Oppenheimer, Joel

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Poet and journalist, of New York, N.Y., and later Henniker, N.H.; b. Joel Lester Oppenheimer, 1930; d. 1988.

From the description of Papers, ca. 1953-1989. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 86123194

From the description of Joel Oppenheimer papers, 1925-1988. (University of Connecticut). WorldCat record id: 28419831

Joel Oppenheimer was born in Yonkers, New York, in 1930 to Jewish parents. He failed out of Cornell University after one year (in 1948) and spent less than one semester at the University of Chicago . In February of 1950 he enrolled at Black Mountain College in North Carolina, where he became friends with Fielding Dawson and Ed Dorn and took classes with Paul Goodman and poet Charles Olson, while also working at the school's print shop. In his earliest poetry, Oppenheimer shows clearly the influence of William Carlos Williams, but he soon developed his own style. While at Black Mountain, Oppenheimer met and married his first wife, Rena Furlong ("Cissie"). He left the school in January of 1953 without taking a degree, eventually settling in New York and working in a print shop while continuing to write poetry.

The Dutiful Son was published by Jonathan Williams in 1956. The Love Bit and Other Poems came out on 1962. Oppenheimer's marriage fell apart by 1960, and his wife and two sons moved to New Mexico (Oppenheimer saw these two sons only rarely after this time). Oppenheimer had another son with activist Margaret Randall, although he was to see this son even less frequently ( Margaret Randall spent years in Mexico and Cuba with her family). Oppenheimer enjoyed a period of sexual freedom in New York during the early 1960s, and attended parties given by LeRoi Jones . Oppenheimer wrote a successful play, The Great American Desert, in 1961. Publisher Jonathan Williams held on to a manuscript of poems from this period, entitled Just Friends/ Friends and Lovers from 1962 until its eventual publication in 1980. Oppenheimer married his second wife, Helen, in 1964, and eventually had two more sons. He left his job as a printer in 1966, when he became the director of the St. Mark's Poetry Project. This lasted until 1968, when Oppenheimer handed over the reins to Anne Waldman . Subsequently, Joel made ends meet by giving poetry readings, teaching classes at the City University of New York, and by writing a column for the Village Voice . Oppenheimer reached the height of his popularity as a poet in the late 1960s and early 1970s, publishing three books with Bobbs-Merrill Company, including In Time (1968), On Occasion (1973), and The Woman Poems in 1975. He also wrote a popular book about his love of baseball and the New York Mets in The Wrong Season (1972), as well as a book about Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Lives! (1981).

In addition to his work as a poet and a journalist, Oppenheimer is interesting to consider in some other contexts. He was a well known figure in the New York scene of the late 1960s. He supplied the name for Max's Kansas City restaurant . He was a regular at a pub called The Lion's Head from the 1960s through much of the 1970s, even after he quit drinking cold turkey in 1971. Oppenheimer also lived for many years in the Westbeth artists's community in Manhattan. His correspondence also shows that he was something of a mentor to many of his own students.

Oppenheimer moved to New Hampshire in 1984. That same year he married his third wife, Theresa Maier (a former student). He worked at New England College and wrote a column for a local newspaper. Two new volumes of poetry, Why Not and New Spaces, both appeared in 1985. By this time Oppenheimer was battling lung cancer. By the spring of 1988, the cancer had spread to Oppenheimer's brain, and he was forced to give up both teaching and writing. He died at home in October of 1988.

From the guide to the Joel Oppenheimer Papers, 1925-1988., (Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Research Center, University of Connecticut Libraries)

Archival Resources
Role Title Holding Repository
referencedIn Poetry mss., 1954-2002 Lilly Library (Indiana University, Bloomington)
creatorOf Anne Waldman Papers (1945-2012, bulk 1965-2000) University of Michigan
referencedIn Guide to the Signal Archive, circa 1963-1965 Fales Library & Special Collections
referencedIn Bronk, William. William Bronk papers, 1908-1999. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn Edward Dorn Papers University of Connecticut. Libraries
referencedIn Roberts, Len, 1947-2007. Len Roberts correspondence, 1983-2006. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn Judson Memorial Church Archive, 1838-1995 Fales Library & Special Collections
referencedIn Larry Fagin Papers., n.d., 1958-1977. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
creatorOf FitzGerald, Russell. Russell FitzGerald papers, circa 1952-1993. UC Berkeley Libraries
referencedIn Economou, George. George Economou papers, 1954-1996. Columbia University in the City of New York, Columbia University Libraries
referencedIn George Economou Papers, 1954-1996. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
referencedIn William Harmon Papers (#4568), 1939-2000 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Aram Saroyan Papers., undated, 1950-1977. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Black Mountain College (Black Mountain, N.C.). Black Mountain College Collection, 1975-1977. University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University Libraries, UNCG University Libraries
creatorOf Oppenheimer, Joel. Joel Oppenheimer papers, 1925-1988. University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library
referencedIn Jordan Davies. Papers, 1979-1987. Washington University in St. Louis, .
referencedIn (Everett) Leroi Jones (aka Amiri Baraka) Papers, 1957-1965 Syracuse University. Library. Special Collections Research Center
creatorOf OPPENHEIMER, JOEL. Artist file : miscellaneous uncataloged material. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)
referencedIn William Bronk Papers, 1908-1999. Columbia University. Rare Book and Manuscript Library
creatorOf Hamady, Walter. Book project records of the Perishable Press, 1982-1991. Getty Research Institute
referencedIn Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934-. Papers of Imamu Amiri Baraka [manuscript], 1960-1963. University of Virginia. Library
creatorOf Alternative Press (Detroit, Michigan). [The Alternative Press collection], 1969-1992. Wayne State University
referencedIn University of Connecticut Libraries Records, undated, 1882- Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Bobbye S. Ortiz Papers, (bulk, 1919-1993 and undated, 1950-1990) David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library
creatorOf Joel Oppenheimer Papers, 1925-1988. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn Diane Di Prima Papers., undated, 1934-1990. Archives & Special Collections at the Thomas J. Dodd Center.
referencedIn New Directions Publishing records Houghton Library
referencedIn Robert A. Wilson collection, 1906-2011 University of Delaware Library - Special Collections
referencedIn Shelby Stephenson Papers, 1965-2007 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Library. Southern Historical Collection
referencedIn Gary Snyder Papers, 1910-2003;, (1945-2002 bulk) University of California, Davis. General Library. . Dept. of Special Collections
creatorOf Oppenheimer, Joel. Papers, ca. 1953-1989. EO Smith High School
Role Title Holding Repository
Relation Name
correspondedWith Abrams, Sam person
associatedWith Alan Ziegler person
correspondedWith Alexander, Charles person
associatedWith Allen DeLoach person
correspondedWith Allen, Donald person
correspondedWith Allen Ginsberg person
correspondedWith Allgood, Steve person
associatedWith Alternative Press (Detroit, Michigan) corporateBody
correspondedWith Aman, Reinhold person
correspondedWith Amiri Baraka person
correspondedWith Amussen, Robert person
associatedWith Andrew David Dillman person
associatedWith Andrew Reinbach person
correspondedWith Anne Waldman person
associatedWith Ann Fairbairn person
correspondedWith Anthony, William person
associatedWith Associated Council on the Arts corporateBody
associatedWith Audre Lord person
correspondedWith Bailey, Dan person
correspondedWith Bakken, Dick person
correspondedWith Balmer, Steve person
correspondedWith Banks, Russell person
associatedWith Baraka, Imamu Amiri, 1934- person
correspondedWith Barbara Lowenstein person
correspondedWith Barnhouse, Dorothy person
correspondedWith Bayes, Ronald person
correspondedWith Berge, Carol person
correspondedWith Bertholf, Robert person
correspondedWith Betty Kelly person
associatedWith Bill Sylvester person
correspondedWith Blackburn, Paul person
associatedWith Black Mountain College (Black Mountain, N.C.) corporateBody
correspondedWith Bobbs-Merrill corporateBody
correspondedWith Bobbs-Merrill Company corporateBody
correspondedWith Bowering, George person
associatedWith Brian McInerney person
correspondedWith Brill, Kastle person
correspondedWith Brody, Saul person
associatedWith Bronk, William. person
correspondedWith Brown, Gordon person
correspondedWith Buck, Fred person
correspondedWith Budbill, David person
correspondedWith Butterick, George person
associatedWith Butterick, George F. person
correspondedWith Caimi, Ann person
correspondedWith Carlson, Douglas person
correspondedWith Carroll, Paul person
correspondedWith Carruth, Hayden person
correspondedWith Cerrato, Celia person
correspondedWith Charles Olson person
associatedWith Charlotte Adler person
correspondedWith Chodor, Kathleen person
associatedWith Chris Beach person
correspondedWith Christine Dolonich person
correspondedWith Cid Corman person
correspondedWith City College of CUNY corporateBody
associatedWith City University of New York. City College corporateBody
correspondedWith Clancy, Tom person
correspondedWith Codrescu, Andrei person
correspondedWith Cohen, Murray person
correspondedWith Cohn, Frederick person
correspondedWith Collins, Rabia person
correspondedWith Connellan, Leo person
correspondedWith Connie Gia person
correspondedWith Contogenis, Constantine person
correspondedWith Coolidge, Clark person
associatedWith Cornell University corporateBody
correspondedWith Costley, Bill person
correspondedWith Creed, Lisa person
associatedWith Creeley, Robert, 1926- person
correspondedWith Cuomo, Mario person
associatedWith Dan Gabriel person
associatedWith Daniel Murray person
correspondedWith David Landrey person
correspondedWith David Lorczak person
associatedWith David Thibodaux person
correspondedWith Davies, Jordan person
correspondedWith Dawson, Fielding person
correspondedWith Degener, Claire person
correspondedWith DeLoach, Allen person
associatedWith Denise Levertov person
correspondedWith Derricotte, Toi person
correspondedWith Diane DiPrima person
correspondedWith Diane Levenberg person
associatedWith Di Prima, Diane. person
correspondedWith DiPrima, Diane person
associatedWith Doc Reese person
associatedWith Don Wellman person
correspondedWith Donzella, D. W. person
correspondedWith Donzella, Niccolo person
correspondedWith Doreski, Carole person
correspondedWith Dorfman, Elsa person
associatedWith Dorn, Edward. person
correspondedWith DuPlessis, Rachel Blau person
associatedWith D. W. Donzella person
associatedWith Economou, George. person
associatedWith Economou, George. person
correspondedWith Ed Dorn person
correspondedWith Elber, Mark person
correspondedWith Elman, Richard person
correspondedWith Eshleman, Clayton person
correspondedWith Eugene Rachlis person
associatedWith Ezra Pound person
correspondedWith Fagin, Larry. person
correspondedWith Farragher, Shaun person
correspondedWith Ferlinghetti, Lawrence person
correspondedWith Ferrini, Vincent person
associatedWith Fielding Dawson person
correspondedWith Finstein, Max person
associatedWith FitzGerald, Russell. person
correspondedWith Fox, Siv Cedering person
associatedWith Frank Lima person
correspondedWith French, David person
correspondedWith Furlong, Rena person
correspondedWith Gaffney, John person
correspondedWith Gary Snyder person
correspondedWith Gatenby, Greg person
correspondedWith George Butterick person
associatedWith George Stanley person
associatedWith Gilbert Sorrentino person
associatedWith Gil Henderson person
correspondedWith Gilmore, Lyman person
correspondedWith Giordano, Julia person
correspondedWith Gloria Steinem person
correspondedWith Glotzer, David person
correspondedWith Goldman, Wendy person
correspondedWith Goldthwait, Sheldon person
correspondedWith Gottlieb, Richard person
correspondedWith Greenwald, Roger person
correspondedWith Grossinger, Richard person
correspondedWith Habacker, James A. person
correspondedWith Haberman, Daniel person
correspondedWith Hamady, Walter person
associatedWith Hamady, Walter. person
correspondedWith Hamalian, Leo person
correspondedWith Hamill, Pete person
correspondedWith Harmon, William, 1938- person
correspondedWith Harris, Hal person
associatedWith Harry Greenberg person
correspondedWith Harvey, Nancy person
associatedWith Hayden Carruth person
correspondedWith Helen Bukberg person
associatedWith helene herman person
correspondedWith Henderson, Gil person
correspondedWith Herman, Bob person
correspondedWith Hightower, John B. person
associatedWith Hilda Doolittle person
correspondedWith Hitzig, Karen person
correspondedWith Hoffman, Stan person
correspondedWith Hollo, Anselm person
associatedWith Howard Levy person
associatedWith Howard Shulman person
correspondedWith Hunter, Phyllis person
correspondedWith Irving Layton person
associatedWith Jayne Cortez person
associatedWith Jim Mele person
associatedWith Joe Early person
associatedWith Joe Flaherty person
associatedWith Joe Johnson person
associatedWith Joel L. Oppenheimer person
associatedWith Joel Oppenheimer person
associatedWith John Cowles person
associatedWith John Lennon person
correspondedWith John Nonce person
correspondedWith Johnson, Jeanine person
correspondedWith Johnson, Virginia person
associatedWith Jonathan Williams person
correspondedWith Jones, F. Whitney person
correspondedWith Jones, LeRoi person
correspondedWith Jordan Davies. corporateBody
correspondedWith Joyce, Michael person
associatedWith Judson Memorial Church (New York, N.Y.). corporateBody
correspondedWith Kachline, Clifford person
correspondedWith Kahn, Peter person
correspondedWith Kalamazoo College corporateBody
associatedWith Kansas State University corporateBody
correspondedWith Kaplan, Ed person
correspondedWith Karen Schnitzler person
associatedWith Kathleen Chodor person
correspondedWith Katz, David person
correspondedWith Keegan, Michael person
correspondedWith Kelly, Robert person
correspondedWith Kidd, Peter person
correspondedWith Kimmelman, Burt person
correspondedWith King, Martin Luther, Jr. person
associatedWith Knox Burger person
correspondedWith Koblin, Al person
correspondedWith Koch, Edward I. person
correspondedWith Koch, Robert G. person
correspondedWith Krim, Seymour person
correspondedWith Kronenberg, Claudia person
correspondedWith Krupa, Charles person
correspondedWith Kunkle, Steven person
correspondedWith Lampe, Dave person
correspondedWith Larsen, Ernest person
correspondedWith Laughlin, James person
correspondedWith LaVilla-Havelin, Jim person
correspondedWith Lee, Rob person
associatedWith Lem Oppenheimer person
associatedWith Leo Connellan person
associatedWith Leo Hamalian person
correspondedWith Leonard Shecter person
associatedWith leon seidel person
associatedWith Leo Oppenheimer person
associatedWith LeRoi Jones person
correspondedWith Leslie, Alfred person
associatedWith Lester Hamp person
correspondedWith Levertov, Denise person
correspondedWith Levy, Judy person
correspondedWith Lewis, Harry person
associatedWith Lion's Head Restaurant corporateBody
correspondedWith Longville, Tim person
correspondedWith Lorczak, David person
associatedWith Louis Zukofsky person
correspondedWith Lowenfish, Lee person
correspondedWith MacAdams, Lewis person
correspondedWith Mahoney, Jeanne-Noel person
correspondedWith Maier, Theresa person
correspondedWith Major, Clarence person
correspondedWith Maloney, Dennis person
correspondedWith Margaret Randall person
associatedWith Marianne Moore person
correspondedWith Marlene Polson-Lorczak person
associatedWith Martha Moffett person
associatedWith Maryland Institute corporateBody
correspondedWith Mary Oppen person
correspondedWith Mathieu, Bert person
correspondedWith McClure, Michael person
correspondedWith McRae, Jean person
correspondedWith Meade, Nancy Lee person
associatedWith Medgar Evers person
correspondedWith Mendez, Charlotte person
associatedWith Merrimack High School corporateBody
associatedWith Michael Joyce person
associatedWith Michael Rumaker person
associatedWith Michael Stephens person
correspondedWith MIT corporateBody
associatedWith Modern Poetry Association corporateBody
correspondedWith Moffett, Martha person
correspondedWith Montgomery, George person
correspondedWith Morris, James Ryan person
correspondedWith Muriel Rukeyser person
associatedWith Nat Oppenheimer person
associatedWith NEA corporateBody
correspondedWith Negosanu, Petronela person
correspondedWith Nelson, Howard person
correspondedWith New Directions Publishing Corp. corporateBody
associatedWith New England College corporateBody
correspondedWith New York State Council on the Arts corporateBody
correspondedWith Nicholas Oppenheimer person
correspondedWith Nick Oppenheimer person
correspondedWith Nolan, Paul person
associatedWith North Carolina Wesleyan University corporateBody
correspondedWith Notre Dame University corporateBody
associatedWith NY Mets corporateBody
correspondedWith O'Brien, Michael person
correspondedWith O'Connor, William P. person
associatedWith Olson, Charles, 1910-1970. person
correspondedWith Oppen, George person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Bertram person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Daniel person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Helen person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Kate person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Lemuel person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Leonard person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Martin person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Nathaniel person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Nicholas person
correspondedWith Oppenheimer, Sharifa person
associatedWith Ortiz, Bobbye S. person
correspondedWith Ostrander, Mary person
correspondedWith Pachas, Emilio person
correspondedWith Padgett, Ron person
correspondedWith Patterson, J. Hunter person
correspondedWith Patterson, Tom person
correspondedWith Paul Pines person
associatedWith Peire Vidal person
correspondedWith Pentre, Barbara person
correspondedWith Perniciaro, Tony person
correspondedWith Pete Hamill person
correspondedWith Phenix, Richard person
correspondedWith Philip Whalen person
correspondedWith Pollet, Sylvester person
correspondedWith Press, Marcia person
correspondedWith Putnam, Jane person
correspondedWith Rachlis, Eugene person
correspondedWith Randall, Gregory person
correspondedWith Randall, Margaret person
correspondedWith Reed, Diana person
correspondedWith Reed, Ishmael person
correspondedWith Reinhold Aman person
correspondedWith Rich, Adrienne person
associatedWith Richard Kirstel person
correspondedWith Richtmeyer, Shelley person
correspondedWith RIT corporateBody
correspondedWith Rixon, Bob person
correspondedWith Robert Creeley person
associatedWith Robert Frost person
associatedWith Roberts, Len, 1947-2007. person
associatedWith Rochester Institute of Technology corporateBody
associatedWith Rod Rademacher person
correspondedWith Rosenthal, Macha person
correspondedWith Ross, Sandra person
correspondedWith Roth, Henry H. person
correspondedWith Rubenstein, Carol person
correspondedWith Rukeyser, Muriel person
correspondedWith Rumaker, Michael person
correspondedWith Ryan, Lisa person
associatedWith Sad Devil Press corporateBody
correspondedWith Sam Abrams person
associatedWith Sam Greenberg person
correspondedWith Sanders, Ed person
correspondedWith Saroyan, Aram. person
associatedWith Sean Lennon person
associatedWith Sharyn Skeeter person
associatedWith Shaun Farragher person
correspondedWith Skeeter, Sharyn person
correspondedWith Sloman, Joel person
correspondedWith Smith, Craig person
correspondedWith Smith, C. Shaw person
correspondedWith Smith, Terry person
associatedWith Snyder, Gary person
correspondedWith Sorrentino, Gilbert person
associatedWith South Street Seaport corporateBody
correspondedWith Stark, Brad person
correspondedWith Stephens, Michael person
correspondedWith Stephenson, Shelby person
correspondedWith Stephenson, Shelby, 1938- person
correspondedWith Sterling Lord Agency corporateBody
associatedWith St. Mark's Church In-the-Bowery (New York, N.Y.). Poetry Project. corporateBody
associatedWith Suzanne Sylvester person
correspondedWith Swoboda, Ron person
correspondedWith Sylvester, Bill person
correspondedWith Syracuse University corporateBody
correspondedWith Talen, William person
associatedWith Teachers' & Writers' Collaborative. corporateBody
associatedWith Ted Berrigan person
correspondedWith Thibodaux, David person
correspondedWith Tinling, David person
associatedWith Toi Derricotte person
associatedWith Tom Blackburn person
correspondedWith Torregian, Sotere person
correspondedWith Tosh, Ellen person
correspondedWith Townley, Rod person
correspondedWith Trainer, Barbara person
correspondedWith Ungar, Barbara person
associatedWith University of Connecticut. University of Connecticut Libraries. corporateBody
associatedWith University of Notre Dame corporateBody
correspondedWith Vas Dias, Robert person
correspondedWith Viereck, Peter person
correspondedWith Wakoski, Diane person
associatedWith Waldman, Anne, 1945-. person
correspondedWith Walter Hamady person
correspondedWith Wang, David Rafael person
correspondedWith Wasserman, Seymour person
correspondedWith Weinberger, Tony person
correspondedWith Whalen, Philip person
correspondedWith Whitney, John D. person
correspondedWith Wilentz, Eli person
associatedWith William Morris Agency corporateBody
associatedWith William R. O'Connell, Jr. person
correspondedWith William Saroyan person
correspondedWith Williams, Galen person
correspondedWith Williams, Jonathan person
correspondedWith Williams, William Carlos person
associatedWith Willie Sutton person
associatedWith Wilson, Robert A. (Robert Alfred), 1922- person
correspondedWith Wrenn, Chip person
correspondedWith Ziegler, Alan person
correspondedWith Zukofsky, Louis person
Place Name Admin Code Country
Henniker (N.H.)
New York (State)
New York (N.Y.)
North Carolina
New York (State)--New York
Black Mountain (N.C.)
New York (N.Y.)
Black Mountain (N.C.)
United States
New York (State)--New York
New York (State)
Henniker (N.H.)
New Hampshire
New Hampshire
North Carolina
Rochester (N.Y.)
Rochester (N.Y.)
United States
American literature
American literature
American literature
American newspapers
American newspapers
American poetry
Authors and publishers
Authors and publishers
Black Mountain College (Black Mountain, N.C.)
Black Mountain (N.C.)
Black Mountain (N.C.)
City University of New York. City College
Universities and colleges
Universities and colleges
Henniker (N.H.)
New England College
New Hampshire
New Hampshire
New York (N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.)
New York (N.Y.)
New York (State)
New York (State)
North Carolina
North Carolina
Oral interpretation of poetry
Poet as teachers
Poets as teachers
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester (N.Y.)
St. Mark's Church In-the
Teachers & Writers Collaborative
Village voice (New York, N.Y.: Newspaper)
Poets, American
College teachers


Active 1952

Active 1993


Permalink: http://n2t.net/ark:/99166/w6gb2q1h

Ark ID: w6gb2q1h

SNAC ID: 63088755