Properties:
     Name Value (qualifiers indented underneath)
code C138986
Contributing_Source CDISC
Semantic_Type Intellectual Product

Additional Concept Data: 
Defined Fully by Roles: No  


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