1895- fuel inspector for Bengal and North-Western Railway, later trans-shipment director at Mokameh Ghat, Bengal; 1917 served in the First World War, captain; 1919-1921 served in the Third Anglo-Afghan War, major; 1920s-1947 manager of Choti Haldwani village, estate agent, big game photographer, conservationist; 1928 kaisar-i-Hind gold medal; 1940s lieutenant-colonel, trained British troops in jungle survival techniques; 1942 OBE; 1946 CIE; 1947-1955 honorary game warden, Nyeri, Kenya.
Epithet: hunter and conservationist
British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000001477.0x00016d
Corbett, Edward James, 1875-1955, hunter and conservationist
Corbett, James Edward
Corbett, James Edward, 1875-1955
Corbett, Jim
Corbett, Jim (James Edward), 1875-1955
Kārbeta, Jima, 1875-1955
Korbets, Džims 1875-1955
Kārbeta, Jima 1875-1955
Корбетт, Джим, 1875-1955
コーペット, ジム
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Corbett, Jim, 1875-1955
Corbett, Jim, 1875-1955
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