Grolier Club. Library

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Beatrice (Becker) Warde was born in New York City. After graduating from Barnard College, she worked at the American Typefounders' Company Library in Jersey City for four years. In 1925 she went to England and began to write articles on printing history under the name "Paul Beaujon," and was then recruited by the Monotype Corporation. At Monotype Warde edited the Monotype recorder and eventually became director of publicity. She was married to book designer and typographer Frederic Warde, who died in 1939.

From the description of Beatrice Warde collection, 1919-1970 (bulk 1950-1970). (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 122516195

The Grolier Club was established in 1884 by seven New York City book collectors with the object, as stated its constitution, "of literary study and promotion of the arts pertaining to the production of books." It mounts four public exhibitions each year, publishes catalogs and other materials, and sponsors some lectures on the book arts. The first librarians of the Grolier Club were members of its Council and served in an honorary capacity. In September 1900, Henry Watson Kent was engaged as Assistant Librarian to help Richard Hoe Lawrence and carried out the bulk of the day-to-day work. In 1903 he was appointed librarian and remained until April 1905. Ruth Shepard Granniss, the cataloger, took over the running of the library and was officially appointed Librarian in 1906. George Leslie McKay, who had served as Curator since 1924, succeeded Granniss, holding both positions concurrently until his retirement at the end of 1958. His successor, Alexander Davidson, came from a career as a dealer in Americana, and served through 1960. He was succeeded by J. Terry Bender (1961-1964), Gabriel Austin (1964-1969), and Harvey Simmonds (1969-1970).

From the description of Records of the librarians, 1897-1970. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79458531

Collecting area: Books and papers relating to book collectors, book production, and other subjects relating to books.

From the description of Repository description. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 155492625

Founded 1884 by a group of seven New York City book collectors with the object, as stated in its constitution, "of literary study and promotion of the arts pertaining to the production of books." Soon after its founding the Grolier Club created the remunerated position of curator. Under the aegis of the House Committee, the curator had general responsibilities for day-to-day operation of the club, including overseeing purchases, deliveries, maintenance and catering. The curator also carried out work for the officers, particularly for the secretary and treasurer, and responded to membership inquiries. The first curator, Hector Alliot, was appointed in 1884. He was succeeded by Henry Manning (1884-1893) and Joseph L. Morton (1893-1916). Between 1916 and 1924, three men held the position: Arthur K. Jolliffe (1916-1917); H. B. Chilson (1917-1918) and William R. Billings (1918-1924). With the appointment of George Leslie McKay in 1924, a professionally trained librarian, the curator's role further evolved to include assisting the librarian with inquiries and exhibitions.

From the description of Records of the curator, 1910-1944. (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 79458521

The Grolier Club was established on 1884 January 23 by a group of seven New York City book collectors with the object, as stated its constitution, "of literary study and promotion of the arts pertaining to the production of books." It mounts three public exhibitions each year, publishes catalogs and other materials, and sponsors some lectures on the book arts. The first librarians of the Grolier Club were members of its Council and served in an honorary capacity. In September 1900 Henry Watson Kent was engaged as Assistant Librarian to the honorary librarian and carried out the bulk of the day-to-day work. Ruth Shepard Granniss succeeded him in 1905, followed in1944 by George Leslie McKay, who had served as Curator since1923. Succeeding librarians were: Alexander Davidson (1958-1961); J. Terry Bender (1961-1964); Gabriel Austin (1964-1969), and Harvey Simmonds (1969-1970).

Robert Nikirk, with a background in art history and the antiquarian book business, became the eighth librarian of the Grolier Club in May 1970 and served until his final illness in 1990. He further developed the Library as a scholarly resource for bibliography and book collecting and forwarded major exhibitions, events, and publications. Under his direction the Library became a member of RLIN (Research Library Information Network) and began to lay the groundwork for the online catalog that would debut in September 2003, He was assisted at various times by, among others, Philip Sperling (1973-1976), Allen Asaf (1982-1986), and Kimball Higgs (1987-1993). The first of the annual Robert Nikirk Memorial Lectures was held at the Club in November 1990. Nikirk's successor was Martin Antonetti (1991-1997), who had a background in the book arts and library administration. When Eric Holzenberg succeeded to the position in July 1997, he was given the title of Librarian and Director.

From the description of Records of the librarian, 1970- (Unknown). WorldCat record id: 145382420

Relation Name
correspondedWith Adams, Frederick B. 1910-2001 person
correspondedWith Adler, Elmer, 1884-1962 person
associatedWith Advertising Agencies Service Company. corporateBody
associatedWith Alliot, Hector. person
correspondedWith Altschul, Frank, 1887-1981 person
correspondedWith American Institute of Graphic Arts corporateBody
associatedWith Antonetti, Martin D. person
associatedWith Asaf, Allen. person
correspondedWith Ashbee, C. R. 1863-1942 person
associatedWith Atelier Bindery. corporateBody
associatedWith Austin, Gabriel. person
correspondedWith Avery, Samuel Putnam, 1822-1904 person
correspondedWith Bartlett, Henrietta C. 1873-1963 person
correspondedWith Bechtel, Edwin DeTurck, 1880-1957 person
associatedWith Bender, J. Terry person
associatedWith Bennett, Paul A., 1897-1966. person
associatedWith B.F. Stevens & Brown, Ltd. corporateBody
correspondedWith Bibliographical Society of America corporateBody
correspondedWith Billings, William R. person
associatedWith Brussel-Smith, Bernard, 1914-1989, person
correspondedWith Burt, Cyril Ludovic, Sir, 1883-1971 person
correspondedWith Cary, Melbert Brinkerhoff, 1892-1941 person
correspondedWith Chilson, H. B. person
correspondedWith Cole, George Watson, 1850-1939 person
associatedWith Davidson, Alexander, d. 1967. person
associatedWith Diehl, Edith. person
correspondedWith Dodd, Marian person
associatedWith Doubleday and Company, Inc. French Binders. corporateBody
correspondedWith Garnett, Porter, 1871-1951 person
associatedWith G.E. Stechert & Co. corporateBody
correspondedWith Gilliss, Walter, 1855-1925 person
correspondedWith Gottschall, Edward M. person
associatedWith Granniss, Ruth S. 1872-1954. person
correspondedWith Greg, W. W. 1875-1959 person
associatedWith Grolier Club. corporateBody
associatedWith Grolier Club. person
associatedWith Grolier Club. House Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Grolier Club. House Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Grolier Club. Library Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Grolier Club. Library Committee. corporateBody
associatedWith Gunst, Morgan A. person
correspondedWith Haber, Louis person
correspondedWith Haight, Sherman P. person
correspondedWith Harper, Lathrop person
associatedWith Higgs, Kimball. person
correspondedWith Hobson, Anthony, 1921-, person
correspondedWith Hofer, Philip, 1898-1984 person
associatedWith Holzenberg, Eric. person
associatedWith Horton, Carolyn. person
associatedWith Hroswitha Club. corporateBody
correspondedWith Jaffray, Robert, 1854-1926 person
associatedWith Jensen, Lucy. person
correspondedWith Jolliffe, Arthur person
correspondedWith Kent, Henry Watson, 1866-1948 person
correspondedWith Keynes, Geoffrey, 1887-1982 person
correspondedWith Landauer, Bella Clara, 1874-1960. person
correspondedWith Lawrence, Richard Hoe person
correspondedWith Livingston, Flora Virginia Milner, 1862- person
correspondedWith Livingston, Luther Samuel, 1864-1914 person
correspondedWith Lowell, Amy, 1874-1925 person
associatedWith MacDonald James. corporateBody
associatedWith MacDonald & Maier. corporateBody
correspondedWith Mackall, Leonard L. 1879-1937 person
associatedWith Manning, Henry. person
correspondedWith Mansfield, Howard, 1849-1938 person
associatedWith McDonald, Peter. person
correspondedWith McKay, George L. 1895-1976 person
correspondedWith McKerrow, R. B. 1872-1940 person
associatedWith McMurtie, Douglas C. 1888-1944. person
associatedWith Monotype Corporation. corporateBody
correspondedWith Morison, Stanley, 1889-1967 person
correspondedWith Morton, Joseph person
associatedWith Nichols, George Livingston, d. 1932, person
correspondedWith Nichols, Spencer Van B., d.1947 person
associatedWith Nikirk, Robert. person
correspondedWith Parsons, Edward Alexander, 1878-1962 person
correspondedWith Pennell, Joseph, 1857-1926 person
correspondedWith Peters, Harry Twyford, 1881-1948 person
correspondedWith Pollard, Alfred W. 1859-1944 person
correspondedWith Pottle, Frederick A. 1897-1987 person
correspondedWith Ratchford, Fanny Elizabeth, 1888- person
associatedWith Research Libraries Group. corporateBody
correspondedWith Rollins, Carl P. 1880-1960 person
correspondedWith Root, Robert K. 1877-1950 person
correspondedWith Rudge, William Edwin, 1876-1931 person
correspondedWith Simmonds, Harvey person
associatedWith Sperling, Philip. person
associatedWith Stikeman (Firm) corporateBody
correspondedWith Stone, Edward L. 1864-1938 person
associatedWith Type Directors Club of New York. corporateBody
correspondedWith Updike, Daniel Berkeley, 1860-1941 person
associatedWith Warde, Beatrice, 1900-1969. person
associatedWith Warde, Frederic, 1894-1939. person
correspondedWith Wroth, Lawrence C. 1884-1970 person
Place Name Admin Code Country
New York (State)--New York
New York (State)--New York
United States
New York (State)--New York
Book clubs
Book collectors
RLIN (Information retrieval system)

Corporate Body

Active 1919

Active 1970





Ark ID: w6x974gw

SNAC ID: 22830751