Clower, Robert W.

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  • 1926, Feb. 13: Born in Pullman, Washington (the day Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, the great economist, died), son of F. W. Clower (Professor of Economics at Washington State University) and Mary V. Clower
  • 1943: Graduated from Pullman High School, 52nd out of 54 on academic honors list
  • 1943: Joined army. Thirty-one months of army service
  • 1946, Jan. 7: Married Frances Hepburn (of Aberdeen, Scotland) in Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 1946: Returned to the U.S. and entered Washington State Univ. at Pullman as a freshman in summer session, 1946
  • 1948, April: Father died
  • 1948: Graduated B.A. Economics with highest honors from Pullman. Elected Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Kappa Phi scholastic honors. Began teaching economics at Pullman in senior year following the death of his father
  • 1948 - 1949 : Completed MA in Economics at Pullman
  • 1949 - 1952 : Took up residence in Oxford as Rhodes Scholar. Researched under John R. Hicks. Earned Bachelor of Letter, Economics, Oxford University, 1952 (retitled Master of Letters, 1978)
  • 1950 - 1952 : Assistant Tutor, New College, Oxford
  • 1952 - 1957 : Assistant Professor of Economics, Washington State University
  • 1954: Publication of "Price Determination in a Stock-Flow Economy" (with D. W. Bushaw), Economometrica July 1954
  • 1954 - 1956 : Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Punjab, Lahore, West Pakistan
  • 1957: Publication of Introduction to Mathematical Economics with D. W. Bushaw
  • 1958 - 1964 : Chairman, Department of Economics, Northwestern University
  • 1960: Publication of "On the Invariance of the Demand for Cash and Other Assets" with M. L. Burstein, Review of Economic Studies, October, 1960
  • 1961 - 1962 : Director, Economic Survey of Liberia
  • 1962: Visitor to Faculty of Economics, Cambridge University, Michaelmas Term
  • 1963 - 1966 : Editorial Board, The American Economic Review
  • 1965: Publication of "The Keynesian Counter-Revolution: A Theoretical Appraisal," in The Theory of Interest Rates (Hahn and Brechling, eds.)
  • 1965, Summer: Visiting Professor of Economics, Makerere College, Kampala, Uganda
  • 1965 - 1966 : John Maynard Keynes Visiting Professor of Economics, University of Essex
  • 1966: Publication of Growth Without Development, an Economic Survey of Liberia
  • 1967, December: Publication of "A Reconsideration of the Microfoundations of Monetary Theory" ( Western Economic Journal)
  • 1968 - 1969 : Dean, School of Social Studies and Professor of Economics, University of Essex
  • 1971 - 1986 : Professor of Economics, UCLA
  • 1972: Visiting Professor, Monash University, Summer
  • 1972: Microeconomics, (an intermediate textbook) with J. F. Due
  • 1973, October: Visiting Professor, Bank of Italy Research Staff Seminar, Perugia, Italy
  • 1973 - 1980 : Managing Editor, Economic Inquiry
  • 1974, March: Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Vienna, Austria
  • 1974: 1977, Fall: Visiting Professor, University of Western Ontario
  • 1976: Legally separated from first wife Frances (Hepburn) Clower
  • 1978 - 1980 : Adjunct Professor, Washington State University
  • 1978 - : Honorary Fellow, Brasenose College, Oxford
  • 1979?: Married Georgene (?)
  • 1981 - 1985 : Managing Editor, The American Economic Review
  • 1982, Summer: Visiting Professor, University of Canterbury (Christchurch, N.Z.)
  • 1985, March: Visiting Professor, University of Siena
  • 1985, Spring: Benedict Distinguished Visiting Professor, Carleton College
  • 1986 - : Hugh C. Lane Professor of Economic Theory, University of South Carolina
  • 1987, June: Visiting Professor, University of Orleans (France)
  • 1987 - : Professor Emeritus, UCLA
  • 1999, Feb. 24: Death of first wife Frances Hepburn Clower

From the guide to the Robert W. Clower Papers, and undated, circa 1916-2000, (David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Southern Economic Journal Records, 1937-2003 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
creatorOf Robert W. Clower Papers, and undated, circa 1916-2000 David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abramowitz, Moses person
correspondedWith Alfred Marshall person
correspondedWith Ashenfelter, Orley person
correspondedWith Barens, Ingo person
correspondedWith Benhabib, Jess person
correspondedWith Benjamin, Dan person
correspondedWith Benston, George person
correspondedWith B. Johnson person
correspondedWith Bordo, Michael person
correspondedWith Britto, Ron person
correspondedWith Brookins, Oscar person
correspondedWith Brown, Bill person
correspondedWith Bull, Clive person
correspondedWith Bushaw, Don person
correspondedWith C. Arnsparger person
correspondedWith Cliff Lloyd, correspondence person
correspondedWith Clive Bull person
associatedWith Clower, Robert person
correspondedWith Colander, David person
correspondedWith Cooley, Tom person
correspondedWith Craver, Earlene person
correspondedWith Davidson, Paul person
correspondedWith Day, Colin person
correspondedWith Day, Richard person
correspondedWith D. Benjamin person
associatedWith D. Bushaw person
correspondedWith D. Colander person
correspondedWith D. Laidler person
correspondedWith D. McCloskey person
correspondedWith Don Bushaw person
correspondedWith Don Patinkin, typescripts person
correspondedWith Dow, JCR person
correspondedWith Duke corporateBody
correspondedWith Duringer, Jon person
correspondedWith E. A. Chamberlin, John R. Hicks person
correspondedWith Edward Elgar press corporateBody
correspondedWith Eisner, Robert person
correspondedWith Elgar, Edward person
correspondedWith E. Roy Weintraub person
associatedWith Federal Reserve corporateBody
correspondedWith Friedman, Milton person
correspondedWith Galles, Gary person
associatedWith Grossman person
correspondedWith Guarnieri, Raymond person
correspondedWith Hahn, Frank person
correspondedWith Hall, Bob person
correspondedWith Haltiwanger, John person
correspondedWith Harrison, Glenn person
correspondedWith Harrod, Roy person
correspondedWith Harry Johnson, Larry Kotlikoff person
correspondedWith Havrilevsky person
correspondedWith Hazlett, Tom person
correspondedWith Heiner, Ron person
correspondedWith Hicks, John person
associatedWith History of Economics Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Howitt, Peter person
correspondedWith Hughes, JRT person
correspondedWith J. A. Galbraith person
correspondedWith James, Robert person
correspondedWith J. Hey person
correspondedWith John Hicks person
correspondedWith John R. Hicks person
correspondedWith John R. Lott person
correspondedWith John T. Addison person
correspondedWith Jones, Robert person
correspondedWith J. R. T Hughes person
correspondedWith JRT Hughes person
correspondedWith Kagel, John person
correspondedWith Kessler, Martin person
associatedWith Keynes person
correspondedWith Klamer, Arjo person
correspondedWith Kohn, Meier person
correspondedWith Kohn, Meir person
correspondedWith Kormendi, Roger person
correspondedWith Kotlikoff, Larry person
correspondedWith Kregel, Jan person
correspondedWith K. Velupillai person
correspondedWith Laidler, David person
correspondedWith Leijonhufvud, Axel person
correspondedWith Leijonhufvud, H. Johnson person
associatedWith Liberia corporateBody
correspondedWith L. Kotlikoff person
correspondedWith Lloyd, Cliff person
correspondedWith L. McKenzie person
correspondedWith L. Yeager person
correspondedWith Marty, Alvin person
correspondedWith M. Bordo person
correspondedWith M. Burstein person
correspondedWith M. Burstein, D. Laidler person
correspondedWith McCabe, Peter person
correspondedWith McCann, Craig person
correspondedWith McCulloch, Huston person
correspondedWith Meier, Gerald person
correspondedWith Mirowski, Philip person
correspondedWith Moorthy, Vivek person
associatedWith National Science Foundation corporateBody
associatedWith Northwestern University corporateBody
correspondedWith Ostrey, Joe person
correspondedWith Ott, Mack person
correspondedWith Palerm, Angel person
correspondedWith P. Arestis person
correspondedWith Patinkin, Don person
correspondedWith Peter Howitt person
correspondedWith Potter, Irene person
associatedWith Professor Clower. person
correspondedWith R. Crouch person
correspondedWith R. Heflebower person
correspondedWith Riley, John person
correspondedWith Robinson, Joan person
correspondedWith Samuelson, Paul person
correspondedWith Sexton, Robert person
correspondedWith S. Fazarri person
correspondedWith Shultz, George person
correspondedWith Sir John Hicks person
correspondedWith S. Margolis person
correspondedWith Solow, Robert person
correspondedWith Southern Economic Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Southern economic journal. corporateBody
correspondedWith Stigum, Bernt person
associatedWith Strotz person
correspondedWith Tom Hazlett person
correspondedWith Turnovsky, Stephen person
correspondedWith Varian, Hal person
correspondedWith W. Allen person
correspondedWith Walters, Alan person
correspondedWith W. Barber person
correspondedWith Weintraub, Roy person
correspondedWith West, Craig person
correspondedWith Wulwick, Nancy person
correspondedWith Yeager, Leland person
correspondedWith Young, Warren person
correspondedWith Zachar, Peter person
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Ark ID: w6d08m92

SNAC ID: 23691861