Brash, John (c1877-c1941: minister, arts graduate of the University of Glasgow)

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John Brash was born in c1877 in Glasgow, Scotland . He attended the University of Glasgow starting in 1892 passing examinations in English. In 1893 and 1894 he passed examinations in Latin, Greek and Mathematics and in 1895 in Logic and English. He also attended English Literature classes in the 1893-1894 session given by Andrew Cecil Bradley, professor of English Literature, and Thomas Power O'Connor who went on to become editor of The Sun newspaper. In 1896 he passed an exam in moral Philosophy but failed Natural Philosophy, eventually passing in 1900. He went on to become a minister in Bradford, England and appears to have died c1941 .

From the guide to the Papers of John Brash, c1877-c1941, arts graduate of the University of Glasgow, Scotland, 1894-1895, (Glasgow University Library, Special Collections Department)

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Ark ID: w6jc19k9

SNAC ID: 17517874