Grubiński, Wacław.

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Wacław Grubiński, Polish short-story writer, novelist, playwright of the "Warsaw School," and theater critic, was born in Warsaw in 1883 and died in London in 1973. He wrote narrative prose such as Pocalunek ( The kiss, 1906), Czlowiek z klarnetem ( Man with a clarinet, 1927), and Listy pogańskie ( Pagan letters, 1938); produced and published over 10 one-act and full-length plays such as, Kochankowie ( Lovers, 1915), and Niewinna grzesznica ( The innocent sinner, 1926); and also wrote his memoirs about his deportation to the Soviet Union during World War II and his condemnation to death (later commuted to 10 years of imprisonment) for publishing a comedy about Lenin in 1921 Miedzy młotem a sierpem ( Between Hammer and Sickle, 1947).

From the guide to the Wacław Grubiński papers, 1915-1972., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Wacław Grubiński papers, 1915-1972. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Aleksander Janta person
correspondedWith Baliński, Stanisław, 1898-1984 person
correspondedWith Bas?, Jadwiga person
associatedWith Bednarski, W. L. person
correspondedWith Błeszyński, Kazimierz. person
correspondedWith Breiterowa, Irena. person
correspondedWith British Council for Aid to Refugees. corporateBody
correspondedWith Chmielowiec, Michał. person
correspondedWith Danuta. person
correspondedWith Dyrektor P., recipient. person
associatedWith Eileen D. Lawrence person
associatedWith E. Wende i Spółka. corporateBody
correspondedWith Godlewski, Józef, 1890- person
correspondedWith Grubiński, Jacek. person
correspondedWith Grubiński, Jacek, recipient. person
correspondedWith Grydzewski, Mieczysław, 1894-1970 person
correspondedWith Grzymała-Siedlecki, Adam, 1876-1967 person
correspondedWith Günther, Władysław. person
correspondedWith Held, J., Dr. person
correspondedWith Held, Nina. person
correspondedWith Hlechniowska, Elżbieta. person
correspondedWith Hlechniowska, Elżbieta, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hlechniowska, Joanna. person
correspondedWith Hlechniowski, Janusz. person
correspondedWith International Social Service of Great Britain. corporateBody
associatedWith Janta, Aleksander person
correspondedWith Janta, Aleksander, 1908-1974 person
associatedWith J. R. Hudson's Clinic at Moorfields Eye Hospital. corporateBody
associatedWith J. Szumowski person
correspondedWith Kędzierski, J. Z. person
correspondedWith Kielanowski, Leopold. person
correspondedWith Kniaziołucki, Leon. person
correspondedWith Konsul N. N.? , recipient. person
correspondedWith Krzyś, recipient. person
correspondedWith Krzyżanowski, Julian, 1892-1976 person
correspondedWith Leon, recipient. person
correspondedWith Łokaj, Bronisław. person
correspondedWith Lola, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lubicz-Nawrocki, B. J.. person
correspondedWith Lubodziecki, Stanisław. person
correspondedWith Machalski, Tadeusz. person
correspondedWith Mackiewicz, Józef person
correspondedWith Michał, recipient. person
correspondedWith Minister, recipient. person
associatedWith National Fund of the Republic of Poland. corporateBody
correspondedWith Opieński, Józef. person
correspondedWith Pająk, Antoni. person
correspondedWith Pająk, Antoni, recipient. person
associatedWith Polish citizens' committee for refugees. corporateBody
correspondedWith Pomerantz, Eliezer, 1908- person
correspondedWith Poznański, Karol. person
correspondedWith Rostowski, J. person
correspondedWith Sądek, Napoleon. person
correspondedWith Sakowski, J. person
correspondedWith Sambor, Michał. person
correspondedWith Skąpski, Adam. person
associatedWith Skarb Narodowy Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej. corporateBody
associatedWith Sobotkiewicz, Stanisław person
associatedWith Stanisław Baliński) person
correspondedWith Stasiuk, Leon. person
correspondedWith Surynowa, J. W. person
correspondedWith Świderski, Bolesław. person
correspondedWith Szumscy, Mikołaj person
correspondedWith Szygowski, Juliusz. person
associatedWith Tadeusz M. Strugielski, 1967 August 1. person
associatedWith Universal Photo Service, photographers. corporateBody
correspondedWith Wohnout, Wiesław. person
correspondedWith Zaleski, August, 1883-1972 person
correspondedWith Zawodny, J. K. (Janusz Kazimierz). person
correspondedWith Zbyszewski, Karol. person
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Ark ID: w6294s4c

SNAC ID: 27582664