Turner, Edward, 1776-1853

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Edward Turner (1776-1853) was born in Medfield, Massachusetts, and became a Universalist in 1793. He studied with Hosea Ballou, and he and Ballou shared the southern Worcester County (Mass.) circuit until 1803. In 1811 he and Ballou co-founded the Gloucester Conference, a minister's colloquium for the discussion of theological questions. The Gloucester Conference published their discussions in The Gospel Visitant, which was printed by Turner in 1812. Turner was also influential in the founding of the Southern Association, which gathered pastors throughout southern New England. He served as Standing Clerk of the Association from 1815 to 1819. He also served as the Standing Clerk of the New England General Convention from 1815 to 1824. Turner served Universalist parishes in Sturbridge, Salem, and Charlestown, Massachusetts, as well as in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. He effectively left the Universalist ministry in 1828 when he accepted a call to serve the Unitarian Church in Charlton, Massachusetts. He served other Unitarian parishes in Augusta, Georgia, and Fishkill, New York.

From the guide to the Papers, 1711-1873., (Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School)

From the guide to the Diary and journal., (Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School)

From the guide to the Papers, 1813-1871., (Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Harvard Divinity School)

Universalist minister. Pastor of several churches in New England and New York including Salem, Mass. (1809-1814); Charlestown, Mass. (1814-1824); Portsmouth, N.H. (1824-1828); Charlton, Mass.; and Fishkill Landing, N.Y. Engaged in debate with Hosea Ballou concerning future punishment known as the restorationist controversy. Eventually Turner became a Unitarian minister.

From the description of Papers, 1711-1873 (inclusive), 1803-1848 (bulk). (Harvard University, Divinity School Library). WorldCat record id: 269368220

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn First Universalist Society in Salem, MA. Records, 1806-1955 (inclusive). Harvard University, Divinity School Library
creatorOf Papers, 1813-1871. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
creatorOf Turner, Edward, 1776-1853. Dresden, Maine, family biographical information, 1814-ca. 2009. Maine Historical Society Library
referencedIn First Universalist Society in Charlestown (Mass.). Records, 1809-1939 (inclusive). Harvard University, Divinity School Library
creatorOf Turner, Edward, 1776-1853. Papers, 1711-1873 (inclusive), 1803-1848 (bulk). Harvard University, Divinity School Library
creatorOf Diary and journal. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
creatorOf Papers, 1711-1873. Andover-Harvard Theological Library
referencedIn First Universalist Church (Boston, Mass.). Records, 1792-1909 (inclusive). Harvard University, Divinity School Library
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith A. Bancroft person
correspondedWith Abner Kneeland person
correspondedWith Adin Ballou person
correspondedWith A. Greenleaf person
correspondedWith Amasa Nichols person
correspondedWith Amy Turner person
correspondedWith Amy Turner Brown person
associatedWith Ballou, Adin, 1803-1890. person
associatedWith Ballou, Hosea, 1771-1852. person
associatedWith Bancroft, Aaron, 1755-1839. person
correspondedWith Barzillen Streeter person
associatedWith Benjamin Brown person
correspondedWith Benjamin Thompson person
associatedWith Brooks, Elbridge Gerry, 1816-1878. person
correspondedWith Calvin Monroe person
correspondedWith Charles Brewer person
correspondedWith Charles Hudson person
associatedWith Conference of Ministering Brethren. corporateBody
correspondedWith Cynthia McLaw person
correspondedWith Daniel Brown person
correspondedWith David Pickering person
associatedWith Dean, Paul, 1789-1860. person
correspondedWith D. Howard person
associatedWith Drew, William Allen, 1798-1879. person
correspondedWith Ebenezer Howe person
correspondedWith E. B. Kenwick person
correspondedWith Edward Turner person
correspondedWith E. G. Brooks person
correspondedWith F. Farnsworth person
associatedWith First Universalist Church (Boston, Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith First Universalist Society in Charlestown (Mass.) corporateBody
associatedWith First Universalist Society in Salem, MA. corporateBody
associatedWith Flagg, Joshua, 1773-1859. person
correspondedWith F. Pell person
correspondedWith General Convention of Universalists corporateBody
correspondedWith Hosea Ballou person
associatedWith Hudson, Charles, 1795-1881. person
correspondedWith Jack Walden person
correspondedWith Jacob Wood person
correspondedWith James Frothingham person
correspondedWith James Walker person
correspondedWith J. B. Pitkin person
correspondedWith Jeremiah L. Lunt person
correspondedWith John Bisbee person
correspondedWith John Davis person
correspondedWith John Foster person
correspondedWith John Johnson person
correspondedWith John Merrick person
correspondedWith John S. Greene person
correspondedWith John Spurr person
correspondedWith Jonathan Wallace person
correspondedWith Joseph Healy person
correspondedWith Joseph Richardson person
correspondedWith Joshua Brooks person
correspondedWith Joshua Flagg person
correspondedWith Josiah Prescott person
associatedWith Kneeland, Abner, 1774-1844. person
correspondedWith Lemuel Willis person
associatedWith Loveland, Samuel C., 1787-1854. person
correspondedWith L. River person
correspondedWith Martha Turner person
correspondedWith Martha Turner Brewer person
correspondedWith Maxine Brown person
associatedWith May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871. person
associatedWith M. Brown person
associatedWith Noyes, George Rappall, 1798-1868. person
correspondedWith N. Wright person
correspondedWith Orestus Augustus Brownson person
correspondedWith Paul Dean person
associatedWith Pickering, David, 1789?-1859. person
correspondedWith Richard Carrique person
correspondedWith Robert Bartlett person
correspondedWith Royal Arch Masons corporateBody
correspondedWith Russell Streeter person
correspondedWith Sebastian Streeter person
correspondedWith Seth Stetson person
associatedWith Seth Turner person
correspondedWith S. G. Bulfinch person
associatedWith Skinner, Warren, 1791-1874. person
correspondedWith Solomon Glover person
associatedWith Streeter, Sebastian, 1783-1867. person
correspondedWith Thomas Jones person
correspondedWith Thomas Whittemore person
associatedWith Turner family. family
associatedWith Walker, James, 1794-1874. person
correspondedWith Warren Skinner person
associatedWith Whittemore, Thomas, 1800-1861. person
correspondedWith William Bell person
correspondedWith William Drew person
correspondedWith William Felt person
correspondedWith William Going person
correspondedWith William Palmer person
associatedWith Willis, Lemuel, 1802-1878. person
associatedWith Wood, Jacob, 1793?-1853. person
correspondedWith Young Men's Society corporateBody
Place Name Admin Code Country


Birth 1776

Death 1853


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6fv2kvg

Ark ID: w6fv2kvg

SNAC ID: 10150758