Pellusch, Jana

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Jana Erin Pellusch (1950- ) was born February 26, 1950 in Refugio, Texas. Her family moved to Erie, Kansas, where she attended Erie High School, graduating in 1968. She attended Kansas State College (KSC; now Pittsburg University) in Pittsburg, Kansas from June 1968-1972. While at KSC, Pellusch was an active member of the Young Socialist Alliance (YSA), the youth faction of the Socialist Worker's Party (SWP). She was the Pittsburg region delegate for the convention of the YSA in December of 1969. In addition, she was the local organizer for the SWP-affiliated Student Mobilization Committee (SMC), which sought to end the war in Vietnam. She was also active in the Campus Committee for Peace, an organization that led demonstrations and encouraged peacemaking activities at KSC and beyond. Her membership in socialist organizations in combination with her outspoken activities resulted in the FBI monitoring her.

In 1972, Pellusch moved to Houston, Texas. There, she continued as a member of the SWP. She worked as a substitute teacher for the Houston Independent School District before eventually becoming a laborer in the Mechanic and Maintenance Department of Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO). In 1974, Pellusch also joined the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers union (OCAW) in the Local 4-227 chapter and was a member until 1989. In 1976, she ran a successful campaign to serve on the Workman's Grievance Committee for the union. As a contributor to the Socialist Worker's Party weekly newspaper, The Militant, Pellusch wrote about labor issues in the state of Texas including local strikes and issues concerning OCAW. Pellusch led an unsuccessful campaign for the office of Texas Railroad Commissioner representing the SWP in 1978. In 1981, Pellusch ended her affiliation with SWP, but continued to be involved with OCAW until 1989.

From the guide to the Pellusch, Jana Papers 94-242; 96-032., 1952-1992, (Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin)

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Ark ID: w67f99n4

SNAC ID: 23206615