Titus Bostrenus, Bishop of Bostra active approximately 362-378
Titus Bostrenus, Bishop of Bostra fl. ca. 362-378
Titus Bostrenus, vesc., m. c. 374
Titus Bp. of Bostra
Titus Episcopus -378
Titus Episcopus Bostrensis -378
Titus Scriptor Ecclesiasticus -378
Titus Theologus -378
Titus active approximately 362-378 of Bostra, Bishop of Bostra
Titus de Bostra -378
Titus de Bostra, 03??-03??
Titus of Bostra.
Titus of Buṣra
Titus von Bosra -378
Titus von Bostra -378
Titus von Bozra -378
Titus, of Bostra, Bishop of Bostra, fl. ca. 362-378
Titus, van Bostra, 362-378 fl.
Títos Bóstr̄on
Τίτος Βόστρων
طيطس البصري
ܛܝܛܘܣ ܕܒܘܨܪ fl. 2nd half of 4th cent.
ܛܺܝܛܳܘܣ ܕܒܽܘܨܳܪ
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Titus, of Bostra, Bishop of Bostra, active approximately 362-378
Titus, of Bostra, Bishop of Bostra, active approximately 362-378
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