Max Wilk is an American playwright, author, and screenwriter. His plays include Cloud Seven (1958) and A Musical Jubilee (1975). His short story "It Happened to Jane" was made into a movie with Doris Day and Jack Lemmon in 1959, and his book Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River was made into a movie with Jerry Lewis in 1968, for which he wrote the screenplay. Wilk is also the author of Every Day's a Matinee: Memoirs Scribbled on a Dressing Room Door (1975), The Golden Age of Television: Notes from the Survivors (1976), OK! The Story of Oklahoma (2002), and Schmucks with Underwoods: Conversations with Hollywood's Classic Screenwriters (2004).
From the guide to the Max Wilk Papers, 1735-2007, (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
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