Howe family.

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Julia Ward Howe was the author of the Battle Hymn of the Republic and other works and a women's suffrage and club leader and lecturer; her daughters were Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards and Maud Howe Eliot, and her granddaughter was Rosalind Richards.

From the guide to the Papers of the Howe-Richards family, 1840-1950., (Houghton Library, Harvard College Library, Harvard University)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
creatorOf Papers of the Howe-Richards family, 1840-1950. Houghton Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams, Franklin Pierce, 1861- person
correspondedWith Adolph Mailliard person
correspondedWith Alida Chanler Emmet person
correspondedWith Alington, Hester person
correspondedWith Anne (Ward) Mailliard person
correspondedWith Annie (Ward) Mailliard person
associatedWith Attlee, Clement Richard, 1883- person
correspondedWith Bedford person
correspondedWith Bell, Helen Olcott (Choate) 1830-1918 person
associatedWith Bernhart, Sarah person
correspondedWith Beston, Henry, 1888- person
associatedWith Betty person
associatedWith Black, Charles C person
associatedWith Bolte, Amely person
correspondedWith Bozie person
correspondedWith Branch, Anna Hempstead, 1875-1937 person
correspondedWith Brooks, Van Wyck, 1886- person
correspondedWith Brown, Alice, 1857- person
correspondedWith Bryce, James Bryce, viscount, 1838-1922 person
correspondedWith Chanler, Margaret (Terry), 1862- person
associatedWith Chanler, Winthrop Astor, 1863-1926 person
correspondedWith Chapman, Elizabeth Winthrop (Chanler) 1866-1937 person
associatedWith Chapman, John Jay, 1862-1933 person
associatedWith Charles A. Knight person
associatedWith Charles Sumner person
correspondedWith Coatsworth, Elizabeth Jane, 1893- person
associatedWith Conrow, Wilford person
correspondedWith Daisy) person
correspondedWith Darwin, Bernard, 1876- person
associatedWith Dorothy Kirk person
correspondedWith Dunbar, Olivia Howard person
associatedWith Duncan person
correspondedWith Dundie person
associatedWith Dwight, John Sullivan, 1813-1893 person
associatedWith Elizabeth Peabody person
associatedWith Eva McAllister Janeway person
associatedWith Firkins, Oscar W., 1864-1932 person
associatedWith Florence person
correspondedWith Frances Elizabeth (Appleton) Longfellow. person
associatedWith Francis, J. W. person
correspondedWith Frits person
correspondedWith Fritz) person
correspondedWith George H. Richards person
associatedWith Georg Henschel. person
correspondedWith Goethe) person
associatedWith Grenfell, Sir Wilfred Thomason, 1865-1940 person
correspondedWith Hackett, Lewis Wendall, 1884- person
correspondedWith Hagedorn, Hermann, 1882- person
associatedWith Harriet Francis. person
correspondedWith Henry Richards person
correspondedWith Henry Ward person
associatedWith Hester Alington person
correspondedWith Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, 1823-1911 person
correspondedWith Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 1809-1894 person
correspondedWith Horace Binney Wallace person
correspondedWith Howe, Julia (Ward) 1819-1910 person
associatedWith Ira Beaman Joralemon person
correspondedWith James Freeman Clarke person
associatedWith John Richards. person
correspondedWith John Ward person
correspondedWith Julia (Ward) Howe person
correspondedWith J. W. Francis person
correspondedWith Keller, Helen, 1880- person
associatedWith Kirk, Dorothy person
associatedWith Laura Bridgman. person
correspondedWith Laura Elizabeth (Howe) Richards person
correspondedWith Ledoux, Jean L person
associatedWith Ledoux, Louis Pierre person
correspondedWith Ledoux, Louis Vernon, 1880- person
correspondedWith Loring, Katharine Peabody person
correspondedWith Loudon, John person
associatedWith Louisa C. Ward person
correspondedWith Louisa Mailliard person
associatedWith Louisa Ward person
correspondedWith Louisa (Ward) Terry person
associatedWith Lowes, John Livingston, 1867-1945 person
associatedWith Lyttelton, Sybella (Olive) Mildmay Lyttelton, baroness, 1836-1900 person
correspondedWith MacDowell, Marian person
correspondedWith Mailliard, Adolph person
correspondedWith Mailliard, Annie (Ward) person
correspondedWith Marion Ward person
correspondedWith Martin, Edward Sandford, 1856-1939 person
correspondedWith Mary (Ward) Dorr person
associatedWith Matthiessen, Francis Otto, 1902-1950 person
correspondedWith Maud (Howe) Elliott person
correspondedWith Medora person
associatedWith Michael Anagnos person
correspondedWith Milliard, Annie (Ward) person
associatedWith Miss Clark person
associatedWith Miss George person
correspondedWith Miss Wight person
correspondedWith Morison, Samuel Eliot, 1887- person
associatedWith Mrs. Howe's brothers corporateBody
associatedWith Peabody, Francis Greenwood, 1847-1936 person
associatedWith Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur Thomas, 1863-1944 person
associatedWith Richards, Laura Elizabeth (Howe) 1850-1943 person
associatedWith Ristori, Adelaide person
correspondedWith Rosalind Richards person
associatedWith Sabatier, Paul person
correspondedWith Sabatier, Paul, 1858-1928 person
associatedWith Samuel Francis person
correspondedWith Samuel Gridley Howe person
correspondedWith Samuel Ward person
correspondedWith Sam Ward person
correspondedWith Schoyer, Preston person
correspondedWith Scudder, Vida Dutton, 1861- person
correspondedWith Stillman, Marie (Spartali) person
correspondedWith Thomas Wentworth Higginson person
associatedWith Torrence, Ridgely, 1875- person
associatedWith Untermeyer, Louis, 1885- person
associatedWith Van Dyke, Henry, 1852-1933 person
associatedWith Ward, John person
correspondedWith Widdemer, Margaret person
associatedWith Wister, Owen, 1860-1938 person
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Ark ID: w6f33ws3

SNAC ID: 48040810