Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations (1939-)

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The Department of Industrial Relations is responsible for the administration of programs relating to unemployment compensation, workmen's compensation, child labor, mine and industrial safety, surface mine laws, and operates the State Employment Service. Through the Division of Safety and Inspection, the Department maintains mine rescue stations throughout Ala. for the purpose of carrying out rescue and recovery operations of mine disasters and complying with federal requirements.

The administrative functions, activities, and endeavors of the Department are overseen by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. The said Director is responsible, as was stated, for the administration of the department's constitutionally and legislatively allocated duties as well as the expedition of all activities deemed pertinent to the perpetuation of the said duties. (Alabama Government Manual, 1982)

In 1939, the Department of Labor, the Compensation Commission, the Board of Mediation and Arbitration, Chief Mine Inspector, and the Unemployment Compensation Commission were abolished and their previously authorized duties redistributed to another agency. This newly created department came to be known as the Department of Industrial Relations. The creating act stated that all books, records, accounts, documents, papers, furniture, fixtures, supplies, material, equipment, and other personal property possessed or used by any department, board, bureau, commission agency, or office of the State in connection with the performance of any of the functions or duties transferred to and conferred upon the Department of Industrial Relations were to have been delivered upon the request of the Director of Industrial Relations. Furthermore, the "originating act" authorized the creation of the Ala. Dept. of Industrial Relations, Board of Mine Examiners, thus marking the legal eradication of the Board of Examiners of Mine Bosses (General Acts of Ala., 1939, No. 161, Sec. 7, 11).

The Director of the Department of Industrial Relations was authorized to exercise all functions and duties of the Department of Industrial Relations. The Director was granted the power and authority necessary, convenient, and expedient to the expedition of the constitutionally and legislatively allocated duties and functions of the said department. In all cases in which the functions and duties of any other State department, board, bureau, commission, agency or office were transferred to and conferred upon the Department of Industrial Relations, all power and authority conferred previously upon any officer or employee of such department, board, bureau, commission, agency, or office in connection with such functions and duties were transferred to and conferred upon the Director of Industrial Relations. The Director was authorized to serve in every capacity with respect to such functions and duties as any such officer or employee; however, in performance of such duties, the Director was still subject to all legal restrictions, limitations, conditions, and penalties, civil and criminal with respect to the performance of such functions and duties and the exercise of such powers and authorities.

Furthermore, the Director of Industrial Relations was empowered to administer the Unemployment Compensation Act and to adopt and enforce any reasonable orders or mandates deemed pertinent to the expedition of the Department's legally allocated duties and functions. Furthermore, a Board of Appeals for the Department of Industrial Relations was created. This board was empowered to exercise its own judgment and discretion in all matters entrusted to it. The Board was created as a separate, distinct entity, independent of the Department of Industrial Relations; however, an employee of the Department of Industrial Relations did act as the Board's clerk. (General Acts of Alabama 1939, No. 161, Sec. 12-13).

In 1943, the Department's previously authorized duties relating to labor disputes were reassigned to the "newly re-created" Department of Labor; however the basic composition and character of the department's previously authorized duties/functions remained virtually constant; however, the aforementioned mine rescue stations were created in subsequent years due to the necessity and practicality of such stations. (General Laws 1943, No. 293; Acts 1982, No. 82-439)

Currently, the Department of Industrial Relations administers all labor laws and all laws pertaining to the relationship between employer and employee, including laws relating to hours of work, child labor, female employees, and working conditions in places of employment. The Department administers the Alabama State Employment Service, the Alabama Compensation Law and maintains Workmen's Compensation, child labor, and industrial safety, inspection, land reclamation, and the CETA programs. (Code of Alabama 1975; Alabama Official and Statisical Register 1979).

The Department of Industrial Relations, as was previously stated, is headed by and under the direction, supervision, and control of the Director of Industrial Relations. The Director is the advisor of the Governor and the Legislature in matters relating to employer-employee relations and the welfare of the wage earners of the state. He is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Governor and is constitutionally and legislatively authorized to exercise all duties, actions, and rights deemed necessary and pertinent to the administration, perpetuation, and expedition of the Department's previously authorized duties/functions. In conjunction with his aforementioned duties, the said Director, with the approval of the Governor, may establish such division or divisions as may, in his discretion, be necessary or desirable for the administration or enforcement of any law, rule, or regulations with which the Department of Industrial Relations is charged or the performance of any of its functions or duties. The Department receives fees, federal funds and appropriations from the General fund. (Code of Alabama 1975; Alabama Government Manual, 1982)

The Department is divided into the following divisions:

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Administrative Analysis Division.

Authority: Department of Industrial Relations Organization Charts.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Board of Appeals and Property Management Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Data Processing Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Equal Employment Opportunity Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Fiscal and Budget Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Legal Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Personnel, Training and Services Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Special Investigation and Grievance Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Veterans Employment Service Divsion.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Employment Service Divsion.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Unemployment Compensation Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. State Programs Division.

Alabama. Dept. of Industrial Relations. Workmen's Compensation Division.


Alabama Government Manual, 1982.

Alabama Official and Statistical Register, 1979.

1975 Alabama Code, Sections 25-1-1 to 25-2-26, 25-4-90 to 25-4-148, 25-5-1 to 25-5-13, 25-8-26.

Act No. 82-439, Regular Session of the Alabama Legislature, 1982.

General Laws 1943, No. 293.

From the description of Agency history record. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 145407899

Archival Resources

Corporate Body

Active 1935

Active 1940

Establishment 1939

Active 2022



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Ark ID: w6x45pjx

SNAC ID: 87344022