Truman Elwell Rickard was born on January 22, 1882 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He attended the University of Minnesota from 1900 to 1904. In his senior year, Professor LeRoy Arnold asked Truman Rickard to write the lyrics and music for a song to be performed at the senior class play. In response to this request, Truman penned the song "Hail! Minnesota." In 1905, the second stanza, which had been a dedication University President Cyrus Northrop, was rewritten by Arthur Upson to make it more appropriate as a college song. "Hail! Minnesota" became a popular song on campus, sung at football games and performed during graduation ceremonies. In 1945, the Minnesota Legislature adopted "Hail! Minnesota," with a few minor changes, as the official state song. Rickard also wrote another song for the University, a fight song titled "Let's Go Minnesota," in 1924. This song was created for a contest held by the University. Truman Rickard died in 1948.
From the guide to the Truman Elwell Rickard papers, 1888-1972, (University of Minnesota Libraries. University Archives [uarc])
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