Southwick family.

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The Southwicks were a prominent Brooklyn Heights family. John Claflin Southwick (1835-1896) was in the hide and leather business and a partner at Schultz, Southwick & Co. (1864-1884); he was married to Ella Mather Clapp Southwick (1840-1927). Their four children were John C. Southwick, Jr. (b.1865), Susie Kent Southwick Phelps (b.1868), architect Horace Claflin Southwick (1871-1925), and Clifford Southwick (b.1875). An important family connection was Henry Ward Beecher, minister of Plymouth Church of Brooklyn. The Southwick children were baptized by Beecher and John C. Southwick was a character witness at the Beecher/Tilton trial in 1874. Southwick family members were active art patrons, commissioning the family and Beecher portraits associated with this collection from artists George A. Baker and Thomas Waterman Wood.

From the description of Collection, 1865-1905. (Brooklyn Museum Libraries & Archives). WorldCat record id: 82640801

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Active 1865

Active 1905

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Ark ID: w6xh97gz

SNAC ID: 27197928