Church Women United

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Affiliated with the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

From the description of Records of Church Women United, 1968-1970 (inclusive). (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 702150544

Berkeley-Albany Church Women United traces its origin to efforts to support local mission activities in 1911, Council of Women for Home Missions. In 1941, the group joined the national organization of Church Women United (CWU). The group served as an ecumenical community of Christian women to help resolve social and ethnic issues in Berkeley, Albany and the Bay Area. The organization is best known for three annual international worship services: World Day of Prayer, May Fellowship Day, and World Community Day.

From the description of Berkeley-Albany Church Women United collection, 1933-2001. (Graduate Theological Union). WorldCat record id: 754112341

Church Women United is a national ecumenical organization dedicated to bringing together religious women in order to celebrate and expand their faith, to promote peace and prayer, and to join together as a community to encourage spirituality and advocacy. Church Women United is divided into four levels: national, regional, state, and local. At the national level, the United Council of Church Women was formed in December 1941, when delegates from three inter-denominational women's groups approved a constitution and established an office in New York City. This Council represented women from seventy Protestant denominations. In 1950, the Council became one of twelve interdenominational agencies that comprised the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States. In 1966, the organization's name was changed to Church Women United in order to encourage the participation of non-Protestant women, such as Roman and Orthodox Catholics.

In 1911, a group of Houston women of different denominations formed the Houston City Federation of Missionary Society; by 1946 the organization was known as the Houston Council of Church Women. The name was changed to Church Women United of Houston in 1966, and to Church Women United in Houston in 1968. At the local level, groups are organized into committees that administer programs and projects; in Houston, the women hold meetings at the many Houston area churches that are members of CWU. Church Women United in Houston participates in worship services at area churches and works with other Houston organizations to promote awareness of a number of issues, including the elderly, women and children, and the environment. Members of the Houston group also participate in the three annual Church Women United celebrations: World Day of Prayer, May Fellowship Day, and World Community Day.

Church Women United, Information Handbook and Directory, September 1999 through August 2000, p. 11, located in Box 1, Folder 3.

From the guide to the Church Women United in Houston Records 2001-001., 1911-2000, (Special Collections, University of Houston Libraries)

Archival Resources

Corporate Body

Active 1958

Active 1961



Ark ID: w6wh7frz

SNAC ID: 15378080