Alliance for Guidance of Rural Youth
1914, May:
Organizational meeting of the Virginia Bureau of Vocations for Women (initially known as the Women's Occupational Bureau), Richmond, Virginia. -
1915, March:
Orie Latham Hatcher becomes president of Bureau. -
1918, March 17:
Bureau incorporated. -
Unofficial name change to Bureau of Vocations for Women. -
Official name change to Southern Woman's Educational Alliance. -
1922, March:
Chicago branch established. -
1923, November:
New York branch established. -
1924, January:
Atlanta and Washington, D.C., branches established. -
1929, June:
Richmond branch established. -
Chicago junior auxiliary branch established. -
University of Chicago branch established. -
1937, November:
Official name change to Alliance for Guidance of Rural Youth. -
Washington branch re-established. -
1946, April:
Howard Dawson becomes acting president of Alliance Board after Hatcher's death. -
1947, February:
Position of Executive Secretary established to assume Hatcher's former duties. Amber Arthun Warburton hired for position. -
1963, September:
AGRY disbands.
1868, December 10:
Born, Petersburg. Va. -
Graduated from Richmond (Va.) Female Institute. -
1885 -1888 :A.B., Vassar College. -
19ca. 1888- 1892:
Teacher, Miss Belle Peer's School, Louisville, Ky. -
1893 -1894 :Teacher, Richmond Female Seminary. -
Professor of history, English language, and literature, Women's College, Richmond, Va. -
1901 -1903 :PhD., University of Chicago, English Literature. -
1904 -1915 :Employed at Bryn Mawr College (Pa.) as part-time reader, lecturer, associate professor of English (1912 1915), and chair of comparative literature department (1910-1915). -
Helped organize the Virginia Association of Colleges and Schools for Girls. -
1907 -1914 :Chair, Committee on Standardization, Virginia Association of Colleges and Schools for Girls. -
Left Bryn Mawr to become full-time director/president of Virginia Bureau of Vocations for Women. -
Co-founder and executive board member of Richmond School of Social Work and Public Health. -
1917 -1919 :Chair, Advisory board, Smithdeal Secretarial School, Smithdeal Business College, Richmond, Va. -
1918 -1919 :President, Board of Advisors, Stokes Home for Girls, Richmond, Va. -
1920 -1924 :Vice-president, National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs. -
1928 -1938 :Chair, Rural Section, National Vocational Guidance Association. -
1932 -1935 :Executive Board member, National Council of Women. -
1933 -1937 :Board of Trustees, National Vocational Guidance Association. -
1933 -1939 :Member, National Occupational Conference. -
Consultant for the Youth Conference of the Department of the Interior. -
1935 -1936 :Board of representatives, Council of Guidance and Personnel Associations. -
1936 -1942 :Technical director, Pine Mountain Guidance Institutes, Harlan County, Ky. -
Member, White House Conference on Children in a Democracy. -
Chair, Institute for Rural Guidance, Washington, D.C. -
1942 -1946 :Chair, Luncheon Forums of the Washington Youth Service Agencies. -
Member, White House Conference on Rural Education. -
1946, April 1:
Died, Richmond, Va.
From the guide to the Alliance for Guidance of Rural Youth Records, 1887-1963, (Duke University. David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library)