Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885
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Helen Maria Fiske was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, the daughter of Nathan Welby Fiske and Deborah Waterman Vinal Fiske. Her father was a minister, author, and professor of Latin, Greek, and philosophy at Amherst College. She had two brothers, Humphrey Washburn Fiske (?–1833) and David Vinal Fiske (1829–1829), both of whom died soon after birth, and a sister Anne. They were raised as Unitarians. Anne became the wife of E. C. Banfield, a federal government official who served as Solicitor of the United States Treasury.
The girls' mother died in 1844, when Fiske was fourteen. Three years later, their father died. He had provided financially for Fiske's education and arranged for an uncle to care for her. Fiske attended Ipswich Female Seminary and the Abbott Institute, a boarding school in New York City run by Reverend John Stevens Cabot Abbott. She was a classmate of Emily Dickinson, also from Amherst; the two corresponded for the rest of their lives, but few of their letters have survived.
In 1852, at age 22, Fiske married U.S. Army Captain Edward Bissell Hunt. They had two sons, one of whom, Murray Hunt (1853–1854), died as an infant in 1854 of a brain disease. Her husband was killed in October, 1863, in an accident that occurred while he was experimenting with one of his own marine inventions. Her second son, Warren "Rennie" Horsford Hunt (1855–1865) died at age 9 of diphtheria in 1865 at his aunt's home in West Roxbury.
Most of Hunt's early elegiac verse grew out of this heavy experience of loss and sorrow. Up to this time, her life had been absorbed in domestic and social duties. Her real literary career began when she removed herself to Newport, in the winter of 1866. Her first successful poem, "Coronation", appeared in The Atlantic three years later. It was the commencement of a long and fruitful connection with that magazine, with The Century later, and with The Nation and Independent. The years 1868–1870 were spent in Europe, in travel and literary work. In 1872, she visited California for the first time.
In the winter of 1873–1874 she was in Colorado Springs, Colorado at the resort of Seven Falls, seeking rest in hopes of a cure for tuberculosis, which was often fatal before the invention of antibiotics. While in Colorado Springs, Hunt met William Sharpless Jackson, a wealthy banker and railroad executive. They married in 1875 and she took the name Jackson, under which she was best known for her later writings.
She published her early work anonymously, usually under the name "H.H." Ralph Waldo Emerson admired her poetry and used several of her poems in his public readings. He included five of them in his Parnassus: An Anthology of Poetry (1880).
Over the next two years, she published three novels in the anonymous No Name Series, including Mercy Philbrick's Choice and Hetty's Strange History. She also encouraged a contribution from Emily Dickinson to A Masque of Poets as part of the same series.
In 1879, Jackson's interests turned to Native Americans after hearing a lecture in Boston by Chief Standing Bear, of the Ponca Tribe. Standing Bear described the forcible removal of the Ponca from their Nebraska reservation and transfer to the Quapaw Reservation in Indian Territory (Oklahoma), where they suffered from disease, harsh climate, and poor supplies. Upset about the mistreatment of Native Americans by government agents, Jackson became an activist on their behalf. She started investigating and publicizing government misconduct, circulating petitions, raising money, and writing letters to The New York Times on behalf of the Ponca.
Jackson died of stomach cancer in 1885 in San Francisco. Her husband arranged for her burial on a one-acre plot near Seven Falls at Inspiration Point overlooking Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her remains were later moved to Evergreen Cemetery in Colorado Springs. At the time of her death, her estate was valued at $12,642.
Relation | Name |
associatedWith | [Ford, Daniel Sharp?], d. 1899, |
associatedWith | Abbott, Edward, 1841-1908 |
associatedWith | Abbott, Lyman, 1835-1922. |
associatedWith | Alden, Henry Mills, 1836-1919. |
associatedWith | Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 1836-1907. |
associatedWith | American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. |
associatedWith | Amherst Academy (Amherst, Mass.) |
correspondedWith | Banfield, Anne Fiske |
associatedWith | Banfield, Everett C. |
associatedWith | Barrows, Charles Henry, 1853-1918 |
Birth 1830-10-18
Death 1885-08-12
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Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 1830-1885 | Title |