Jones, Thomas Orton.

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Thomas Orton Jones (1916-2004) served in the U.S. Army's Manhattan Engineering District during World War II as chief intelligence officer at the Los Alamos Laboratory under J. Robert Oppenheimer. In 1946, he joined the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission where he continued to work until his retirement in 1970.

Jones had personal passion for Gilbert and Sullivan operas, performing in productions himself, along with a research interest in Gilbert and Sullivan and links of their work to Oscar Wilde and James Whistler.

From the guide to the Thomas Orton Jones papers relating to Gilbert and Sullivan, 1935-2004., (Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Thomas Orton Jones papers relating to Gilbert and Sullivan, 1935-2004. Harvard Theater Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
associatedWith A. Bridget Appleyard. person
correspondedWith Adamson, Gordon. person
correspondedWith Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society. corporateBody
correspondedWith Allen, Reginald. person
associatedWith Arthur Sullivan. person
associatedWith Arthur Sullivan. Includes a playbill. person
associatedWith Basil Hood person
associatedWith Belknap Collection for the Performing Arts. corporateBody
correspondedWith Beman, Spencer S. person
correspondedWith Bettany, Clemence person
associatedWith Betty Rodgers. person
correspondedWith Boyers, Hayden. person
correspondedWith Brenner, Arthur. person
associatedWith Brenner, Arthur B. person
associatedWith Bridget D'Oyly Carte Limited corporateBody
correspondedWith Brookbank, Marcia. person
correspondedWith Carte, Bridget D’Oyly. person
associatedWith Carte, Richard D’Oyly, 1844-1901 person
associatedWith C. Catherine Gibson. person
associatedWith Charles A. Ryskamp. person
associatedWith Chicago Gilbert and Sullivan Series corporateBody
correspondedWith Chicago Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Cole, Sarah. person
correspondedWith Crossword Club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Daily Telegraph. corporateBody
associatedWith David Crosson. person
associatedWith De Koven, Reginald. person
correspondedWith Denver Public Library. Western History Dept. corporateBody
correspondedWith De Verteuil, Dorothy, Lady. person
correspondedWith D’Luhy, Gale R. person
associatedWith Donal Henahan person
correspondedWith Don and Carolyn. person
associatedWith Dorlon, Philetus F. person
associatedWith D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. corporateBody
associatedWith D’Oyly Carte Opera Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith D’Oyly Carte Opera Trust Limited. corporateBody
correspondedWith Edgar F. LaMance person
associatedWith Egon A. Weiss person
correspondedWith Eitel, Huber Messinger. person
associatedWith Eleanor M. Gehres person
correspondedWith Eugene Field House and Toy Museum. corporateBody
correspondedWith Farley, Philip J., 1916- person
associatedWith Field, Eugene, 1850-1895 person
associatedWith Field, Marshall, 1834-1906 person
associatedWith Fildes, Luke, Sir, 1844-1927 person
correspondedWith Filson Club Library corporateBody
associatedWith Fitzgerald, F. Scott (Francis Scott), 1896-1940 person
correspondedWith Folcroft Library Editions corporateBody
associatedWith Frances Jones. person
associatedWith Friends of the University of Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Gange, Fraser. person
associatedWith Garrett, John W. (John Work), 1820-1884 person
associatedWith Gary G. Ernest person
correspondedWith George, John C. G. person
correspondedWith Gilbert and Sullivan Festival of Western Michigan corporateBody
associatedWith Gilbert & Sullivan Society of New York. corporateBody
associatedWith Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911 person
associatedWith Graham, Douglas person
correspondedWith Gray, Rob. person
correspondedWith Green, Martyn, 1899-1975 person
correspondedWith Greif, Martin. person
associatedWith Grossmith, George, 1847-1912 person
associatedWith Harris, Vilette person
correspondedWith Hartley, Mildred person
correspondedWith Hawes, A. G. person
associatedWith Henschel, George, Sir, 1850-1934 person
correspondedWith Hilton, George Woodman. person
correspondedWith Historic Fort Wayne. corporateBody
associatedWith Hugh Judson Kilpatrick person
correspondedWith Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Indian River County Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Jacobs, Arthur, 1922-1996 person
correspondedWith Jenny. person
associatedWith John Harriman. person
associatedWith John Jameson person
associatedWith John Scholz. person
associatedWith John Whistler. person
correspondedWith Jones, Frances person
correspondedWith Jones, Mrs. person
correspondedWith Joseph, Tony, 1938- person
associatedWith Katherine Z. Armington. person
associatedWith Kathleen Mitchell. person
associatedWith Kenneth W. Rapp person
associatedWith Lamplighters (Operetta company). corporateBody
associatedWith Langtry, Lillie, 1853-1929 person
correspondedWith Lawrence P. Schreiber person
associatedWith Lewis, George Henry, Sir, 1833-1911 person
associatedWith Library of Congress. Hispanic Division corporateBody
correspondedWith Los Angeles County (Calif.). Dept. of Registrar-Recorder. corporateBody
correspondedWith Loth, David, 1899-1988 person
associatedWith Lyle Stuart person
correspondedWith Macy, John W., 1917-1986 person
correspondedWith Malmi, Carol. person
correspondedWith Mariners’ Museum (Newport News, Va.). corporateBody
associatedWith Max Frankel person
correspondedWith McDonald, Margaret. person
correspondedWith McElroy, George C. person
associatedWith Michigan and Ohio Car Ferry Company corporateBody
associatedWith Midwestern Gilbert and Sullivan Society. corporateBody
associatedWith Miller, John W. person
correspondedWith Montgomery County (Md.). Dept. of Public Libraries. corporateBody
correspondedWith Montgomery Light Opera Association. corporateBody
associatedWith Morris, William, 1834-1896 person
associatedWith Mrs. Peters person
correspondedWith Music Educators National Conference corporateBody
associatedWith Nancy M. Pinney person
correspondedWith National City Christian Church (Washington, D.C.) corporateBody
correspondedWith New York Times Company. corporateBody
associatedWith North Shore Country Day School (Winnetka, Ill.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Offenheiser, Marilyn person
associatedWith Opera Box corporateBody
correspondedWith Pearl Records corporateBody
correspondedWith Pierpont Morgan Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Prestige, Colin. person
associatedWith Ramsay Duff. person
associatedWith Raymond E. Gant person
associatedWith Reed, John, 1916-2010 person
correspondedWith Reynolds, Christine G. person
associatedWith Riley, James Whitcomb, 1849-1916 person
associatedWith Robert Adams. person
associatedWith Robertson, Joan person
associatedWith Roosevelt, Blanche, 1853-1898 person
correspondedWith Rupert Rhodes Shirtmakers. corporateBody
associatedWith Russell, Lillian, 1861-1922 person
correspondedWith Saunders, Jack. person
correspondedWith Shereff, Jesse. person
associatedWith Sherwood, M. E. W. (Mary Elizabeth Wilson), 1826-1903 person
associatedWith Sibyl Johnson person
associatedWith Simon and Schuster, inc. corporateBody
correspondedWith Simon, John Y. person
associatedWith Smart, Mary person
correspondedWith Smith, Perry Dunlap. person
correspondedWith Smithsonian Institution. corporateBody
associatedWith Stanley P. Tozeski person
associatedWith Stanyon, Anne. person
correspondedWith St. Augustine Historical Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Stedman, Jane W. person
associatedWith Stravinsky, Igor, 1882-1971 person
correspondedWith Strong, Jonathan. person
associatedWith Sullivan, Arthur, 1842-1900 person
associatedWith Suppé, Franz von, 1819-1895 person
correspondedWith Thorp, Nigel. person
correspondedWith Time-Life Books. corporateBody
associatedWith Tom Prideaux person
correspondedWith Truelove, Albert. person
correspondedWith United States Military Academy. Archives. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Glasgow. Library. corporateBody
correspondedWith Walter person
associatedWith Wanda J. Allenback person
correspondedWith Washington County Historical Society (Md.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Washington Post corporateBody
correspondedWith Washington Savoyards. corporateBody
associatedWith Whistler, James McNeill, 1834-1903 person
associatedWith White, Stanford, 1853-1906 person
correspondedWith Whitlock, Luke. person
associatedWith Wilde, Oscar, 1854-1900 person
correspondedWith Wild, Tennessee. person
correspondedWith Williams, Lawrence, 1915- person
associatedWith Williams, Tennessee, 1911-1983 person
associatedWith William W. Humbach. person
associatedWith W. Norman Reed. person
correspondedWith Wood, Peter. person
associatedWith W. S. Gilbert person
Place Name Admin Code Country


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Ark ID: w65r8dm1

SNAC ID: 60461437