Earth body resonance
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The full range of 72h-forced, 72 superharmonic resonance periods, is detected in time-series of all 866 earthquakes of (robust averages of) Mw5.6+ from USGS, EMSC, and GFZ, 2015-2019 catalogs. The resonance is in the 55’–15 days long-periodic band (0.303 mHz–0.771605 μHz) at 99–67% confidence. Moreover, omitting of the 21 overrepresenting events has improved the result. The signal is clear, strong, and stable – demonstrating beyond doubt that Mw6.2+ seismicity arises due to long-periodic resonance. Remarkably, the natural mode’s cluster was detected too; it averaged 60.1’, while the overall strongest resonance period was also 59.9’, at 2.3 var%, or to within the 1Hz sampling rate – revealing that the 72 h forcer is the modulator of the Earth’s natural period via synchronization. The dominance property of the forcer also follows from detection of its many other fractional multiples: 14/5, 3/2, 5/12, 5/36, etc. After Schumann resonance discovery in the short band (extremely long band of the EM Spectrum), this is the second report ever of a full resonance bundle in any global data, and the first ever in tectonic earthquakes occurrences. The Mw6.2+ seismotectonics arises via resonance-rupture response of tectonic plates and regions to the resonant phase or its fractional multiples. Fundamental questions of geophysics including earthquake prediction can be solved if the Earth is taken to be a multi-oscillator nonlinear system. As an immediate benefit, the find enables a reliable partial seismic anti-forecasting (prediction of seismic quiescence), months ahead globally. This discovery of mechanically induced extreme-band energy on Earth invalidates the main (heat-transfer) geophysical hypothesis and thus should drastically diminish the role of chemistry in geosciences, specifically of geochemistry.
DOI:10.5281/2646487 | online first: 18 Apr 2019 CERN
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