Elizabeth B. (Elizabeth Blodgett) Hall, 1909-

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Elizabeth Blodgett Hall, daughter of Thomas Harper and Margaret (Kendrick) Blodgett, was born November 16, 1909, in New York City. She attended the Ethical Culture School in New York City, Miss Hall's School in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, and Knox College. On September 13, 1930, she married Livingston Hall. They had four children: Thomas Livingston Hall, Margaret "Peggy" (Hall) Whitfield, Elizabeth (Hall) Richardson, and John Kendrick Hall. She returned to college in the early 1940s and became one of the first older women to graduate from Radcliffe College, receiving her A.B. in government in 1946. In 1948, she joined the staff at Concord Academy as the head of the history department. In 1949, she was appointed headmistress, a position she held until her resignation in 1963. In 1964, she founded Simon's Rock, an "early college" in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, designed for students who are mature enough to pursue a college education after having completed the tenth or eleventh high school grade level. She served as president of the school from 1964 to 1972 and was a supporter of the college for the remainder of her life, serving on the Board of Trustees from 1972 to 1996. She died July 18, 2005 in Canaan, Connecticut.

Livingston Hall, son of James Parker and Evelyn (Movius) Hall, was born May 5, 1903, in Chicago, Illinois. He received his Ph.B. from the University of Chicago in 1923 and his LL.B. from the Harvard University Law School in 1927. He was an assistant professor (1932-1937), professor of law (1937-1971), Roscoe Pound Professor of Law (1964-1971), professor emeritus, vice dean (1938-1958), and acting dean (1959) at Harvard University Law School. He was a member of the American Bar Association and the Massachusetts Bar Association, serving as president of the latter (1963-1964). He died November 18, 1995, in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

From the guide to the Papers of Elizabeth Blodgett Hall, (inclusive), (bulk), 1617-2006, 1860-2000, (Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute)

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Birth 1909

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