Brainard, Charles H. (Charles Henry), 1817-1885

Variant names

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Brainard (1817-1885) was an historian, print dealer and publisher in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1885 he wrote: John Howard Payne, a biographical sketch of the author of "Home , sweet home", ...

From the description of Charles Henry Brainard papers, 1795-1884 and undated. (Harvard University). WorldCat record id: 612811660

Brainard (1817-1885) was an historian, print dealer, and publisher as C.H. Brainard Publishing Co., in Boston, Massachusetts. In 1885 he wrote: John Howard Payne, a biographical sketch of the author of "Home, sweet home", ...

From the guide to the Charles Henry Brainard papers, 1795-1884 and undated., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Relation Name
associatedWith Abbott, Amos, 1786-1868 person
associatedWith Adams, Charles Francis, 1807-1886 person
associatedWith Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848. person
associatedWith Allston, Washington, 1779-1843. person
correspondedWith Bache, A. D. (Alexander Dallas), 1806-1867 person
associatedWith Bailey, Gamaliel, 1807-1859 person
associatedWith Baker, E. D.? person
correspondedWith Baker, E. K. person
associatedWith Bancroft, George, 1800-1891 person
associatedWith Barry, Charles A., 1830-1892 person
correspondedWith Beattie, William, 1793-1875 person
correspondedWith Bellows, A. F. (Albert Fitch), 1829-1883 person
correspondedWith B , Joel. person
associatedWith Blackmar, Esbon. person
associatedWith Blair, J. P.? person
correspondedWith Bodichon, Barbara Leigh Smith, 1827-1891 person
associatedWith Brainard, Charles, 1786-1850. person
associatedWith Bremer, Fredrika, 1801-1865 person
associatedWith Briggs, George N. (George Nixon), 1796-1861 person
associatedWith Brigham, Jason A.? person
associatedWith Brisbane, Albert, 1809-1890 person
associatedWith Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878 person
correspondedWith Bull, Ole, 1810-1880 person
associatedWith Burleigh, Celia, 1825-1875. person
associatedWith Burleigh, William Henry, 1812-1871. person
associatedWith Burlingame, N.? person
associatedWith Burnett, Jerome C., 1833-1891 person
correspondedWith Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 person
correspondedWith Burton, William E. (William Evans), 1802-1860 person
associatedWith Canby, R. S. person
correspondedWith Carleton, Will, 1845-1912 person
correspondedWith Carpenter, F. B. (Francis Bicknell), 1830-1900 person
correspondedWith Cary, Phoebe, 1824-1871 person
associatedWith Champagny, Jean-Baptiste Nompère de, duc de Cadore, 1756-1834 person
correspondedWith Channing, W. H. (William Henry), 1810-1884 person
associatedWith Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842 person
associatedWith Channing, William F. (William Francis), 1820-1901 person
associatedWith Chapman, John G. (John Grant), 1798-1856 person
associatedWith Charles Brainard & Son. corporateBody
associatedWith Chih-ta-jin person
correspondedWith Choate, Rufus, 1799-1859 person
associatedWith Clay, H. person
associatedWith Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 person
correspondedWith Clemmer, Mary, 1839-1884 person
associatedWith Colfax, Schuyler, 1823-1885 person
associatedWith Cook, Joseph. person
associatedWith Cooper, James Fenimore, 1789-1851 person
correspondedWith Corcoran, W. W. (William Wilson), 1798-1888 person
associatedWith Crowell, John, 1801-1883 person
correspondedWith Cushman, Charlotte, 1816-1876 person
associatedWith Custis, George Washington Parke, 1781-1857 person
associatedWith Davis, John Wesley, 1799-1859 person
correspondedWith Dawes, Richard, 1793-1867 person
associatedWith Dawes, Rufus, 1803-1859. person
associatedWith Decker, Charles? person
correspondedWith Dewey, Orville, 1794-1882 person
associatedWith Dickinson, Anna E. (Anna Elizabeth), 1842-1932. person
associatedWith Dow, Jesse E. (Jesse Erskine), 1809-1850 person
correspondedWith D. P. King? person
associatedWith Drew, John G. person
associatedWith Dudley, E. G? person
associatedWith Duffy, Charles Gavan, Sir, 1816-1903 person
correspondedWith Durkee, Charles, 1805-1870 person
correspondedWith Eastburn, Manton, 1807-1872 person
associatedWith Easton, J. H. person
associatedWith Eliott, Jesse D. (Jesse Duncan), 1782-1845 person
correspondedWith Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882 person
associatedWith Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth person
associatedWith Espy, James P. (James Pollard), 1785-1860 person
correspondedWith Everett, Edward, 1794-1865 person
associatedWith Fillmore, Milliard, 1800-1874 person
correspondedWith Foley, Margaret F. person
associatedWith Force, Peter, 1790-1868 person
associatedWith Frank. person
associatedWith Fung-jee person
associatedWith Gallagher, William D. (William Davis), 1808-1894 person
correspondedWith Gallatin, Albert, 1761-1849 person
associatedWith Garrison, William Lloyd, 1805-1879 person
associatedWith George Arkman? person
correspondedWith George P. Marsh person
correspondedWith George P. Stark? person
associatedWith Giddings, Joshua R. (Joshua Reed), 1795-1864 person
correspondedWith Gitt, D. L. person
associatedWith Glover, John. person
associatedWith Goddard, Matilda. person
associatedWith Goddard, Matilda. person
associatedWith Gould, Hannah Flagg, 1789-1865 person
associatedWith Greeley, Horace, 1811-1872 person
correspondedWith Greenough, Horatio person
associatedWith Grinnell, Joseph, 1788-1885 person
associatedWith Gustavus A. Somerby person
associatedWith Hagkill, D. H.? person
associatedWith Hale, Artemas, 1783-1882 person
associatedWith Hale, Sarah Josepha Buell, 1788-1879 person
associatedWith Halleck, Fitz-Greene, 1790-1867 person
associatedWith Hamlin, Hannibal, 1809-1891? person
associatedWith Harrison, A. M. (Alexander Medina), 1829-1881 person
associatedWith Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864 person
correspondedWith Headley, Joel Tyler, 1813-1897 person
correspondedWith Henry, J. A. person
associatedWith Henshaw, Fred H. person
associatedWith Hick, Amos? person
associatedWith Hiller, Joseph, 1748-1814 person
associatedWith Hill, Isaac, 1789-1851 person
correspondedWith Horace Mann person
correspondedWith Hosmer, Harriet Goodhue, 1830-1908 person
associatedWith Hudson, Charles, 1795-1881 person
associatedWith Hughes, John. person
associatedWith Hunt, Harriet H. person
associatedWith Hyatt, Thaddeus person
correspondedWith Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 person
correspondedWith James, G. P. R. (George Payne Rainsford), 1801? -1860 person
associatedWith James Johns. person
associatedWith Janvier, Francis De Haes, 1817-1885 person
associatedWith Jn. Têh person
associatedWith Johnson, Richard M. (Richard Mentor), 1780-1850 person
correspondedWith Johnston, Thomas M. person
associatedWith Joyce, Robert Dwyer, 1836-1883 person
associatedWith J.T. Cognacq (Paris), photographer. corporateBody
correspondedWith Kean, Ellen, 1805-1880 person
associatedWith Kellogg, Miner K. (Miner Kilbourne), 1814-1899 person
associatedWith Kimball, J. F.? person
associatedWith Kimball, Josiah F. person
associatedWith King, Daniel P. (Daniel Putnam), 1801-1850 person
associatedWith King, Preston, 1806-1865 person
correspondedWith King, Susan Petigru, 1824-1875 person
correspondedWith Koehler, S. R. (Sylvester Rosa), 1837-1900 person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Abbott, 1792-1855 person
associatedWith Lee, William Raymond, 1807-1891 person
associatedWith Leslie, Eliza, 1787-1858 person
correspondedWith Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872 person
associatedWith Lippard, George, 1822-1854 person
correspondedWith Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882 person
correspondedWith Loring, George Bailey, 1817-1891 person
correspondedWith Lowell, Charles, 1782-1861 person
associatedWith Lyon, Caleb, 1822-1875 person
associatedWith Mackay, Charles, 1814-1889 person
associatedWith Manley, John R? person
correspondedWith Mario, Jessie White, 1832-1906 person
associatedWith Mathew, Theobald, 1790-1856 person
correspondedWith Meade? person
associatedWith Melville person
correspondedWith Millan, W. H.? person
correspondedWith Morehead, C. S. (Charles Slaughter), 1802-1868 person
associatedWith Morgan, Daniel, 1736-1802 person
associatedWith Morris, George Pope, 1802-1864 person
associatedWith Murray, W. H. H. (William Henry Harrison), 1840-1904. person
associatedWith Nes, Henry, 1799-1850 person
correspondedWith Newman, John. person
associatedWith Nichol, J. P. (John Pringle), 1804-1859 person
correspondedWith Niles, M. A. H. (Mark Antony Haskell). person
associatedWith Nott, Eliphalet, 1773-1866 person
associatedWith Orono, Maine. person
associatedWith Otis, Harrison Gray, 1765-1848 person
associatedWith Owen, John, 1806-1882 person
associatedWith Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Viscount, 1784-1865 person
correspondedWith Pearce, James Alfred, 1804-1862 person
associatedWith Pendleton, Jacqueline S. person
associatedWith Pendleton, Jaqueline. person
correspondedWith Pendleton, John S. (John Strother), 1802-1868 person
associatedWith Perkins, Frederic B. (Frederic Beecher), 1828-1899 person
associatedWith Phelps, Charles A. (Charles Abner), 1820-1902 person
correspondedWith Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884 person
associatedWith Pierpont, John, 1785-1866. person
associatedWith Poore, Benjamin Perley, 1820-1887 person
associatedWith Prescott, William Hickling, 1796-1859 person
associatedWith Priestly, J. person
associatedWith Putnam, Harvey. person
associatedWith Randolph, Peyton, 1721-1775 person
correspondedWith Read, Harriet Denison. person
associatedWith Read, Thomas Buchanan, 1822-1872 person
correspondedWith Reilly, Thomas Devin. person
associatedWith Rice, Albert. person
associatedWith Ripley, George, 1802-1880 person
associatedWith Rockwell, Julius, 1805-1888 person
correspondedWith Rogers, John. person
associatedWith Roshwell, J.? person
associatedWith Royall, Anne Newport, 1769-1854 person
correspondedWith Russell, John. person
correspondedWith Ruth Parington person
associatedWith Sargent, John T. (John Turner), 1808-1877 person
associatedWith Sawyer, Warren. person
associatedWith Scott, Winfield, 1786-1866 person
associatedWith Seaton, William Winston, 1785-1866 person
associatedWith Sewall, H. W. person
associatedWith Sewall, Samuel E. (Samuel Edmund), 1799-1888. person
correspondedWith Seward, William Henry, 1801-1872 person
correspondedWith Shillaber, B. P. (Benjamin Penhallow), 1814-1890 person
associatedWith Sigourney, L. H. (Lydia Howard), 1791-1865 person
correspondedWith Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870 person
correspondedWith Slack, Charles W. (Charles Wesley), 1825-1885 person
associatedWith Slingerland, John I., 1804-1862 person
correspondedWith Smith, Azariah. person
associatedWith Smith, Garrett, 1812-1892 person
correspondedWith Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874 person
correspondedWith Snelling, William Joseph, 1804-1848 person
correspondedWith Solyman Brown person
associatedWith Southard, Samuel L. (Samuel Lewis), 1787-1842 person
correspondedWith Southworth, Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, 1819-1899 person
associatedWith Sparks, Jared, 1789-1866. person
associatedWith Spencer, Lilly Martin, 1822-1902. person
associatedWith Spinner, Francis Elias, 1802-1890 person
correspondedWith Sprague, Kate Chase, 1840-1899 person
associatedWith St. Clair, Arthur, 1734-1818 person
associatedWith Stearns, Geo. L. (George Luther), 1809-1867 person
associatedWith Strohm, John, 1793-1884 person
correspondedWith Sully, Thomas, 1783-1872 person
associatedWith Sumner, Charles, 1811-1874. person
associatedWith Sun-ta-jin person
associatedWith Thaddeus Hyatt person
correspondedWith Tilton, Theodore, 1835-1907 person
associatedWith Tindleton, Jacqueline. person
correspondedWith Toombs, Robert Augustus, 1810-1885 person
associatedWith Trotter, Robert person
associatedWith Trowbridge, J. T. (John Townsend), 1827-1916 person
associatedWith Tupper, Martin Farquhar, 1810-1889 person
correspondedWith Tuttle, Edmund B. (Edmund Bostwick), 1815-1881 person
associatedWith Ujhari, Ladislaus? person
associatedWith Vance, Joseph, 1786-1852 person
associatedWith Vattemare, Alexandre, 1796-1864 person
correspondedWith Walker, Jason. person
associatedWith Wallace, William Ross, 1819-1881 person
associatedWith Washburn, Israel, 1813-1883 person
associatedWith Webster, Daniel, 1782-1852 person
associatedWith Webster, Noah, 1758-1843. person
associatedWith Whiffle, E. P. person
associatedWith Whittier, John Greenleaf, 1807-1892 person
associatedWith Whittier, M. F. person
correspondedWith Willis, Nathaniel Parker, 1806-1867 person
correspondedWith Wilson, Henry, 1812-1875 person
correspondedWith Winship. person
associatedWith Woodman, Horatio, 1821-1879 person
correspondedWith Zschokke, Heinrich, 1771-1848 person
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1817

Death 1885



Ark ID: w69k4gn9

SNAC ID: 8312419