Appel, Cheri

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Cheri Appel, M.D. a physician and early birth control worker received her MD degree from New York University College of Medicine in 1927. She worked with birth control pioneer Margaret Sanger and practiced gynecology in Sanger's clinic in New York City. She later directed a birth control clinic in Port Chester, NY. She taught a course integrating psychiatry and gynecology at New York Medical College, work at the Mt. Sinai adolescent clinic, and treated patients in the Metropolitan Hospital mental health clinic, while also maintaining her private practice. She was married to Dr. Benjamin Segal and had two children, Mimi S. Daitz and Anthony Pell. She died June 8, 2003.

From the guide to the Cheri Appel Oral History MS 413., (Sophia Smith Collection)

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Ark ID: w6wn7pzx

SNAC ID: 9179126