Texas. Parks and Wildlife Dept.

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The State of Texas has given the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) the responsibility for the management and conservation of the state's wildlife and fish resources; provision of outdoor recreational opportunities to the public; acquisition, development, and operation of wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, state parks, historic sites, and other public lands; conservation education and outreach; cultural and historical interpretation; and the regulation of fishing, hunting, and boating activities. The Department is composed of ten major divisions which carry out the functions and duties of the agency: Wildlife, State Parks, Coastal Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Communications, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Administrative Resources, Legal, Information Technology, and Human Resources. The Parks and Wildlife Commission selects an executive director to administer the department. In 2005 the agency employed the full-time equivalent of 3,038 people.

The Parks and Wildlife Commission governs the agency. It was initially composed of three members, increased to six members in 1972, and as of 1983, contains nine members, appointed by the Governor with approval of the Senate. Members serve six-year overlapping terms. The Governor appoints the chair. The Commission meets quarterly or more often as needed, primarily to adopt policies and rules to carry out the programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) had its beginnings in 1879. The 16th Texas Legislature authorized the Governor to appoint a fish commissioner to ensure compliance with an Act for the preservation of fish and to build fish ways and fish ladders (Chapter 92, 16th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1881 the Office of the Fish Commissioner was established (Chapter 78, 17th Legislature, Regular Session). It was created for the "propagation and preservation of fish and to build fish-ways and fish-ladders…," and existed through 1885. The commissioner was appointed to a two-year term by the Governor, with the approval of the Senate.

In 1895 the 24th Legislature created the Office of the Fish and Oyster Commissioner (House Bill 55, Regular Session) with the commissioner appointed by the Governor as before. The duties included the protection of fish, turtles and terrapin of the bays and coastal waters of the state, protection of natural oyster beds and reefs, and the protection of the location of private beds. The Commissioner had the authority to appoint Deputy Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office. In 1907 protection of wild birds and wild game was added to the responsibilities of that office, which became the Office of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner (House Bill 379, 30th Legislature, Regular Session). This Commissioner appointed Deputy Game Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office.

A six-member commission replaced the single commissioner in 1929 and the agency became the Texas Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission (Senate Bill 83, 41st Legislature, Regular Session). The commissioners were appointed to six year terms by the Governor with the approval of the Senate and were selected from different sections of the state. The chair was appointed by the Governor. Duties of the commission included administering the state's laws relating to game and fish; preventing pollution of streams; issuing hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses; collecting fees, taxes, and fines; conducting research; and proclaiming and enforcing open seasons and bag limits on game and fish. The commission also operated fish hatcheries and sanctuaries, administered game and hunting preserves, supervised oyster beds in the state, controlled and exterminated predatory animals and fish, and educated the public in the preservation of wildlife and fish and game resources of the state. It had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The name was changed to the Texas Game and Fish Commission in 1951 and the size of the board was increased to nine members (Senate Bill 463, 52nd Legislature, Regular Session).

The state created the Texas State Parks Board in 1923 (Senate Bill 73, 38th Legislature, First Called Session) to investigate prospective park sites in the state and report to the Legislature with recommendations, and to solicit and accept donations of land for state park purposes. The State Parks Board was initially composed of five members, appointed by the Governor with the approval of the Senate to six year terms, and they were to be state officers. The number of board members increased to six in 1937 (Senate Bill 484, 45th Legislature, Regular Session). This board was to begin locating sites for the establishment of the state parks system. It directed and managed state parks, except the historical parks which were managed by the Board of Control and/or several separate commissions. The Parks Board was charged with locating, designating, and marking historic grounds, battlegrounds, and other historic sites in the state, and erecting markers and monuments at such sites. The board also had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The primary function of the board between 1923 and 1933 was to acquire lands for parks through donations. In 1933, federal funds became available for state park development and the board worked with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the National Park Service for the development of better park sites for a state parks system. The CCC provided labor during the 1930s to improve state park lands and facilities. The state transferred control of historical parks to the State Parks Board in 1949, except for the San Jacinto Battlefield, the Battleship Texas, and the Fannin Battlefield, which were still controlled by their respective commissions--the San Jacinto Battlefield Commission, the Battleship Texas Commission, and the Fannin Battlefield Commission (House Bill 120, 51st Legislature, Regular Session). Jurisdiction over the Fannin and San Jacinto Battlefields was transferred to TPWD in 1965 (House Bill 102, 59th Legislature, Regular Session). Battleship Texas was transferred to TPWD in 1983 (House Bill 586, 68th Legislature, Regular Session).

The State Parks Board and the Game and Fish Commission were merged in 1963 to form the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (House Bill 21, 58th Legislature, Regular Session). The Historic Structures and Sites Act was passed by the 60th Legislature (House Bill 58, Regular Session) in 1967 charging the Parks and Wildlife Department with stewardship of the state's cultural heritage sites. In 1983 the 68th Legislature passed the Wildlife Conservation Act (Senate Bill 94, Regular Session), giving the agency the authority to manage fish and wildlife resources in all Texas counties. Prior to this act county commissioner courts set game and fish laws in many counties, and other counties had veto power over Department regulations. In 1985 the 69th Legislature granted the agency authority over shrimp and oysters (Senate Bill 609, Regular Session).

The State Parks Division protects, interprets, and manages cultural and natural resources and provides recreational opportunities to the public on land owned or leased by TPWD, which includes 119 state parks, historic sites, and natural areas. The division also provides planning assistance and administers matching grants to local communities and counties for park acquisition and development, public boat ramps and other facilities, and outreach. In the early years of TPWD the State Parks Division also investigated potential land acquisitions for state parks and historic sites, negotiated and prepared contracts for the donation or purchase of land, researched title information, constructed new park facilities and did renovations and repairs in existing facilities. In 1963 the Parks Division developed a statewide comprehensive outdoor recreation plan - the Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan. This plan was updated every five years. Master plans for state parks were begun in 1965. During a brief period in the 1990s, the State Parks Division was known as the Public Lands Division, whose duties included the management of some wildlife areas in addition to state parks, historic sites, and natural areas. Today, land acquisition activities are handled through the executive office and the Infrastructure Division handles design and construction of new facilities, repairs of existing facilities, and development of TPWD lands. Wildlife areas are managed by the Wildlife Division. The Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan has been incorporated into the more comprehensive Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan prepared by the agency. The 77th Texas Legislature (Senate Bill 305, Regular Session) required that Texas Parks and Wildlife Department prepare (be adopted by the Commission) the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan by October 15, 2002. The plan was adopted and the latest version (2005) is on the website of the TPWD (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/pwdpubs/pwd_pl_e0100_0867/).

The Wildlife Division manages and conserves all the state's wildlife resources. Its responsibilities include wildlife planning, research, inventorying wildlife resources, monitoring population dynamics, regulating game seasons and bag limits, conserving non-game and rare species, habitat conservation and acquisition, providing technical assistance to land owners, operating and managing 52 wildlife management areas, and assisting with the management of 123 state parks. The division also uses state-owned and operated lands to conduct wildlife research, field tours, seminars, wildlife management operations, and offers public access to these lands for public hunting and other recreational and education uses. Most of the work done by the division is eligible for reimbursement under the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937, also known as the Pittman-Robertson Act.

The Coastal Fisheries Division manages the marine fishery resources of Texas' four million acres of saltwater, including the bays and estuaries and out to nine nautical miles in the Gulf of Mexico. Management strategies are designed to sustain fisheries harvest at levels necessary to ensure replenishable stocks of important species and provide balanced food webs within the marine ecosystems. The division conducts monitoring programs year round to gather technical data to assess population levels and develop fishing regulations. The division operates three hatchery facilities to enhance populations of several species of game fish, through increasing abundance of the fish and offsetting impacts of natural catastrophes. The Coastal Fisheries division is advised and guided by the recommendations of the Artificial Reef Advisory Committee, the Oyster Advisory Committee, and the Shrimp Advisory Committee. Over the years committee members consisted of representatives from various groups, including the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, the Gulf Coast Fisherman's Environmental Defense Fund, the Attorney General's Office, the Texas Shrimp Association, the Texas General Land Office, and the West Gulf Maritime Association.

The Coastal Fisheries Division also operates the Artificial Reef Program. In 1989, the Texas Legislature directed the TPWD to develop the artificial reef potential of Texas (Senate Bill 5, 71st Legislature, Regular Session). The Texas Artificial Reef Plan was adopted in 1990, creating the Artificial Reef Program. The basic activity of the program is to acquire surplus ships, barges, oil rigs, and other material that is then deposited on the sea floor to form artificial reefs. These reefs increase the diversity of marine organisms at those locations. The program oversees the development of three types of artificial reefs: Rigs-to-Reefs, Near-Shore/Shallow Reefs, and Ships-to-Reefs, which are funded by the Texas Artificial Reef Fund. An advisory committee was formed in 1990 to aid the program in fulfilling its obligations to the state in building reefs that are in the best interest of the citizens of Texas. The Artificial Reef Program Advisory Committee is a 10 member panel appointed by the TPW Commissioners. According to the Parks and Wildlife Code (Section 89.021), the committee members represent the interests of the following groups: salt water sport fishing, offshore oil and gas producers, Texas tourism industry, the General Land Office, the Texas university system, environmental groups, a shrimp organization, a diving club, and the Attorney General's Office. The Artificial Reed Program is guided by both the Texas Artificial Reef Plan and the Artificial Reef Advisory committee's recommendations.

The Inland Fisheries Division manages the freshwater fishery resources of the state, which consist of 626 public impoundments and 80,000 miles of rivers and streams covering 1.7 million acres. The division activities include fisheries management and research, fish production, angler education and information, fishing access projects, and aquatic habitat management. The division also operates six fish hatchery facilities to enhance populations of several species of fish.

The Infrastructure Division administers TPWD's Capital Program, which includes all new construction, restoration, renovation, maintenance, and repair projects. It is responsible for all design and construction contracts for the department, and it provides professional design, construction, and project management services to state parks, wildlife management areas, hatcheries, and other department facilities. In particular, the Construction Design Management (CDM) Branch's mission is "to manage the planning, design, and construction of TPWD facilities in a creative manner that complements and preserves the natural and cultural resources of Texas for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations." The division is also TPWD's liaison with the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

The functions of the Resource Protection Division were absorbed by other program divisions following an agency-wide reorganization in 2004. While the division was active its duties included protecting fish, wildlife, plant and mineral resources from degradation or depletion; investigating environmental contamination that might cause the loss of fish or wildlife; providing information and recommendations to other government agencies; and participating in administrative and judicial proceedings concerning pollution incidents, development projects, and other actions that might affect fish and wildlife. It reviewed permits proposed for wastewater discharge and hazardous waste disposal by the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission and the Railroad Commission. The division also investigated fish kills, attempting to determine responsibility for the kill and recovering the economic value of the fish and other lost aquatic life from the polluter. It also assessed injury to fish and wildlife resources from oil and hazardous chemical releases and sought restoration from the responsible party. The division represented the department in the Interagency Council for Oil Spill Response Planning and the Coastal Coordinating Council, a multi-agency body that reviews and coordinates state and federal laws and actions affecting the Texas coast. The division worked to protect sensitive ecological habitats and rare, threatened, or endangered plants and animals and it worked with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to protect wetland areas and to dispose of dredge material from Texas navigable waters. The divisions's Resource Conservation Branch worked with the Governor's Texas Review and Comment System (TRACS) by reviewing and commenting on various projects that may have an environmental impact on state resources. It also supported the Geographic Information Systems Laboratory. The GIS lab is operated by the Executive Office and provides specialized training and spatial analysis as part of its support of agency-wide efforts to develop, manage, and maintain digital maps and natural and cultural databases which allow biologists and resource managers to more effectively manage state resources.

The Communications Division manages internal and external communication and marketing for the agency. External products include the Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine, a PBS television series, and the Passport to Texas radio series. The division also produces print and video news releases, hunting and boating safety education programs, and employee newsletters; and continues to develop and enhance the agency's web site. The division also operates the Texas Conservation Passport program and its consumer research group, which produce information about the state's natural and cultural resources.

The Law Enforcement Division provides a comprehensive statewide law enforcement program to protect the state's natural resources and environment. It provides safe boating and recreational water safety on public waters by ensuring compliance with state laws and regulations. The game wardens of the division are responsible for the enforcement of the Parks and Wildlife Code, all TPW regulations, the Texas Penal Code, and selected statutes and regulations applicable to clean air, water, and hazardous materials. To fulfill these duties, the wardens educate the public about the laws and regulations, conduct high-visibility patrols to prevent violations, and apprehend and arrest violators.

The Executive Office is headed by an Executive Director who is responsible for the administration, operation, and planning functions of the Department. He keeps the Commissioners, legislators, and Governor informed of upcoming meetings, hearings, topics of importance, and routine matters. Inquiries sent to these individuals regarding Parks and Wildlife projects and areas of concern are often referred to the executive director for a response. The Land Conservation section of this office is currently responsible for all land appraisal and acquisition activities for the agency, a function formerly handled largely by the State Parks Division (Public Lands Division).

The Administrative Resources Division is responsible for the financial services of the agency, the agency's information systems, print shop, maintenance, and security for the headquarters building. The division also issues hunting, fishing, and other licenses; and handles the registration and titling of boats and outboard motors. The Human Resources Division handles the personnel needs of the agency. The Information Technology Division supplies employees in the agency with the necessary technology resources.

(Sources: Enabling legislation, numerous years; V.T.C.A., Parks and Wildlife Code, Title 2; Guide to Texas State Agencies, various editions; and information found in Texas Parks and Wildlife records.)

From the guide to the Parks and Wildlife Department records, 1905-2004, bulk 1963-2004, (Texas State Archives)

The Parks and Wildlife Department is responsible for the management and conservation of the state's wildlife and fish resources; provision of outdoor recreational opportunities to the public; acquisition, development, and operation of wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, state parks, historic sites, and other public lands; conservation education and outreach; cultural and historical interpretation; and the regulation of fishing, hunting, and boating activities. The Department is composed of ten major divisions which carry out the functions and duties of the agency: Wildlife, State Parks, Coastal Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Communications, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Administrative Resources, Legal, Information Technology, and Human Resources. An Executive Director, selected by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, administers the department. In 2005, the agency employed the full-time equivalent of 3,038 people.

The Parks and Wildlife Department is governed by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, initially composed of three members, increased to six members in 1972, and as of 1983, composed of nine members, appointed by the Governor with approval of the Senate. Members serve six-year overlapping terms. The Commission chairperson is appointed biennially by the Governor. The Commission meets quarterly or more often as needed. Its chief responsibility is to adopt policies and rules to carry out the programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) had its beginnings in 1879. In 1879, the 16th Texas Legislature authorized the Governor to appoint a fish commissioner to ensure compliance with an Act for the preservation of fish, and to build fish ways and fish ladders (Chapter 92, 16th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1881, the Office of the Fish Commissioner was established (Chapter 78, 17th Legislature, Regular Session). It was created for the propagation and preservation of fish and to build fish-ways and fish-ladders…, existing through 1885. The commissioner was appointed to a two year term by the Governor, with the approval of the Senate.

In 1895, the Office of the Fish and Oyster Commissioner was created by House Bill 55, 24th Legislature, Regular Session, with the commissioner appointed by the Governor as before. The duties included the protection of fish, turtles and terrapin of the bays and coastal waters of the state, protection of natural oyster beds and reefs, and the protection of the location of private beds. The Commissioner had the authority to appoint Deputy Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office. In 1907, protection of wild birds and wild game was added to the responsibilities of that office, which became the Office of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner (House Bill 379, 30th Legislature, Regular Session). This Commissioner appointed Deputy Game Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office

The single commissioner was replaced by a six-member commission in 1929 and the agency became the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission (Senate Bill 83, 41st Legislature, Regular Session). The commissioners were appointed to six year terms by the Governor with the approval of the Senate, and were to be selected from different sections of the state. The chair was appointed by the Governor. Duties of the commission included administering the state's laws relating to game and fish; preventing pollution of streams; issuing hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses; collecting fees, taxes, and fines; conducting research; and proclaiming and enforcing open seasons and bag limits on game and fish. The commission also operated fish hatcheries and sanctuaries, administered game and hunting preserves, supervised oyster beds in the state, controlled and exterminated predatory animals and fish, and educated the public in the preservation of wildlife and fish and game resources of the state. It had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out their duties. The name was changed to the Texas Game and Fish Commission in 1951 and the size of the board was increased to nine members (Senate Bill 463, 52 Legislature, Regular Session).

The State Parks Board was created in 1923 (Senate Bill 73, 38th Legislature, First Called Session) to investigate prospective park sites in the state and report to the Legislature with recommendations, and to solicit and accept donations of land for state park purposes. The State Parks Board was initially composed of five members, appointed by the Governor with the approval of the Senate to six year terms, and they were to be state officers. The number of board members increased to six in 1937 (Senate Bill 484, 45th Legislature, Regular Session). This board was to begin locating sites for the establishment of the state parks system. It also directed and managed state parks created, except the historical parks which were managed by the Board of Control and/or several separate commissions. The Parks Board was also charged with locating, designating, and marking historic grounds, battlegrounds, and other historic sites in the state, and erecting markers and monuments at such sites. The board also had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The primary function of the board between 1923 and 1933 was to acquire lands for parks through donations. In 1933, federal funds became available for state park development and the board worked with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the National Park Service for the development of better park sites for a state parks system. The CCC provided labor during the 1930s to improve state park lands and facilities. In 1949, the state historical parks were transferred to the State Parks Board, except for the San Jacinto Battlefield, the Battleship Texas, and the Fannin Battlefield, which were still controlled by their respective commissions--the San Jacinto Battlefield Commission, the Battleship Texas Commission, and the Fannin Battlefield Commission (House Bill 120, 51st Legislature, Regular Session). Jurisdiction over the Fannin and San Jacinto Battlefields was transferred to TPWD in 1965 (House Bill 102, 59th Legislature, Regular Session). Battleship Texas was transferred to TPWD in 1983 (House Bill 586, 68th Legislature, Regular Session).

In 1963, the State Parks Board and the Game and Fish Commission were merged to form the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife (House Bill 21, 58th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1967, the Historic Structures and Sites Act was passed by the 60th Legislature, House Bill 58, Regular Session, charging the Parks and Wildlife Department with stewardship of the state's cultural heritage sites. In 1983, the Legislature passed the 1983 Wildlife Conservation Act (Senate Bill 94, 68th Legislature, Regular Session), which gave the agency the authority to manage fish and wildlife resources in all Texas counties. Prior to this act county commissioner courts set game and fish laws in many counties, and other counties had veto power over Department regulations. In 1985, the legislature granted the agency authority over shrimp and oysters (Senate Bill 609, 69th Legislature, Regular Session).

(Sources: Enabling legislation, numerous years; Guide to Texas State Agencies, various editions; and from information found in the Texas Parks and Wildlife records.)

From the guide to the Parks and Wildlife Department administrative records and other material, 1909, 1929, 1934-2004, bulk 1963-1999, (Texas State Archives)

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) is responsible for the management and conservation of the state's wildlife and fish resources; provision of outdoor recreational opportunities to the public; acquisition, development, and operation of wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, state parks, historic sites, and other public lands; conservation education and outreach; cultural and historical interpretation; and the regulation of fishing, hunting, and boating activities. The Department is composed of ten major divisions which carry out the functions and duties of the agency: Wildlife, State Parks, Coastal Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Communications, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Administrative Resources, Legal, Information Technology, and Human Resources. An Executive Director, selected by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, administers the department. In 2005, the agency employed the full-time equivalent of 3,038 people.

The Parks and Wildlife Department is governed by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, initially composed of three members, increased to six members in 1972, and as of 1983, nine members, appointed by the Governor with approval of the Senate. Members serve six-year overlapping terms. The Commission chairperson is appointed biennially by the Governor. The Commission meets quarterly or more often as needed. Its chief responsibility is to adopt policies and rules to carry out the programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) had its beginnings in 1879 when the 16th Texas Legislature authorized the Governor to appoint a fish commissioner to ensure compliance with an Act for the preservation of fish, and to build fish ways and fish ladders (Chapter 92, 16th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1881, the Office of the Fish Commissioner was established (Chapter 78, 17th Legislature, Regular Session). It was created for the "propagation and preservation of fish and to build fish-ways and fish-ladders…," and existed through 1885. The commissioner was appointed to a two-year term by the Governor, with the approval of the Senate.

In 1895, the Office of the Fish and Oyster Commissioner was created by House Bill 55, 24th Legislature, Regular Session, with the commissioner appointed by the Governor as before. The duties included the protection of fish, turtles and terrapin of the bays and coastal waters of the state, protection of natural oyster beds and reefs, and the protection of the location of private beds. The Commissioner had the authority to appoint Deputy Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office. In 1907, protection of wild birds and wild game was added to the responsibilities of that office, which became the Office of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner (House Bill 379, 30th Legislature, Regular Session). This Commissioner appointed Deputy Game Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office.

The single commissioner was replaced by a six-member commission in 1929 and the agency became the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission (Senate Bill 83, 41st Legislature, Regular Session). The commissioners were appointed to six year terms by the Governor with the approval of the Senate, and were selected from different sections of the state. The chair was appointed by the Governor. Duties of the commission included administering the state's laws relating to game and fish; preventing pollution of streams; issuing hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses; collecting fees, taxes, and fines; conducting research; and proclaiming and enforcing open seasons and bag limits on game and fish. The commission also operated fish hatcheries and sanctuaries, administered game and hunting preserves, supervised oyster beds in the state, controlled and exterminated predatory animals and fish, and educated the public in the preservation of wildlife and fish and game resources of the state. It had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The name was changed to the Texas Game and Fish Commission in 1951 and the size of the board was increased to nine members (Senate Bill 463, 52nd Legislature, Regular Session).

The Texas State Parks Board was created in 1923 (Senate Bill 73, 38th Legislature, First Called Session) to investigate prospective park sites in the state and report to the Legislature with recommendations, and to solicit and accept donations of land for state park purposes. The State Parks Board was initially composed of five members, appointed by the Governor with the approval of the Senate to six year terms, and they were to be state officers. The number of board members increased to six in 1937 (Senate Bill 484, 45th Legislature, Regular Session). This board was to begin locating sites for the establishment of the state parks system. It directed and managed state parks created, except the historical parks which were managed by the Board of Control and/or several separate commissions. The Parks Board was charged with locating, designating, and marking historic grounds, battlegrounds, and other historic sites in the state, and erecting markers and monuments at such sites. The board also had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The primary function of the board between 1923 and 1933 was to acquire lands for parks through donations. In 1933, federal funds became available for state park development and the board worked with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the National Park Service for the development of better park sites for a state parks system. The CCC provided labor during the 1930s to improve state park lands and facilities. In 1949, the state historical parks were transferred to the State Parks Board, except for the San Jacinto Battlefield, the Battleship Texas, and the Fannin Battlefield, which were still controlled by their respective commissions--the San Jacinto Battlefield Commission, the Battleship Texas Commission, and the Fannin Battlefield Commission (House Bill 120, 51st Legislature, Regular Session). Jurisdiction over the Fannin and San Jacinto Battlefields was transferred to TPWD in 1965 (House Bill 102, 59th Legislature, Regular Session). Battleship Texas was transferred to TPWD in 1983 (House Bill 586, 68th Legislature, Regular Session).

In 1963, the State Parks Board and the Game and Fish Commission were merged to form the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife (House Bill 21, 58th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1967, the Historic Structures and Sites Act was passed by the 60th Legislature, House Bill 58, Regular Session, charging the Parks and Wildlife Department with stewardship of the state's cultural heritage sites. In 1983, the Legislature passed the 1983 Wildlife Conservation Act (Senate Bill 94, 68th Legislature, Regular Session), which gave the agency the authority to manage fish and wildlife resources in all Texas counties. Prior to this act county commissioner courts set game and fish laws in many counties, and other counties had veto power over Department regulations. In 1985, the legislature granted the agency authority over shrimp and oysters (Senate Bill 609, 69th Legislature, Regular Session). The Infrastructure Division administers TPWD's Capital Program, which includes all new construction, restoration, renovation, maintenance, and repair projects. It is responsible for all design and construction contracts for the department, and it provides professional design, construction, and project management services to state parks, wildlife management areas, hatcheries, and other department facilities. The division is also TPWD's liaison with the Texas Department of Transportation, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

The Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Committee was created in 1950 at the request of the President of the United States. Legislative basis for this committee was contained in the Flood Control Act of 1950, Public Law 516, 81st Congress. The Committee was made up of representatives from federal agencies concerned with water and related resource development and governors of the states involved. Each state had a work group composed of representatives from state agencies or similar bodies involved in the process. The Texas work group members were: Chief Engineer, Railroad Commission; Chairman, Texas Board of Water Development; Executive Secretary, Game and Fish Commission; State Health Officer; Director, Bureau of Economic Geology, University of Texas; Director, State Parks Board; Executive Director, State Soil Conservation Board; Director, Bureau of Business Research, University of Texas; and Vice Chancellor, Texas A&M University. Public hearings were held in several cities in the region to gather comments and feedback from the public. The Committee conducted water and resource development studies. It produced an initial set of reports that were sent to the various federal and state work groups to solicit comments to accompany the report before it was submitted to Congress and the President. The comprehensive reports were published in 1955.

From the guide to the Parks and Wildlife Department Arkansas-White-Red Basins Inter-Agency Committee records, 1949-1952, bulk 1950-1951, (Texas State Archives)

The Parks and Wildlife Department is responsible for the management and conservation of the state's wildlife and fish resources; provision of outdoor recreational opportunities to the public; acquisition, development, and operation of wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, state parks, historic sites, and other public lands; conservation education and outreach; cultural and historical interpretation; and the regulation of fishing, hunting, and boating activities. The Department is composed of ten major divisions which carry out the functions and duties of the agency: Wildlife, State Parks, Coastal Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Communications, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Administrative Resources, Legal, Information Technology, and Human Resources. An Executive Director, selected by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, administers the department. In 2005, the agency employed the full-time equivalent of 3,038 people.

The Parks and Wildlife Department is governed by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, initially composed of three members, increased to six members in 1972, and as of 1983, nine members, appointed by the Governor with approval of the Senate. Members serve six-year overlapping terms. The Commission chairperson is appointed biennially by the Governor. The Commission meets quarterly or more often as needed. Its chief responsibility is to adopt policies and rules to carry out the programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) had its beginnings in 1879 when the 16th Texas Legislature authorized the Governor to appoint a fish commissioner to ensure compliance with an Act for the preservation of fish, and to build fish ways and fish ladders (Chapter 92, 16th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1881, the Office of the Fish Commissioner was established (Chapter 78, 17th Legislature, Regular Session). It was created for the propagation and preservation of fish and to build fish-ways and fish-ladders…, existing through 1885. The commissioner was appointed to a two year term by the Governor, with the approval of the Senate.

In 1895, the Office of the Fish and Oyster Commissioner was created by House Bill 55, 24th Legislature, Regular Session, with the commissioner appointed by the Governor as before. The duties included the protection of fish, turtles and terrapin of the bays and coastal waters of the state, protection of natural oyster beds and reefs, and the protection of the location of private beds. The Commissioner had the authority to appoint Deputy Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office. In 1907, protection of wild birds and wild game was added to the responsibilities of that office, which became the Office of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner (House Bill 379, 30th Legislature, Regular Session). This Commissioner appointed Deputy Game Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office.

The single commissioner was replaced by a six-member commission in 1929 and the agency became the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission (Senate Bill 83, 41st Legislature, Regular Session). The commissioners were appointed to six year terms by the Governor with the approval of the Senate, and were to be selected from different sections of the state. The chair was appointed by the Governor. Duties of the commission included administering the state's laws relating to game and fish; preventing pollution of streams; issuing hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses; collecting fees, taxes, and fines; conducting research; and proclaiming and enforcing open seasons and bag limits on game and fish. The commission also operated fish hatcheries and sanctuaries, administered game and hunting preserves, supervised oyster beds in the state, controlled and exterminated predatory animals and fish, and educated the public in the preservation of wildlife and fish and game resources of the state. It had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out their duties. The name was changed to the Texas Game and Fish Commission in 1951 and the size of the board was increased to nine members (Senate Bill 463, 52 Legislature, Regular Session).

The State Parks Board was created in 1923 (Senate Bill 73, 38th Legislature, First Called Session) to investigate prospective park sites in the state and report to the Legislature with recommendations, and to solicit and accept donations of land for state park purposes. The State Parks Board was initially composed of five members, appointed by the Governor with the approval of the Senate to six year terms, and they were to be state officers. The number of board members increased to six in 1937 (Senate Bill 484, 45th Legislature, Regular Session). This board was to begin locating sites for the establishment of the state parks system. It also directed and managed state parks created, except the historical parks which were managed by the Board of Control and/or several separate commissions. The Parks Board was also charged with locating, designating, and marking historic grounds, battlegrounds, and other historic sites in the state, and erecting markers and monuments at such sites. The board also had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The primary function of the board between 1923 and 1933 was to acquire lands for parks through donations. In 1933, federal funds became available for state park development and the board worked with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the National Park Service for the development of better park sites for a state parks system. The CCC provided labor during the 1930s to improve state park lands and facilities. In 1949, the state historical parks were transferred to the State Parks Board, except for the San Jacinto Battlefield, the Battleship Texas, and the Fannin Battlefield, which were still controlled by their respective commissions--the San Jacinto Battlefield Commission, the Battleship Texas Commission, and the Fannin Battlefield Commission (House Bill 120, 51st Legislature, Regular Session). Jurisdiction over the Fannin and San Jacinto Battlefields was transferred to TPWD in 1965 (House Bill 102, 59th Legislature, Regular Session). Battleship Texas was transferred to TPWD in 1983 (House Bill 586, 68th Legislature, Regular Session).

In 1963, the State Parks Board and the Game and Fish Commission were merged to form the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife (House Bill 21, 58th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1967, the Historic Structures and Sites Act was passed by the 60th Legislature, House Bill 58, Regular Session, charging the Parks and Wildlife Department with stewardship of the state's cultural heritage sites. In 1983, the Legislature passed the 1983 Wildlife Conservation Act (Senate Bill 94, 68th Legislature, Regular Session), which gave the agency the authority to manage fish and wildlife resources in all Texas counties. Prior to this act county commissioner courts set game and fish laws in many counties, and other counties had veto power over Department regulations. In 1985, the legislature granted the agency authority over shrimp and oysters (Senate Bill 609, 69th Legislature, Regular Session).

(Sources: Enabling legislation, numerous years; Guide to Texas State Agencies, various editions; and from information found in the Texas Parks and Wildlife records.)

From the guide to the Parks and Wildlife Commission meeting files, 1963-2004, (Texas State Archives)

The Parks and Wildlife Department is responsible for the management and conservation of the state's wildlife and fish resources; provision of outdoor recreational opportunities to the public; acquisition, development, and operation of wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, state parks, historic sites, and other public lands; conservation education and outreach; cultural and historical interpretation; and the regulation of fishing, hunting, and boating activities. The Department is composed of ten major divisions which carry out the functions and duties of the agency: Wildlife, State Parks, Coastal Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Communications, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Administrative Resources, Legal, Information Technology, and Human Resources. An Executive Director, selected by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, administers the department. In 2005, the agency employed the full-time equivalent of 3,038 people.

The Parks and Wildlife Department is governed by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, initially composed of three members (1963), increased to six members in 1972, and as of 1983, nine members, appointed by the Governor with approval of the Senate. Members serve six-year overlapping terms. The Commission chairperson is appointed biennially by the Governor. The Commission meets quarterly or more often as needed. Its chief responsibility is to adopt policies and rules to carry out the programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department.

A more comprehensive agency history can be found in the overall finding aid to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department records. If you are reading this in paper in the Archives search room, the finding aid, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department records, is found in the first divider within the same binder.

The Texas Antiquities Committee was created by Senate Bill 58, 61st Legislature, 2nd Called Session (1969). The Committee was the legal custodian of all state archaeological resources and it adopted rules to protect and preserve these resources. It designated state archaeological landmarks, issued permits for activities that impacted archeological sites, oversaw staff efforts to ensure compliance with the Texas Antiquities Code, maintained an inventory of items recovered and retained by the State of Texas, and contracted or otherwise provided for discovery operations and scientific investigations of sunken or abandoned ships and their contents. In 1995, the committee was abolished (Senate Bill 365, 74th Legislature, Regular Session). Its duties were absorbed by the Texas Historical Commission and are carried out through its Archeology Division. The legislation that abolished the Antiquities Committee allowed for an advisory body to be created to assist the Texas Historical Commission on issues relating to the Antiquities Code of Texas. In 1995 the Historical Commission created the Texas Antiquities Advisory Board. The Board provides recommendations on proposed State Archeological Landmarks designations and assists in resolving disputes regarding issuance of Texas Antiquities permits.

The Antiquities Committee was initially composed of seven members: Director of the Texas State Historical Survey Committee, Director of Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Commissioner of the General Land Office, State Archeologist (whose office was transferred in 1969 from the State Building Commission to the Texas State Historical Survey Committee), one professional archeologist from a recognized museum or institution of higher learning, one professional Texas historian, and the Director of the Texas Memorial Museum of the University of Texas. The makeup of the Committee when it expired in 1995 was a nine-member commission. It consisted of six ex-officio members - the chair of the Texas Historical Commission or his/her designee, the State Archeologist, the Director of the Parks and Wildlife Department, the Commissioner of the General Land Office, the State Engineer, and the Executive Director of the Texas Department of Water Resources. The three other members were appointed by the Governor with concurrence of the Senate, for two-year terms and consisted of a professional historian, a professional archaeologist, and a professional museum director.

From the guide to the Parks and Wildlife Department's executive director's files as a member of the Texas Antiquities Committee, 1963-1964, 1969-1980, bulk 1969-1980, (Texas State Archives)

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department is responsible for the management and conservation of the state's wildlife and fish resources; provision of outdoor recreational opportunities to the public; acquisition, development, and operation of wildlife management areas, fish hatcheries, state parks, historic sites, and other public lands; conservation education and outreach; cultural and historical interpretation; and the regulation of fishing, hunting, and boating activities. The Department is composed of ten major divisions which carry out the functions and duties of the agency: Wildlife, State Parks, Coastal Fisheries, Inland Fisheries, Communications, Law Enforcement, Infrastructure, Administrative Resources, Legal, Information Technology, and Human Resources. An Executive Director, selected by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, administers the department. In 2005, the agency employed the full-time equivalent of 3,038 people.

The Parks and Wildlife Department is governed by the Parks and Wildlife Commission, initially composed of three members, increased to six members in 1972, and as of 1983, nine members, appointed by the Governor with approval of the Senate. Members serve six-year overlapping terms. The Commission chairperson is appointed biennially by the Governor. The Commission meets quarterly or more often as needed. Its chief responsibility is to adopt policies and rules to carry out the programs of the Parks and Wildlife Department.

The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) had its beginnings in 1879 when the 16th Texas Legislature authorized the Governor to appoint a fish commissioner to ensure compliance with an Act for the preservation of fish, and to build fish ways and fish ladders (Chapter 92, 16th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1881, the Office of the Fish Commissioner was established (Chapter 78, 17th Legislature, Regular Session). It was created for the propagation and preservation of fish and to build fish-ways and fish-ladders…, and existed through 1885. The commissioner was appointed to a two-year term by the Governor, with the approval of the Senate.

In 1895, the Office of the Fish and Oyster Commissioner was created by House Bill 55, 24th Legislature, Regular Session, with the commissioner appointed by the Governor as before. The duties included the protection of fish, turtles and terrapin of the bays and coastal waters of the state, protection of natural oyster beds and reefs, and the protection of the location of private beds. The Commissioner had the authority to appoint Deputy Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office. In 1907, protection of wild birds and wild game was added to the responsibilities of that office, which became the Office of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commissioner (House Bill 379, 30th Legislature, Regular Session). This Commissioner appointed Deputy Game Commissioners to assist in carrying out the duties of the office.

The single commissioner was replaced by a six-member commission in 1929 and the agency became the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission (Senate Bill 83, 41st Legislature, Regular Session). The commissioners were appointed to six year terms by the Governor with the approval of the Senate, and were selected from different sections of the state. The chair was appointed by the Governor. Duties of the commission included administering the state's laws relating to game and fish; preventing pollution of streams; issuing hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses; collecting fees, taxes, and fines; conducting research; and proclaiming and enforcing open seasons and bag limits on game and fish. The commission also operated fish hatcheries and sanctuaries, administered game and hunting preserves, supervised oyster beds in the state, controlled and exterminated predatory animals and fish, and educated the public in the preservation of wildlife and fish and game resources of the state. It had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The name was changed to the Texas Game and Fish Commission in 1951 and the size of the board was increased to nine members (Senate Bill 463, 52nd Legislature, Regular Session).

The Texas State Parks Board was created in 1923 (Senate Bill 73, 38th Legislature, First Called Session) to investigate prospective park sites in the state and report to the Legislature with recommendations, and to solicit and accept donations of land for state park purposes. The State Parks Board was initially composed of five members, appointed by the Governor with the approval of the Senate to six year terms, and they were to be state officers. The number of board members increased to six in 1937 (Senate Bill 484, 45th Legislature, Regular Session). This board was to begin locating sites for the establishment of the state parks system. It directed and managed state parks created, except the historical parks which were managed by the Board of Control and/or several separate commissions. The Parks Board was charged with locating, designating, and marking historic grounds, battlegrounds, and other historic sites in the state, and erecting markers and monuments at such sites. The board also had the authority to create rules and regulations as necessary to carry out its duties. The primary function of the board between 1923 and 1933 was to acquire lands for parks through donations. In 1933, federal funds became available for state park development and the board worked with the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) and the National Park Service for the development of better park sites for a state parks system. The CCC provided labor during the 1930s to improve state park lands and facilities. In 1949, the state historical parks were transferred to the State Parks Board, except for the San Jacinto Battlefield, the Battleship Texas, and the Fannin Battlefield, which were still controlled by their respective commissions--the San Jacinto Battlefield Commission, the Battleship Texas Commission, and the Fannin Battlefield Commission (House Bill 120, 51st Legislature, Regular Session). Jurisdiction over the Fannin and San Jacinto Battlefields was transferred to TPWD in 1965 (House Bill 102, 59th Legislature, Regular Session). Battleship Texas was transferred to TPWD in 1983 (House Bill 586, 68th Legislature, Regular Session).

In 1963, the State Parks Board and the Game and Fish Commission were merged to form the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife (House Bill 21, 58th Legislature, Regular Session). In 1967, the Historic Structures and Sites Act was passed by the 60th Legislature, House Bill 58, Regular Session, charging the Parks and Wildlife Department with stewardship of the state's cultural heritage sites. In 1983, the Legislature passed the 1983 Wildlife Conservation Act (Senate Bill 94, 68th Legislature, Regular Session), which gave the agency the authority to manage fish and wildlife resources in all Texas counties. Prior to this act county commissioner courts set game and fish laws in many counties, and other counties had veto power over Department regulations. In 1985, the legislature granted the agency authority over shrimp and oysters (Senate Bill 609, 69th Legislature, Regular Session).

The State Parks Division protects, interprets, and manages cultural and natural resources and provides recreational opportunities to the public on land owned or leased by TPWD, which includes 119 state parks, historic sites, and natural areas. The division also provides planning assistance and administers matching grants to local communities and counties for park acquisition and development, public boat ramps and other facilities, and outreach. In the early years of TPWD the State Parks Division also investigated potential land acquisitions for state parks and historic sites, negotiated and prepared contracts for the donation or purchase of land, researched title information, constructed new park facilities and did renovations and repairs in existing facilities. In 1963 the Parks Division developed a statewide comprehensive outdoor recreation plan - the Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan. This plan was updated every five years. Master plans for state parks were begun in 1965. During a brief period in the 1990s, the State Parks Division was known as the Public Lands Division, whose duties included the management of some wildlife areas in addition to state parks, historic sites, and natural areas. Today, land acquisition activities are handled through the executive office and the Infrastructure Division handles design and construction of new facilities, repairs of existing facilities, and development of TPWD lands. Wildlife areas are managed by the Wildlife Division. The Texas Outdoor Recreation Plan has been incorporated into the more comprehensive Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan prepared by the agency. The 77th Texas Legislature (Senate Bill 305, Regular Session) required that Texas Parks and Wildlife Department prepare (be adopted by the Commission) the Land and Water Resources Conservation and Recreation Plan by October 15, 2002. The plan was adopted and the latest version (2005) is on the website of the TPWD (http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/pwdpubs/pwd_pl_e0100_0867/).

The Wildlife Division manages and conserves all the state's wildlife resources. Its responsibilities include wildlife planning, research, inventorying wildlife resources, monitoring population dynamics, regulating game seasons and bag limits, conserving non-game and rare species, habitat conservation and acquisition, providing technical assistance to land owners, operating and managing 52 wildlife management areas, and assisting with the management of 123 state parks. The division also uses state-owned and operated lands to conduct wildlife research, field tours, seminars, wildlife management operations, and offers public access to these lands for public hunting and other recreational and education uses. Most of the work done by the division is eligible for reimbursement under the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937, also known as the Pittman-Robertson Act.

The Coastal Fisheries Division manages the marine fishery resources of Texas' four million acres of saltwater, including the bays and estuaries and out to nine nautical miles in the Gulf of Mexico. Management strategies are designed to sustain fisheries harvest at levels necessary to ensure replenishable stocks of important species and provide balanced food webs within the marine ecosystems. The division conducts monitoring programs year round to gather technical data to assess population levels and develop fishing regulations. The division operates three hatchery facilities to enhance populations of several species of game fish, through increasing abundance of the fish and offsetting impacts of natural catastrophes.

The Coastal Fisheries Division also operates the Artificial Reef Program. In 1989, the Texas Legislature directed the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to develop the artificial reef potential of Texas (Senate Bill 5, 71st Legislature, Regular Session). The Texas Artificial Reef Plan was adopted in 1990, creating the Artificial Reef Program. The basic activity of the program is to acquire surplus ships, barges, oil rigs, and other material that is then deposited on the sea floor to form artificial reefs. These reefs increase the diversity of marine organisms at those locations. An advisory committee was formed in 1990 to aid the program in fulfilling its obligations to the state in building reefs that are in the best interest of the citizens of Texas. The Artificial Reef Program Advisory Committee is a 10 member panel appointed by the TPW Commissioners. According to the Parks and Wildlife Code (Section 89.021), the committee members represent the interests of the following groups: salt water sport fishing, offshore oil and gas producers, Texas tourism industry, the General Land Office, the Texas university system, environmental groups, a shrimp organization, a diving club, and the Attorney General's Office.

The Inland Fisheries Division manages the freshwater fishery resources of the state, which consist of 626 public impoundments and 80,000 miles of rivers and streams covering 1.7 million acres. The division activities include fisheries management and research, fish production, angler education and information, fishing access projects, and aquatic habitat management. The division also operates six fish hatchery facilities to enhance populations of several species of fish.

(Sources: Enabling legislation numerous years; V.T.C.A., Parks and Wildlife Code, Title 2; Guide to Texas State Agencies, various editions; and from information found in Texas Parks and Wildlife records.)

The Pittman-Robertson Act, also known as the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, was passed by Congress in September 1937 and commenced in August 1938. The Act provided federal funding for the selection, restoration, rehabilitation and improvement of wildlife habitat, wildlife management research, and the distribution of information produced by the projects. The act was initially funded by a ten percent tax on ammunition and firearms used for sport hunting, and the funds were distributed to the States for wildlife restoration. In the 1970s Congress expanded the revenue base to include handguns and archery equipment, and authorized States to spend up to half those revenues on hunter education and target ranges. This grant program is operated by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Funding in recent years is based on an 11 percent federal excise tax on sporting arms, ammunition, and archery equipment, and a ten percent tax on handguns. This grant program is a cost-reimbursement program where the state covers the full amount of an approved project then applies for federal aid reimbursement for up to 75 percent of the project expenses. The remaining 25 percent of the project costs must be from a non-federal source. Of the funds available to the states, more than 62 percent is used to buy, develop, maintain, and operate wildlife management areas.

The Dingell-Johnson Act, also known as the Sport Fish Restoration Act, was modeled after the Pittman-Robertson Act to create a similar program for the management, conservation, and restoration of fishery resources. The Act was approved by Congress in August 1950 to provide federal aid to the States for management and restoration of fish having "material value in connection with sport or recreation in the marine and/or fresh waters of the United States." This grant program is operated by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Funding for the program comes from a ten percent manufacturer's excise tax on fishing rods, reels, creels, and artificial baits, lures, and flies, with the revenue earmarked for the States and territories solely for projects that would enhance sport fishing restoration. In 1984 Congress passed the Wallop Breaux amendments to the Act which included import duties on yachts and a motorboat fuel tax on gasoline and added funds for aquatic resources education. Wetlands conservation programs were added to the act in 1990. Funding for boat-related waste pumpout facilities was added in 1992 and a nontrailerable recreational boat program (boats greater than 26 feet in length) was added in 1998. This grant program is a cost-reimbursement program, where the state covers the full amount of an approved project then applies for federal aid reimbursement for up to 75 percent of the project expenses. The remaining 25 percent of the project costs must be from a non-federal source.

The Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act was passed by Congress in 1964, Public law 88-309. The goal of the act was to cooperate with states through their respective state agencies in carrying out projects designed for the research and development of the commercial fisheries resources of the nation. Federal funds were to supplement or increase the amount of the state funds available for research. This grant program was operated by the National Marine Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The act was repealed by Congress effective October 1, 1987.

(Sources: Internet web pages: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - http://federalasst.fws.gov/sfr/fasfr.html (accessed June 2006), http://www.fws.gov/southeast/federalaid/pittmanrobertson.html (accessed June 2006), http://www.fws.gov/southeast/federalaid/sportfishrestoration.html (accessed June 2006), http://www.fws.gov/laws/lawsdigest/fasport.html (accessed June 2006); federal laws and statutes - and the records of the agency.)

From the guide to the Parks and Wildlife Department Library holdings of project reports, 1938-1999, (Texas State Archives)

Established by the Fifty-eighth Legislature in 1963, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department merged the operations of the State Parks Board and the Texas Game and Fish Commission. Administered by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission, the department comprises six divisions: Fisheries, Wildlife, Parks, Resource Protection, Law Enforcement, and Administrative Services. Since 1967, it has been acquiring land, totaling approximately 433,000 acres that includes 129 parks and recreation sites. In addition to developing and maintaining parklands, the department is responsible for protecting the fish population in major reservoirs, rivers, streams, and 370 miles of the Texas coastline, among other endeavors to safeguard fish and wildlife resources.


Smyrl, Vivian Elizabeth. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Handbook of Texas Online . Accessed April 11, 2011. http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/mctqb .

From the guide to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Video 91-244., 1991, (Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin)

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