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Early village dwellings and the reproduction of South Andean formative communities
Julian Salazar y Jordi A. López Lillio.
80th Society for American Archaeology Anual Meeting. Society for American Archaeology, San Francisco, 2015.

Este trabajo fue presentado en el Simposio: The ?Neolithic House?: Worldwide Comparisons Coordinado por: Petr Kvtina y Tom Rocek. Agriculture was adopted by NW Argentina inhabitants around BP 3500 within a complex process of macroregional population reorganization, economic intensification and increase of territoriality. This transition was followed by a rapid introduction of large and solid buildings that became the major and most visible features in the village outlays after BP 2500. Thousands of multi round-room compounds were built and inhabited by several generations all over several high valleys, like Tafí, Anfama, Yocavil and Cajón creating continuous and centrifugal village landscapes. This particular spatial configuration has been interpreted as the material traces of fluid and heterogeneous communities built up by pretty autonomous extended households. Taking some remarks from ?symmetric archaeology? we address the relations between humans and the material settings of daily life considering how this relation allowed the emergence and reproduction of household and communities within the conflictive medium of early village societies. We include GIS landscape and space syntax analyses for both outdoor villager space and indoor inhabited place, and a study of quotidian practices carried out along house occupation.
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