David Stratton, Professor Emeritus of History at Washington State University, joined the WSU faculty in 1962. Born and raised in Tucumcari, New Mexico, he graduated from Eastern New Mexico University after serving in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II. He then earned MA and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Colorado in 1955, and taught at Baylor University before taking a position at WSU, where he taught courses in the American West and Pacific Northwest. As chair of the History Department, he helped establish the Public History Program, which features the practice of history outside the classroom.
His book, Tree Top: Creating a Fruit Revolution, is an excellent example of Stratton's practice of public history. He wrote it under contract with the company, drawing heavily upon their historical files, and successfully proposed that Tree Top consider depositing their early records in Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections at WSU.
From the guide to the David Stratton Papers on Tree Top, Inc., 1960-2010, 2008-2010, (Washington State University Libraries Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections)
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