Shute, John Raymond.

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John Raymond Shute ( 1904-1988 ) was born in Monroe, North Carolina . He attended Trinity College, Duke University, and Atlanta University . He served as state senator of North Carolina during 1934-1935 and as mayor of Monroe for two terms starting in 1947 . He was director of the American Unitarian Association ( 1956-1959 ) and editor of the Christian Register from 1950 to 1953 . He also served as president of the Unitarian Layman's League and as president of the Unitarian Fellowship for Social Justice . He was the organizer and first president of the Monroe Unitarian Fellowship, responsible for the creation of All Souls Chapel in Monroe, North Carolina . He is the author of many books including Golden Dawn ( 1950 ), The Seer: His Parables and Tales ( 1950 ), The Quest ( 1951 ), and A Song in the Night ( 1952 ).

From the guide to the Papers, 1948-1958., (Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Papers, 1948-1958. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Alex H. Brunner person
correspondedWith Alfred M. Hobart person
associatedWith All Souls Chapel corporateBody
correspondedWith A. Powell Davies person
correspondedWith Arthur Graham person
correspondedWith C. Arthur Francis person
correspondedWith Claude Roger Rowland person
correspondedWith Clifton G. Hoffman person
correspondedWith Clifton L. Hall person
correspondedWith Edward A. Cahill person
correspondedWith Ernest W. Kuebler person
correspondedWith Frances H. Howser person
correspondedWith Frederick May Eliot person
correspondedWith F. W. Dowd Bangle person
correspondedWith Gladys J. Flannigan person
correspondedWith Glenn O. Canfield person
correspondedWith Henry Margenau person
correspondedWith Horace Westwood person
correspondedWith H. Talbot Pearson person
correspondedWith Hyman Rubin person
correspondedWith Jeannette Hopkins person
correspondedWith Jerome Chickering Smith person
correspondedWith Jim Scotton person
associatedWith John Raymond Shute person
correspondedWith John T. Bregger person
correspondedWith J. Ray Shute person
correspondedWith Lawrence R. Sarra person
correspondedWith Lewis A. McGee person
correspondedWith Lisa Hall Lupton person
correspondedWith Lloyd Luther person
correspondedWith Luther H. Hodges person
correspondedWith Mary C. Lane person
associatedWith Monroe Unitarian Fellowship corporateBody
correspondedWith Mrs. George W. Pieksen person
correspondedWith Mrs. Helen B. Solomon person
correspondedWith Mrs. Robert W. Baldwin person
correspondedWith Munroe Husbands person
correspondedWith O. T. Gilmore, Jeanne Goodin person
correspondedWith Paul F. Bliss person
correspondedWith Philip Schug person
correspondedWith R. A. Owen person
associatedWith Raymond Adams person
correspondedWith Richard B. Gibbs person
correspondedWith Richard Henry person
correspondedWith R. L. Hayes person
correspondedWith Robert F. Williams person
correspondedWith Robert Raible person
correspondedWith Robert Thouless person
correspondedWith Sid Freeman person
associatedWith Southern Neighbors' Fellowship of Liberal Churches corporateBody
correspondedWith Southern Unitarian Council corporateBody
associatedWith Southern Unitarian Institute corporateBody
associatedWith Southwestern Unitarian Conference corporateBody
correspondedWith Ted Minah person
associatedWith The Thomas Jefferson Conference corporateBody
correspondedWith Thomas L. Carroll person
correspondedWith Virginia Swain person
correspondedWith W. C. Vosburgh person
correspondedWith William Perry Bentley person
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Ark ID: w69j067r

SNAC ID: 63269798