Patinkin, Don

Hide Profile

  • 1922: Born in Chicago, Illinois.
  • 1933 - 43 : Received Hebrew education at Chicago Yeshiva (Talmudic Academy).
  • 1943: B.A., University of Chicago.
  • 1945: M.A., University of Chicago
  • 1946: First published article, Mercantilism and the Readmission of the Jews to England,Jewish Social Studies 8.
  • 1946 - 48 : Held various teaching positions, University of Chicago, rising to Assistant Professor of Economics.
  • 1947: Completed University of Chicago Ph. D. thesis, On the Consistency of Economic Models: A Theory of Involuntary Unemployment.
  • 1948 - 49 : Associate Professor, University of Illinois.
  • 1949: Emigrated to Israel.
  • 1949 - 52 : Professor, Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
  • 1956: Publication of Money, Interest, and Prices: An Integration of Monetary and Value Theory (University of Chicago Press).
  • 1956 - 72 : Director of Research, Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel.
  • 1957 - 67 : Member, Bank of Israel Advisory Council.
  • 1959: Publication of The Israel Economy: The First Decade, by the Maurice Falk Institute for Economic Research in Israel .
  • 1959: Awarded Rothschild Prize (social sciences).
  • 1960 - 64 : Member, National Council for Research and Development, Israel.
  • 1961 - 62 : Visiting Professor, University of California at Berkeley.
  • 1965: Second edition of Money, Interest and Prices published.
  • 1968: Visiting Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
  • 1970: Awarded Israel Prize (social sciences).
  • 1970 - 75 : Member, Council for Higher Education, Israel.
  • 1972: Visiting Professor, University of Chicago.
  • 1973 - 74 : Chairman, Sub-committee on the Government Budget, Israel's Emergency Economic Advisory Council.
  • 1973 - 79 : Visiting Professor, Western Ontario (annual half-term visits).
  • 1974: President, Econometric Society.
  • 1975: Named honorary member of the American Economic Association.
  • 1976: President, Israel Economic Association.
  • 1976: Publication of Keynes' Monetary Thought: A Study of Its Development (University of Chicago Press).
  • 1977 - 79 : Visiting Professor, University of Chicago.
  • 1981: Publication by Duke University Press of Essays On and In the Chicago Tradition.
  • 1981 - 82 : Visiting Professor, Columbia University (fall semesters).
  • 1982: Publication by Duke University Press of Anticipations of the General Theory? and Other Essays on Keynes.
  • 1983 - 86 : President, Hebrew University.
  • 1987 - 89 : Visiting Professor, UCLA.
  • 1989: Publication of abridged version of the second edition of Money, Interest, and Prices, with lengthy new introduction.
  • 1992 - 94 : Visiting Professor, New Economic School, Moscow, Russia (fall semesters).
  • 1995: Died in August at age 73.

From the guide to the Don Patinkin Papers, 1870-1995, (Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn William J. Baumol Papers, ca. 1940-1995, (bulk 1950-1990) David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
creatorOf Don Patinkin Papers, 1870-1995 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Robert W. Clower Papers, and undated, circa 1916-2000 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
referencedIn Southern Economic Journal Records, 1937-2003 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Franco Modigliani Papers, 1936-2005 and undated, bulk 1970s-2003 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abraham person
correspondedWith Abramowitz, Moses person
correspondedWith Aereni person
correspondedWith Aizenmen, Yehoshua person
correspondedWith A. L. Gaathon person
correspondedWith Allen, William person
correspondedWith American Economic Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Arndt, Prof. H. W. person
correspondedWith Arrow, Kenneth J. person
correspondedWith Artis, Michael person
associatedWith A. R. Wallace person
correspondedWith Asimakopulos, May person
correspondedWith Aski, K. L. person
correspondedWith Aspe, Dr. Pedro person
correspondedWith Aspe, Pedro person
correspondedWith Atkinson, Tony person
correspondedWith Avneri, Shlomo person
associatedWith Axel Leijonhuvfud person
correspondedWith Bahral, Uri person
correspondedWith Bain, Joe S. person
correspondedWith Baker person
correspondedWith Ball, R. J. person
correspondedWith Barak person
correspondedWith Barber, William J. person
correspondedWith Barens, Ingo person
correspondedWith Barkai, Haim person
correspondedWith Barro, Robert person
correspondedWith Barzel person
correspondedWith Basel person
correspondedWith Bateman, Bradley W. person
correspondedWith Baumol person
correspondedWith Baumol, William J. person
correspondedWith Becker, Gary S. person
correspondedWith Bekins person
correspondedWith Belka, Marek person
correspondedWith Bell, Phillip person
correspondedWith Benassy, Jean-Pascal person
correspondedWith Bennett, Alice person
correspondedWith Ben-Porat, Yoram person
correspondedWith Ben-Shackar person
correspondedWith Bensusan-Butt, David person
correspondedWith Berg, Robert person
correspondedWith Blackwell person
correspondedWith Blaug, M. person
correspondedWith Blaug, Mark person
correspondedWith Blaug, Prof. Mark person
correspondedWith Blinder, Alan S. person
correspondedWith Bodkin, Ronald G. person
correspondedWith Bogomolov, Oleg person
associatedWith B. Ohlin person
correspondedWith Boianovsky, Mauro person
correspondedWith Bonne person
correspondedWith Borg, Finn person
correspondedWith Borts, Editor person
correspondedWith Bowen, Howard L. person
correspondedWith Brady, Michael E. person
correspondedWith Brems, Hans person
correspondedWith Brenner, Gabrielle person
correspondedWith Brenner, Reuven person
correspondedWith Bridel, Pascal person
correspondedWith Brody, Norman person
correspondedWith Bronfenbrenner, Martin person
correspondedWith Bronfrenbrenner person
correspondedWith Brunner, Karl person
correspondedWith Bruno person
correspondedWith Buchanan, James person
correspondedWith Buchanan, Jim person
correspondedWith Cagan person
correspondedWith Cameron, R. person
correspondedWith Cati, Matteo person
correspondedWith Ceriani, Luigi person
correspondedWith Chadha person
correspondedWith Chandler person
correspondedWith Chapple, Simon person
correspondedWith Chernow, Barbara H. person
correspondedWith Cherow, Barbara person
associatedWith Chicago School of Economics corporateBody
correspondedWith Chick, Victoria person
correspondedWith Chisholm, Derek person
correspondedWith Chiswick, C. U. person
correspondedWith Christ, Carl person
correspondedWith Cipolla, Carlo person
correspondedWith Clark, Colin person
correspondedWith Clarke, Peter F. person
correspondedWith Clower, Robert person
correspondedWith Clower, Robert W. person
correspondedWith Coats, A. W. person
correspondedWith Cohen, Louis person
correspondedWith Collis, J. person
correspondedWith Crawford person
correspondedWith Creamer, Daniel person
correspondedWith Cukierman, A. person
correspondedWith Currie, L. person
correspondedWith Currie, Lauchlin person
correspondedWith Daehler-Wilking, Richard person
correspondedWith Dahlskog person
correspondedWith Darity, William person
associatedWith David Horovitz Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith David I. F person
correspondedWith Davidson, Paul person
correspondedWith Davidson, Sidney person
correspondedWith Davis, E. G. person
correspondedWith Davis, J. R. person
correspondedWith DeJong person
correspondedWith De Marchi, Neil person
correspondedWith Dimand, Robert person
correspondedWith Domas person
correspondedWith Dostaler, Gilles person
correspondedWith Douwna, Robert person
correspondedWith Dowd, Kevin person
correspondedWith Drazen, Allan person
correspondedWith Drèze, J. person
correspondedWith Dreze, Jean person
correspondedWith Dreze, J. H. person
correspondedWith Duke University Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Dunlop, John T. person
correspondedWith Dvoretsky person
correspondedWith Eckhaus, Richard person
correspondedWith Edward Elgar Publishing person
correspondedWith Efronmson, C. W. person
correspondedWith Efroymson, Clarence person
correspondedWith Eisenstadt, Maggie person
correspondedWith Eisenstadt, S. N. person
correspondedWith Eisner person
correspondedWith Elgar, Edward person
correspondedWith Elkana, Yehuda person
correspondedWith Ellis, Howard person
correspondedWith Emmett, Ross B. person
correspondedWith Entov person
correspondedWith European Economic Association corporateBody
associatedWith Falgatter, Tarshis person
correspondedWith Falk person
correspondedWith Falk Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Farmiloe, Tim person
correspondedWith Farmiloe, T. M. person
correspondedWith Fase, M. M . G. person
correspondedWith Fauvel, L. person
correspondedWith Faxen, Karl-Olof person
correspondedWith Fellner, William person
correspondedWith Ferber, Marianne person
correspondedWith Ferber, Robert and Marianne person
correspondedWith Festschrift, Grunfeld person
correspondedWith Fischer, Franck person
correspondedWith Fischer, Irving person
correspondedWith Fischer, Prof. Stanley person
correspondedWith Fischer, Stanley person
correspondedWith Fitoussi, Annie person
correspondedWith Fitoussi, Jean-Paul person
correspondedWith Flemming, John person
correspondedWith Flemming, Prof. J. S. person
correspondedWith Florida University corporateBody
correspondedWith Fogel, Robert person
correspondedWith Ford, James person
correspondedWith Ford, Jim person
correspondedWith Fort, Donald person
correspondedWith Frankel person
associatedWith Frank Knight person
correspondedWith Frenkel person
correspondedWith Freund, Shoshana person
correspondedWith Friedland, C. person
correspondedWith Friedman, Milton person
correspondedWith Fusfeld, Daniel R. person
correspondedWith Gaaton, Dr. A. L. person
correspondedWith Gale, Douglas person
associatedWith Garvey, George person
correspondedWith Gerrard, Bill person
associatedWith Gesell, Silvio person
correspondedWith Ginsberg person
correspondedWith Ginzberg, Eli person
correspondedWith Glasner, David person
correspondedWith Glasser person
correspondedWith Goddington, Alan person
correspondedWith Gogerty and Winston person
correspondedWith Goldberger person
correspondedWith Goodhart, C. A. E. person
correspondedWith Goodheart, Prof. C. A. E. person
correspondedWith Goodwin, C. D. person
correspondedWith Goodwin, Craufurd person
correspondedWith Goodwin, Nancy person
correspondedWith Gorden person
correspondedWith Gordon, Robert person
correspondedWith Graboyes, Robert person
correspondedWith Graziani person
correspondedWith Griliches, Zvi person
correspondedWith Groenewegen person
correspondedWith Grossman, Ed and Sue person
correspondedWith Grossman, Herschel person
correspondedWith Grunfeld, Yehuda person
correspondedWith Gurley person
correspondedWith Hackohen, Mordecai person
correspondedWith Hagemann, Harald person
correspondedWith Hahn, F. H. person
correspondedWith Hahn, Frank person
correspondedWith Hahn, Frank H. person
correspondedWith Hammond, J. Daniel person
correspondedWith Hansen, Bent person
correspondedWith Hansen, Bert person
correspondedWith Harberger, Al person
correspondedWith Harcourt, G. C. person
correspondedWith Harcourt, Geoffrey C. person
correspondedWith Harrod, R. F. person
correspondedWith Harvard University corporateBody
correspondedWith Hasida, Aug. person
associatedWith Hebrew University corporateBody
correspondedWith Heertje, Arnold person
correspondedWith Heffers person
correspondedWith Hellwig, Martin person
correspondedWith Helming, James person
correspondedWith Helpman, Elhanan person
correspondedWith Henderson, Sandy person
correspondedWith Henriksson, Rolf person
associatedWith Henry Simons person
correspondedWith Herschlag person
correspondedWith Hetzel, Robert person
correspondedWith Heydendahl person
correspondedWith Hickman, B. G. person
correspondedWith Hickman, W. B. person
correspondedWith Hicks, John person
correspondedWith Hicks, J. R. person
correspondedWith Hicks, Ursula person
correspondedWith Hirotaka, Kato person
correspondedWith Hirsch, E. D. person
correspondedWith Hirsch, W. A. person
correspondedWith Hirsch, Werner person
correspondedWith Hirshleifer, Jack person
correspondedWith History of Economics Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Hoisington, T. person
correspondedWith Holland, Edward person
correspondedWith Hollander, Sam person
correspondedWith Hollander, Samuel person
correspondedWith Hoos, Sidney person
correspondedWith Hoover Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Hoover, Kevin D. person
correspondedWith Horovitz person
correspondedWith Hoselitz, Bert F. person
correspondedWith Howitt, P. person
correspondedWith Howitt, Peter person
correspondedWith Howson, Susan person
correspondedWith Hoxter, Curtis J. person
correspondedWith Humphrey, Tom M. person
correspondedWith Hutchison, Terence person
correspondedWith Institute for International Economic Studies corporateBody
correspondedWith International Economic Association corporateBody
correspondedWith International Economic Association (IEA.) corporateBody
associatedWith Israel person
correspondedWith Jaffe, William person
correspondedWith Jaszi, George person
associatedWith Johannsen person
associatedWith John Maynard Keynes person
correspondedWith Johnson, Elizabeth person
correspondedWith Johnson, Gale person
correspondedWith Johnson, Harry person
correspondedWith Johnson, Ivan person
correspondedWith Johnson, Liz person
correspondedWith Johnson, Peter person
correspondedWith Jonung, Lars person
correspondedWith Jorgenson person
correspondedWith Kahane, Neir person
correspondedWith Kahn, R. F. person
correspondedWith Kahn, Richard person
correspondedWith Kaleck person
correspondedWith Kaplan, Abbot person
correspondedWith Kaplan, A. D. H. person
correspondedWith Kates, Steven person
associatedWith Katz, Yaacor person
correspondedWith Kessler, A. person
correspondedWith Keynes, Milo person
correspondedWith King, Mervyn person
correspondedWith Kleiman, Ephraim person
correspondedWith Klein, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Klein, Lawrence R. person
correspondedWith Knight, Frank person
correspondedWith Kohn, Neir person
correspondedWith Koopmans person
correspondedWith Kop, Y. person
correspondedWith Kop, Yaakov person
correspondedWith Kornacker, Thomas person
correspondedWith Kregel, Jan. A. person
correspondedWith Krueger, Harvey person
correspondedWith Kuenne, R. S. person
correspondedWith Kurihara, Kenneth person
correspondedWith Kurimura, Yisikichi person
correspondedWith Kuznets, Edith person
correspondedWith Kuznets, Paul person
correspondedWith Kuznets, Simon person
correspondedWith Laidler, D. person
correspondedWith Laidler, David person
correspondedWith Laidler, Davis person
correspondedWith Lancaster, Kelvin person
correspondedWith Landes, David person
correspondedWith Lange, Felicia person
correspondedWith Lange, Oscar person
correspondedWith Laskey, Gordon person
correspondedWith LAVA, Yehuda person
correspondedWith Leijonhufvud, Axel person
correspondedWith Leith, Clark J. person
correspondedWith Leith, J. C. person
correspondedWith Leontief, Wassily person
correspondedWith Lerner, A. person
correspondedWith Lerner, Abba person
correspondedWith Lerner, Prof. Abba person
correspondedWith Levhari, David person
correspondedWith Levhari, David and Don Patinkin person
correspondedWith Levin, Marc person
correspondedWith Levinson, Jacob person
correspondedWith Levy, Margot person
correspondedWith Lewin, Paulina person
correspondedWith Lewis, Gregg person
correspondedWith Liberman, Robert person
correspondedWith Liebenson, Joseph person
correspondedWith Linda, Thornton person
correspondedWith Lindbeck, Assar person
correspondedWith Littleboy, Brace person
correspondedWith Liviatan, Nissan person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Cliff person
correspondedWith Lowe, Barbara person
correspondedWith Lucas, Robert E. person
correspondedWith Lundberg person
correspondedWith Machlup, Fritz person
correspondedWith Maital, Shlomo person
correspondedWith Mann, Harold person
correspondedWith Marglin, Steve person
correspondedWith Marris R. person
correspondedWith Marschak, Jacob person
correspondedWith Marshall, Field person
correspondedWith Marty, A. L. person
correspondedWith Marty, Alvin person
correspondedWith Matthews, Prof. R. C. person
correspondedWith Matthews, R. C. person
correspondedWith Mayer, Thomas person
correspondedWith Mayer, Tom person
correspondedWith McCallum person
correspondedWith McCloskey, Donald person
correspondedWith McManus person
correspondedWith Meade, James person
correspondedWith Means, G. C. person
correspondedWith Mehta, Ghanshyam person
correspondedWith Mehta, Prof. Granshyam person
correspondedWith Meltzer person
correspondedWith Merton, Robert person
correspondedWith Merton, Robert K. person
correspondedWith Metzler, Lloyd person
associatedWith Michael Kalecki person
correspondedWith Mikesell, Raymond person
correspondedWith Miller, Edward M. person
correspondedWith Miller, Prof. James person
correspondedWith Millman, S. person
correspondedWith Mints, Lloyd person
correspondedWith Mints, Lloyd Wynn person
correspondedWith Mints, L. W. person
correspondedWith Mishan, E. J. person
correspondedWith Mizpah person
correspondedWith Modigliani, Franco person
correspondedWith Moggridge, Donald person
correspondedWith Mongiovi, Gary person
correspondedWith Moore, Basil J. person
correspondedWith Morag person
correspondedWith Morgan, Theodore person
correspondedWith Mosak, Jacob person
correspondedWith Mosby, Carolyn person
correspondedWith Muller-Wille, Christopher person
correspondedWith Mundell, Robert person
correspondedWith Mundlak, Yair person
correspondedWith Musu, Prof. Ignazio person
associatedWith Myrdal, Gunnar person
correspondedWith Naama person
correspondedWith Ne'enam, Yuval person
correspondedWith Nef, John U. person
correspondedWith Negishi, Takashi person
correspondedWith Nell, Edward J. person
correspondedWith Newman person
correspondedWith Niehans, Jürg person
correspondedWith Noam, Michael person
correspondedWith O'Donnell, Rod person
correspondedWith Ohlin, Bertil person
correspondedWith Opie, Redvers person
correspondedWith Osiatynski, Jerzy person
correspondedWith Ostroy, Joe person
correspondedWith Overmann, Ronald person
correspondedWith Pagett, Richard person
correspondedWith Pardes, Ilana person
correspondedWith Pasinetti, Luigi person
correspondedWith Patinkin, Aran person
correspondedWith Patinkin, Dvora person
associatedWith Paul Samuelson person
correspondedWith Paunio, Jouko person
correspondedWith Perlman, Mark person
correspondedWith Pines, David person
correspondedWith Pittsburgh University corporateBody
correspondedWith Plessner, Yakir person
correspondedWith Plosser, Charles person
correspondedWith Poole, Anne person
correspondedWith Prais, S. J. person
correspondedWith Presley, Dr. John person
correspondedWith Presley, John R. person
correspondedWith Princeton [family] family
correspondedWith Protose [family] family
correspondedWith Rapping, Leonard person
associatedWith R. B. Bryce person
correspondedWith Recktenwald, Horst person
correspondedWith Reder person
correspondedWith Reich, Hermann person
associatedWith Reuben Brenner person
correspondedWith Richard Daehler Wilking person
correspondedWith Riemer, S. person
correspondedWith Roberts, David person
correspondedWith Roberts, David L. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Austin person
correspondedWith Robinson, E. A. G. person
correspondedWith Robinson, Joan person
correspondedWith Robinson, Prof. Sir Austin person
correspondedWith Rodrovitch person
correspondedWith Rolph, Earl R. person
correspondedWith Roncaglia, Alessandro person
correspondedWith Rosett, Richard N. person
correspondedWith Rosovsky person
correspondedWith Rothberg person
correspondedWith Rothenberg, Jerome person
correspondedWith Routledge person
correspondedWith Row, Peterson person
correspondedWith Royalties person
correspondedWith Rubenstein, Ariel person
correspondedWith Rubinstein, Aryah person
correspondedWith Rymes, Prof. T. K. person
correspondedWith Sachs, Jeff person
associatedWith Salant, Bryce person
correspondedWith Salant, Walter person
correspondedWith Salant, Walter S. person
correspondedWith Samuelson, P. A. person
correspondedWith Samuelson, Paul person
correspondedWith Sandilands, Roger person
correspondedWith Saros, T. A. person
correspondedWith Savastano person
correspondedWith Schumpeter person
correspondedWith Searle, John R. person
correspondedWith Sebastiani, Mario person
correspondedWith Seiler, Ellen person
correspondedWith Selgin, George person
correspondedWith Seligman, Lester person
correspondedWith Sen, Amartya person
correspondedWith Shackle, G. F. S. person
correspondedWith Shaw, G. K. person
correspondedWith Shefet, Joseph person
correspondedWith Shell, Marc person
correspondedWith Shepherd, George B. person
correspondedWith Sheshinski, Eytan person
correspondedWith Sidrauski, Miguel person
correspondedWith Simon, Herbert A. person
associatedWith S. J. Prais person
correspondedWith Skidelsky, Lord person
correspondedWith Skidelsky, Robert person
correspondedWith Skolnick, Irving person
correspondedWith Smithin, John person
correspondedWith Smyth, David J. person
correspondedWith Solow, Robert person
correspondedWith Sosnick person
correspondedWith Southern economic journal. corporateBody
correspondedWith Spiro, Peter person
correspondedWith Steiger, Otto person
correspondedWith Steindl, Frank G. person
correspondedWith Stein, Herbert person
correspondedWith Stein, Jerome person
correspondedWith Steve, Sergio person
correspondedWith Stigler, George person
correspondedWith Stigler, G. J. person
correspondedWith Stigler, Prof. George person
correspondedWith Stone, Julius person
correspondedWith Stone, Prof. George person
correspondedWith Svensen, Lars person
correspondedWith Swoboda, Alexander K. person
correspondedWith Taylor, Lewis person
correspondedWith Telcer, Lester person
correspondedWith Theil, Prof. Henri person
associatedWith The Israeli Academy of Agriculture corporateBody
correspondedWith Thweatt, Prof. William O. person
correspondedWith Tobin, James person
correspondedWith Tochtermann person
correspondedWith Topp, Niels-Henrik person
correspondedWith Trescott, Paul person
correspondedWith Trescott, Prof. Paul B. person
correspondedWith Tsiang, S. C. person
correspondedWith Turvey, Ralph person
correspondedWith Unger, Jerome person
associatedWith University of Chicago. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Chicago School of Economics corporateBody
correspondedWith Valavanis, Stefan person
correspondedWith Vargas Foundation corporateBody
correspondedWith Viner, Jacob person
associatedWith Volume, Hahn person
correspondedWith von Furstenberg, G. M. person
correspondedWith Walker person
correspondedWith Weintraub, E. Roy person
correspondedWith Weintraub, Prof. Roy person
correspondedWith Weiserbs, Daniel person
correspondedWith Weitz, Ra'anan person
correspondedWith Wellisz, Stainislaw person
correspondedWith Wells, Prof. Paul person
correspondedWith Whitaker, John K. person
correspondedWith Wider person
correspondedWith Williams, Ms. B. person
correspondedWith Winch, Donald person
correspondedWith Witztum, Amos person
correspondedWith Wonnacott, Paul person
correspondedWith Yaron, Dan person
correspondedWith Yehuda Grunfeld person
correspondedWith Yellin, Larry person
correspondedWith Young, Warren person
correspondedWith Zamagni, Stefano person
correspondedWith Zawadski, Wlodek person
correspondedWith Zelinsky, Dan person
correspondedWith Zelinsky, Daniel person
correspondedWith Zeltser, D. person
correspondedWith Zeyria, Yossi person
correspondedWith Zippori, E. person
correspondedWith Zisook, Jerrold person
correspondedWith Zussman, Dr. person
Place Name Admin Code Country




Ark ID: w6169vm1

SNAC ID: 75108541