Poets' Theatre (Cambridge, Mass.)

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The Poets' Theatre, Cambridge, Mass., founded in 1951, commissioned and produced poetic drama by Archibald MacLeish, Richard Eberhart, Djuna Barnes, Frank O'Hara and others.

From the description of Records of the Poets' Theatre, 1950-1968 (inclusive), 1951-1958 (bulk). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 612379127

The Poets' Theatre was first established by a group of poets living in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the fall of 1950. Their objective was to revive poetic drama and generate work by poets who "would act, administrate, direct, and sell tickets, while retaining total control of their own writing." Members included Richard Eberhart, John Ciardi, Richard Wilbur, V. R. (Violet Ranney "Bunny") Lang, Hugh Amory, John Ashbery, Edward Gorey, Donald Hall, William Matchett, George Montgomery, Frank O'Hara, Lyon Phelps, and others. Except for V. R. Lang, they were all attending Harvard College, or had recently graduated from it. Other names associated with the theater were: Alison Lurie, Kenneth Koch, Mary Manning Howe, Catharine Huntington, Edward Albert Thommen, William Morris Hunt, and many others. In 1968 the theater building on Palmer Street burned down and the Poets' Theatre ended. In October of 1986, a celebration was held in the Agassiz Theatre in Cambridge to memorialize the Poets' Theatre, called by Edward Gorey, a nostalgic "wake."

Alison Lurie. V. R. Lang: poems and plays ; with a memoir. New York: Random House, 1975. Nora Sayre. The Poets' Theatre: A Memoir of the Fifties; Grand Street, Volume 3, Number 3 (Spring, 1984), pages 92-105. [See item (576) below]; Web site for: The Poets Theatreby Andreas Teuber: people.brandeis.edu/~teuber/pt.html

From the guide to the Poets' Theatre (Cambridge, Mass.) records, 1936-1989 (inclusive), 1950-1960 (bulk)., (Harvard Theatre Collection, Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Relation Name
correspondedWith Academy of American Poets. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ackermann, Jean. person
correspondedWith Actor Ensemble. corporateBody
correspondedWith Actor's Workshop (San Francisco). corporateBody
associatedWith Aime J. Forand. person
correspondedWith Aldrich, Bailey person
associatedWith Alfred De Musset. person
correspondedWith Alfred, William, 1922-1999 person
associatedWith Alison Lurie. person
correspondedWith Allen, Mary K. person
correspondedWith Allyn M. Moss person
associatedWith Amanda Steele person
correspondedWith Amory, Hugh person
associatedWith Anne Louise Davis person
correspondedWith ANTA (Organization). corporateBody
associatedWith Arabel J. Porter. person
associatedWith Archibald MacLeish. person
associatedWith Ashbery, John, 1927- person
correspondedWith Audience (Harvard University). corporateBody
correspondedWith Baer, Thomas. person
correspondedWith Bailey, Ethel Vienna. person
correspondedWith Bailey, Hazel F. person
associatedWith Baird Hastings. person
correspondedWith Baker, Mrs. Ralph. person
associatedWith Ballou, Ellen Bartlett, 1905- person
associatedWith Barnes, Djuna. person
correspondedWith Barnes, Mrs. Charles B. person
correspondedWith Barry, Jackson G. person
correspondedWith Barton, Mary L., recipient. person
correspondedWith Beer, Roberta. person
correspondedWith Bella. person
correspondedWith Bentley, Eric, 1916- person
correspondedWith Bernadine? person
correspondedWith Better, Patricia, recipient. person
correspondedWith Bijou Amusement Co., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bill person
associatedWith Bishop, Alison person
correspondedWith Blaeker, Edwin S. person
associatedWith Boston Arts Festival corporateBody
associatedWith Boston Conservatory corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Globe, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Boston (Mass.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Public Library. corporateBody
associatedWith Boston Stage Society corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston Symphony Orchestra. corporateBody
correspondedWith Boston University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bowen, J. David (Joshua David), 1930- person
correspondedWith Brackett, Joshua. person
correspondedWith Brackett, Mrs. Anthony, recipient. person
associatedWith Bradley Phillips. person
correspondedWith Brandeis University. Creative Arts Commission. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brattle Theatre Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Brent, Tommy. person
associatedWith Brinnin, John person
associatedWith Bronia Wheeler person
correspondedWith Brooks, Esther. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Jane K. person
correspondedWith Brooks, Robert A. (Robert Angus), 1920-1976 person
correspondedWith Broughton, James, 1913-1999 person
correspondedWith Brown, James Oliver. person
correspondedWith Brown, J. Carter. person
correspondedWith Brush, Dorothy Hamilton, 1894-1968 person
correspondedWith Bue, Alexander. person
correspondedWith Burchard, John E. (John Ely), 1898-1975 person
correspondedWith Cambridge (Mass.). corporateBody
associatedWith Cambridge Savings Bank corporateBody
correspondedWith Campbell, Mrs. Walter E. person
correspondedWith Carnahan, Peter. person
correspondedWith Carney, Kay. person
correspondedWith Carrighar, Sally. person
associatedWith Carroll, Virginia person
associatedWith Catharine Henderson. person
associatedWith Catharine Huntington. person
correspondedWith Cedrone, Donato R. person
associatedWith Chadbourne Gilpatric. person
correspondedWith Chafee, Zechariah, 1885-1957 person
correspondedWith Chapin, Charles, recipient. person
associatedWith Charles Ash. person
correspondedWith Charles H. Stewart & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Charles-Roux, François. person
associatedWith Char, René, 1907-1988 person
correspondedWith Chemical Corn Exchange corporateBody
correspondedWith Chermayeff, Ivan. person
correspondedWith Chez Dreyfus, recipient. corporateBody
associatedWith Childers, Diana person
correspondedWith City Center of Music and Drama (New York, N. Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Clancy, Thomas person
correspondedWith Clarke, Gilbert N. person
correspondedWith Clifford Philbrook? person
associatedWith Cocteau, Jean, 1889-1963. person
correspondedWith Cogan, Sheridan. person
correspondedWith Compton, W. Danforth. person
correspondedWith Constable, Olivia. person
correspondedWith Cook, Al. person
correspondedWith Cowan, Arthur Wyndham Allan, 1905- person
correspondedWith Cowden, Lettie P. person
associatedWith Cox, Gardner, designer. person
correspondedWith Cronin, Mrs. Paul J., recipient. person
correspondedWith Curtis, Christine T. person
correspondedWith Curtis, Edith Roelker. person
associatedWith David W. Bailey person
correspondedWith Davison, Edward person
correspondedWith Davisson, Mrs. William P. person
correspondedWith DeFriez, Grace. person
correspondedWith De Hirsch, Storm, 1922- person
correspondedWith de Klerk, Ruth. person
correspondedWith Denis, Conrad, recipient. person
associatedWith Denis Johnston. person
correspondedWith Dewell Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Diggory Venn person
associatedWith Djuna Barnes. person
associatedWith Donald Hall. person
associatedWith Dorothea Richards. person
correspondedWith Dramatist's Alliance, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Dramatists Play Service, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Dr. Fletcher DuBois person
correspondedWith Driver, William person
correspondedWith Dufault, Peter Kane. person
correspondedWith Dworsky, Alan L. person
associatedWith Dylan Thomas. person
associatedWith Eastward Ho Country Club (Chatham, Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith Eberhart, Richard, 1904- person
correspondedWith Edward Albert Thommen person
associatedWith Edward Davison. person
associatedWith Edward Gorey. person
correspondedWith Edwards, Betty. person
associatedWith E. E. Cummings. person
associatedWith Eleanor Prosser. person
associatedWith Eliot L. Richardson person
correspondedWith Ellis, Alice. person
correspondedWith Emerson, Alla. person
associatedWith Eugene Ionesco. person
associatedWith Eugene J. Reilly. person
associatedWith Eugene O'Neill. person
associatedWith Eustania Grandin. person
associatedWith Everingham, Joseph person
correspondedWith Fanny. person
correspondedWith Farber, Norma. person
associatedWith F. Bradford Morse person
associatedWith Federico Garcia Lorca person
associatedWith Felicia Lamport person
correspondedWith Fergusson, Francis. person
correspondedWith Ferry, Mrs. John, subject. person
correspondedWith Fine, Harry J. person
associatedWith Firman Houghton. person
associatedWith Fitelson, Margaret person
correspondedWith Fitts, Dudley, 1903-1968 person
correspondedWith Flynn, Michael. person
associatedWith F. M. Kimball person
correspondedWith Fogg Art Museum, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Ford Foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Forsbergh, Peter W. and Anne. person
correspondedWith Fox, Alan person
associatedWith Fox, Alan, compiler. person
correspondedWith Fox, Alan, recipient. person
associatedWith Frank O'Hara person
associatedWith Frank O'Hara's person
associatedWith Fred A. Cotton person
correspondedWith Frederick A. Giles person
associatedWith Fred Mayer. person
correspondedWith Freston, Katherine. person
correspondedWith Freund, Philip, 1909-2007 person
associatedWith Frost, Robert, 1874-1963. person
correspondedWith Gaarder, Harold person
correspondedWith Gardner, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Geddes, Virgil, 1897-1989 person
associatedWith George Montgomery) person
correspondedWith Goodhue, Mrs. H. Shippen. person
associatedWith Gorey, Edward, 1925-2000. person
correspondedWith Grace, Edward. person
correspondedWith Graef, Roger. person
correspondedWith Grant, Sonia. person
correspondedWith Greenburger, Sanford Jermone, 1906- person
associatedWith Grenville Clark, Jr. person
associatedWith Griesser, Marjorie person
associatedWith Griffin, Jonathan. person
correspondedWith Griffin, Jonathan, 1906-1990 person
correspondedWith Gutwirth, Marc R. person
correspondedWith Haar, Charles M. (Charles Monroe), 1920-2012 person
correspondedWith Haas, Anthony G., recipient. person
correspondedWith Hale, Emily. person
associatedWith Haley, Whitney person
correspondedWith Halfyard, Robert L. person
correspondedWith Handford, Eleanor. person
correspondedWith Handy, Robert Swift. person
correspondedWith Hanna, Robert. person
correspondedWith Hargrove, Murray, recipient. person
correspondedWith Harms, Frederick B. person
associatedWith Harold Gaarder person
associatedWith Harold Gaarder's person
associatedWith Harry Fine. person
correspondedWith Harvard Club of Boston. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard Dramatic Club. corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Musical Theatre Group. corporateBody
associatedWith Harvard Summer School person
correspondedWith Harvard Trust Company, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University. corporateBody
correspondedWith Harvard University Press. corporateBody
associatedWith Heliczer, Piero. person
associatedWith Hellman, Lillian person
correspondedWith Henderson, Lucy, recipient. person
associatedWith Hepner, Gail person
associatedWith Herbert Blau. person
correspondedWith Hersey, Phyllis E. person
correspondedWith Hewes, Henry. person
associatedWith H. H. Gillett person
correspondedWith Hinkley, Eleanor Holmes, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hoar, Debbie. person
associatedWith Hoar, Debby person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Theodore person
correspondedWith Holbrook, Mary C. person
associatedWith Hope Meyer person
correspondedWith Houghton Mifflin Company. corporateBody
correspondedWith Howard, Frances Minton. person
associatedWith Howard M. LeSourd. person
associatedWith Howard Moss. person
associatedWith Howard Sackler. person
correspondedWith Howe, Mary Manning. person
associatedWith Howe, Mary Manning. person
correspondedWith Howe, Mary Manning, recipient. person
correspondedWith Hudson Review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Hugh Amory person
correspondedWith Humphrey, Robin. person
associatedWith Hunt, Hamlen. person
correspondedWith Huntington, Catharine person
correspondedWith Huntington, Catharine, recipient. person
associatedWith Huntington, Catharine Sargent, 1886-1987. person
associatedWith Huntington, Catharine Sargent, 1889- person
associatedWith Hunt, William Morris, II. person
correspondedWith Institute of Contemporary Art (Boston, Mass.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Institute of Contemporary Arts (Washington, D.C.). corporateBody
associatedWith Jack Rogers. person
correspondedWith Jackson, Dorothy J. person
associatedWith Jaffe, Mildred person
correspondedWith Jaffe, Mr. and Mrs., recipient. person
associatedWith James Broughton. person
associatedWith James Joyce person
associatedWith James Merrill. person
correspondedWith James, Mrs. William. person
associatedWith James Noe. person
associatedWith Jane Brooks. person
associatedWith J. A. Palmer person
associatedWith Jean Cocteau. person
associatedWith Joany H. Shurcliff person
associatedWith Joe Mitchell person
correspondedWith Joffe, Ellis. person
associatedWith John Ashbery. person
correspondedWith John B. Wexo person
associatedWith John E. Wulp. person
associatedWith John H. Greenfieldt person
associatedWith John Malcolm Brinnin person
associatedWith John Mortimer. person
associatedWith John Ransford Watts. person
associatedWith John R. Watts. person
associatedWith John Snow. person
associatedWith Johnston, Denis, 1901-1984. person
associatedWith John Sweeney. person
associatedWith Jonathan Griffin. person
associatedWith Joseph D. Everingham. person
associatedWith Joseph P. Everingham person
associatedWith Joseph Sweeny. person
associatedWith Judd, Peter person
associatedWith J. W. Lasell. person
correspondedWith Kaplan, Felicia. person
correspondedWith Kellogg, Frederic B. person
correspondedWith Kennedy, Robert Woods. person
associatedWith Kerner, Leighton. person
correspondedWith Koch, Carl. person
associatedWith Kolodney, William person
correspondedWith Kray, Elizabeth, recipient. person
associatedWith Lamport, Felicia, 1916- person
correspondedWith Landau, Jack, 1925-1967 person
correspondedWith Lang, Malcolm. person
correspondedWith Lang, Margaret R. person
correspondedWith Lang, V. R. person
associatedWith Lang, V. R. 1924-1956. person
associatedWith Laughlin, James person
correspondedWith Laughton, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lawson, Wayne. person
correspondedWith Lax, Stephen. person
associatedWith Lehan, Robert. person
associatedWith Leslie Coleman Cass. person
correspondedWith Lewis, Marilyn. person
associatedWith Lily Hastings person
correspondedWith Linenthal, Michael, recipient. person
correspondedWith Lithgow, Arthur, recipient. person
associatedWith Littlewood, Charles person
associatedWith Lorlyn L. Thatcher person
correspondedWith Lortel, Lucille. person
associatedWith Lurie, Alison. person
associatedWith Lurie, Alison. person
correspondedWith Lust, Geraldine, 1920-1987 person
associatedWith Lyford, Katherine Van Etten, 1897-1976 person
correspondedWith Lynch, Daniel J. person
correspondedWith Lyon Phelps. person
associatedWith MacLeish, Archibald, 1892-1982. person
correspondedWith Mandrake Bookstore. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mann, Alice person
correspondedWith Margot. person
associatedWith Marguerite Caetani. person
associatedWith Marshall, John person
associatedWith Martin, Eric, designer. person
associatedWith Martin Halpern person
associatedWith Mary Manning. person
correspondedWith Mary Manning Howe person
associatedWith Massachusetts. Governor. corporateBody
associatedWith Mathilda Hills person
correspondedWith Matilda. person
correspondedWith Maude. person
associatedWith Mayorga, Margaret person
correspondedWith Mayorga, Margaret (Margaret Gardner). person
correspondedWith MCA Management, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith McAndrew, Betty B. person
correspondedWith McCormick, K. D. person
correspondedWith McFadden, Frances. person
correspondedWith Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith. corporateBody
associatedWith Michael Laurence. person
associatedWith Michael S. Dukakis person
correspondedWith Milikan, Jeanne T. person
correspondedWith Miller, Mildred Elizabeth Maxfield, 1910- person
associatedWith Milton Starr person
associatedWith Molière. person
associatedWith Montgomery, George person
associatedWith Montgomery, George, photographer. person
correspondedWith Mörk, Don. person
correspondedWith Morton, Mildred. person
correspondedWith Moss, Howard person
correspondedWith Moss, Howard, 1922-1987 person
associatedWith Mrs. Donald Spencer. person
associatedWith Mrs. Hugh Bullock. person
correspondedWith Mrs. John Punes? person
correspondedWith Mrs. Jonathan Bishop person
correspondedWith Mrs. Kimball person
correspondedWith Mrs. Mark de Wolfe Howe person
associatedWith Mrs. Robert A. Brooks person
correspondedWith Multigraph Corporation, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Murdock, Kenneth Ballard, 1895-1975 person
associatedWith Murray Schisgal. person
associatedWith Murrey Hargrove. person
correspondedWith Myerberg, Michael. person
associatedWith Nancy Cole. person
correspondedWith Natalie. person
correspondedWith Neil. person
associatedWith Neville, Helen person
correspondedWith New American Library. corporateBody
associatedWith New Poets' Theatre corporateBody
associatedWith New York Doll Hospital corporateBody
associatedWith Niagara Falls Little Theatre corporateBody
correspondedWith Nichols, Bob. person
correspondedWith Noe, James M. person
associatedWith Nora Sayre person
correspondedWith O'Brien, Mary E., recipient. person
correspondedWith O'Grady, Desmond, recipient. person
associatedWith O'Hara, Frank. person
associatedWith O’Hara, Frank, 1926-1966 person
associatedWith Old Mill Theatre (Tinton Falls, New Jersey) corporateBody
correspondedWith Osgood, Céleste Phelps. person
associatedWith Osterman, Lester person
correspondedWith Overhold, Poley. person
correspondedWith Owen, Edith person
correspondedWith Pancoast, Morris Hall, 1877-1963 person
correspondedWith Panorama, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Paris Review. corporateBody
correspondedWith Parker, Lesley. person
correspondedWith Patchen, Kenneth, 1911-1972 person
associatedWith Paul Bruce Pettit. person
associatedWith Pedro Salinas person
correspondedWith Peeke, Mrs. E. J. person
associatedWith Perry T. Rathbone person
associatedWith Peter Davison. person
associatedWith Peter Douat person
correspondedWith Peter H. Davison person
associatedWith Peter Judd. person
correspondedWith Peter M. Carnahan person
associatedWith Peter Viereck. person
associatedWith Phelps, Dryden person
correspondedWith Phelps, Dryden Linsley, b. 1892 person
correspondedWith Phelps, Lyon person
associatedWith Phelps, Lyon, 1923- person
correspondedWith Phillips, Lyon person
correspondedWith Philly, Mrs. Whitmarsh. person
correspondedWith Phoenix Theatre (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
associatedWith Piero Heliczer. person
correspondedWith Pingree, Miss, recipient. person
correspondedWith Plimpton, Mrs. G. W. person
correspondedWith Plymouth High School. corporateBody
correspondedWith Poetry Center of the 92nd Street YM-YWHA (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Poetry Magazine, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Poetry Society of America. corporateBody
correspondedWith Poets' Theatre corporateBody
associatedWith Poets' Theatre (Cambridge, Mass.). Corporation. corporateBody
associatedWith Poets' Theatre (Cambridge, Mass.). Executive Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Poets' Theatre (Cambridge, Mass.). Manager. corporateBody
associatedWith Poets' Theatre (Cambridge, Mass.). Special Committee for the Reorganization of the Poets' Theatre. corporateBody
associatedWith Poet's Theatre of Harvard corporateBody
correspondedWith Ponch, Martin. person
correspondedWith Pratt, Leighton. person
correspondedWith Primoff, Allyn Moss. person
correspondedWith Primoff, Mrs. Allyn Moss. person
associatedWith Provincetown Playhouse corporateBody
correspondedWith Purves, Mary Temple. person
correspondedWith Quale, Anthony. person
correspondedWith Quincy, Edmund. person
correspondedWith Quinlan, Robert Conrad. person
correspondedWith Quirk, John M. person
associatedWith Ram Island Arts Center corporateBody
associatedWith Rapport, Will, photographer. person
associatedWith Raymond A. Flynn person
correspondedWith Reagan, Ronald. person
correspondedWith Record American, recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Redgrave, Michael, Sir. person
associatedWith Redgrave, Michael, Sir. person
associatedWith Rhinelander, David H., photographer. person
correspondedWith Rhinelander, Philip, recipient. person
associatedWith Richard Eberhardt. person
associatedWith Richard Eberhart person
associatedWith Richard Eberhart's person
correspondedWith Richard G. Eberhart person
associatedWith Richard G. Hewitt person
correspondedWith Richards, Dorothea. person
associatedWith Richards, I. A. (Ivor Armstrong), 1893-1979 person
correspondedWith Richardson, Elliot L., 1920-1999 person
associatedWith Richard Wilbur. person
correspondedWith Robert A. Brooks person
associatedWith Robert Hatch. person
associatedWith Robert Penn Warren. person
associatedWith Robert R. Lehan person
correspondedWith Rockefeller Foundation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rockefeller, John, recipient. person
correspondedWith Rockwell films, Inc. corporateBody
associatedWith Rockwell films, Inc. (Cambridge, Mass.), producer. corporateBody
correspondedWith Roe, Frederick W. person
correspondedWith Roger Shattuck person
correspondedWith Rogers, Jack person
correspondedWith Roth, Lois. person
correspondedWith Rowe, Florence C. person
correspondedWith Russell, Jay. person
correspondedWith Ryerson, Edward L. (Edward Larned), 1886-1971 person
correspondedWith Sackler, Howard. person
associatedWith Samuel Beckett. person
correspondedWith Samuel French, Inc., recipient. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. Ashton. person
associatedWith Sarah Braveman person
correspondedWith Sarah Lawrence College. corporateBody
correspondedWith Sarton, May, 1912-1995 person
correspondedWith Savage, George. person
associatedWith Sayre, Nora. person
associatedWith Sayre Phillips Sheldon person
correspondedWith Schehadé, Georges, subject. person
correspondedWith Scherer, Mark. person
correspondedWith Schoenberg, Bernard. person
associatedWith Schultz, David person
correspondedWith Scully, Abigail. person
correspondedWith Shapiro, Roslyn. person
correspondedWith Shattuck, Roger person
correspondedWith Sheaffer, Louis. person
correspondedWith Shlager, Anne. person
correspondedWith Shull, Kenneth H. person
associatedWith Sir Osbert Sitwell person
associatedWith Sitwell, Edith, Dame, 1887-1964. person
associatedWith Sitwell, Osbert, 1892-1969. person
associatedWith Slawomir Mrosek person
correspondedWith Sloanaker, Hiram Lyday. person
correspondedWith Small, William J. person
correspondedWith Stack, Miss K. E. person
correspondedWith Starr, Milton person
correspondedWith State Street Trust Company corporateBody
correspondedWith St. Clairs. person
correspondedWith Stewart, Zeph, 1921-2007 person
correspondedWith Stone, Lucy G. person
correspondedWith Strekalovsky, Scavold, recipient. person
correspondedWith Sylvia person
associatedWith Taylor, Donald person
associatedWith Theatre Circle corporateBody
associatedWith Theatre for the World corporateBody
associatedWith Theatre Lobby corporateBody
correspondedWith The Buckingham School. corporateBody
associatedWith The Poetry Circle. corporateBody
associatedWith The Universalist Church of Provincetown. corporateBody
associatedWith Thomas, Dylan, 1914-1953. person
associatedWith Thomas J. Wilson person
correspondedWith Thommen, Edward person
correspondedWith Thommen, Edward Albert, 1917-1977 person
associatedWith Thommen, Edward Dodge. person
associatedWith Timothy Carapace. person
correspondedWith Toll, Katharine. person
associatedWith Toll, K., photographer. person
associatedWith T. S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot. person
correspondedWith Tucker, Elizabeth. person
correspondedWith Tuttle, Grace C. person
correspondedWith Underwood, Eugene. person
associatedWith Unitarian Universalist Association (Boston). corporateBody
correspondedWith United States. Dept. of Commerce. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States. Post Office. corporateBody
correspondedWith United States. Treasury Dept. Internal Revenue Service. corporateBody
correspondedWith University of Indiana. corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Dept. of Justice corporateBody
associatedWith U. S. Treasury Dept. corporateBody
associatedWith Value, John person
correspondedWith Viking Press. corporateBody
correspondedWith Violet Ranney Lang person
correspondedWith V. R. Lang person
associatedWith Walter J. Sullivan person
correspondedWith Walton, Mrs. C. Russell, recipient. person
correspondedWith Warner, Elizabeth. person
associatedWith Warren Enters. person
correspondedWith Weiser, Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles. person
correspondedWith Weisskopf, Victor Frederick, 1908-2002 person
associatedWith Welles, Orson, 1915-1985. person
correspondedWith WGBH. corporateBody
associatedWith Wharf Theatre (Provincetown, Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith WHDH TV. Channel 5. corporateBody
associatedWith White Barn Theatre (Westport, Connecticut) corporateBody
correspondedWith White, Michael Simon. person
correspondedWith White, Mrs. Paul D. person
associatedWith WHRB corporateBody
correspondedWith Wiggin, Larry. person
correspondedWith Wilder, Thornton, 1897-1975 person
correspondedWith Willard, Helen, recipient. person
associatedWith William Alfred. person
associatedWith William Butler Yeats. person
associatedWith William Darrid. person
associatedWith William F. Hayden. person
correspondedWith William H. Hatchett person
associatedWith William Hillier. person
correspondedWith William H. Matchett person
associatedWith William McKinney person
associatedWith William M. Hunt person
associatedWith William Morris Agency. corporateBody
correspondedWith Williams, Jane. person
associatedWith William Withers person
associatedWith Withington, Pat person
associatedWith Wittenberg, Phillip person
associatedWith W. McNeil (Wilson McNeil) Lowry. person
correspondedWith Worsley, Joyce. person
associatedWith W. S. Merwin. person
correspondedWith Wulp, John, recipient. person
associatedWith Yeats, W. B. 1865-1939. person
associatedWith Y. M. C. A. Pageant Players. corporateBody
correspondedWith Young, Stanley, recipient. person
associatedWith Yukio Mishima. person
Place Name Admin Code Country
American drama
Theater management
Verse drama

Corporate Body

Active 1950

Active 1968


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6d56rhc

Ark ID: w6d56rhc

SNAC ID: 61145623